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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. Well the 911 text messaging sounds good because in an emergency a text message can save our lives and the silent mode of a text message is very convenient when there are thiefs in your house and situations like that. The service in Usa to support to all the people in troubles is the best in the world and the 911 number is one of the most famous phone numbers in all the planet and now with the new technology is great to know that there is available a service with text message in case of emergencies.But maybe the "contra" think that this maybe is not convenient to the police department and all the units because there are a lot of people that enjoy wasting their time making jokes to the authorities and the text mesage will be the idoneus method to continue disturbing the law.Because of that I think that all the jokers and funny guys have to pass a week in prison at least; and learn that anybody can laugh law.

  2. Well my opinion is that the euthanasia is illegal because anybody can kill you only for the reason that you maybe never will raise up. The euthanasia is the worst invention in the medicine field because in medicine the proposal is save lifes but with this invention you only are killing to somebody that can´t decide if wanna die or not. Mercy killing that word doesn´t exists and anybody can kill to other person. I am agree with the death penalty. But it´s different the death penalty try to reduce the crimes with the menace that the goverment will kill you... But with the euthanasia we are only killing to people that don´t deserve to die and can´t decide.Everybody that is christian must think more about this because this is a murder not mercy.

  3. Excellent information. I have an experimental website using an experimental script that I found in the internet and all offer in this site: traffic exhange, free link exchange and banners are free for everybody. So the publicity of my site is made by a referral website because I didn?t know anything about SEO or all the techinques descripted here. So I thougth that the only way to up in Google was having more traffic. I know that this sounds like crazy but I believed this. But a little time ago I got a free seo manual in the internet and I applied some techniques descripted there and I couldn?t believe it...My positions in Google to my keyword up from 200 to 3 and now is 2 so I think that this incredible to all of you but it?s true and all this in only three days.Well, I recommend to all you apply the techniques descripted here because they are almost the same. And don?t forget that if anybody visit your site your site doesn?t exist.Regards.

  4. Well my recomendations are these... First if you have the enough money go to a store and buy the new version of vista or try to buy a new license in the internet in the windows update page... My other recomendation is go to a warez site and search for a script that allows you validate your windows illegally...I did it but it worked only one and I decided to buy a new license of windows 7 because I was tired of all that messages where you are asked to buy a new license with windows.If you have problems when you are trying to install the windows please go to a forum and search for some corporative key that usually works and restart the installation process once you installed the windows illegally go to windows update and send a message to the microsoft support explaining your problem and ask them for an update of your product key that usually is send to your e-mail.I hope my tips can help you.Regards

  5. Hi martvefun and welcome to the best forum community of all the internet when you will get a lot of free things like hosting of course and domains and professional support to assist you in your web project. You are from Belgium mmm... Ohh you have no to put your computer like a server and that is not recommend so please enjoy this site and only with 20 quality post you will can get a logic plan hosting with 10GB of monthly transfer that is more than enough to all the starting projects in the internet. You will can use any script that you want because this servers named Xisto - Support every script and in Xisto you will have a lot of free services to develop in the rigth way your project.But not only that, here you will can get a lot of fun to because here you will can share your knowledge with a lot of people that is interested in read your post. This forum is so different to all those boring forums where post is an obligation and not a pleasure like here.So welcome and enjoy your time here and believe maybe you never will go from here...Regards.

  6. Oh it is very expensive I imagine that all those who want this package have to be posting here until June or something like that. Well my sites are not so popular so I can make my hosting with the basic logic plan but sinceresly I think that this is a little exagerated.Congratulations to all the staff of Xisto and xisto for their cooperation with this type of package that definetly will help to a lot of members.Regards.

