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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I didn't read much details of this news, but I found it highly disturbing. Apparently, some gang members lured approximately 60 people by telling them they could have a job, then murdered them and sold their body fat to European cosmetic laboratories. The Peruvian police intercepted a shipment of human body fat and tissue. They say the going price for human fat is around $4200/Litre in Europe. Very disturbing and disgusting...I'm sure you can find more information on Google, I might have the details wrong as I only briefly overheard this news.PS: Sorry about the bad grammar in the title! It didn't really fit so I had to improvise.
  2. Hey Sea Mac, welcome to Xisto. I took a quick look at SoftwareSanta and it was nice. Interesting theme! I plan to become a member and check it out more thoroughly later. See you around!
  3. I would like more information on the Nas Tarang if you can find any. It is interesting. Thanks.
  4. I used to eat/drink a lot of sugar, not an abnormal amount, but an average person's amount. Lots of sugary drinks, like fruit juice (there's a lot of sugar in most of it!), pop/soda, lots of chocolate, cookies, candy. I used to eat the sweetest cereals I could find, and then keep a bowlful of sugar with me to sprinkle on after every spoonful. When I baked cookies or something, I never skimped on the sugar the recipe called for. I used to think you'd have to be a masochist to enjoy strong coffee without spoonfuls of sugar in it. Then one day, I thought, "You know, maybe all this sugar isn't good for me? What would happen if I cut back?". I stopped putting sugar on my cereal, I stopped putting sugar in my coffee, I cut back on the sugar in my recipes, I gave up sugary drinks completely. It wasn't a very difficult transition, in fact, I hardly even remember the change in diet happening. Now I cannot stand the taste of sugar in most things. I got a coffee with sugar in it a while ago and I could have vomited, it was so overpowering. I couldn't eat cereal with sugar on it, and I find even the sweeter cereals (like frosted ones etc) hard to eat. I eat even the most plain cereals with no sugar, bran flakes, whatever. I wouldn't be caught drinking pop/soda any more either. I used to like fruit juice, but it's all too sweet for me now. If I was at a fast food place, and had to get pop/soda (if it was part of some deal or something), it would be diet and I'd load it with ice to water it down. I don't know what the moral of my story is, but I found it interesting how I had such a dramatic change in my tastes once I stopped eating sugar. It's almost as if you eat a lot of sugar, your body craves more, like a drug. Seeing as too much sugar is supposedly bad for you, I'm kind of glad that my tastes did change. I don't think it really made me feel any healthier, but whatever. I also began to notice that there is a LOT of sugar in stuff we eat here in the western world (I don't know about anywhere else). Things like bread. You wouldn't think of bread as candy, but it's pretty darn close to tasting like candy to me now. That WonderBread brand _IS_ candy, I think! It's so sweet (and gross, to me). So, do you like to eat a lot of sugary foods?
  5. Django is a name I've been seeing a lot of lately, what exactly is it, and what is it good for? I know I could just look it up instead of asking, but what fun would that be? I gather it's for developing webpages with Python.. something I've never experimented much with.
  6. It certainly is a unique instrument. I can't even understand how it is played. It looks like he isn't doing anything, yet music comes out. Are you sure he's not humming into it or something? Operating by pressure in veins doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand how it's possible? It's amazing that he can make sound come out of it at all. I don't think it's an instrument that I would want to play however. It looks stressful and uncomfortable. I can't find a single thing on Google about the Nas Tarang to satisfy my curiosity about it. It must be extremely rare or there's a different spelling for it.
  7. It sounds like there was some deleting done in Program Files. You say Program Files still exists, but that's most likely because _everything_ can't be deleted as it can't delete it when it's running (even in the background, like part of Cubase's dongle stuff). It would explain why some programs still work, but poorly. I can't remember how much Windows vital stuff resides in Program Files (I'm on Ubuntu, can't check), but I think that folder might really just be for Programs, which would explain why Windows still boots up and works normal and the only problem is the applications. Nothing important to the OS was touched. This would be better-than-nothing news since it would mean fixing it would be more time consuming than difficult, just re-install the software and see if it works.It's not looking too good for a quick fix, though. There are some un-delete programs that can restore deleted files, and if you're lucky, they might be able to undelete some stuff. I wouldn't be too hopeful about that though. I've tried them a few times and they don't work so great, but since you only recently deleted stuff, it might work.As for the registry, since you're obviously using some utility apps, you might have used a registry cleaner already in the past? These almost always make backups of the registry, and might be able to restore it. BUT, I'm not sure if I would rush to do this, because restoring to a month old registry might things worse, and more chaotic. ZSoft may not have even done any damage to the registry.I personally don't think a registry cleaner would be a good idea right now. Their main purpose is to delete registry entries that it deems unimportant, and I don't think deleting more stuff is what you need. It might make things worse.
