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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. Hello armynavy123 welcome to the best forum in the internet where you will get fun and of course free and cheap web hosting to your sites. Here on Xisto forums are a complete team that will help you to get your free web hosting and I recommend you to post good quality post (more than 26 words) and read the rules because in my experience I have been warmed because I post some bad post that were copy/paste from another sites one time that I forgot to quote it. The moderation team warmed me and I was close to lose my hosting account. By actually my hosting account is suspended now because I didn?t post anything in the last month and its time to pay the shorty $2.00 that cost a simple and basic logic hosting plan to start your website in a server that looks like a paid server.The reality is that you here will get a lot of fun because in the forums you will see variety you can post in a lot of themes and you are free to expose your thougths without limits. But yes, you have to be original nothing copy/paste because the moderators of Xisto are excellent and I dont know how they get know if you are violating the rules.So welcome again armynavy123 and develop your pages here because I can secure you that the servers never or almost never will be down...Good luck and nice to meet you too...

  2. Althougt all the knowledge are ok I have to say that I know something than maybe not all the people know and this is the:The quantity of childrens that someone will have in his life and the children?s sex... It is a very strange method and the person that gave me this knowledge died and she was(the rumors said she was) a witch... She was black and one day I say her that I want to be rich and have a lot of women and if its possible hundreds of sons and daughters because I love the children...And she teach me a method that I can not explain with words and it is a secret... She made me promise that I was never to revelate this method and until this day I haven?t failed that promise... But if I have one day the pleasure to know some of you I will be charmed to revelate to you how many children you will have and the sex of your children in order of appearance... :P :P :D I can only say you that the method requires the presence of the person that you will revelate this useful information...But I will not dissapoint you with this unrevealed knowledge... because there are some things that I know and I believe almost of you don?t know... For example when your car dont want to start you only have to take a stone and hit the "arranque" (excuse me I don?t know how to say this is english) I mean the part of the car that start electrically the car..Other is when your car?s radiator is break and your motor is hot you can add water in the radiator and later add a egg... Yes a egg and the radiator leave to drop water and start to make its function normally...Well these are some examples and you are very good giving us your knowledge...Bye...

  3. Hey welcome back my friend to the best forum community in all the internet. I am happy to listen that you are back because i want that Xisto gets bigger and bigger with the pass of time...You will have to continue postin here and I see that you have made a lot of post until now... well the process will be easiest to you to get a logic plan or recovery your old logic plan because here in xisto never delete your files...Welcome again and enjoy the experience here on Xisto forums the best forum in the internet...

  4. Well the targeted marketing with gps is close to the reality... First to it is the targeted marketing using the IP for the internet companies... If you maybe invent a program that works like the ip with some registers and filters maybe this type of marketing maybe can be developed in a short time...But the satellite companies maybe will monopolize this business... So the only way to develop this technology is having a satellite to make the connections between the personal device which will reproduce the ads and the satellite... Having this technology the economy will grow and maybe the turist will grow because you will can travel to any country and you dont have to worry about the places to eat or hotels or fun places because the device with the marketing will show to you where you can go and satisfy your needs...The idea is excellente... But remember a idea without the realization only have the prize of $0.12...

  5. I am totally agree with you... The homework doesn?t have to be a bored activity for the kids because they are consolidating all they learned in the day... The problem is when the fathers have bad examples for their kids and they imite all their fathers do...Watch TV is a great way to lose your time and make the time run and run and get a lof of diseases that the sedentarism makes.... The obesity is a world program and the kids are the most affected because they imite the actions of theirs fathers and start since they are really young to sit in front of the television and spend their time seing things that only give a little entertainment but don?t give nothing for the learning of the kids...Learn is easy in these days with the educational channels when the tv works for the kids development... but the channels of movies and music only distract the attention of the kids and that give them a false satisfaction sense that is only temporal and the kids only earn deception in the long time...Believe you or not the tv damages a lot to the young heads that the only simple fact of watch a program TV in one hour create in the kid the feeling of a unexistencial world that make him dream but don?t allow him think and make that is the reason because the human race is better than animal...Please put your kids away the television, give them books and practice sports with them.... Because their physical and mental health depends on you.... And want you or not the future of your sons is your future....With the homework point I am totally agree too... The homework is one of the best activities for the kids and you have to help them to understand that the homework is fun and no a bored activity...Dont watch tv for entertaiment your kids, wath tv only for learn...

