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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. yeah, i was disappointed not because a lot of people replied to my topic but there isn't anyone to reply ohmy.gifand this is really a disaster for the forum. and for us of course, since lately things here are so boring. i hope it getting well so soon.

    This topic has run into three pages so I think there's no reason to be disappointed anymore? :P;) I told you, just give the members some time and they will eventually come back :P

  2. about me, my name means beauty or charm and yes i like it. even i knew that they thought of naming me something related to dawn or mornings, thanks god they didn't. and my father is the one who chose my name.

    So you spread the beauty and charm around, or do you keep it to yourself? ;) It's a good, simple and meaningful.


    actually, it's not very unique to me. my forum name is my initials. thus, the three i's. i am the third

    Oh so I finally got to know the secret behind your user name :P I agree with web_designer; your name suits you :P


    My real name is taken from a Sanskrit word, simple meaning The Sun. I like it very much, but it's way too common over here; too many people have the same name. But still, it's a really good name for me.

  3. Hello and welcome to the community! You've sure got a strange username, but everyone's strange over here ;) I see that you haven't posted anything yet except this thread. Take a stroll in the forum and you'll surely find a lot of interesting topics to talk about, and you can start a thread or two about your favourite topics as well. Looking forward to meeting you in the forums!

  4. i just expected more replies here but it seems there are no many of members to reply smile.gif

    The Vent is located somewhere along the lower end of the forum, so not many people pass through here :P And the few that do are unsure on what to say. They'd rather spend their time writing about what they're clear about, rather than think of an excuse for not being in here! :P

    Well the truth is you can stack up your myCENT and save it up to more than enough to buy like 1 year or more logic plan. The default package option for logic plan is about USD $19 in yearly payment. If you choose to buy the domain together, it'll be about USD $30 for 1 year forward.Even with my laziness, i think i can make it in weeks without any junk post if i think i have to.

    Yesterday i was able to earn about 30+ myCENT for writing one post from my mobile phone. It was about 10 sms in length. Now let's say if i really need to do it, i'll just make another 100 similar 10 sms length posts to earn just about $30, buy the package, then disappear for the whole year tongue.gif

    Oh, not to mention the decade plan which is absolutely a newbie friendly package. Now talking about it, Maybe i'll buy it tomorrow august to move my main site, or... Just combine the two in one logic pro? I wonder... wink.gif

    Don't be so sure that it's easy to stack up the money. Once your post count increases a certain level, the amount of myCENTs you get per post decreases. I think this is one of the factors which discourages long-time members from posting frequently. Let's see - you're over 300 posts right now; just wait till you cross 500 and you'll notice what I mean ;)

  5. Have you put your ticket under the 'Critical' category? That will bring it to their attention immediately.It's weird that no one is responding at this time. My account was suspended too a fortnight ago and in a day or two I'll get the required credit so I'll have to write to them. I hope you get a reply by that time. Else, I'll join you in the waiting list waiting for my hosting account to be kickstarted again!

  6. so you are decide to start from scratch, at least we all did. the first editor i used for coding is notepad, it lets you learn step by step and learn from your mistakes. but if you find it hard to trace errors try an advanced notepad, for me the best are editplus and tswebeditor, the first one isn't free but you can use the trial version but the second is, have fun and good luck. we are looking for your site.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely try out the notepad replicas you mentioned and choose among the best. And I'll put up my site here for review as soon as possible :P


    I think PHP is getting bullied a bit here as being insecure...


    PHP is like the engine of your car. Sure you can build a car without an engine but it doesnt do anything! It just rusts.


    Put the engine in and you can take it places. The disadvantage is so can someone else, so then they invented the key ignition, anti-hotwring etc.... it isnt difficult to make a moderately secure website. It might not stand up to a military level attack but it will damn sure stop chancers.