  8. I'm not famiilar with ZSoft Uninstaller and how it works or what it deletes. Could you elaborate on "hardly one program runs anymore" ? Are there errors or do the programs just not pop up? What happens when you try to re-install one of the programs that doesn't work anymore? Does it fix that program at least?Does ZSoft keep any logs? Sometimes these utility applications keep logs of changes. It might give you a clue as to what really happened..
  9. IrfanView is one of the things I miss most on Ubuntu. There is just nothing that can compare to it. The closest thing I could find was gThumb, which still couldn't compete with Irfanview. I would dare say that IrfanView is one of the most important piece of software a Windows user could have. It was always one of the first things I downloaded every time I upgraded. Picasa and IrfanView aren't really comparable because they're different, I used both, but I used IrfanView about 999 times to Picasa's 1.IrfanView is like an old love, everything I do makes me think of that road killed animal (what kind of a logo is that anyway?). When I want to open an imagine or crop an image, or resize an image, or watch a slide show, or take a screen capture I'm always reminded about how much better IrfanView was... IrfanView on wine doesn't work too well either. It's slow(er) and crashes A LOT. For people switching to Linux.. just get gThumb and try to move on..
  10. I downloaded the source code for Python 2.6.4 and wxPython I installed both using Ubuntu's checkinstall. The problem I'm having, is that Python 2.6.4 imports an older version of wxPython. How can I get it to import I guess it must have something to do with the "python path", but that's been confusing me lately. I have about 6 pythons installed on Ubuntu (!!) and three or four wxPython's (???) and it took me a long time just to get Python 2.6.4 to import modules. I have no idea where to find anything and always have to search for it. Everything is a complete mess. Stuff is thrown everywhere in my file system, .. it seems so chaotic and confusing! Any suggestions, or emotional support?
  11. After hearing so much about World of Goo, I decided to try it. I was impressed with it, it was a quality game. Nice visuals, good music, interesting story (well, for the style of game, most "building" games don't even have a plot of any kind and are little more than a series of levels that look like a physics simulation)The levels were all unique, and just when I thought the game was fun enough as it was, it became fun in a new way with new goo-balls.The problem I had with the game, is that I found it too easy. I completed almost every level on the first try. Even levels that look hard at first, like the "Windmill" and the epilogue. I can't think of one level that I had trouble with except for the one where you climb up the tall walls, which was time consuming (kept sliding down!) . The last level of each chapter I think was a puzzle more than a building type of thing, and while cool to watch, were usually disappointingly easier than the other levels. They were all fun while I was doing them, but when it's all over, I can't help but wish I didn't finish it in a couple hours without much of a challenge. I've seen reviews that disagree with me here, but I find the re-playability low. I'm not the type of person that wants to go back and collect more goo balls for the sake of doing it. I have 250 now and that's enough for me. There really aren't too many different ways to solve a level in WOG. You're usually stuck with one type of material (goo ball) which doesn't let you experiment much and the way to do it is usually obvious and rarely is there any other way to do it. In other similar building games like Pontifex (Bridge Builder) and Armadillo Run, I could do the same level over and over, and not get bored. I could build a bridge with suspension cables, or cheap materials to save money, or build different styles of bridges, in WOG, I just build the same old tower, or the same old bridge. It's a shame that WOG is (in my opinion) not as fun and re-playable as it could be. The goo balls really are fun to build with, it has much potential, but it just doesn't give you much of a chance to experiment with them. the "tallest tower building game" is interesting for a multi player type of challenge , but what about all the other goo balls? I'd sure like to use them. Way above average in it's genre for visuals, audio, story and originality. Below average for re-playability and long-term fun.Overall, I would and have already recommended the game to others. It's got an unbelievable amount of personality for the genre of game. It oozes style like a squished goo ball. I was impressed the moment it popped up with the blobby mouse cursor. It's a fun game by any standards, even if it's a bit short, and for a few indie developers it's hard to believe it's as good as it is. I found myself getting attached to the journey of the goo balls, which is more than I can say for the trains in Pontifex as they rumbled across the tracks into a raging river.There is something that bothers me about World of Goo ( it doesn't REALLY bother me, but I wonder about it): Why on earth are we forced to kill off our beloved goo balls? I know they're cartoon-ish, and it makes for fun game play, but setting the entire bunch of them ablaze or crushing them with spikes repeatedly to complete levels seems kind of cruel considering we're given the task of watching over them on their journey ! "We're all in it together"
