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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Hi, your turtorial about how to change names in a boot menu is easy to understand and well explained. Plus it comes very close to my problem, but doesnt really solve it. I got W7 installed and later ubuntu. Kept having problems with ubuntu, so I deleted it on the partition. But than grub error comes up and it doesnt boot into w7 anymore. Had to reinstall ubuntu to boot at all, and always into ubutnu first. How can I change booting order. Or how can I boot again, without having ubuntu on the lap top?

    Deleting the Ubuntu partition won't delete GRUB because it's installed separately so remember this the next time :o I got a little confused with your question but assuming I'm right, you want to Windows 7 to be the default boot option? It's really simple - just follow the above tutorial till you reach the file "menu.lst". In that, search for the word "default". It should lead you to a paragraph which looks something like this:

    ## default num# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
    # the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
    # You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
    # is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
    # WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your
    # array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
    default 0

    Notice the last line: "default 0" Now remember how your boot menu looks like - it has Ubuntu on the top and Windows at the end, right? Well you have to enter the number of the line in which Windows shows up in your boot menu. Confused? Here's an example. Let's assume your boot menu looks like this:

    Ubuntu 9.10Ubuntu 9.10 recovery mode
    Ubuntu memtest
    Other operating systems:
    Windows 7

    Now Windows 7 is in the 5th line, right? But start counting from 0, and that means Windows 7 is in the fourth line. Now in that "menu.lst" file, in the line "default 0", replace the "0" with "4". (I'm just assuming your boot menu is like that - if it's different count the lines starting from 0 and replace the "0" with the number of the line W7 is on). So it now reads "default 4" The next time you boot up, W7 will be selected by default :) Hope that helped

  2. That's a really cool name! :) Oh sorry - welcome! Judging by your username I'm sure you'll fir right in very soon and yeah, this forum is for getting hosting and socializing :D Just stick to the rules and you'll do fine, and if you post regularly you can get your domain+hosting in less than a week (no spamming please :o )


    well all the best and see you around

  3. Proprietary software? If there was such a thing we would have heard about it from some disgruntled MS employee, isn't it?! :) I'm not sure but they do mix up a lot of languages in my opinion. I won't take any more wild guesses!

    few years back , I got hold of Windows 3.1 source code.Majority of it was C++ (visual) and quite easy to understand.

    Do you still have it with you? I think I could learn something from that source code....

  4. That site's looking better than the last time I visited it - Good work :o

    I understand it's important to get word about your blog around, so putting it in sites isn't such a bad idea...I might try that as well later..Anyway, here's a site which has a whole list of blog directories for you : Link 1
    You could also visit Link 2 and Link 3 for some good directories. And I believe there are some drupal modules to put in those digg, FB and other buttons on your site. I'm a bit sleepy right now (it's 6AM here) so I'm not looking it up, but I'm sure you'll find it easily or a non-sleepy member will soon find it for you :D:) Keep it going! :D

  5. Wow a lot of questions but I think I know the answers to only a few....let me try though.

    After installing, Grub is taking so much longer to load. Is this normal? Anyone else experienced this kind of thing? I can also see (in the boot-loader menu) that it's a beta version of Grub, can I downgrade to a stable version?

    I didn't experience this till now and mine is a pretty slow computer. But as it seems you're not comfortable with the beta, do try the stable version and see if you get better results. You can use the installation CD to reinstall GRUB if I'm not wrong.

    When I have special effects on medium and I use the gnome panel to minimize and maximize windows, minimizing works fine but maximizing comes with a delay. Why is this? Some kind of graphics load thing? I prefer speed, so I'm happy without this if I can't get it to work. Is there any alternative software which will give me visual effects?

    As I said before, mine's a slow computer and yet when I put special effects on "Extra" it does work for me and all that "wobbly" effects when you maximise/minimise the windows are all there. But when my friend tried using "extra" graphics on his computer which is much faster, he didn't get the required effects. So that setting is not working on a few computers :)

    I don't really like the new IM client empathy, it doesn't let me choose how much space I want in the typing-space and takes up a lot of memory, so I removed it and replaced with Emesene, which I used earlier before the HDD failure with Ubuntu 9.04.

    I removed Empathy too just recently! It wasn't that bad but Pidgin made me feel more at home....never heard of Emesene though - is it better than Pidgin?

