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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Orkut is even worse than Facebook because it's more open and the danger is even greater. After what happened to my friend I decided to stay away from these websites altogether. It's good to meet your friends online but safer if you meet them in real life!

    Well that's not entirely true - Google decided to shape up Orkut a bit and it's much safer now - strangers don't get to see your scraps/photos/videos and there are some privacy settings for friends as well. Anyway both of these networks are not 100% safe and I wouldn't certainly want to be punished like that woman in the article, just for "having fun"!

  2. I got this idea while replying to another thread in this forum. I'm talking about number portability - this facility is already available in some countries, for some it is going to be introduced next year and in my country it's coming at the end of this year :) I'm eagerly waiting for it because I'm stuck with a Virgin mobile connection and the SIM/RUIM is locked to Huawei handsets only :o Hopefully number portability applies to Virgin too so I can get myself a sleek new handset soon.Anyway, according to some weird statistics, only 30% of all users would like to change their service providers given the chance. I was surprised to know this because a lot of people always seem to be grumbling about their providers and the only reason they stick to it is that they have a good number. But with number portability they have the chance to retain their number and change the provider. Well, what about you - would you change your service provider?

  3. My fav brand has to be Sony Ericsson, but only when we're talking about music - for all others it's gotta be Nokia. Ericsson's music player simply rocks and the other brands can never match up to it. I'm currently stuck with a Huawei handset because I'm using Virgin mobile and it's locked to that set, but in December once number portability becomes available in India I'm ditching Virgin and going for another network and will buy a Sony Ericsson music phone :)

  4. Why should you change it? I think it's quite interesting to see exactly how you work through these issues without your posts being heavily edited for logic or whatever. Show the thought process you've gone through and the conclusions you've reached, then let people discuss them. I certainly wouldn't recommend it for a normal blog, but a philosophy blog is one of those places where the idea works quite well.

    Yup - that's something I've been trying to say but didn't - put your thoughts exactly as they are on your blog - editing your thoughts isn't a good idea :) unless you improve them of course.

  5. @The Simpleton

    Most of the Adobe tools target the Mac too. Ask a Mac designer who will tell you how much he/she is in love with Adobe Photoshop and its performance on the Mac. Windows is pretty stable now, but way back in the late 90s, if you had to do some serious graphics editing, you had to get a Mac - editing high resolution images on Windows would simply cause Photoshop to crash. The Mac, however, would appear to hang but only because it was really performing the processing that you've requested.

    Windows has evolved since then and a lot of web designers now use PCs running Windows to do their web design and graphics editing. However, the Mac continues to attract graphics and web designers.

    With the issues currently surrounding Windows Vista and Windows 7, you're better off getting a MacBook instead of a PC running Windows.

    Wow that's interesting - I knew there had to be a reason why I only saw Macs in many offices! So Windows' weakness was apparent from the 90's itself? :)

    @Soviet Rathe: If you were to ask me, I'd say go for the Dell Laptop because you can get it sooner - Lockerz is such a dubious place that no one can tell how long it'll last or what surprises it may produce in the coming days. So as soon as you get a chance to redeem your PTZ, better go for the Dell and if you have the patience and luck you could try for the MacBook next time :o

  6. @The Simpleton

    Some Windows Registry tools do more than just clean up entries. They also make and restore backups or diagnose problems with the registry. However, the original problem seems to mention about files that were deleted in the Program Files directory rather than something missing in the Windows Registry. I could be wrong, however your suggestion of using registry cleaners is not all that bad - some of them do have diagnostic capabilities too.

    Hi :) One look at the article about registry cleaners on Wikipedia (I've given the link above) is enough to scare anyone into staying away from them - the list of cons is more than the pros and that's why I hurriedly wrote again that it's not recommended to use a cleaner. Coming back to the original problem, I wonder how uninstalling one program could affect the others - I mean, if the programs are present and are not working that could mean that all the .exe's of those programs are missing, isn't it? Could ZSoftUninstaller have done anything like that? Hmm I'm beginning to wonder about the need for a separate uninstaller in the first place....

  7. If Wordpress is anything like Drupal or Magento and you are using xampp, I'd just do the whole installation process again. (from Xampp to Wordpress) Once you get your practice up it becomes a very quick process, although i don't know whether you have some important files associated with your install.
    (By iterating through the process it is also helpful to build up experience, to help the next time)

    I had a couple of occasions where i've had to reload xampp to re-register an install. Can't help you to manually update.

    I'm not using XAMPP although I've been meaning to do so for a while now. I'm on a temporary installation of Ubuntu 9.10 right now and will be doing a fresh install in December so I'm not putting in any new programs right now so that rules out XAMPP. It does seem that a fresh install/manual upgrade is the only way, but what I want to know is the procedure for it...