    I just dont see any reason *not* to use PHP (ASP is just nasty dirty Microsoft


    I think I'm responsible for all the bullying of PHP- I asked everyone to talk only about HTML :( You rightly mentioned that if the car has an engine, anyone can take it places, and not just the owner. In order to avoid that risk I want to make the car stationary and ask people from other places to visit instead ;)


    My site is definitely longer than 10 pages so I'm not sure entirely whether to stick to the first HTML-only plan or to use PHP too....the sensible thing would be to use PHP, maybe? Needs a bit of pondering.


    And I'm not scared of any military-level attacks as I have no info of that sort :P I'm just cautious about my own friends.


    Gedit is pretty much similar, you should go to Edit --> Preferences to use its more important programming features (Choose the programming language, Display line numbers, Highlight current line, Highlight matching bracket, enable some Add-ons that are useful). I don't personally use Gedit that much, but I have a friend who does, so I think these are all of the options.

    I like Gedit for the fact that it's pre-installed in Ubuntu :( I think I'm too lazy - anyway, I'll check out the various editors mentioned in this thread. I want the coding process to be as smooth as possible.

    Also, a good idea is to check your work in all browsers - I don't know if the most popular ones are available on Linux, but you can use Browser shots to test it online.

    Firefox, Opera and Chrome are available in Linux; IE and Safari are not (haven't checked under WINE, though). The site you mentioned seems to be useful in this case. Thanks! :D


    If you're looking for good source editors, I suggest Bluefish for Ubuntu (you can find it in the repository). And then there's my favorite, Crimson Editor. This editor doesn't run on Linux by default, but you can make it run by using WINE. You should have wine installed already, it's handy.

    I've used bluefish for a brief while before and it was indeed handy. However I stuck to gedit as it was lighter and faster. I haven't heard about Crimson editor till now, but since I have WINE I'll take it for a trial run soon.

    Anyway, as far as using PHP, it's useful even if you're using flat files. If your site will have more than one page but with some similar components like navigation and header, then use PHP to include your navigation, footer and header from their own files, this way you'll only have to edit your navigation or header file, and it'll take effect across the whole site. Makes it easier than having to edit every navigation bar in every one of your pages. And it has no impact on your site's security.

    If PHP will help in that sort of way without affecting the site's security it is indeed worth taking a look. I need to go through some PHP tutorials though - never touched it till now, and I haven't much time for looking at too many lessons.


    That way my site is always consistent and the content is exactly where i need it when i need it. When i need to make a new page all i need to do is write a text document with relevant CSS classes and BR tags and upload it. Usually my links are also contained within a text file formatted with A tags and CSS and they too are dynamically included. That way once my file is uploaded i write *one* link into my links file and that is it. If i have 3 pages or 300 it doesnt matter. It is so easy to update.

    Wow that sure sounds an easy way to update the site. I don't know about 300 but I'll definitely be having more than 10 pages so I could use tips like these!

    I would like to clarify that HTML is not a scripting language but is rather a markup language, as the acronym's expansion indicates - it is a Hypertext Markup Language

    Well I think that's one of the many basic things I need to learn about HTML :(


    It's May 3 today - around three more weeks till I get my freedom and start coding. All these ideas are buzzing in my head and the heat isn't helping either :( Anyway, thanks for another round of discussion folks :D

  7. Oops! Looks like I missed out on my own topic. I see that the general argument is that since the internal workings of a computer still involves number-crunching, it should retain its name. Yes, that is indeed a valid argument. But apart from computers lovers and students, does the general public care about the binary system?! Do they care how the software that they use day-in and out works? No, they just want to get their work done.


    You may ask, if they just want to get their work done, then where is the time to think about the name of the computer? That's also a valid argument, and I can't seem to think of a proper way to counter it ;) I just feel that it's time for a change and it would be wonderful to see some ideas come by, to try and implement the change.

