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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. it's not flaming. i noticed that more than one person was getting confused with the nominations thinking they were actually voting. read the whol thread and you'll find out i am correct. ash IS a newbie to the awards. i think this is what was confusion him i added a little humor to my short but relevant post. why do you have to be so stuck up all the time with spam
    now, i still haven't seen anywhere where it was posted that the 15th was the cutoff. can someone post the link to it? last time sm posted, he said we were in to the final week. that was it.

    edit: ok. i see it. it was in the first post of the thread. i dunno if this topic should be closed. we may just use this same thread to vote, no?

    I'm one of those people who thought this was nomination+voting. Then I think I shouldn't have put the numbers beside the members nominations to show how many people nominated them? Oh well the deed's done. So how long does the voting go on then?

  2. 2012 is history now! :P The hype surrounding has gone and is now around Avatar which is directed by James Cameron who gave us Titanic. It's a 3D movie and is said to be very thrilling, exciting, exhilarating and blah blah blah. So naturally everyone seems excited to watch it. All this talk reminds me of the talk before 2012 was released. i agree that 2012 became a hit (mostly due to its special effects) but it was also blamed for some shabby acting. In Avatar the only we can only judge the actors by their voices and the rest is left to animation. So do you think this movie will live up to its full expectations or will be just another dazzling movie with a weak storyline?

  3. Yes! I finally got to see this movie and I'm glad to say that all of you are right - it's really good :P Of course it does get a bit unrealistic at times but you've got to overlook some things while watching a movie and once I did that, I found that it was a really good watch. Thanks for the review everyone!

  4. Updated on 11.12.2009Trapper of the year: mahesh2k, Nameless_, The Simpleton(3), Ash-Bash, truefusionMost Valuable Poster: truefusion(2), Nameless_,Ash-Bash(2), TheDarkHacker,The Simpleton(5), rayzoredge, rvalkass, anwii, k_nitin_r, BuffaloHelp, kobra500, rpgsearcherz, BaniBoy, inverse_bloom, mahesh2K, rob86, serverph, Spudd, misanthrope(2)Mod of the year: rvalkass(4), jlhaslip(4), Saint Micheal(2), galexcd , truefusion(2)Most Helpful Member: mahesh2k(3), truefusion(3), Nameless_(2), TheDarkHacker, rvalkass(2), inverse_bloom(2), anwiii,xpress, shadowx, BuffaloHelpMost Improved Member: .:Piper_2051:.,Ash-Bash(3), SpiderVV(2)GFXtrap GFX Elite: Tramposch(3), Baniboy(4), inverse_bloom 7Gears Gamer of the Year- rpgsearcherz1337 Programmer: jlhaslip(2), truefusion(4), TheDarkHacker(2), OpaQue(2), rvalkass, galexcdComedian of the Year- Saint_Michael(3), Fermin25Shoutboxer of the Year - Baniboy(4), Nameless, Ash-Bash, -Sky-(3),Saint MichealLives at Xisto - OpaQue, Nameless_(5), TheDarkHacker, The Simpleton(2), Ash-Bash(2), truefusion, rvalkass, jhalslip, anwii, inverse_bloom, sheepdog, Echo_of_thunder, rpgsearcherz, mahesh2K, TheDisturbedOneMost Reported Posts: Ash-bash, mahesh2k, shadowx, TheDisturbedOneTech Geek?rayzoredge(3), truefusion, rvalkass, jhalslip, tramposche, bluedragon, k_nitin_r, Ash-Bash, BuffaloHelp, Saint Michael, shadowx, WatermonkeyWelcome Commitee: SpiderVV(3), Ash-Bash(6), -Sky-(3), Nameless_(3), The Simpleton, Fractured.LogicTrap Eye for the Poor Guy- varaluCrazy Reviewer Person?Saint_Michael(2)Dr.Phil Wannabe: anwii(5), inverse_bloom, sheepdogMost Creative Trapper: patavinatech, Nameless_, TheDarkHacker, -Sky-Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss- OpaQueNOTE: (STILL AN UNOFFICIAL COUNT)  :: 6 DAYS REMAINING TO VOTE!

