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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Does anyone else has this problem or is this only my woe? My hosting account was suspended for nearly a month and as soon as I paid off the debt I got it back, and the first thing I wanted to do was to install Joomla. But when I tried to open Softaculous, I got this error:

    "Site error: the file /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/main/functions.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator."

    I opened a ticket and got a reply this evening that everything was fine from the admin's side. I replied by attaching a snapshot of the page I get whenever I open Softaculous or Fantastico (just to prove I wasn't bluffing :)) - but by that time I guess their day was over and I have to wait till tomorrow for their reply. In the meanwhile can someone help me out? Is there anything I can do in this situation or do I just have to wait for the server admin to do something?

  2. @kira423: I guess that's a new feature in this version to fight spam. I'm not sure how exactly it works though. Before I gave a reply to a thread just now, it said I could make 25 posts today. After replying to the thread, it said I could make 20 posts today, till another hour! Well it'll take at least 20-40 minutes to make 20 posts so I think that's a safe limit to control spam. This applies to creating new threads also.


    On another note, I have another small issue to report - external links are not opening in a new tab/window as in the old version. It's a small issue, but would be neat if resolved soon :)

  3. Yes Google is indeed very good at what they do, and maybe it isn't wrong to do such a thing as buying 3000 domains. And yes, a large part of the list consists of companies that Google bought. Some domains are really funny alterations of google (like googlee.com) while some are totally unrelated (17564.org or something like that; I don't remember the exact numbers! :) ) I think they bought a large number of these domains only recently and before 2000; coz the domain prices have come down only recently, and even a company like google would think twice before buying domains at the older rates ($100 per domain if I remember right?)

  4. You probably knew this a long time ago, and even I knew that google has a lot of domains, but I never imagined that the number would be over three thousand! There may be some duplicates in there but still, the total number is staggering. Why are they so scared that they'll lose their brand?! I think they're not scared of losing their brand but scared of losing ad-money :) They may be able to afford to renew 3000 domains every year, but instead of wasting money like this can't they do something more useful? This fact may be good for a laugh but if you think about it, it's really too sad.

  5. It is the beginning of the month, so i am guessing invoices won't necessarily be a problem.

    I need just $0.27 to pay for one of my hosting accounts - is that going to be a problem? :) I guess the support staff will have to give me a little time till the myCENT system is back in place.

    There's one more thing - could the sign in box be placed on the main page like earlier? It's a bit irritating to have to click on sign in first and then wait for the next page to load before signing in; if the box were on the main page it would be much faster to login.

  6. Has anyone mentioned this till now - the myCENTs script has stopped again. It's been almost ten hours maybe since the upgrade and the script hasn't updated till now. I just finished paying off a $7 debt and have to pay it again within 10 days, so I hope this gets resolved soon :)

    When I click 'Watch this Topic', it brings me to a page with no styling, only html and it has options with ratio buttons

    Well that's exactly what I meant by saying "all plain page" :P

  7. In an old episode of the TV show Friends, Chandler proudly announces that he has bought a new laptop, and when he described the specs of it, I got a hearty laugh. In fact, I took the trouble of finding that episode's transcript. Here's what he says:


    [scene: Central Perk. Joey, Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler are there; Chandler is showing everyone his new computer.]


    CHAN: All right, check out this bad boy. 12 megabytes of ram. 500 megabyte hard drive. Built-in spreadsheet capabilities and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 b.p.s.

    Now I can't imagine what one could do with 12mb of RAM, but the thing I'm most interested in is the 500MB hard disk (drive). This episode came out in 1995, and 15 years later, we are dealing with hard disks with 1, 2 terabytes of storage. But there's a different story going on in the background and that is the story of higher capacities of storage.


    The petabyte (1000 terabytes) was introduced when the amount of digital information released by all humans exceeded 1000terabytes. Now it has been discovered that very soon, we will run out of numbers to measure in petabytes as well. The current global output is around 8million petabytes. So a new unit called the Zettabyte has been introduced, which is equal to a billion terabytes. The global digital output is expected to cross 1.2 ZB in 2010.


    Actually this term is old (used by Sun Microsystems in their ZFS file system) but it's being used for the first time to calculate the global digital output.