  8. Yet to upgrade to latest version. And with my broadband issues i guess it'll take some time for me to update it. Didn't tried last kubuntu version. I want to try that as well. Not sure what are the improvements to KDE side last few months. I hope it is much improved now. By the way how much time it'll take for upgrade ? (i've 128kbps broadband connection)

    If I remember correctly, they've put in the RC version of the new KDE in Kubuntu. So I guess that means more visual appeal? I haven't tried out Kubuntu because the less resource-hungry Ubuntu itself isn't working properly on my old system! I think it's become something like Windows Vista - on old systems it behaves strangely! ;)

    The Ubuntu servers are really stressed out right now and fetching all the files with the update manager is taking hours, even on fast connections (on my first attempt it took 2 hours to fetch the files - that was on the first day it released). I guess till the first week it will remain like that. For my second attempt I downloaded a copy using BitTorrent and it was over within 90 minutes on my 2mbps connection. So I guess a faster way to upgrade would be to burn the iso to a cd and then upgrade via the cd?

  9. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 (not Kubuntu) to see if i would get the same problems from #1 and #2. My NTFS partition was picked up and i can access it. The time it takes to boot up and log in is about the same as when i was testing 10.04 in Kubuntu (though perhaps slightly faster do to there being no splash). The other three mentioned in your review aren't necessarily problems, but i do find myself reaching to the upper right when i want to close the window, only to get reminded that it is at the upper left now.

    After writing that rather hasty review, sense prevailed on me and I guess the only real fault with Lynx is that it doesn't like my hardware :P I've seen some reviews scattered here and there over the internet, and a few pre=release videos on Youtube, and none of them seemed to have problems # 1 and 2. Talking about the first problem, I noticed that the NTFS partitions keep appearing randomly; I had 10 sessions yesterday and the partitions appeared around four times; in the remaining sessions they were invisible.


    I got a doubt whether the installer CD has any fault, and that's why I'm downloading another copy right now, and I'm going to burn the iso image at the lowest speed possible to avoid any damage, and if the fresh install still continues to give the same problems, then I guess it's back to Koala for me till I get a new PC!!!

    The other three mentioned in your review aren't necessarily problems, but i do find myself reaching to the upper right when i want to close the window, only to get reminded that it is at the upper left now.

    I didn't exactly label them as problems - just tiny little things that disrupt the smooth experience! ;) There are ways to fix all three of them, but for a new user it can be very daunting.

  10. I have just seen a video on Youtube the new Ubuntu is out so I went ahead and downloaded it. I am currently running it on Virtual Box as I really do hate the lack of Windows compatibility on the Ubuntu OS though I do like the layout/theme of it as well as many other features. Though over all Its one I despise of the most.

    If you hate the fact of the lack of Windows compatibility on Ubuntu, did you stop to think if there is Ubuntu compatibility on Windows? :P There's Wine for running Windows apps on Ubuntu and if I'm not wrong there's a similar software to run Ubuntu apps on Windows too (not very sure). So that's not a very good reason for not liking Ubuntu ;)

    This is something i have been experiencing, at least something similar to it, ever since the beta "testing." The system doesn't freeze per se (as i could still hear the music playing), but the monitor does go into power-saving mode and the mouse or keyboard, or turning the monitor on or off, doesn't make things come back; restarting being the only solution. This has been very random and it has been quite hard to determine the exact issue, but it could be do to composition mode. For me it tends to happen whenever i have Google Chrome and Firefox open and one of them had initiated the flash plug-in sometime in the past (and the system does some window compositing). However, do to the fact that it has happened to be once randomly when i didn't have those two open, i can't say that flash or either browser is the problem. I have yet to do a clean install of Ubuntu (Kubuntu), so i'm not sure if this problem is even present still.

    I finally installed the final release and restarted the system at least 10 times in two hours, and luckily, this freezing bug hasn't appeared till now. But there sure are a lot of other bugs that I found!!