  6. Yeah shadowx is ok.... the processor is right in the roxio burner requirements maybe there are some problems with the version of the controllers or drivers... The hardware is fine... Maybe you have to go to the support service in the store where you bougth the burner... Maybe the burner is damaged...So maybe you have to test the burner in a Pentium and if the burner doesn?t work back it to the store and get your money back...Care yourself...

  7. Welcome to the best web forum in the internet Nathaniel you wil experience here the most great fun better than all these forums that are online. And of course you will get a lot of free web hosting months without paying a penny so keep posting here on Xisto forums...Be sure of reading the rules and the conditions and terms, because maybe you will make a lot of mistakes at first if you don?t read the rules first. In my case I was banned two times because the moderators found that some post of mine was infringing the rules of Xisto...But there is no trouble because here on Xisto the support service is the best I have ever seen... really I don?t pay a penny and they treat me like a great customer... You will be agree with me in some days that this is the best thing that maybe happen in your world of web designer...So welcome Nathaniel and enjoy the Xisto forums... they are yours...

  8. Sure! Let's wait a couple centuries... that'd be great, so we can really see the trend. But not in numbers, simply coming out of our house. Because THERE is global warming, and the trend will stay there and the planet will become really hot.Of course, let's say it doesn't matter if you live in the Alps, Andes, Himalaya... etc- But I live on the coast. My whole country, Uruguay, is on the coast!!! The highest elevation is 500 m. The rest of it is not high at all.
    So I care about it. Not only is there a bunch of films about global warming. I saw myself Perito Moreno glacier melting.
    Guess why?

    Aren´t you reading? There is no global warming at all is simple a warn period that is cycle. The wheather in the planet is stable and the people is only falling once again in the same frauds like the world wars and invasions... The "global warming" menace is only a way to take power with those countries that have a high use of fuel like China and limitate their economy...

    But if you think that in 2012 a high tsunami will kill you....Well you are free and you can lose your time... Maybe that will be the unique way to stop the false socialism in South America...

    Think about that...

  9. Well I know that the Xisto forums is characterized for the sceptic people that post here over and over again but I am tired of this people that let that the mass media control their lives and their personalities...


    Have you read some scientist article about global warming? Or everything you know is the Day After Tomorrow movie????


    THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING...... This is only a supposition... A theory.... The earth is going to a warn time but this is the natural cycle in the earth there is no any global warming that doesn?t exist... Why the united states don?t spend any dollar in the global warming??? Because that is simple ridicoulus.... The only money that the goverment pay for the global warming was send to Al Gore and his famous documentary...


    I dont remember the documentary that explain the greatest fraud of the global warming....


    Oh yes... you are lucky today because the documentary is titled: The Obama Deception


    Please see it and you will get surprised when you know the truth about global warming and all its fraud...


    Open your mind and free of the foolishness...

  10. Well the best way without doubts is the paid option that is available in the best web hostings. But if you can?t pay this option the best way is to backup your files manually. For this you have to use a FTP software and access to your web hosting account and download your files to your hard disk in a folder. This is the only way to backup your files that i know and I dont know is there is a way to backup your files with a software or something for the style. But you can pay like i said and maybe this is the ideal way to secure your files. If you have a account in the Xisto hosting servers dont worry you dont need to backup anything, if your account is suspended your files are protected and you don?t have to re-upload your files because in Xisto never will delete your files.I hope I can help you.Regards.

  11. Hi Bloodmoney welcome to the best forum in the internet where you will can get a lot of fun and a lot of free web hosting with the quality that offers Xisto. This forum have been runnning since 2003 like you know, and personally is the best web hosting in the internet because the support team help you like you are paying. Posting here and make this site more confortable is the way you can pay for the great service that Xisto will give you in all the time you will need this free web hosting. Posting here is very fun and its easy to get your first $2.00 that you need to start your free web hosting account and start your web project.So welcome to the world where you will can get a lot of fun and free web hosting at the same time.

  12. The solution is obvious call your ISP and say them to came to check your internet connection and repair your problem...So dont worry and dont try to change anything of your internet configuration because the problem is securely in the ISP company. I recommend you to visit the following website to test your internet conection speed: http://speedtest.cablecolor.hn/ and if there the results are alterated from your ISP connection plan the problem is maybe with a 100% of certainty in the ISP.

    So test your speed and if the speed is alterate call your ISP.