    In case you're wondering where all that data will fit, there's an answer to that too. It is estimated that all this data will comfortably fit in 75 million iPads :)

  8. Hmm a lot of people seem to have liked the sleeping in the car example! :P It's true not many of us stop to think about others' problems when we are complaining. It's really important to be grateful for what we have right now and we must be thankful that we are not in a bad situation. All it takes is a small amount of time for the good to turn into the bad. And since I don't have my own car yet, I guess I won't be sleeping in it any soon :)

  9. You are allowed to place videos on your site as far as I know, but you can't use it for storage of videos, or ones that are illegal in any way or break any other aspect of the TOS. You can upload the videos to your site just fine as long as you have the rights to them (or they are public domain, or you have permission from the rights holder). Just keep an eye on your bandwidth ../../public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif You could also upload the videos to somewhere like Google Video or YouTube if you wanted to save your hosting space and bandwidth, and embed them in your pages.

    Thanks a lot for the clarification. I think it's best to upload them on Youtube and embed them onto my site. Other than saving bandwidth, it also spares me the trouble of figuring out how to make the videos play on the site :)

    You can upload the videos to your site just fine as long as you have the rights to them

    Since I'm the one creating them, I'm guessing I do have the rights to them :P Thanks again for the clarification!

  10. I tried to look for the usage policy page which gives the details of what and what not to put on my site, but couldn't find it; so I'm starting this thread and hope I'll get my doubt cleared soon.Am I allowed to put videos on my website? Actually it's not my website but my college website which is currently on my friend's hosting account. I want to upload some tutorial videos on there and some general videos about the college. They're not copyrighted material and they won't exceed the bandwidth allocated. So in that case am I allowed to put them on the site? I got this doubt because I distinctly remember someone saying sometime, somewhere in the forum that videos aren't allowed to be uploaded on the site. In that case, am I at least allowed to embed the videos that I uploaded to Youtube?

  11. So we finally got the upgrade :) Thanks a lot to the admins and all the people involved - the forum is looking really neat and I know it'll take a time to iron out the bugs and a little more time for everyone to get used to the new system, but at least the change is here at last. I think this is the default theme for the new version? It's bright and blue and it's cool :P I wouldn't mind it if this is the theme we settle for, but I think there will be at least a few members who will ask for a customized theme :D As for the bugs I noticed most of the people above me have mentioned it already so I won't repeat them, but I hope the speed comes back to normal soon as that is the only thing which really matters right now. The rest are just minor things which can be smoothened out very fast. So once again congrats to the admins and to all the members :D

  12. I don't think I can manage to compile it myself. I would maybe need help at every alternate step :) I couldn't find anything in the repositories but I came across GNOME Shell and gave it a trial run, and it seemed to be much better than 2.30 :P And thanks to truefusion for the workspace suggestion - I never got the thought to check the widget's preferences!! I didn't check to see if had any limit, but just by adding another row and column I got 8 workspaces, which is more than sufficient :D So I think I will stick with this for the time-being till 10.04 decides to work on my PC.

  13. I've faced that problem as well though I ended up closing the browser and coming back rather than wait for 15 min :) I like things to move quick and in those 15 minutes I could have done something else. I guess I never stopped to wonder why I was getting the Board Message even though I had given a gap of more than a minute. I just gave up thinking it's a random error and took a break and everything was back to normal the next time I logged in.

  14. OH REALLY, let's do some math here. i counted the number of all the members that posted here, and it is 17 posts. and counted the number of my posts here and it is with this post 10, more then half of the posts here is mine. and that prove one fact, i am talking to myself smile.gif
    but i am satisfied with your replies here because that means all of you people are interesting in this forum. and that's the point i want to reach from the begining, thank you.

    Wow you're really spending a lot of time with this thread - counting the number of members who posted in it etc - but it shows you're interested in seeing this forum active, so that's not a bad thing :) There still are a lot of active members on the fourm; maybe they're just missing this thread that's all! We're almost one week into May now so I'm guessing the activity will pick up slowly from now on. Let's hope it does!

  15. Lol - the car story is really funny. So instead of offering some kind of practical solution posters offered advice on where to park the car? That's really funny. Poor guy I hopes he finds a home soon.Anyway I've seen that compared to lots of other people life has been going on well enough for me, and the minor troubles that come now and then aren't anything compared to the bigger problems out there. So I don't think i won't be complaining about not having enough time to hunt for myCENTs anymore :)

  16. @anwiii: This thread may be a joke but it appears to be entertaining lots of people ;)I don't think people agree that piracy is good. Yes, they do feel satisfied that they are getting to use something for a very cheap price or for free, but I'm sure everyone might have thought at least once about the consequences of piracy and they must have felt a little bit guilty also. Most of all, they get the fear of getting caught. There are few people who have gotten so used to piracy that they have no guilt at all. But these are few in number. Most of the people would readily give up piracy if they had a better option. As anwiii mentioned, even if the price of something was as low as a penny, there would still be lots of piracy as people would be trying to get it for free - it's natural. But we have to remain optimistic that some sensible solution will come up soon. I'm not saying piracy is the only way to reduce prices, but that we should keep our eyes open for a solution and adopt it in order to remove piracy. The biggest question is when that solution will come along.