    I know how to(well, a little) compile a program from source in terminal, but the compiled things can only be started with the shell script?

    I'm not entirely sure about this question as I didn't understand fully understand it, but you could always make an executable so that you can run it outside the terminal?

  6. I am interested in just buying hosting and nothing else, so could I do that and setup the .co.cc domain name with the hosting?

    Yes, you can specify your .co.cc domain in the order registration page - just select the option

    I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain.

    and enter your domain name and it will take care of the rest. Make sure your .co.cc domain is pointed towards Xisto - Web Hosting's nameservers.

    As for the rest of your questions, I have very little idea so I don't want to try answering them :o But you'll get a reply soon :)

  7. I wanted to write articles a lot of them - but whenever I tried to do it I always got held up with the complexity of the site and then I postponed it and never went back :) @TDH : spammers aren't so bad on Wikipedia because I think the editors take care of them really fast! I'm yet to find a spam page on wikipedia - I found a lot of spam on other wikis but not on wikipedia - not yet..

  8. i just got it. i think i'm going to watch it tonight after i fry up some chicken. i do like these types of movies so it will be interesting how i will relate to it after hearing both review threads of the same movie....i'll come back later to post an opinion. if i don't like it, i will post here. if i DO like it i'll post in the other one biggrin.gif

    And what if you have a mixed review? :o There are a lot of people who can't make up their minds whether this is good or bad - "Love the graphics, hate the story" that's their opinion; well I'll be waiting for your reply eagerly :)

  9. Thanks for the advice everyone! It's really useful and I'm going to try some of the things you mentioned here. The schedule and reward system are really good in theory and I've tried them before, only to be disappointed. Well I'm going to try again now...

    All you have to do is to replace interneting with the internet people by something else that interests you.

    also, a lot of people who are actually addicted to the internet don't get out much. might i suggest 1 or two hours of outdoor activities which included alone time to think about your life AND places where other people are in the hopes to socialize more offline.

    Well actually I do have a somewhat active social life and don't do much networking online. I do have Facebook and Orkut accounts but they're mostly inactive. So you could say I'm an introvert online! :) As for going out I do that a lot - most of my online time is spent in the late hours of the night or the too early hours of the morning :o

  10. There's a thread in this "Addictions" forum which talks about addiction to computers, but my case is a bit modiefied - I can live without a computer, but not without the internet! You know the routine dialogues- "I can't survive without it"; "If I don't use the internet for one day I feel something's gone terribly wrong that day" and so on....


    I spend around 15 minutes on Xisto per day so that doesn't play a major role in my addiction. But I spend 4 hours more just lazing around, not knowing what to do....I stumble onto something useful from time to time but that "something" isn't necessary at that point of time :) Now that I come to think of it, I don't use my computer a lot when I'm offline. And if I'm away from my computer I try to browse using my mobile! I'm sure this is a situation that many of you might be aware of. So could you please give me some suggestions on how to control this addiction and get back my life?

  11. Oops sorry for missing out on this thread - you've already gotten over sixty posts so I guess you can't be called a new member anymore? :) It's good to have such a skilled member on our forums and I know we're going to have a lot of interesting discussions with you involved :o Well accept my late welcome and continue the postin!

  12. Recently, my college did the unthinkable and signed up for Microsoft Dreamspark. I was looking for a way to get into this programme but my college saved the day and now I'm in :) So now a lot of Microsoft tools are available for free download :o But I'm a bit confused by their website and no one told this clearly in college either - how long are students allowed to use the software freely? Until they complete their education or forever? Also, if you happen to be a part of Dreamspark too, could you share your experiences about it please?

  13. It'll take a long time for the "implementation" to be done for sure :) But I agree with mahesh - these stats are somewhat suspicious. I agree that in major cities you see a lot of people suffering but in the villages they manage to live in at least basic conditions if not in comfort. I've never read a UNICEF report before so I don't know how much has changed over the years, but these stats are really unbelievable, and even if unfortunately they're true, it's surely gonna take a long time for our leaders to do anything about it

  14. I'm surprised no one suggested this till now, but it's a good idea to ditch phpBB altogether and choose an alternative forum software like SMF (that's the first name that comes to mind....), MyBB, etc. They offer better protection against spam. They're not 100% spam-free, but you'll never see as much spam as you're seeing on phpBB.

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