  7. First of all the Deja Vu experience is a phyquiatric phenomenon that have been studied during years and years and the reason to believe that the deja vu is a proof about past lifes or maybe this moment I lived in a past life is totally refuted. The deja vu is a normal phenomenon where it doesn?t occur with frequence but if it occur frequently is a scientisc evidence of the propension or possible diagnostic of epilepsia. And is tested after years of investigation that the people that have experimented deja vu have more propention to disease with epilepsia in order with the frequence of this occurr.So the Deja Vu phenomenon is not a proof of past lifes. And all the people that affirm this have no knowledge about the medical aspects of the Deja Vu.Is it normal experiment Deja Vu? Yeah it?s normal.Will I get epilepsia if I have a Deja Vu? No, if the Deja Vu occurs only once a year or something like that. Possibly yes if you experiment Deja Vu three time a week or in a similar period.Have you experimented a Deja Vu? Yeah, I have experimented Deja Vu and it?s normal and all the people experiment Deja Vu at least ten times in their lifes.I hope my information have helped you. Regards

  8. You are totally rigth and this is an idea is not a chat about the videogames. So if you play a videogame take for example the Grand theft auto and you pass and complete all the assigments, that are difficult of course maybe you will lose the interest in the video game after pass all its assigments. But for that the videogames companies limit the capability of the games because if you make a complete game with all its campaigns in one Copy CD/DVD you only will sell once however if you make a campaig in different copies you will sell a lot more and your game will be what popularlly is named a Saga and the game company will make a lot of more profits and will create and audience of addicts to the game and of course make a lot of money.But you have to make in count the capability of the distribution device. I have understood that all the videogames full the CD/DVD capability and if you want to create a lot of campaigns maybe the space of the disk won?t be enough to support all the capability that the videogame will require to load all the campaigns. This is trouble and it?s big.So your theory or idea is good and it?s the ideal to all of us that love the video games but the videogames companies and corporations unfortunately don?t think like us.So What can we do? Maybe nothing at least we start our own video game company.Tell me about my business idea. :)Regards.

  9. First of all I have not a lot of knowledge about the internet security but my curiosity have took me to search a lot about this since some people start to steal my email list from my affiliate website and I make a exhaustive research about the security in my website and I discovered that the php script that I was using for recolect the email listing of my members in my website was a bot and the hackers took advantage of this security issue of my website and stole all my mail listing and start to send spam to all my members and that of course ruined my affiliate program that I actually working for rebuild again and I am having success thank God. But my research didn?t end in the change of the script that collect my email listing. I tried to find a software to protect my website and in my researchs I found a PHP script software that promised to work like a firewall and avoid the steal of parts or files of my website, the violations to the website administration and the Dos attacks. But the price is big I think that this software costed $200 or something like that its name was 2008 Firewall script and you can try to find it in Google.But the main recomendation for the security of your website is don?t use the nulled scripts that are circulating in some pirates forums because they have in most number of cases bots that the nullers put there to hack your site in the future. So don?t fall in the trap of this non-etic internet users.I hope to help you. Regards

  10. Train my mind with chess? I must say that when I was a child a lot of teachers and partners say me that I was a genius only because I was the best in the classroom and I calificate to a national math olimpycs, I have to admite that i was happy with this situation because who don?t want to be called a genius? But a few years ago I fell in the reality after watching a documentary about Einstein and Isaac Newton that the persons that we maybe think that deserve to be called genius only for his grade notes aren?t geniuses at all. I am one of the best in the university actually but to be called a genius is truth: You have to use your mind in a logic way that the other people can?t. And this use that you make with your mind have to discover or create something new, revolutionary and useful to the human race.Based in my personal definition about a genius now you can note that there had existed a lot of humans who were geniuses and if you want that I write the names of some of the people that I think are genius there is the list: Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton for the physic, Max Plank and Niels Borh for the chemistry, Enrico Fermi for the nuclear chain reaction, Henry Ford for the cars and for the revolutionary capitalist way to based a economic in a mass production, and other and others.But in our society a genius is a person that study and study and study and graduate, get a good job and work all the day. At least that think my parents. They are so confused and that confusion make the people live frustated when they fall in the reality that the preparation is not everything. And Why do have to be a genius a person who dedicated all his life to learn the things that other people discovered or created? A genius is not who learn what a real genius discovered or created. Repeat and repeat who the other people discovered or said is not be a genius. If a repeater can be a real genius then the birds who can repeat the words that they listen are genius too, and we know that this is not truth.So all we can be a genius remember Einsten reprobed Math and he is maybe the most bigger genius with Isaac Newton.Ohh, and the first thing that I was to discute I almost forgive that. The mind can be trained playing chess because the chess is a sport and maybe yeah you can train some part of your mind with chess specially the memory but the greatest chess players of all the time weren?t intelligent than their rivals and that is psycologic comprobed. The reason because a chess player can defeat to his oponnent is the practice and it?s proved that the instict that they develop after years of practice is the wheapon that they finally use to defeat to his rivals.This test about chess were make with the russian player Garry Kasparov aproximately ten years ago. So Kasparov is a very intelligent man but the chess is not the 100% reason about his intelligent.So this is my definition of genius.Regards.