  5. @nani: tekken3 was never released officially for the pc-wat you are playing may be a modified version ripped from the playstation version and in ripped games many elements such as background music and videos could be missing and there's nothing we can do about it :-( for the videos you could try searching on youtube

  6. Paid to search? Does that work out in the long run? Once again this seems to be a legit site but restricted to only a few countries, and even though it's legit it sounds more like a game of chance to me. And if I make this website as my primary search engine then I'm definitely not going to find anything useful!! :o The only good way to make some money seems to be with polls, as Ash mentioned. But it still seems to be a bit impractical to me...hmm just my opinon tho

    Yes!!! first post since ages!!! I'm letting The Simpleton win this race, because I have my blog and mylot to tend to... smile.gif Seems like I'm back into the making money online world again, getting those few bucks with my many hours of posting... sad.gif

    Lol but I think I'm down with some sort of writer's block now - after hitting 1000 I suddenly lost my speed somewhere - and this seems to apply to my blog as well - haven't been there in days...oh well - we'll race soon enough :)

  7. Welcome to the forums rubikcode! I'm sure your 10th hosting company will be the best one you've ever been a part of :) Do some good posting over here and you'll have enough myCENTs to get some quality hosting for free. If you have any doubts the whole community is here to help you. So have a good time and see you around!

  8. Try reading mininova comment section it's fun.And i'm sure you'll see lot of fun those comment section.

    Yes I've done that already! :) Over 50 new comments come in every hour or so and all of either bid a teary farewell to mininova or badmouth those who have put their content through the content distribution service! Poor guys they must be wondering why they're getting so many unrelated comments for their work...

  9. Windows 7 is much, much faster than Vista and that itself is one reason for the high price. Also, 7 has less compatibility issues than Vista does. All in all, 7 is like a new improved XP, and Vista is...well you can't compare Vista with any other OS! :)

    also what is the main difference between vista home premium and vista ultimate while they look quite similar.????

    You can see this page to compare all the editions of Vista - you can't see the differences in daily use, but there are some changes deep within!

  10. Yes mininova was a really large torrent tracker and that was why it made things easy for everyone - they didn't have to look elsewhere for torrents! According to Alexa, mininova was more popular than TPB. Ever since I read about this incident I've been visiting mininova daily for any change and all I see is hilarious comments by users, some of whom are abusing the content distribution service! Oh well...

  11. Don't get me wrong with what I'm going to say next, I'm a big supporter of free software, but that story we sometimes hear about crackers and hackers focusing only on Windows... I don't buy it.I mean, check the BIG companies. Google, Yahoo!, the banks, governments... etc. Most of their servers run Unix-like systems. Not Windows. Microsoft can't make them go for Windows servers if they don't want to, because they have more power than Bill's company (except a great part of third world's governments which really depend on external software producers and can't go against the tide of monopolistic capitalist).
    The BIG ones go for Unix-like servers, BSD, Solaris and Linux too. They may be really safer, but I'm sure that the most dangerous crackers and hackers are the ones that study how to break the security of those systems. If viruses and trojan bugs for them haven't been as spread as Windows', it may be due to the fact that companies/governments won't make them public their security flaws.
    Yes, I know it sounds a bit crazy this theory. But think about it: if you were a cracker, who would you like to hack most? An average Windows home PC? Or a bank?
    It would be ten thousands more risky, but there's always some crazy one around...

    Hmm that's an interesting theory and makes a lot of sense. Now that I think about it, a lot of websites which get attacked are also on Unix-based servers. And I've seen a book recently claiming to teach the ultimate skill of Linux hacking/cracking!!! I don't know how far it is true but the thought that it is possible is indeed very scary. Well at least I know that I won't be hit for a while because I don't have a bank in my home :)

  12. Last time there was drive change it was year before. I guess it was on Dec 23 last year as per my memory. After that there is not downtime for other servers. Anyway,let's take a break from mycent earning for a while. Enjoy your weekend guys, leave computer and Xisto alone for a while wink.gif

    Yup that's a good idea :) I've already taken a break of sorts since the past two days - so I'll do it for two more days - no harm.....yet!

  13. The movie and music industries worldwide must be celebrating right now! Here's the latest post from the mininova blog:

    Hi all,
    Today is an important day in the history of Mininova. From now on, we are limiting Mininova.org to our Content Distribution service. By doing so, we comply with the ruling of the Court of Utrecht of last August.