    If anyone's interested they can read my short, insignificant review of Lynx over here To give the review in a single word---- disappointing! :P

  11. I don't know whether I should blame Canonical or my 8-year old PC, but I'm really disappointed with the Lynx :P It's getting positive reviews in a lot of places so I guess I have my old PC to blame. But there's no denying the fact that the same old PC was able to run older versions of Ubuntu without a hitch. So there must be something wrong with the Lynx!


    Before I go ahead and compose the list of things that are wrong with it, let me tell you that I've used it for only about two hours, but I think I saw what I needed to see.


    Usually to keep things positive I start off with the good points, but there hardly seem to be any to write about...maybe the only good things are the improved theme, built-in social networking client (Gwibber) and the faster boot-up time (more about that later). Other than this I didn't find anything worth putting under the "good" category.


    Now off to the "bad" category. Oh and this category definitely needs a list! ;)


    1) Where are my ntfs partitions?!!! Since I use dual-boot, I keep most of my data in NTFS partitions so that they can be accessed by both Ubuntu and Windows. Lynx gave me a huge shock when it failed to detect the NTFS partitions! This is a weird bug and I don't know if anyone else has got it so far. Without all my data what am I supposed to do in Ubuntu.


    2) It's too damn slow!!!! I've always liked Ubuntu because of its speed. Unlike Windows, which became slow and bloated after sometime, Ubuntu never lost its speed. I don't know what's wrong with Lynx, but everything is going on in slow motion. Since mine is an old PC, I never expected to get the "10-second" booting time as promised, but was still surprised to note that the startup music played on in just around 17 seconds. That's the sign indicating the system is ready, right?

    Wrong! Even though the music plays within 17 seconds, the system isn't ready for another 30 seconds! :P It's just that slow. And if I try to open anything - a browser, a file manager, a music player - it takes at least 10-15 seconds to open. Once again I'm not sure if only I've got this bug everyone else.


    3) The placement of the Window controls on the left side -- it may be nice and different to look but is definitely confusing and irritating to use regularly. Yes, over time one may get used to it but I use Ubuntu and Windows so different schemes for both OSes creates more confusion.


    4) GIMP is no longer pre-installed. After including PiTv video editor and Gwibber, I guess they had no more room left for it.


    5) The default 'keyring' prompt pops up everytime I try to use Gwibber, and I didn't seem to find an option to turn it on permanently (there was an option in 9.10 if I remember correctly). So everytime I restarted the system, the prompt popped up, which is a bit irritating.


    Well that's what I got after using it for two hours. The new version of Firefox seems pretty good and I had no problems using the internet. It was the offline work that was full of bugs. I'm going to re-install karmic koala in the evening again - clearly something is wrong with atleast my copy of Lynx. I tried to read reviews but no major sites have put up reviews of the final version yet. All I find are reviews of the RC.


    If there are any experienced users who haven't found these problems in the final version, please share them. And any new users planning to start with 10.04, I'd recommend waiting for a few days, or to start with 9.10 first.

  12. Has it updated already? Wow, they sure are doing pretty good o.o
    Anyway, i'm still fixing my failtop so i guess i'll pend this update. Since it already hours from that 2am free bandwidth of yours, Have you update yours? How is it? Pretty much better than koala or can't find anything different?

    Hey Simple, have you already tried it out? How was it?
    I don't have a computer right now, just died, but will buy soon. I'm thinking of buying a laptop w/o OS and just install Ubuntu in it. If you're initial review of Lucid Lynx, I'll buy the laptop in a few days. Otherwise, I'll research more for better deals.

    Well call it bad luck but I couldn't complete the update : ( The download was finished and the installation process was going on and there was a sudden power cut and it was dead. That's the main disadvantage of updating instead of installing - you lose your old installation too. Maybe there is a way to fix it but I know it'll take a lot of tinkering so I decided to wait until tomorrow and download a fresh copy again.

    Well I wasn't able to install it but I can sure share a few words on what the rest of the sensible world is saying about this version ;)

    --> The boot time has supposedly been cut down drastically. On old systems it'll be fast but on new systems it's supposed to be fast as lightening!