  11. I think you are confused but I have no knowledge about this technology in the internet already. The 3d Virtual world you mean like the diablo game where you can interative with another players trought the internet or you want a webpage with the technology to put glasses and see everything in 3-d like in the theather. I think that the unique way that you can get the script to start this project is building it. Don?t ask me how because I have no idea about programation and all the others things that a programmers knows. So I recommend you that you look for some good PHP or ASP books to start learning about programation.But if you want I repeat this a plattform like the games that is named a 3-d world you can try to make a software and invite your visitors to download it and install it and create a game or a history, I don?t know, and make your own world.I have been playing the Pokerstars.net games and it?s awesome, maybe you can download it and install it only to test if this is the idea about a 3-d world that you have but if that is not your idea please forgive me but I can?t help you.

  12. Oh no that is your recomendation but you don?t need great software to extract the audio from a youtube video. I knew about a javascript that you put in the browser and a link with the mp3file appears next to the youtube video in the youtube website. But I download the youtube audio from the videos with the Jdownloader download manager that allow you download from Rapidshare and Megaupload and all the others free file hosting. With jdownloader when you want to download a video from youtube it make you the question if you want the video in the original .flv format or in the mp4 format or if you want to download the audio only and that allows you to download the audio in .mp3 format and that is all the work to download audio files from youtube.com.I recommend you Jdownloader is a great download manager and the best of all is that allow you to download from any website and from any filehosting server like Rapidshare, Mega y DepositFiles.Try the Jdownloader and all the troubles with the Youtube?s videos download are forgot.Regards.

  13. Hi gsmdna I think your username is the most original that i have listened because almost of us use usernames that are related with our real names or with television things and is interesting that you choose the name of your website. Welcome to the best forum community in all the internet where you will get fun and not only that your free web hosting for your site too. Your website gsmdna.com can be allowed in the xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting servers and I guarantee you that you never will need another web hosting because here in Xisto the hosting is almost free, of course you have to make good quality post to get MyCents and start your logic hosting plan, but I guarantee you that you never will be more satisfied with other hosting than with Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting because here the support team is awesome and works 24/7 365 days a year so enjoy your host in this forum and share your knowledge with the other members and of course get a lot of MyCents.But i give you a tip please don?t copy information from another site in the internet to make MyCents more quickly, that is make trap, and however this forum is named Xisto the trap is not allowed here believe me. I tried to copy an article from the internet and the unique thing that I earned is the warn status and the negative MyCents and I have to convince trough good quality post with the moderator to they allow me return to the positive balance so be careful please.I desire you good luck with your website project and please keep posting and posting and making MyCents.Regards.