    Unfortunately the court ruling leaves us no other option than to take our platform offline, except for the Content Distribution service. According to the verdict (Dutch link) we have to prevent uploads of torrents to Mininova that refer to certain titles or to similar-looking titles. Weve been testing some filtering systems the last couple of months, but we found that its neither technically nor operationally possible to implement a 100% working filter system. Therefore, we decided that the only option is to limit Mininova to Content Distribution torrents from now on. We are still considering an appeal at this moment.

    We launched our Content Distribution service in 2007. This service allows producers and artists to easily publish and distribute their content for free through Mininova. The launch of Content Distribution has proven to be a success. Countless content owners have used Content Distribution to distribute their content (e.g. albums and documentaries) for free to millions of users. For example, the Dutch band Silence is Sexy released their complete album on Mininova and received the Interactive Award 2009 for doing so. The Dutch television broadcaster VPRO decided to start using Content Distribution in 2009 in order to distribute documentaries.

    We would like to thank you for your support. Especially everyone that contributed to Mininova receives a big thank you! for the effort! We hope to keep welcoming you on Mininova and our other projects (e.g. Snotr, Dispostable).

    Thanks! The Mininova staff

    I saw a brief report in the newspaper,then looked up the site, and was bemused to see over 6000 comments below the post, all bidding a teary farewell to mininova, which is supposedly the largest torrent tracker in the world after PirateBay (which bit the dust a few months ago). 5 out of every 10 comments had the same question - "Where should we go now?!" This is a really surprising situation and I actually feel sorry for those poor pirates - all their hard work of over 5 years has gone down the drain just like that!

  14. There are a lot of skilled crackers (blackhats) in the world today who can do devastating thing s using their cracking skills. They can install malicious software on your system without your knowing and can turn your computer into a zombie/bot. This is the general assumption, right? But I was wondering how great these crackers' skills are when we're talking about cracking Linux boxes. Will their skills be as effective in Linux as they were in Windows? Linux's security system is very robust and there's a low chance of getting attacked while using Linux. So is it possible for a successful Windows cracker to crack Linux with the same speed, ease and style?

  15. The last POP game that I played was The Two Thrones and although I had a chance to play the new Prince of Persia (2008 - why couldn't they give a sub-title!), my system requirements were not enough so I missed that one. Now I heard somewhere that the sequel to the 2008 game is in the making. Is this true? I tried searching for it but I only got results for The Shadow and the Flame and Warrior Within, which are the older sequels :) Does anyone have any information about this new sequel? I guess Ubisoft is presently busy in the arrangements of the POP movie so there hasn't been much talk about this game. Can someone please give me some info about this? Thanks a lot.

  16. In my town English movies release once in a blue moon (:)) so I usually stock up on DVDs whenever I visit the city. This time I'm interested in getting Jim Carrey's "Yes Man". Based on online reviews it seems good, although the story bears a resemblance to Carrey's earlier movie Liar Liar (in that he couldn't lie to anyone and here he can't say "No" to anyone!). Would you recommend this movie as a "must-watch", or at least as a casual entertainer? If so, I'll get it ASAP...

  17. Well I agree that some inventions, are great such as Google Wave, but I think we are learned with traditional ones, and new ones which may be interesting and funny need time to enter in our Internet tradition. I always check Google New products but never use most of them, just some of the most important such as G Adword, G Adsense, GA and some others. These are everyday check lists of my life and I never used Google Sites at anytime.

    There are always two kinds of people - one who jump and try out every new thing that comes their way and the others are those who always wait to see what the effect of that product is on everyone else. It all depends on what kind of person you want to be :)

  18. It isnt a miracle but when you grow up not know the earth is molten in the middle, and not knowing HOW the water gets hot then the only explanation is magic/miracle.
    Magic and miracles are essentially events that we cant explain with science or any other theory. Imagine going back 500 years and showing a village a TV which was broadcasting an image from say... the coast, far far away from this village. They would say that the TV set is a magic box with images provided by god, purely because they dont understand electromagnetic energy. To them it is magic, and the same applies here.

    An oddly scientific standpoint from a believer in the supernatural but there you go!

    well in some villages here there are people who still believe things like TV are miracles! They're not to blame because they were never really offered a chance at education or even general knowledge for that matter. So all that is unknown goes into the category of magic and miracles for them! :)
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