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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. he's using catagories. not tags. that's fine. tags are relatively new and a subdivision of catagories anyway....but ummmm.....nobody will search under some of the catagories he has.....haha....but that's better than creating no catagories at all. nameless will learn as he goes. he's doing a great job

    well yeah a great job is being done on the site and it will only keep on improving :)

    btw- i will always be anonymous when i post.....

    That's odd, coz I saw someone named anwiii in one of the pages over there :o

  2. Yeah, well, I'm using the views cloud module. It's meant to do exactly what you said (different font sizes) with flash, but it doesn't seem to be working... but I guess it doesn't really matter now... smile.gif Like you said, that's something for the future. And yes. I will get a regular schedule and stick to it. I will probably not be listening in class and typing up my blog posts anyway.... tongue.gif That was exactly what I did for the "river" post. smile.gif I'd like it if that post became popular though. I liked that one a lot.
    (By the way, the Share This module doesn't seem to be working. But I've made an account on Drupal.org right now, and I'll be able to participate in their discussions.... YES! Apparently it doesn't really working at the moment. But anyway... smile.gif I'm trying to find a way to create three more blocks in the footer thing. It's so hard because this theme is basically empty, so I can't even find the text file for creating blocks.... tongue.gif)

    well you are doing a fine job till now - you've decided not to put "categories" then? I ask because I can only see Tags over there and not categories, although in the posts' summary it does say "categories". Oh well...the layout is pretty good anyway :) Oh and one quick suggestion - if you're not planning to have user accounts for your site, try to remove that "Login" link from the footer. Just put the link as a bookmark for yourself and let the public not see the link - it would be neat! :o

  3. Updated on 23.11.2009Trapper of the year: mahesh2k, Nameless_, The Simpleton(3)Most Valuable Poster: truefusion, Nameless_,Ash-Bash(2), TheDarkHacker,The Simpleton(4)Mod of the year: rvalkass(3), jlhaslip(2), Saint Micheal(2), galexcdMost Helpful Member: mahesh2k(3), truefusion, Nameless_(2), TheDarkHacker, rvalkass, inverse_bloomMost Improved Member: .:Piper_2051:.,Ash-Bash, SpiderVV(2)GFXtrap GFX Elite: Tramposch(2), Baniboy(4), inverse_bloom7Gears Gamer of the Year- rpgsearcherz1337 Programmer: jlhaslip, truefusion(3), TheDarkHacker,OpaQue(2)Comedian of the Year- Saint_Michael(2), Fermin25Shoutboxer of the Year - Baniboy(4), Nameless, Ash-Bash, -Sky-(2),Saint MichealLives at Xisto - OpaQue, Nameless_(4), TheDarkHacker, The SimpletonMost Reported Posts: Ash-bash, mahesh2k, shadowx, TheDisturbedOneTech Geek?rayzoredge(3)Welcome Commitee: SpiderVV(3), Ash-Bash(4), -Sky-(2), Nameless_(2)Trap Eye for the Poor Guy- varaluCrazy Reviewer Person?Saint_Michael(2)Dr.Phil Wannabe: anwii(3)Most Creative Trapper: patavinatech, Nameless_, TheDarkHacker, -Sky-Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss- OpaQueNOTE: Still an unofficial count only! Apologies if I have missed someone or made any mistake in counting!

  4. where did you download it it from? did it require you to burn to cd?

    I found this on their official site:

    PC versions are also available on Steam, Direct2Drive, Greenhouse, Impulse, Mac Game Store (Mac only), GamersGate, and Gametree Online (Mac only).

    The game size is around 160MB if I'm not wrong, so burning to a CD isn't practical and not even necessary :) I like this game for the fact that it has a Linux version included. Not many developers do that! I still have to try it out though...

  5. I think Sega's out for good. They're concentrating more on the games now rather than on consoles and frankly, that's a good thing. They're better at making games and they should stick to it. Okay, so even if they do come out with such a console, unless the games are really good no one would get them - I mean, most of today's games are available for all consoles, and the games which are attached to a particular console (Halo, for example) have to be really good in order to maintain their popularity. In the case of a Sega console, I don't see that happening any soon :)

  6. I feel that the pace at which T17 is going right now is just about right. Imagine if we suddenly got a lot of new members and all of them demanded hosting at once - that would be too much for the servers and would ultimately affect us all. The rate at which new members are coming in right now seems just right for the good of the whole community and I feel we should just move along for now. There are some changes required over all, but as you said, in the coming 3 years, the admin/staff have to decide which ones to implement.