  14. I am totally agree with BuffaloHelp if your device doesnt work anymore and all the software causes are descarted the most probable is that your internal hard drive is damage or it simply collapses and I recommed you that if you dont know anything about technical things you have two options go the hard drive to the workshop and maybe the reparation is possible but in the case that this is not possible you maybe will have to put it in the garbage can and buy a new hard drive.And I know that maybe this is not the rigth forum to post this question but i am happy to help you and by the way welcome to the best forum community in all the planet Xisto.com whare you will get a lot of fun and the most important free web hosting for your online projects. In Xisto you will get a lot of information and the great is that the process to get your free web hosting is simple and you will post and get fun and be earning the MyCents in the same time.So get the information and please visit the forums for the begineers to learn all the process to get your free web hosting and please do it. Don?t let this for tomorrow and keep posting and posting and in a close fututre you will get your professional web hosting like the paid hosting with professional support.So, welcome to trap 17 and remember keep posting free quality post and in a little time you will get your free web hosting for your web pages.Regards.

  15. Ohhhh a new class of spam but I have to make you a question about this, Do you think that this was sent for a Xisto member or what? My question is because I dont see anything different than another spam messages that arrive every second to the millions email accounts around the world. So, that is my doubt. The solution to the spam is only one delete all the messages that arrive without permission to our inbox and that is not really difficult rigth? The spam filters and the antivirus with anti-spam technology dont work like you want because in my case I use Kaspersky 7.0 with antispam technology and the spam messages always appears in my thunderbird account. So, that is the one method to stop the spam, recognocize the spam messages (this is a very easy operation) and simply delete them all.So this is not a newest new but don?t fall in the spam traps.Regards.

  16. For me the best file hosting site is Rapidshare.com there are a lot of problems with Megaupload and I will say you why this antique file hosting got the hate of a lot of hispanic internauts. First of all Megaupload have promotions that only apply to the US users and that is incredible how you will get promotions for only a little people when your services are for all the world users. Another thing that I hate is the captcha because that make you lose a lot of time and your eyes too seing the confused captcha that only get you mad when you have forced to download a file from megaupload.com other thing is the premium account because I have to buy a premium account here in Honduras to download to a great speed but in anothers parts of the world I know that download to a incredible speed for free and that put me mad because is incredible that these chinese reward to a little part of the world and let the another part of the world bad. For this reason I prefer Rapidshare.com for a filehosting and I have to say that never been so happy how now that I am enjoying a premium account with rapidshare with my collector points and this is another thing that Megaupload doesnt have. So thank you for nothing Megaupload.

  17. Hello balavalli and welcome to the best forum community in all the internet where you will get fun and the most important free web hosting but let me say that this free web hosting is different to all the others sites where offer free web hosting because in this site named Xisto.com the hosting is professional and the support service is awesome so you dont have to move your site to another site after start to using this fantastic service. Here you can upload a personal site, a business site and a forum. Everything is allowed.So get fun in this forum and enjoy your free web hosting and keep posting and posting and posting.Regards.

  18. In my church there are a lot of people that speak in tongues and I always question about the real mean of these manifestations. Is this truth? or this is only a trick and the people only trying to imitate to the other people. My grandmother is a great christian and she have never spoke in tongues. She said me that the Lord doesn?t bless her with this gift. So I never speak in tongues but there are a lot of brothers that speak in tongues everyday in their orations.Maybe there are a lot of misteries in all the world and we only can require to the faith. This is the answer for this misterie.

  19. Hi akillercake is a pleasure to say you hi in the distance... now you are in the best forum community in all the internet where you will get fun and a lot of free webhosting credits so your web based projects will have a very very good hosting service because you will be hosted with xisto the best company where you will can have a free hosting like a paid hosting...The servers are up almost 99.9% of the time yeah... I have been hosted with xisto for seven months and I am grateful with Xisto for this great opportunity here...I am so happy that you found this fantastic forum and i can say that maybe this is my greatest discovery in my life because maybe now I had been expending a lot of money for the service that I get here for free...So welcome and enjoy the fantastic oportunity that now this people is giving to you...Regards...