  13. Is Microsoft Security Essentials made by Microsoft company? Because the software is ideal to be included in all the copies of Windows 7 or Vista and it is a shame to have Kaspersky because I have paid a license of three months and now I have to use it, no way I wll waste my money. Microsoft Security Essentilas have to have the following features to at least make the people to prove it: 1. Have to be light: This is a very important feature that I have to say Kaspersky doesn´t have and that disgust me when my computer crash because the antivirus is scanning a removable media or it is updating and use the triple of RAM memory than usually use.2. Have to be good desinfecting and deleting viruses: The only time I was doubting about Kaspersky was when I get a virus from a USB that reboot my computers all the time and I didn´t get to desinfect it or delete it. And I have to download a software named Malwarebyte to help kaspersky and I understood that sometimes there are some viruses better named malware that act like a virus but sometimes they are more strong than the viruses.3. Have to be free: I am tired of Kaspersky three months ago I have to buy a personal license because I didn´t get to work some of that licences that are jumping over internet and I had no more option than buy my personal licence. Microsoft Security Essentials have to be free.Well this is my particular opinion about this software. When the kaspersky licence expire I will try this software. Bye.

  14. Well I imagine that you get a banned from Xisto - Support account maybe you have a warning level so high that your hosting plan is suspended because I watch that your credit balance is huge you have $17 and that is enough I think to cover your hosting plan because I have understood the most expensive plan is the dedicated server plan that is $12 dollar a month.The negative balance is because you make some post and the moderators warn you or delete some of your post and you get the mycents negative and that is the problem believe me I have fell two times in negative balance in trap 17 and one in Xisto and this is the most uncomfortable situation because is very difficult to get out of the hole in what you are in negative balance. Include I fell that is more difficult to make Mycents in the negative balance like a punishment from the staff of Xisto but I have to admit it I deserve it because my post was almost a copy and pasting from another website but my problem was that i post the content similarly but not with the same words. It´s complicated but the Xisto forums have good moderators I don´t know where they found my article because the link they gave me I dont know where is that page.So I recommend you that you first send a support ticket to the Xisto - Web Hosting stafff and they will tell you what is going on with your suspension and they will direct you to the solution for example they direct me to the moderators here in Xisto and I opened a topic calling for the moderators and they answered me.And with the negative Mycents I can only recommend you to post a lot in this forum to get out from the negative balance and start to be in the positive balance again.I hope to been help you. Bye.

  15. First of all I live in Honduras a mayan tradition country and I maybe are an ignorant about them but I dont think the world will end in 2012. I only wait noone will kill himself to make the prediction true. And the mayans have a lot of misteries but I can know who said that? I mean there are a lot of persons that dedecates their lifes to understand the mayans and decrypt the statues and the monuments but until these days when I visited the Copan Ruins mayan complex The guy who guide only told me that nobody have could decrypt the mayans language so maybe the prediction is wrong.The only thing that can happen rigth now is a nuclear war. And if Russia attack US that is the most logical way to make a nuclear war I will be exposed. Of course but I think that a nuclear war is maybe not viable right now. I watched 2010 Moonsday last nigth and I am happy because I downloaded the film from a warez site instead of have gone to the theather to give my money because the movie is very very bad. I only can say you one thing: Dont be desperated and wait for the December 23, 2012 and we will know the truth very soon.

  16. jajajajaja.... Where are the other great games? No of that games is the best game of all time and maybe you are very fan of these games but that doesn?t mean that this are the best games in the world. Maybe Grand theft auto and all good sagas in the console games like Zelda or Mario are out of your list. Your question maybe have to say: Which of this games is the best? Because with your actual question I only have to say you that in my particular opinion any of this games is the best game of all time!Dont only think on your opinion when you make a poll about the best games of all the time.

  17. Are you spamming here or what ? or is it sarcasm added with your spam-post ? Who told you i used those toolbars on my blog. I'm asking here opinion of others on how they feel about this social toolbar. Personally i got annoyed with it like others. What made you think that i used this social toolbar ? Why are you posting something which you've no idea at first place. Do you read topic before you post ? How can you accuse someone who never did anything like that at first place ?

    Excuse me my friend when I said you I meaned all the others members in this post who dont share your opinion with the toolbars and ask for where they can get this toolbar.


    I dont know if you are spamming....Because I don?t...When I read a topic, I start reading the first message and then the answers and how this is a forum I talk not only with who wrote the first message, I mean you, I talk with all the guys who left their answer here.


    I don?t like the toolbars I please to all the guys who have a blog dont insert toolbars in your blogs.