    --> The default theme has been changed to purple and the window control buttons have been moved to the left of the window (this style is used in os x?) That will definitely seem weird for new users :P

    --> That was a brief report about the good part. Now the bad part - there's been some discussion about a bug in the release which affects systems with particular graphic cards - it reportedly freezes the system after boot and the user cant do anything except restart. I don't have much info about this bug but it was mentioned for the release candidate - not sure if the final release is free of this bug or not.

    I can't review much without installing it, and I'm sure far more advanced users than me are on this forum, and their reviews will be the one to watch out for :P Anyway I plan to stay up till 2 and download and get the OS installed so that I can play with it till it's college time.

    I don't have a computer right now, just died, but will buy soon. I'm thinking of buying a laptop w/o OS and just install Ubuntu in it. If you're initial review of Lucid Lynx, I'll buy the laptop in a few days. Otherwise, I'll research more for better deals.

    I bought a netbook without an OS a month ago and installed Ubuntu 9.10. That saved me a lot of money and there have been no problems at all. I know some laptop manufacturers ship them with Ubuntu pre-installed but still it would be better to get an empty laptop and install it yourself :D

    Still around five hours to go before I get my free bandwidth again - I'm hoping to login tomorrow from Lynx!!

  13. I don't know to what extent Canonical believes the 2009 releases of Ubuntu to be a success, but I for one can't wait to get rid of Karmic Koala (9.10). It hasn't given me much problems but 9.04 and 9.10 have somehow been more troublesome than the previous versions. Anyway, now at last the latest version 10.04, codenamed Lucid Lynx is here; released around an hour ago, and I'm waiting till my clock shows 2am (free bandwidth) so that I can upgrade immediately.


    I don't know how many more people on this forum are as excited as me about this release, but I do know that there are quite a few number of Ubuntu fans out there. Well you can get your upgrade/fresh copy at https://www.ubuntu.com/ now ;)


    There are a lot of changes in this release but my most favourite one is the faster boot-up time. The folks at Canonical did some major tinkering with the boot process and it's now supposed to be super-fast. Can't wait to try that out :P

  14. The computer has become a very important part of our lives today, and all of us depend directly or indirectly on computers for most of the things we do.


    If I remember well, the computer got its name from the adding machine which was the earliest form of a computer. So basically the word computer means A machine which calculates.


    This name was suitable for the earliest types of computers which did nothing else but complex calculations. But today the common people don't use computers just for calculations. In fact, they hardly use it for calculations; they use it for a variety of other purposes that can hardly come under "calculations".


    So I think it's about time the computer was renamed to something more sensible. Obviously that's not going to happen any soon, but it doesn't hurt to talk about it. Any suggestions? ;)

  15. I found this weird site a few moments ago and it was really funny! And they claim they have hundreds of followers! It's



    I didn't spend much time on the site but from what I saw I could say that there were some people who indeed believe in google as a religion! Of course most of these are atheists in real life; they think of Google as God because it......oops sorry, the site prefers to refer to Google as 'she' ;) - ok, so she answers all their queries and prayers by providing the right results whenever and wherever they want. Also, they believe Google is God because she is present everywhere (virtually). There seems to be some serious thought behind this site. Just take a look at the proof they've offered to prove that Google is God!


    Posted Image</b></p> ? PROOF #1

    Google is the closest thing to an Omniscient (all-knowing) entity in existence, which can be scientifically verified. She indexes over 9.5 billion WebPages, which is more than any other search engine on the web today. Not only is Google the closest known entity to being Omniscient, but She also sorts through this vast amount of knowledge using Her patented PageRank technology, organizing said data and making it easily accessible to us mere mortals.