    For me, t17 is cool right now - I would definitely say yes to some changes in the future, but wouldn't want them to be too hurried.

  7. stop with the redirects. get redirects out of your head. whoever put redirects in your head is 100% wrong and you are thinking about them too loosely.

    well in some cases redirects are essential, aren't they? Maybe those cases don't apply here but if properly used redirects are really helpful.


    @Nameless_ I thought you were just adding the scamproof domain as your add-on domain - didn't realize you were trying to redirect it to a particular folder again. (it says so in the title but maybe I'm blind :)) well it does seem to work now - I haven't seen the site in detail yet - just visited the home page - will do so in the morning. Keep up the good work!

  8. OpaQue pointed out correctly that simply having more support staff won't solve the problem, because each and every member of the support team needs to be intelligent and skilled enough to solve the issues that our members run into. And I know most people who are skilled won't readily take up a job like this because they may be having more opportunities elsewhere. But anyway let us be a little patient about this - the current team is working really hard to solve the problems and only a few take a lot of time to get solved and that too if the member isn't able to explain the problem clearly to the support staff.

  9. Once I met a lady from the US who was visiting India for the first time, and she said that in Spain the driving is really outrageous and they simply whizz through everything. And here I was thinking only Indian drives are too carefree!

  10. Wow Baburaj thanks for clearing up a lot of things :) I gave those replies based on limited knowledge but you seem to be a music enthusiast - it was good reading your lengthy reply. Hope to see you someday on the forums...



    Dear Rob:


    I stumbled on your post while searching for hindusthani classical music ringtones, havent yet found them. It is nice to see your interest in Indian classical music. The reply to your post seems to have some misconceptions about Hindusthani music and the differences between Hindusthani and Carnatic music.


    The main differences between Hindusthani and Caranatic music are


    (a) structure of raagas : Eventhough Hindusthani and Carnatic music Are based on the same raaga system, the names(eg: Bhoopali and Mohanam) And the way each raaga (even with the same notes) is treated is quite Different. Hindusthani raagas are characterised by the characterisitc Movement (pakad) and not just by the notes, while Carnatic raagas are More characterised by their notes. It is common in Hindusthani to have Different raagas (eg: Bhoopali and Deshkar) with the same notes, while This is not possible in Carnatic music. So the same raagas (with the same notes) will sound very different when sung in hindusthani and carnatic style. However, there is cross migration of raagas between the two systems (eg Hamswadhwani to hindusthani and Brindavani Saarang to Carnatic), even here I feel that the raagas sound very different when sung in the two systems, especially when hindusthani raagas are sung by carnatic musicians.


    (:o in the style of singing : Hindusthani progresses from a short non-lyrical exposition of the raaga(aalap), then a slow exposition of the raaga through a short lyrical piece(khayal) with increasing tempo culminating in another short lyrical piece sung in fast tempo (drut) ending with taans(fast movements without words but with aah sounds). Carnatic is mostly even paced and more composition based. There is raaga vistaram (similar to aalap) in carnatic music, but they are usually done at an even tempo and in a tyoe of composition called raagam-thanam-pallavai. Taans are also there in carnatic music but usually done as a part of raagam thaanam pallavi. Hindusthani raagas have specific mood and time delineation , lie morning, noon, evening and night raagas, romantic raagas, monsoon raagas. This delineation is very little in Carnatic, eventhough there are some raagas like nattai which are nown to be morning raagas. However Hindusthani musicians will never sing a morning raaga for an evening concert while Carnatic musicians will sing nattai for evening concerts. This shows that the mood and the time of a raaga is not that important in carnatic music.


    © content of music : carnatic being more lyrical and rhythm based while Hindusthani is more mood and raaga based. The lyrics of Carnatic music are entirely hindu devotional while Hindusthani music has devotional (both hindu and muslim), romantic and other types of lyrics.


    In addition, there are other differences like the rhythms (taals) which are in general different in both systems, eventhough there are some common taals (eg teen taal and adi taal). There are also differences in the instruments being used to accompany (tabla, harmoniu, saarangi for hindusthani vocal while mridangam, ganjira, ghatam for carnatic) vocal music in both the systems.


    [ Hindustani music, on the other hand, is more distinguished and though Set in Northern India, has roots from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal (except Afghanistan, the other three were actually a Part of India a long time ago) and hence has masters who are both Hindus and Muslims. That is the reason we have Hindu "pandits" and Muslim "Ustads" like Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, both Well-versed in Hindustani music. Now the question comes as to what is The difference between the two...]