  20. Welcome to the best forum in the internet named Xisto.com where you will find all the fun and the information and the MyCents of course to get your free webhosting... I apologize to you because I dont know exactly what is 3D animation because I am not a programmer I am only a internet addict and all the internet puts me great... I have to say that you have to post at least 20 good post to get your free web hosting plan... I have troubles understanding this because is not clear in any of the forums... but you have to know this now and post a lot of good post to get your project run in only one or two days...Welcome again to the best forum in the internet named Xisto forums and bye...

  21. Ok Rapidshare is going bad with the pass of the time and maybe this is because there are a lot of people that use rapidshare because is the "best" filehosting in the planet... Not for its speed or its free service is because they have stored a lot of files and everything, and I say everything can be found on Rapidshare.com and that is a lot of people have collector?s account and prefer to use Rapidshare and not other services for the same reason...I am a Rapidshare client since I got this information.... however I only bougth an account since this and all others I got uploading files in my collector account but now rapidshare changes all the rules and you have 10000 "premium" Rapidpoints to get a free premium account and I have to say that is very difficult to get all that premium Rapidpoints because the most of people use the free services and gave you freerapidpoints... The file storage is not a problem at all if you use your collector account only to collect rapidpoints because I imagine that you upload only files that you know that the people is looking for and will download a lot of times from your account...MY recomendation:...continue using Rapidshare to get free accounts because almost all the others free webservers except megaupload and kittys with the power that Rapidshare have in this time...And if you want to go away from Rapidshare I recommend you Depositfiles.com that have a good revenue program and is the fourth filehoster most used...Bye...

  22. I think is possible to destroy the internet... Of course it is possible because everything in the world can be destroyed... Anything is for the eternity... The ways to destroy the internet, well.1. Virus: Very Very Very difficult because a virus maybe won?t go to damage all the servers and all the computers to practically "destroy" the internet... The virus maybe can damage a huge percentage of servers in the most destructive situation but the internet will be online if some computers can mantain their online status...2. International Cooperation: This possibility is futurist...., excuse me I have seen the 2012 movie twenty minutes ago... If someday the human race need to be disconnected for security purposals this way can be done... All the servers in the world will be disconnected and the satellites shut down...3. Destroying the satellites: Yeah if you some day can destroy all the international comunication you only have to destroy all the satellites that are in the earth orbit and you will go to incomunicate to all the planet... Maybe this can be a technologic terrorist attack...4. Disconecting the electricity: Without electricity there is no comunication because the differente devices work with electricity... It?s a very difficult way to destroy the internet but is very possible...So the internet can be destroyed... yeah but I don?t wanna that because I get a lot of fun in the internet and I dont want that ends....bye...

  23. Hello bigtimedrama,First your phrase where you say that if you are a musician you are probably poor is totally true. First of all people don?t love musicians people love artists. The artists are people that expose a singular way to live to the public. I mean is not enough like you say to know to write songs, or interpretate songs, noooo... To be a good artist doesn?t mean that you are "good" singer or actor... Be a good artist is giving to the people a different way to live and the music is the favorite vehicle to make this action... I think that first of all to be a pop band with a lot of success you need money... Yeah that is the true... Everything in this life requires at first money... For example Celine Dion is a great artist with a lot of fans, she was poor, and everybody loves her because being poor in his early life she is today a diva... But she needed the money to make her life a complete success... How? She exposed his talent for some business men that saw on her a posibility to make more money... Yeah this is the true... The interest is the motivation of the world and in the industry of music is full of diferent interestes...You have to try and try and try... please and this is very important dont surrender... Don?t surrender... Because you live for your dreams and without dreams the life have no sense... Please don?t surrender...And yeah... Accept the criticals because sometimes this is the best way to know in what things you are making mistakes... And try to be a better artist all the day....You live for your dream dont forget it...PLEASE DONT FORGET IT!!!Good luck and I hope in the future heard your songs in the top 10...

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