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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Wikipedia is nowadays used as a reference tool for almost every subject/topic possible. From general knowledge to film reviews, it has everything. And as you know, all the content has been created by some dedicated editors who spend a lot of time keeping the articles clean and fresh. I once tried my hand at editing/creating a Wikipedia article but since I didn't have much time I didn't quite enjoy the experience. But I do admire the patience of those people who write hundreds of articles and also keep track of them, making sure no one supplies wrong info. Have you written any articles so far on Wikipedia? Could you share your experience here please?

  2. Dear friends in India as I am an Indian, Malalyalam is the toughest language. If I am not wrong Tamil is the easiest one. I am basically a Malayali that's why I know that how tough and difficult this language is. As the alphabets are more than the other Indian languages and many of them looks like the same for a non Malayali.

    Telugu has more number of letters (56, and three additional patterns - a total of 60) than Malayalam so by your theory it is more difficult than Malayalam :o But I do agree that the Malayalam script does look a bit confusing and complicated to a non-native. Well this is just the case of Indian languages. Consider the case of the Chinese and Japanese people - they have to learn a minimum of 3000 and 1945 characters (kanji) respectively before they can read and write normally! Now how tough would that be to a new learner :)

  3. I feel it's up to us to keep Xisto's review on that website positive. I think there's an old thread by OpaQue which requests members to give their honest opinion on Xisto at that website. Here's the link to the Xisto review page - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    We are currently at the 13th position in their top20 list. If we get some more reviews then we could certainly climb up! So if you haven't submitted your review yet, go and do it now :)

  4. The mycents system has been under maitence a lot. They get counted just not update, Just post normally. Once they have done the maintence it will get update with all what you have earned. Trust me Nika or whatever on Xisto - Support told me on this. I am not sure on your license problem thing.

    Hey Ash you completely missed the point here! I wasn't talking about the problems themselves but about creating a thread explaining about these problems!

  5. Hey there JTorres55 - welcome to the forums! You can notice that we have forums for all your topics of interest so you can start posting right away :) If you have any doubts regarding the functioning of the forum feel free to open a thread in the relevant section and a member/mod will attend to it immediately. So have fun and hope to see you around!

  6. The dial up connectivity that is the only mode of internet connectivity available in rural India. Even though most part of the country is covered by mobile towers, 3G is not widely available. I used dial up when I was in India and it was extremely slow and I was never able to send a file more than 2 MB over email due to connectivity problems. Now BSNL, India's national telecom company, offers DSL connections in many villages.
    To send 4 GB data over dial up, I cannot think of it.... I would prefer a pigeon instead. smile.gif

    While BSNL's pricing policy is reasonable, the speed/bandwidth packages are still unreasonable and unfailr :) From the rural point of view the services offered are good, but for the urban folk some new packages could be introduced. For example, the unlimited bandwidth package needs a speed boost - I wouldn't mind paying around Rs.1000 per month for unlimited b/w at 2Mbps speed. But that's a distant dream right now...

  7. I think this topic is of no particular relevance to those hailing from the US/UK/Australia as their first language is obviously English :) Anyway, here goes....You may/may not have known that ICANN has approved registration of Internationalized domain names. I recently checked GoDaddy and they've already opened registrations for these "local" domains. You need to be able to type in your local language to be able to visit these domains, and that's the reason why still many people haven't picked up the "hot" names yet! I'm looking forward to purchasing a .com domain in my native language, which, if I manage to get, will be only three letters long! I've already opened a support ticket inquiring about the availability, and in case they're not available here yet, I've decided to get it on GoDaddy anyway. So what do you think - will you buy one?

  8. @mahesh2k it's not nulled.. they did it simply because "We feel if one is able to afford an expensive IPBoard then we suggest one can afford premium hosting"

    That's very mean of them :) It doesn't make a lot of sense either. Well anyway, as mahesh2k said, you'll have absolutely no problems with Xisto - Web Hosting - it's one of the best and I'm yet to see my my sites having downtime! It's simply that good. So once again congrats on your new domain and enjoy your hosting. As for the mod position, I don't have extensive knowledge in the areas you mentioned so I'll just pass! I do hope you find some good members, though - all the best!

  9. Dear friend here I would like to say that the time which you are killing right now will not be returned any more and you will realize this at a later age when you will get some time to think about your past and the mistakes made by you in the past. But if you are concentrating on the studies right now then you in future might be setlled in a good career and will be able to be happy then. Thats it dear friend.

    The funny thing is that I know what you've said is true, but it's somehow proving difficult to put into practice!


    Yeah routine can seem difficult after a while. For my college course some years ago "at first" it was excellent because we were studying design and it was an enriching cultural experience. However, after the first year and half it was more focused on arranging your time and making sure you arrive to class "exactly" on time, otherwise you'd miss critical information, even if you were 1 minute late.


    The pace in later years was intense!, inevitably i found it challenging to experience my original enthusiasm. But in some ways you develop important skills at that time which will help you in life, like perseverance.


    Its like a test to let those through the door who truly want to succeed.

    Many senior students I've met have expressed similar thoughts; I can only imagine what my final year in college will be like, with projects and all going on. It will be hectic but fun in a weird kind of way...

    I can't answer this question right now because I have got still four to five months left to join a college.

    I hope I will not lose interest in studies in college!

    My only advice to you is that don't go with the crowd - choose your course wisely and no matter what happens, don't drop your concentration in the first year! You can possibly relax in the later years of the course but once you're down in first year it'll be hectic to catch up later :)

  10. I'd surely like to get on a helicopter for a "joy ride". That would really be exhilarating and I'm only waiting for the opportunity to get aboard! I've been on an aeroplane only a few times and you don't get any real view from in there - helicopters would offer a truly beautiful view from above so I can't wait to get on one soon :)

  11. On a related topic. if you really want to get your favourite malware running under Linux then you can use WINE and it will run tongue.gif

    However, remember that in Linux and WINE it will only affect the WINE setup, and it can easily be stopped by killing the WINE process. They're generally not that easy to stop in Windows. You also have to go to the effort of specifically downloading the virus, running it through WINE and making it run, rather than the 'drive-by' attacks that work on Windows. Again, it requires huge user intervention and a desire to actually run the virus tongue.gif

    Lol that's very interesting - I think I will try it for "research purposes" :)
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