  12. I see, thanks for the reply. I don't know much about subversion.
  13. I'm just wondering, how does a person give their software an Alpha, Beta, "Stable" status and a version number? I never thought much about it, but now that I'm making things that someone other then myself might use, it'd be nice to know how to give it a version #. When does a software go from Alpha, to Beta, to.. Stable? Does alpha mean not everything works and it's not meant for the public (like a game with enemies that don't shoot back)? Beta means might be abnormally buggy but usable? Stable when most of the bugs have been squashed? I'm just guessing here. Is there a convention for version numbers or is it just whatever I feel like as long as a new version is > than the previous?
  14. ?? What does this thread half to do with a rap song! Hehe @ writing a song about being hard living in the streets. Well, I suppose, that's how you become popular in the rap business.So I'm going to continue these lyrics... Anyway the wind blows... doesn't really matter to me. ps: When the guitar kicks in.. I wanna play it!
  15. I was very impressed with Komodo's code intelligence, and it really shortened the learning curve for learning a language. It made learning Tkinter a breeze. However, when I started learning WxPython, I noticed that it's code intelligent didn't work on it! I was disappointed. When I use PyCrust, it shows call tips and hints, I wish it did that in Komodo :)So I guess I have two questions here, one, does Komodo really not "understand" wxPython, or did I screw something up installing it? I've made a mess of my python and accessories and half the time stuff doesn't work right (import wx doesn't work in python 2.6.4, but it does in 2.6.2?!) It worked so excellently with Tkinter, it just surprises me it's so useless with wxPython. Two, is there anything better than Komodo in the code intelligence department? That's the most important thing to me at this stage.
  16. No updates are not automatic. I don't think it's a browser issue either. I haven't been paying much attention to what's running when it happens. I usually have a lot of stuff going. I have noticed that Ubuntu seems to be going a little slower in general lately too. Maybe I worked Jaunty too hard..installed too many things.. :oIt's hard to test what's going on when it happens because everything goes slow.. I feel them minutes of my life wasting away every time I try to close a window and stare at the screen for two minutes or more waiting impatiently for it to close..
  17. Lately, I've been experiencing an annoying problem with Ubuntu. For seemingly no reason, something become unruly and start using up all my CPU. It doesn't even seem to be just certain programs, and I'm not doing anything that should be cpu intensive (no compiling or installing packages or anything). Sometimes it happens doing routine things that normally take seconds, like opening a file, or saving a file. Sometimes, it's just an obvious thing like gam-server being annoying, or the ntfs thing doing it's job. At least there's a logical explanation there. Other times, I can never seem to determine what's causing the problems. It starts when I notice my computer becoming very unresponsive (taking sometimes a minute or more to focus a window or switch to another tty) and my panel monitors show full cpu usage. After thinking "Argh, Not again!", I immediately open up some kind of process managing tool, and I have a few. Xfce Task Man, Gnome sys mon, Top, Htop. The weird thing is, none of these tools ever help me figure out what's using my CPU? The overall CPU usage will be a steady 100%, but when I sort processes by CPU usage, there aren't any processes using a lot of CPU. The top 5 will be like, 7%,5%,2%,1%%1% or something, and in does not even come close to being 100% even when you put them all together.Sometimes, I can take a lucky guess and kill a process (the one I was last using) and the computer goes back to normal, but other times... I'm not so lucky.I really don't understand it. It's annoying enough when my computer becomes uncooperative when I'm in the middle of doing something, and I have to wait forever just to click on something, but it makes it worse when I can't figure out what's the problem and I have to restart the X server, which in itself takes a few minutes! Any idea what's going on?
  18. I don't think complaining about girls being stupid is a common discussion around here, I've never seen any discussion of it until you mentioned it. The people who said girls are stupid on those pages haven't been around in years. I don't think all girls are stupid. I don't like stupid girls. I like girls that I can have an intelligent discussion with. I don't think you are stupid. I'm not complaining about anything! . There's a heck of a lot of stupid people in the world, I agree!