  8. Well i have only owned one digital slr and that would be the canon rebel.
    I loved it for the options it gave me, its real simple yet you can do some professional shots with it as well. But its not fair for me to say it is the best digital slr since i have yet to try others.

    The reason why i went with the canon rebel was because my friend had one and he also had a Nikon. Out of the two he recommended me to start with the canon rebel, so i went with it.

    I may try nikons next or get the newer canon rebel, i cant make up my mind xD

    One of my friends owns the Rebel as well and I got to handle it very few times - he's very possessive about it! From what I've seen it's really good and easy enough to use.

  9. I can't believe I missed this thread - I generally try to get on the welcoming wagon soon :o Anyway welcome Brad, to the Xisto forums. It' been 10 days since you've joined and so few posts? :D I hope you get into the mood to post frequently soon. Those logos you designed are really awesome and I'm quite inspired to learn to do something like that. I hope you find Xisto a good place to display more of your works.You are just 2 posts away for your myCENTs counter to start ticking, so come along and make some posts now and then :) Have a good time!

  10. Imagine the kind of ride you would get, the acceleration? Although you wouldn't have any relative scenery to notice how fast you truly are going, which would be damn fast!

    Hmm actually in the only places where you can actually reach those speeds, there won't be any scenery at all because they would be isolated places :)

  11. I'm using Wordpress to power my blog and recently when I tried to upgrade it automatically, the process was interrupted by a power-cut at my home. After that if I try the automatic upgrade again, I get a message instantly saying "Installation Failed". I'm guessing some of the files might have been corrupted, and a manual upgrade might be the only way out, but I haven't done manual installation before and am a bit apprehensive about trying it. Any suggestions here?

  12. Oh my god, So sorry The Simpleton I had a late night needed to post around and completely missed the topic.

    It happens...look I missed my own topic for a week! :)

    I do think that the Admins should keep us up to date posting a topic or even mods doing this as the admins say they are so busy....I agree once the Mycents system does stop there is about 10 topics in Xisto answers or whatever saying "Why I don't have mycents" I did put this in a ticket but no reply from them.

    I think instead of bothering about what will happen to our myCENTs when we edit the help threads, it would be better to just reply to the threads with the new information if there is any. That way there won't be any loss of myCENTs to anyone and the new members will get the info they need. As for the admins being busy, well that's natural - a member could create the thread (I could if given the green signal) and a mod/admin could pin it. A lot of members are ready to do it - just waiting for the word "GO"!

  13. though that sega's console may be steps behind other competitor, their games and consoles were always fun. for me it's not the technology that matters, it's the game and the fun we can get. i hope they can make something really creative to match that so-called "wii" wink.gif

    I get your point - in the end it's all about the games. I've always wanted to play games like Prince of Persia (sands of time trilogy) and Tekken 5 and a whole lot of other games that are available for the PS2, and now I'm in a constant fix whether to buy a PS2 or PS3 because the PS3 is no longer supporting PS2 games. But my love for those games will make me buy the PS2 as well as the PS3, if not now in the future, simply because those particular games are fun!

  14. Not sure what other people here thinks about this but i think few will come up with some questions and answers to contribute to the knowledgebase.Just let us know if it is possible to update the Xisto - Support knowledgebase.

    I'll be ready to volunteer for something like that for sure, but do many members actually use the Knowledge base? I can't speak for everyone but I think most people use the xisto site only to manage their products/services. Even for support most people come to the forums first and only then they go to submit a ticket :) I suggested earlier that we open threads in the forum itself about this matter and this knowledge base idea is a good one too, and doing both would be ideal!

  15. What is the renewal fee of the domain https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl? :o This has to be the big-daddy of all "premium domains" on the internet, right? Ok let's forget about google - they're not going to sell that domain anyway :) - what about all those other domains that we get to see on some sites, listed as "premium"? They're priced at $2000-$100,000 or even more. Is this the fee for one year or are we expected to pay that amount every year? I'm not in a position to buy any of these so-called premium domains because I already have all the names that I always wanted to have, but I'm just a little bit interested in the functioning of these premium domains.

  16. I do my best to keep a watch over threads which require my attention. And I enjoy answering them :-) There are also times when I slack off (work work..) and Jim or BuffaloHelp ping me on my e-mail to read those topics :-)

    Well I know you do a lot of stuff in the background and you're really lucky to have an excellent team at your disposal :) All this works out really good for us members

  17. I personally don't think a registry cleaner would be a good idea right now. Their main purpose is to delete registry entries that it deems unimportant, and I don't think deleting more stuff is what you need. It might make things worse.

    Yup..I take back my earlier suggestion. It seems that registry cleaners can end up doing more bad than good :)
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