    Corrected if that makes you happy

  18. Maybe the solution is more simple than you think, read this list to be more clear:1. Go to the USB icon and rigth-click and deactivate the automatic reproduction. This step is very important because once you deactivate all the automatic reproduction the virus can?t affect your computer when you insert the removable drive in you usb port.2. Go to softonic.com or maybe in a warez site when you want and download a good antivirus software. The best are in order of quality and performance: Kaspersky Antivirus, Nod32 Esset, Norton Antivirus, Panda Antirus, AVG and BitDefender Antivirus.3. Once you have downloaded your prefered antivirus software, disconnect your pc from the internet and scan the entire disks and of course connect your usb removable drive and scan whith the antivirus software. I personally recommend you to use the "desinfect or delete file" option in the settings of the antivirus software.4. Once your removable media is clean and if it is a pendrive. Back up all the files inside the pendrive and download a sofware named Hp removable format tool which is a software made by Hewlett-Packard to format removable drives and believe it is a very good software. Why you have to format you pendrive? Simple, the problem with the safe remove of the pendrive are originated by problems in the structure of the Fat32 system in your pendrive which it is very vulnerable against viruses. So the format will help you to have your pendrive clean like new.I hope all this steps will help you. Bye.

  19. A conflict take place when two or more organisations or persons are in a contradiction between there. If in your place there are two malls and the owners have a war of prices and offers to sell more or maybe organize some event to call more public you can say that they are in a conflict but personally I think not. Two enterprises that compete for a market for example always will have differiences and that is the paper of the competition in the businesses. But it is very different if you in your college have a girlfriend and some day you catch her kissing with a boy and you get mad...You and the guy who was kissing your girlfriend will logically have a conflict, you will fight with him or maybe you will only discuss with him but the conflict will be there and the conflict will have an end of course...maybe you will leave your girlfriend or maybe you will forget her but the conflict between you and the guy will be there maybe forever until you forget the act or solutionate the act mentally. Based in this examples maybe the definition of conflict is more expansive than whe thougth but the conflict is that a contradiction, a war, maybe a competition but the real conflict in its more greatest way to be expressed is the violence where the conflict can be denied it because where the violence take effect generate more and more conflicts.So the conflict maybe is some complicated but you know how to diferenciate the conflict from the competion. They have simmilitudes but are not the same thing.

  20. I recommend you close you firewalls if you have and if the problem persists you can always contact the support trought the Xisto - Support/Billing Area and they will help you. I had a similar problem with a site and the problem was the cronjobs and someone in the support team helped me to fix the problem and get the website up again. So I recommend you to contact the support and maybe view if the ports are ok and If you don?t know anything about porst contacting the support you will get all the help that you need. Bye. And good luck.

  21. Oh lovely site...but I think you maybe have to understand some things before take the adventure of making a business site because I see that you are selling puppies and maybe you forgot that in a business is very important the design and your site look like a personal site like designed with the pure html in the wordpad but the background it is ok is the best part of the ste and I have to say that the text is good, I mean the text but the location of the text is no good. You maybe have to add a menu to your site and start to use PHP instead of HTML. Learn Php is very difficult I am learning and until this day I don?t know everything but you can get experience in some months or maybe if you have a lot of free time in some weeks...But how all the people want the fast way I recommend you to use the WYSIWYG software that literally make your website like a Word document, you will can add all the content you want to the page and the program will start to generate the HTML code and you can design a professional website without having any knowledge about the HTML or PHP codes. So your site is very good... if it is your first site of course but you need to add a lot of things that maybe will can give you the possibility to make more money and sell more puppies and get more traffic, it is mean more visitors like a professional website. I recommend you to use the WYSIWYG software and you can put the word WYSIWYG in google and in softonic maybe there are tens of sofware that will hep you to get a more professional site.Please don?t take my review like a personal attack. I want only to help you and my recomendations are based in the same problems I had when I was more "younger" here in the internet and web design world. And for last, I want to congratulate you because you take the more difficult step that is make your own website and that is very good, and I am sure that your website have helped to a lot of people and It will continue helping a lot of more time.This is my review if you have a question please send me a pm. Bye.