  19. Don't forget the benefits of the file system Linux uses. It requires very little, possibly no defragging whereas Windows needs a LOT of defragging. If you don't know how file systems work, read up about it, it's interesting. Just another thing about linux that rocks!
  20. Alright, I want to understand why girls are so dumb! Seriously though, I don't think all guys are just plain clueless. It depends a lot on what kind of hints you're talking about. I don't know if you mean hints that you don't like a guy or hints that you want the guy to show you attention. Sometimes people get the hint to 'back off', but have low self esteem or other issues and don't want to accept the hint and try to convince themselves it's not what they think. As for putting themselves in other peoples shoes, what do you mean? They don't understand how you feel? They don't know when they hurt peoples feelings? I do that ALL the time.. I'm always accidentally offending girls.. and even after the person yells at me and tells me what a jerk I am, I never understand what I did wrong -- maybe I am clueless!! I feel bad about it though! Girls can be pretty sensitive too, for example, if you say something in all seriousness like - "You are so pretty!" they'll be like "OMG DON'T TELL ME IM PRETTY, I KNOW IM NOT, IM FAT.. IT HURTS MY FEELINGS TO HEAR THE WORD PRETTY ..." I mean, how can any guy understand how a compliment becomes an insult? I don't know really what you're talking about though, you didn't really give examples. You just said boys are stupid, can't take hints and don't put themselves in other's shoes? Is that it?
  21. I don't think they hate your brother, they just like you most . Either that, or you like to roll in piles of fish (or chickens, if your cats like the food mine does) and forgot to mention it.
  22. NASA scrimped and saved to do that mission, they definitely did not have an abundance of cash thrown to it. NASA's research discovers many things that are very useful outside of space missions. What they do is very important not a waste of money. Check out some webpages on what NASA has contributed to the world outside of the obvious. Plus, what they do is interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a lot to do with advancements in weather monitoring!Compare NASA's budget.. Budget: $17.3 billion. The LCROSS mission was a mere 79 million. A mere bag of shells to the US GOVT!to Military spending.. total for defense spending to between $925 billion and $1.14 trillion in 2009.Money spent on defense might not be completely useless, but come on.. NASA's budget is nothing compared to the money the US spends. Canada's military budget was like 18billion and we're doing okay. Billions just seem like a lot to us..
  23. Hey! I thought I was was the resident NASA LCROSS Spokesperson! I posted about the LCROSS Mission earlier.. and had been regularly checking for updates to report. I'm just kidding, you can have this headline. I guess I missed the news though. I was beginning to think the mission was a flop and they were too disappointed to tell the press. It is cool news! I'm very happy to hear that this wasn't just another disappointment in Man's search for something 'out there'. Well.. see you on Moon Golf Resort Alpha everyone.. this new knowledge will help the USA in their steps to colonize the good 'ol Moon.. (is that a good thing?)
  24. Wow! I disagree with almost everything you said kittycat. My dog is much more "cuddle able' than my cat, who is a vicious and temperamental beast! They don't snore, at least my dog doesn't. My dog doesn't sleep in my bed, however my cat does, and she is extremely annoying. She will sleep in annoying spots , and I can't move her for fear of being scratched, so I end up with a lot of sore necks/backs!A dogs fur depends a lot on their breed and other things like..what you feed them and how you groom them. I've seen dogs with beautiful fluffy shiny fur! Though cats usually feel this way naturally..My cat hates to play, thought she did chase a string when she was a kitten. She gets her exercise and entertainment from killing small animals . My dog LOVES to play.. 24/7! I get a lot of exercise just because I'm obligated as his owner to run around with him like a fool!My dog also never bites, whereas my cat ALWAYS bites + scratches!So yeah... in short.. cats = independent,vicious, dangerous, serial killers,unstable, cute, dogs,cheapish,fussyeaters = fun, cute, loyal,gentle, dedicated,expensive,garbage disposals! my cat came from a farm, my dog cost a lot and a full day of traveling, and almost a plane ticket!Anyway, I really like both equally, but because this way a tie, I voted for dogs. Take that!By the way, are you saying dog-lovers aren't uber sweet? How rude is that!
  25. All cats are crazy. However, yours are doubly so and may be the offspring of the Kilrathi, who are warmongering extraterrestrial felines. In all seriousness, Cats --earth cats, mind you, chew and / or bite to show affection.
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