    ? PROOF #2


    Google is everywhere at once (Omnipresent). Google is virtually everywhere on earth at the same time. Billions of indexed WebPages hosted from every corner of the earth. With the proliferation of Wi-Fi networks, one will eventually be able to access Google from anywhere on earth, truly making Her an omnipresent entity.


    ? PROOF #3


    Google answers prayers. One can pray to Google by doing a search for whatever question or problem is plaguing them. As an example, you can quickly find information on alternative cancer treatments, ways to improve your health, new and innovative medical discoveries and generally anything that resembles a typical prayer. Ask Google and She will show you the way, but showing you is all She can do, for you must help yourself from that point on.


    ? PROOF #4

    Google is potentially immortal. She cannot be considered a physical being such as ourselves. Her Algorithms are spread out across many servers; if any of which were taken down or damaged, another would undoubtedly take its place. Google can theoretically last forever.


    ? PROOF #5

    Google is infinite. The Internet can theoretically grow forever, and Google will forever index its infinite growth.


    ? PROOF #6


    Google remembers all. Google caches WebPages regularly and stores them on its massive servers. In fact, by uploading your thoughts and opinions to the internet, you will forever live on in Google's cache, even after you die, in a sort of "Google Afterlife".


    ? PROOF #7

    Google can "do no evil" (Omnibenevolent). Part of Google's corporate philosophy is the belief that a company can make money without being evil.


    ? PROOF #8


    According to Google trends, the term "Google" is searched for more than the terms "God", "Jesus", "Allah", "Buddha", "Christianity", "Islam", "Buddhism" and "Judaism" combined.


    God is thought to be an entity in which we mortals can turn to when in a time of need. Google clearly fulfils this to a much larger degree than traditional "gods"


    ? PROOF #9


    Evidence of Google's existence is abundant. There is more evidence for the existence of Google than any other God worshiped today. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If seeing is believing, then surf over to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and experience for yourself Google's awesome power. No faith required.


    Reading all this makes you think if this is a serious thing. But if you get time, take a look at their commandments and you'll begin to wonder if all of this is just a joke. Anyway, have a good time at the church! :P


  16. The only way to hack the code is if you have access to the code. The user accessing the page will always be given the already parsed compilation. However, the browser will always render any and all HTML (and JavaScript). The worst case scenario of an incompetent developer would be using eval() on unfiltered user input. That's the same as giving anyone the ability to write their own PHP scripts on your server. It's not necessarily PHP with the flaws but the developer. PHP provides you with all that you need to keep your code safe, you just have to make use of them. Yeah, it'll take some time to learn all of this, especially if you don't have any previous knowledge on other similar languages, but this knowledge should be necessary for anyone seeking to learn the language.

    Oh, if there's all that stuff to learn about before making the code safe, then I guess I'm better off without PHP. I want to build everything from scratch so silly errors on my part are risky. Anyway it was good to know my options and I knew there was a reason for PHP to be so popular :P

    @SimpletonFrontpage is crap, Dreamweaver better. If you have used Frontpage, it's possible you didn't like what you saw. wink.gif

    Yup there wasn't anything too impressive in Frontpage; it just showed me what a basic website would look like. I guess the only positive point about Frontpage is that even confused folks like me can get the work done faster, even though that work is below standards!

    But hey, if you'd like to make your own website (which I see you will) go to http://www.w3schools.com/ and download a program like Notepad ++ and GIMP to make your sites.

    I have gedit in Ubuntu which I think is almost the same as Notepad++? And GIMP is pre-installed on Ubuntu so all I have to wait for is the time to start!

    Also, I don't know if anyone recommended this to you, but Blogger or Wordpress.com could be the solution you're looking for because they are a simple CMS, there are some pre-made templates for them, Blogger has a simple website builder and you can change your template's HTML,... Maybe you could think about that.