  22. I am totally agree with you this toolbar is annoying for all the readers who only want to read and visit their favorites blogs and almost all the time have to support this annoying toolbar. I think Xisto has a variant of this toolbar where you can join the facebook page and twitter and all that. I don?t use facebook and I particullary hate all the social networks so I only use twitter for businesses not for fun because I didn?t find any fun on twitter and less in facebook. There was another social netword named Hi5.com but I get bored and when a site bored me it is very difficult that I return to its page again. This toolbar like another toolbars in the internet and software are only to sell advertising and make all the popular sites and social networks more popular that they are rigth now. So I think like you and all the bloggers that are copying from the big blogs all the widgets and plugins over and over again, please don?t copy this type of toolbars that only get that the user or reader think that a virus is using his internet because the blog don?t scroll or the browser paste the site like the browser is dead or somethink like that.Dont use this type of toolbars please. Don?t annoy to all the blog readers.

  23. Well I don?t know your age but this is simple question that maybe a 14 years old boy know. First the baby is formed from a pluripotencial cell which is formed by the union between the spematozoon and the egg named zygote. I don?t know if you know something more about this but for your questions maybe not and you have no fault if you are a child but I feel bad that I a person who you have never see the face be who teach you about this. First the women, all the women, have some cells named eggs. The eggs are the sexual cell of the women and have a 50% of the pregnancy process. The men have some cells named spermatozoons which are created in the testicles and get his mature age when a man arrives to the 14 years of age. When a man and a woman have sexual relationships (without protection of course) and the man ejaculate inside the woman the spermatozoon start the travel to the Fallopian tubes which is the most common place where the union between the two sexual cells join to form the zygote. The spermatozoons have some properties that give them the stregth and the capability to make to travel with the fast it is needed and the precision to arrive to the Fallopian tubes at the same time the egg is here. Once the union between the egg and the spermatozoon have been made the new cell is named zygote and the zygote is a pluripotencial cell and start to divide and in some days pass to be the morula. The morula after some chemical and biological processes start to divide in blastomeres. The blastomeres start to form the embryo. The embryo formation take regularly only one week and the embrionary period take 8 weeks in the normal conditions. So the embryo have a lot of primordiums. The primordiums of the heart, brain, spinal cord, liver, kidney and almost all the organs that after will form the entire organism. Once the embrionary period is over start the fetal period and the product(the baby) is now named fetus. The fetal period is very long and take all the time between the end of the embrionay period until the birth of the baby. In the fetal period all the organs and systems are formed and the fetus have reactions to some teratogenics subtances; teratogenic means abortive substances, so the fetal period is a very very critical period to the health of the baby in his birth, first years and sometimes in his life because the lessions in some systems made in the fetal period can produces some adult diseases. For the birth of the baby the mother have some options:1. The natural birth.2. The cesarean surgery.3. Others alternatives and no aprobed ways to birth.Obviously, the two ways more used in the world are the natural birth and the cesarean surgery. Once the baby have got out from his mother belly the first hours are critical but when the baby is a month old the problems start to be less and the baby start his beatiful life.So maybe my answer is short for all your questions but I will resume now:The baby is formed by the join between the male spermatozoon and the feel egg.The girls get pregnant having sexual relationships with men or maybe using some alternative methods like the artificial insemination.If you want to know more please only say me. I am pre-medic.

  24. Hello and welcome to Xisto forums here you wil find all the entertainemt and the news and everything you need to get hosted like a pro with the best servers i have meet until now the Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting server. I have added my vote for your girlfriend, she is very very good looking congratulations and she is winning rigth now but be careful because Dolores is very pretty too and she is close in the votation to your girlfriend and tell me I have a question to you because I see that you are actually newbie and you have only a post...if you signed up to Xisto.com only to win votes to your girlfriend you are violating the rules in this forum...but maybe you only make your welcome more plesure to all of us because the votation is really a pleasure and believe me your girlfriend is very very good looking and maybe she will win....but You feel happy for this? I mean she is winning and you maybe are happy for her, but you are comfortable with other men watch your girlfriend? I maybe are very jealous but I have to say that in your country maybe are different culture and this is normal so if that is the case ignore my question.Welcome to Xisto you wil get a lot of fun posting here but remember to make good and quality post to be alright with the rules and make a lot of mycents and change them to hosting or domains and make your websites projects reality. I am very grateful to all the Xisto and Xisto.com members and staff because I was very very sad with the free web hosting services where you are a slave of the administrator who only want that you came mad and paid their "cheap" hosting plans that only solutionate you part of the problems and let you very much to desire. Enjoy this forum because the service given here is unique in all the world I dont know about another page which gave you free web hosting only for get fun writing to incredible people all the day. But I have to warn you don?t try to take advantage copying and pasting from another website because that wil bring you a lot of troubles here, believe me that is the reason because I have negative balance now when I am writing you. So welcome again and congratulations for your girlfriend, she is very and very pretty...

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