  17. I've used four versions of Ubuntu till now and never had anything big to complain about. But the latest version just won't run normally on my computer, which is why I've stepped back to using the older 9.10 version. But I've seen how 10.04 looks, and I really liked the new version of GNOME (2.30) - it looked much neater and the best feature of all is that it now has four workspaces instead of just two. I really want to use that feature, which is why I'm looking for a way to upgrade to the latest version without having to install 10.04. Is this possible? Are there any lengthy terminal commands to achieve this?

  18. I have a Samsung E250V. The battery takes approximately 4 hours to charge from nearly flat (when the phone starts warning you of a critically low battery). Leaving it switched on but not really using it for anything, the battery lasts for around 4-5 days before it needs charging. If you're using it constantly throughout the day to make and receive calls, send and receive texts and play games or whatever, the battery lasts approximately 2 days. Of course, that's only with my phone (now just over a year old) and my normal usage. Your mileage may vary.

    I use my phone mostly for texting and browsing the net. Calls and games are very rare.

    So your mobile is a year old and still gives 2-4 days of backup? That's not so bad. My 2-year old Sony Ericsson W350 struggles to give 2 days of backup even if left alone. As for other good brands like Nokia they don't have a QWERTY slide phone in this range. So I guess this is the only sensible choice now ;)

  19. Honestly what kind of question is this? If someone was to look at everything that you posted on here, you may be able to pursue a simple person, but who, and why would you worship a website??? 0.o

    Lol don't blame me - it is just as mandla said in the first post - I had some spare time and stumbled onto this post at another forum, so I thought I'd put it in here to see the sort of reaction all of you would give. And I'm not disappointed! :P Some of the replies were really interesting and funny - I think if we wait long enough, we may find a member willing to join it ;) Let's wait and see :P

  20. In our country, there are thousands of small stores selling pirated copies of every movie ever released. And mind you, the pirates has tastes. If a movie is a box officeflop, they crunch it into a 13-in-1 DVD (using DVD-9) which cost roughly $1.00. And if a movie is a hit or has won awards, it will be sold on a single disk. Academy winners like Avatar are sold for almost $2.00. And pirated movies aren't even limited to hollywood. I've seen DVDs with Bollywood titles like Krrissh (A beautiful movie. Just Imagine!! smile.gif) and non-english movies like Y Tu Mama Tambien, Gomorra, Postmen in the Mountain, Amelie and Malena. But the greatest joke with pirated movies is they play the FBI Warning about piracy just right before the movie starts.

    It's the same case over here as well - pirated DVDs sell faster than hot cakes and the pirates seem to be racing amongst themselves to bring the best quality print out as soon as possible. On Friday a highly-publicized film was released all over the country, and I saw a DVD of the movie by Friday evening, waiting for the customers!!!! What's more, it claimed to have subtitles in more than 9 foreign languages! This clearly shows the pirates had a deal with someone from the inside and they had the DVDs ready well before the release of the movie itself.

    Hearing stories like this, one does realise how powerful piracy can become. It's a risky affair that could lead to several complications in the future, and the sensible thing to do is not to fall in its trap and distance ourselves from it as far as possible.

  21. I've always wanted a slide phone with a QWERTY keypad but all the models used to be out of my budget. Now finally I have found something that looks promising and has an attractive price too. It is the Samsung Corby Mate GT. I've seen some of my friends using the full-touch Samsung Corby, and it looked impressive. But since I'm not such a big fan of touch phones, I decided to opt for this one instead. However, my biggest gripe is that the talk about Samsung phones' battery backup has been mixed. Some people say it's terrible and lasts only a day at most, while some say it's really good and will last till 3-4 days. But I don't know which version to believe. Could someone experienced tell me their story about a Samsung mobile please? It would be really helpful to me in deciding whether or not to purchase this model.Thanks in advance!

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