    Actually I'm already using Wordpress to power my blog and am very impressed with it. But as I said before I want the work for this new website to be done by me; A-Z! :P That's why I've ruled out using all kinds of CMS. Still, thanks for the flow of suggestions ;)

  17. Thank you everyone for your valuable suggestions ;) They've made a lot of good points.


    @web_designer : I do intend to use some images but not flash, and even the images that I want to use will be compressed so I don't think it'll make a lot of difference. And yes, using CSS does seem to be a sensible thing to do.


    @web_designer part 2: I've used WYSIWYG editors in the past and even tried Dreamweaver (not cs3 though; an earlier version maybe) once for a sample page, but maybe I didn't do everything right; it didn't make much sense to me and I ended up using notepad to code the sample page. I think I'm going to stay away from those editors in the beginning and if things get too messy I'll take their help.


    @truefusion : I've considered using a CMS already, but it'll just make things too heavy, even with the little matter I have, and I don't think I'll be needing any complex features like the ones you mentioned. My site is mostly like a reference site, so the visitors will focus on the matter, instead of the design, and in any case they won't be spending a lot of time over there. So I think using a CMS will just slow down things....


    @StvenWesley: Many people have told me that PHP is really very easy but it also makes the code hackable, doesn't it? That's the main reason I'm staying away from it. And no matter how easy it is to learn, it'll still take some time, and that is exactly what I don't have right now.

    Your point about SEO was interesting - it makes me all the more excited to use HTML.


    @shadowx : You made a really strong statement that HTML-only sites are really boring, and even a small part of the site coded dynamically would make it look better; I agree with that point. However, that's one of the factors egging me on to use HTML. How many HTML-only sites have a good reputation today? I'm aiming to make my site look unique by using the old-fashioned way of coding :P


    @shadowx part 2: I'm on your side about the WYSIWYG editors. I don't know how they help new coders. Maybe I'm just too stupid but I learned more by using notepad than with Dreamweaver. It just ended up confusing me more. Frontpage wasn't so bad in the beginning but it lacked a lot of features. So there I was, back to notepad.


    @Little Asterisk : WYSIWYG editors are useful for some people but maybe I'm just not one of them. I've tried twice in the past but it just didn't work out. Maybe I need to get a For Dummies... book for using those editors!



    Once again thanks to all for the help. I hope to start work on the site in early June and post it here for your stern reviews by early July :P

  18. Well you may know my site Tiny- L-X, the index page is HTML though contains PHP and .CSS to make it look good and for the URL script to work (Obviously) now for a site with just content and maybe a few web widgets I would go with HTML and maybe make it in DreamWeaver or something. Though if It is going to be mine and you don't have the time just code it in PHP.
    I have to agree with you on the time thing about learning languages I rarely do though some how fit it in.

    Obviously I too want my site to look good but I have only one month of holidays in June to spare. If I use up that time tinkering with new languages I may not create anything impressive. On the other hand if I use HTML progress will be faster as I already know a little bit about that; and somehow I think amongst the crowd of php sites, a plain HTML site will stand out ;) On top of that it will be easier and faster to load on all computers with all types of connections. That's my theory...

  19. i don't think there is a certain language secure than another, especially for HTML it is only a HyperText Markup Language, it isn't deal with database like PHP or ASP

    . i think you can use some scripts for security but you want only to use HTML then it is not an option.

    I don't want to bring in all the stuff like databases - I want to keep the site as simple as possible. It may not be very easy to edit large amounts of text with HTML, but at least I'll know what I'm doing!

    HTML, PHP and Java all perform very different functions. If all you want to do is display static information that you don't mind editing by hand then HTML is perfect. It's simple to learn and there are plenty of excellent resources out there to help you. If you need advanced features, such as creating a login system

    , allowing people to edit the content online, etc then you will need to use PHP to create that code.

    I said wikipedia only in the sense that it's supposed to provide information, and not in the sense that users will be allowed to edit the content ;) So I'm not planning on any of the complex stuff you mentioned. And reading your words I'm beginning to think HTML is indeed perfect for my purpose.


