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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I apologize to all of you because I read this information from a website and I copied and pasted the article and I forgot to quote it. So excuse me please.


    In other things I listened a radio program in Spain about this. The host invited to experts to the program and all they talked about the sounds from hell in Siberia. This is truth. The hole in Siberia is famous in the geologist world the name is "The Great Hole in Cola" because it is located in Cola, Siberia. We all know about heaven and hell. And we all know about God will come to take to the good men and he will leave to the pervert men in the earth and they will be burning in a fire lake. Everything is in the bible. We all know. If everything about heaven and hell is true, it?s login to think that the hell is in the earth today and the people is suffering here today. I know that everybody feels fear about this because cristians, musulmans and atheums are scary when somebody talks about the hell and the damned. So maybe this is a proof about GOD and Hell and everything.


    So the hole is truth, the news have been talked about this. All the URSS project is true. The team listened human screams from the deep earth. Since then the sovietics put a militar protection to all the perimeter and it is unavailable until today. So if this isn?t true why the sovietics took these precautions 20 years ago...Simply why?


    Everything about this story is true...But is not proved if there is the hell or is another thing...


    So we have to be careful and not be unrepentant sinners or maybe we will end in Siberia ;):P :P

  2. Awesome welcome to Xisto forum community I think that there are any inconvenient with you. Enjoy the site it?s yours. Use it and get hosting, of course. You are special it?s the first time that I heard about an ex-convict using the internet with a website project in his mind. And that is totally fantastic. I want to congratulate you because you are brave and you have courage to afront your situation and help to other that are or were in your situation. I recommend you to don?t post that illegal things about the phones because that can get serial trouble to the Xisto forum owners, ok.Welcome to best forum community in the internet.See ya.

  3. I am radical ok. I am not going to give you a cursi advise because I hate the cursi things. I have to say you that you have to separate from your girlfriend temporally, of course, until all the troubles be superated. Its sad nowaday to see all the happy couples that are obligated to separate because their parents are not agree. I am agree when a father oppose to his daugther start a relationship with a lazy or a criminal but you said that you are a student and you study in other country. So you are not a bad man so my advice is that. Take it or let it. But one thing is true you can let that these "family problems" hurt your emotional strength because if you allow it, all the world around you will start to fall in front of you. Don?t allow that another person decide your future or cause you more troubles in the future. Sometimes GOD send to his sons proofs like this, maybe if you get separate from your girlfriend the happiness will be bigger in the future. I don?t know but only you have the answer, not your parents or her parents. Take this advice and you will see the results. Please don?t let this to the destiny because that doesn?t exist. Take the destiny in your hands and build it day to day. And that guy who is causing all the problems maybe is fall in love with your girlfriend, dont?t allow he will be close to her. I am not saying that you have to hit him, no. Simply keep him away from your girlfriend before all this problem start to be a "three" problem where everybody lose something at the end. Take the advice and pay attention to this unfortunated situation that you are living because this is a proof for the trouble that you will securely have in the future.Don?t abandon your girlfriend but give her some space ok.

  4. If there really is no Hell, then where do unrepentant sinners go when they die? Do you think JESUS would let them into Heaven?

    [Please Note: There has been much debate whether this is real or not. I am not saying it is real or not but I feel it is important enough to post it and let you the reader decide.]


    These details are from the translation of an article in a Finnish newspaper named 'Ammennusatia'.


    A geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep in the crust of the earth are saying that they heard human screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned souls from earth's deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the evil powers of hell up to the earth's surface.


    'The information we are gathering is so surprising, that we are sincerely afraid of what we might find down there,' stated Dr Azzacov, the manager of the project in remote Siberia.


    'The second surprise was the high temperature they discovered in the earth's center. 'The calculations indicate the given temperature was about 1,100 degrees Celsius, or over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit,' Azzacov pointed out. 'This is far more then we expected. It seems almost like an inferno of fire is brutally going on in the center of the earth.






    If you want to listen the sounds click here


    Warning if you have hearts problems. Please don?t listen this.

  5. I got the following software: Microsoft Office, Kaspersky Internet Security, Jdownloader, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Tune Up Utilities 2008, Down of Aces, Wampserver, Limewire, Winrar, GomPlayer, WYSIWYG Web Builder, Text Aloud, Microsoft Encarta, WinAvi Video Converter, Enciclopedia Oceano, Boilsof Video Splitter, Video Joiner, CoreFTP, WebEasy, and a lot of more programs that I almost never use.

  6. I think the best solution would be to stop worrying how much you earn out of a post and start worrying about the quality of your post. If all the members were only bothered about how much they're making from their posts, then the forum would be full of long but meaningless posts! It's good to make a long post, but it should also have some good content. If one goes on talking about something in a random manner then it loses all meaning and whether or not the poster gets a lot of money, the people who read that long post get bored!

    Yeah I think you are totally right. I don´t know how the MyCents script works if my memory doesn´t fail the most I have earned with a post are $0.75 with a legnthy post. I don´t understand how some guys say they have earned until $10 with a single post. I think the downtime in the server cause the fail in the MyCents system when all the people post some topics.

