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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Welcome LoZtLord, to the Xisto forums. I see that you haven't made any new posts yet, so better get started to bring in a lot of myCENTs! You will have to make more than five posts to activate your myCENTs counter and after that it just keeps ticking with every post you make. The others have already pointed out the important threads you should read so I'm not going to give them again - just want to say: Have a good time! :)

  2. Deleting a default (i.e. uncustomized) Ubuntu installation will delete GRUB. The only thing it won't delete is whatever GRUB put into the MBR. This will result in an unbootable system, because "GRUB" can't find GRUB; i think the error number it spits out is 15 or 13 (can't really remember). In order to fully separate GRUB you have to provide a separate partition for the /boot directory. That way when you delete Ubuntu, you will still have GRUB lying around.

    Thanks for clearing that one - I think it's error 17 - saw that quite a number of times...

  3. blah blah blah. why would i want to run linux under windows? the whole point was to get away from ms. hahaha. i may try again if i'm feelin' froggy. the current version of linux though didn't give me the option of insalling on another partition which was strange.....but i was drinkin....that coulda been a factor biggrin.gif

    well I said that only as a quick alternative to try Linux - not entirely switch to it. You said making a trial to switch again would take a while so in the meantime you could use it in Windows; that's what I said :)

  4. I didn't know paypal had so many restrictions! I was glad it accepted registrations from India recently (not too recently - a few years back) and luckily it didn't ask for any verifications for bank account. In case of Bangladesh and Nepal I think the only thing left to do for paypal is to write to them and ask them for suggestions to help you. Otherwise as many people have mentioned above, try using other sites for getting your money...

  5. Hmm I remember answering at least three more threads like this already.......it would be helpful if we didn't have many similar threads....oh well let me answer this one last time - SMF when it comes to free software and IPB when it comes to paid software. One simple reason for both choices - easy to use, great customizations, and excellent community-support!!!

  6. Wow I didn't know that you won a prize - so first of all congratulations! :) I think you're better off with a free domain for this one, because it's just a display site as you mentioned and if it gets really popular then you could consider getting a TLD. I don't have any suggestions right now but the ones above do seem good - if you're trying for a co.cc domain then I'm sure you'll get lots of options...Hmm I'll think of something in the meantime

  7. Do you think that's a strange question? Well these days a lot of people are doing all their banking tasks online and they hardly have a reason to visit the bank. Most companies are depositing their employees' salaries directly in their accounts so no more paycheques - and the employees simply transfer it to another account (or keep it there if they like) by using Internet banking. For shopping there are ATMs, credit cards and of course, Internet banking can be used for shopping as well. So where does a visit to the bank come in all this? :) This situation may not apply to everyone, but day-by-day most people seem to adapting the quick way. As for me, if I remember correctly, I last visited my bank in July, to apply for Internet banking, and after that I haven't been there till now! So what about you?

  8. what??? you too?

    :o Well yes - those were the days when I was taking my baby steps in the world of web hosting and was over-enthusiastic. My original intention was to order as an outside but I didn't notice that I was signed in at that moment and poof! The order was made! Well it's a kind of an experience and I enjoyed the moments of tension a little bit! :)

  9. Some people think they own a particular page - once I tried adding additional content to an article and it was removed within an hour! I tried doing it again, this time improving the quality of writing, but it was removed yet again - and after three days the same information appeared, but it was written by someone else - the "owner", maybe! :)

  10. i just recently decided to give linux a try so i downloaded the latest version of ubuntu. i really liked the simplicity of it although i really didn't do much exploring. i tried to set it up as a duel boot but i went wrong somewhere because when i would try to boot vista, it wouldn't boot. i had a little trouble with drivers too. anyway, i decided to give up and just reformat and reinstall my apps for vista only. i hope i get the guts to try again soon because i really did like the feel of ubuntu and would be worth it spending my time to learn the os because for a long time now, i wanted to stop supporting ms. maybe one day. my first attempt failed sad.gif

    Oh that's just sad - I think the GRUB utility that loads the OSes didn't install properly. Anyway, if you want to use Ubuntu as a test drive for a while, you can always install it inside Windows (pop the CD in when you're in Windows and you'll get that option) - it will just install to a folder and you won't have to bother about partitions or other hassles...

  11. I think the most common reason why people have given mixed reviews is that they didn't like the idea of only the protagonist and his family getting saved - they were just plain lucky but why should only they be chosen to be saved? (I mean chosen by the script!) Ok I think it's high time we stopped talking about this movie anyway - no matter what personal opinions are, the movie's a hit (in my town hollywood movies barely last a week but this one's taken in almost $11000 in it first week) and it'll be remembered only for its special effects! :)

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