    HTML is infinitely safer than PHP. As HTML doesn't process any user-inputted information, there is no way HTML allows any form of hacking or malicious activity by your visitors. If you introduce PHP and start processing input from the user then you open up loads of security problems.

    That's a relief to know. Thanks a lot!

  20. I saw this topic and tried to login at Xisto and I got in. I hope everyone else is able to log in as well. In the past when this happened, there was a time when some people were able to log in and some couldn't. But anyway the problem lasts only a few hours everytime. It would be nice if info about frequent errors like this was put up in a sticky thread - it would save a lot of time for users experiencing it for the first time and it would save the forum repetitive threads!

  21. I have an idea for a website which I want to code entirely on my own. But the problem is that I have neither the skill nor the time required to learn languages like php and java which are required to improve the visual appeal of a website, and also make it dynamic and robust. In fact I don't think in my present situation I can't learn any language thoroughly except for HTML, which is of course, the most basic scripting language. I don't want my website to be "visually-appealing" - the primary intention is to get it loaded as fast as possible, and that's why I'm thinking of using only HTML and nothing else to build the site. The only concern I have is, will it be safe? Not many people will know about the site, but I'm planning to let some acquaintances at a reputed university to review the site, and they are capable of doing some mischief :P Actually I don't have to worry so much as it's an information site, pretty much like wikipedia but on a minuscule scale, so not many people would be interested in tinkering with it. But if something goes wrong when someone important is viewing the site, it would be really embarrassing; that's why I;m very concerned about security, and if using only HTML makes its security wafer-thin I would like to reconsider my options. So could someone please shed some light on this matter? (ooh it's been a while since I used that phrase ;) )

  22. So we're discussing this same topic yet again?! More myCENTs for me ;)I remember someone on this very forum commenting that IPB V3 is too buggy? I'm too lazy to find that thread now so I can't gather much details, but I remember the replies to that thread supporting the view that IPB v3 isn't ready for our forum, at least not yet. I don't know how far this is true as I haven't much G.K. about the differences between the old and new versions, but it would be a good idea to keep the stability factor in mind when upgrading to the newer version. For a forum as big as T17/KS, it's much too risky to just take chances...

  23. I'll feel stupid if there's been a thread about this earlier, but since there wasn't one in the Alerts and Notices forum, I thought I'd start it over here.Ok so there have been some changes in the forum lately, and while the change of name was good, I still miss the trap. Anyway that's a lengthy debatable topic. I think the more exciting and welcome change is that there has been another addition to the moderating team and this time it's our good ol' anwiii - who's been helpfully poking into almost every topic in the forums since a long time :P So, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That said, I'd better watch out now, 'coz a powerful word-spinner has been given the power to edit anyone's posts now ;) And in case anyone gets the doubt why I'm starting this thread in spite of the fact that half the forum knows the news already, well I just felt that since the previous "new mod" (galexcd) got a welcome thread we should have fun for the latest mod as well :P

  24. I'm broke - that's the reason I came crawling back here ahead of schedule :PActually this isn't a good time for me to try and write something sensible, as my semester exams are round the corner (three days, to be precise) , and I should be dabbling about 'software testing methodologies' or 'microprogramming' instead of 'how to earn myCENTs quickly'But life is hard - I'm in no position to pay off the $7 debt with real money (my hosting account's been suspended already!) - and I have to raise the same amount for the next month as well; once the exams start I may not have enough energy left to login and make some posts which make at least half the sense that this one does....Oops, I think it's time to write something more sensible in this topic now - but I don't think it'll make any sense to others by reading about a college student's rant about how unfair life can be! :DBut hey, this is the vent, so I'm allowed to kick out all the bad feelings, and I'm assuming that writing over 200 words which don't make sense when put together is also part of that ;)To cut the long story short, this is just to notify you that over the next three days you may see a number of boring, illogical and meaningless threads in the forum. Please understand that it is a desperate member's attempt to raise some money that doesn't really exist :P

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