    It is true that Hindusthani music has been influenced by the Persians, who ruled India for many years as Mughals. However, it is quite wrong to say that it has roots in non-Indian (or even non-hindu culture). This seems to be a common misconception among carnatic music enthusiasts. The oldest form of Indian classical music is Dhrupad, which has direct origins from the saama veda chants. Dhrupad music, which still has a large following in india and is quite meditative, evolved into the present khayal based hindusthani music during the time of mughals through improvisations of great musiciams like Tansen, Amir khusroo (inventor of sitar). I feel that Hindusthani music has benefitted from this muslim influence and is hence more inclusive and spiritual than carnatic which has become more of tradition, hereditory lineage, exclusive and hence rigid over the years. After all, there is only one God, whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian and if music is spiritual it should be in priase of all divinity and not just hindu gods.


    [simply put, Carnatic music emphasizes more on singing than Hindustani. Most of the compositions in Carnatic are sung Rather than played on instruments. Hindustani, on the other hand, is a Mix of singing and instrumental. There are similarities between these Two forms too. ]


    This is clearly not true, hindusthani vocal music is and has been the torchbearer of hindusthani music. Vocal music remains the most expressive, important, respected, and popular among serious hindusthani classical music enthusiasts. Ofcourse insturmental music seems to be more appealing to aquaintances of hindusthani music and hence its popularity among the not so serious music enthusiasts.


    Regarding your question about learning Indian classical music, if anybody plans to become a professional musician it is not possible to do that without years of serious study and practice in close proximity with a guru. In hindusthani music, the training of serious candidates is still done in the gurukula system, eventhough the student may not stay with the guru now a days, but will have to attend daily (or more frequent) practice sessions. There are also many students who stay with their gurus and learn the music.


    With the availibility of internet, it is very easy to find music samples. You could search youtube for short and long music clips of various artists. Patric Moutal, Rajan Parrikar and Sunil Mukhi maintain good websites on Hindusthani music. You may even be able to buy Indian instruments online. However if you are seriouly interested in Indian music you could visit India and go around the concert circles in northe and south. It is Music season in Chennai from December, a good place for listening to Carnatic music. There are various Hindusthani music festivals (usually runs for 24 hours to listen to raags of all hues), Sawai Gandharva festival of Pune, Tansen festival, etc are some of the biggest.


    I hope I have answered your queries.


    With best regards



  11. congrats on making the move - it's a good name after all :)After you add scamproof as an add-on domain in your cPanel (takes only a minute to do so), it will get it's own folder and if I'm not wrong, you can access it in multiple ways:



    that's convenient :o

  12. I used support 6-7 times over six months and most of the times only Nikhil Patil was the one who replied. And the response was timely and supportive, just as it was meant to be. But I did begin to wonder about the size of the support team because everytime only one guy replied :) Well in the end it's OpaQue's decision to choose to hire more support staff, but even if he does, it'll take a lot of time to train them and make them efficient

  13. They normally switch to it to increase support for it?not necessarily because it is something worth switching to (although, when it does have all the support it needs, then it may be something worth switching to).

    Well on some aspects they should listen to what the community says and try to implement it - Empathy isn't a popular choice for the default client, but I think they included it based on this support thingy?

  14. Wow yet another one! I agree with rvalkass that we shouldn't get too involved with social networking sites. But then some of our friends may get disappointed if we don't accept their requests. So what I did is i joined Facebook and Orkut, on which most of my friends are, but I never put anything on my profile - no photos, no videos, no status updates, nothing! I only communicate with my friends when required and just leave it at that. This way no outsider can find out about me and the same time my friends also will have my company. I think this is the ideal solution and is safe networking

  15. I stopped at SP2 and then moved on to Ubuntu, but a lot of people gave some negative reviews about SP3 and that was enough to make me stay away from it! I think the debacle for MS started from SP3. First that and then Vista......well things look to improve with 7, but let's not go away from the topic.@nirmaldaniel: I actually had problems installing Visual Studio in SP2 :) I couldn't install it at all until I got the Windows 7 RC. I don't know why that happened though...

  16. I don't know why I'm interested in mail clients now but i want to try using Thunderbird for a while and see if it's good or not. However I don't want to use my regular gmail account for that, and yahoo doesn't allow free users to use mail clients. So my only option is to use my google apps account (for one of my domains). But how do I configure the settings for this? I'm confused by all the server settings that it mentions :) Any help?

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