    I think there are some things that are not rigth with the MyCents system because the Mycents that we earn must not be proportionally to the length of the post. I try to make good quality post always but I don´t earn $3 a post; sometimes I only make $0.15-0.35 a post regularly. I have made a lot of length post and I dont earn $3 a post I think that this is only a lie from these forum members.

    I have a question to all the moderators:

    A member that have a SuperMember status receive more MyCents than a Newbie?

    Can someone give me a good explanation about this.



  7. Hi Alex welcome to the best forum community in all the internet. Oh you like programming what C++, Pascal, Foxpro. You are from Hong Kong I see. I imagine you know all this programming codes. I am honduran and I know these three codes and I am special for that. ;):P:DYou the chinese are very intelligent. I hope you tell us about your website or your future project. I see you like to surf too.Is there sea in Hong Kong? I want to know this a lot of time ago. Maybe you can post a reply and delete all my doubts about your country.Welcome again Alex I can secure you only one thing: You will get a lot of fun on Xisto.com that you will not visit any other forum to comment something.Bye Alex.

  8. Congratulations Alex. I don?t know who you are but if the Xisto team select you to be a forum moderator I can suppose that you are a great community member. WOW you have a lot of work in the future, it?s a great responsability for you. But I imagine It?s fun too. Congratulations again and welcome to the moderator?s team.I want to know how I can be a moderator, what are the steps? Is is necessary dedicate a lot of time?Please I wait an answer.

  9. Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker and inventor. Kiyosaki is best known for his Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of motivational books and other material. He has written 15 books which have combined sales of over 26 million copies.[1] Although beginning as a self-publisher, he was subsequently published by Warner Books, a division of Hachette Book Group USA, currently his new books appear under the Rich Dad Press imprint. Three of his books, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant, and Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, have been on the top 10 best-seller lists simultaneously on The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times. The book Rich Kid Smart Kid was published in 2001, with the intent to help parents teach their children financial concepts. He has created three "Cashflow" board and software games for adults and children and has a series of "Rich Dad" audio cassettes and disks. He also publishes a monthly newsletter.


    A large part of Kiyosaki's teachings focus on generating passive income by means of investment opportunities, such as real estate and businesses, with the ultimate goal of being able to support oneself by such investments alone. In tandem with this, Kiyosaki defines "assets" as things that generate cash inflow, such as rental properties or businesses�and "liabilities" as things that use cash, such as houses, cars, and so on. Kiyosaki also argues that financial leverage is critically important in becoming rich.

    Kiyosaki stresses what he calls "financial literacy" as the means to obtaining wealth. He says that life skills are often best learned through experience and that there are important lessons not taught in school. He says that formal education is primarily for those seeking to be employees or self-employed individuals, and that this is an "Industrial Age idea." And according to Kiyosaki, in order to obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner or an investor, generating passive income.

    Kiyosaki speaks often of what he calls "The Cashflow Quadrant," a conceptual tool that aims to describe how all the money in the world is earned. Depicted in a diagram, this concept entails four groupings, split with two lines (one vertical and one horizontal). In each of the four groups there is a letter representing a way in which an individual may earn income. The letters are as follows.

    E: Employee ďż˝ Working for someone else.
    S: Self-employed or Small business owner ďż˝ Where a person owns his own job and is his own boss.
    B: (Boss) Business owner ďż˝ Where a person owns a "system" of making money, rather than a job to make money.
    I: Investor ďż˝ Spending money in order to receive a larger payout in.

    I have read three Kiyosaki�s books but I don�t really learn anything new but maybe is only me. I have read that a lot of companies are growing aplying their lessons and tips.

    But It�s Robert an expert or a fraud?

  10. I don?t know a lot about the karma because I am christian but the few that I?ve read make me think that this is only one more of the lies about the soul. The religions invent a lot of theories like this that are only made to sell a lot in the market with all that meditation programs that only makes to people lose their time sit listening "glory words" or "finding themselves". With this post I suppose that you practice the karma so I recommend you to invest that time watching T.V. and the results are the same.But if someone see results using the karma and meditation then follow it until the end, but I doubt that this get good results.But it is only my opinion.

  11. I am tired of this cases. "Your friend" who looks like an angel without any of the your partner?s bad things is only a player. You already must know that a man who is seducing women that have partners are players who see the oportunity to have sex easily. That?s the truth. I am sorry if I am so direct. You have to think not only on yourself but in your kids too. How will the kids feel living with separated parents? You have to think on them too. Don?t lose your time with that "friend" he is only a oportunist and you will sorry the mistake you will commit if you pay attention to him. You have to marry with your couple or leave him and wait for the rigth guy. But your friend keep away from you because he is only behind you for other reasons.I suppose that you are a intelligent woman and I know that you will do the best for you and your children.God bless you.

  12. Leaving the school is regular in my country. The students leave the school because they said there are no money to go on. But by experience I know today that this is only an excuse to justify their frustation because there is not money to study but there are to buy beers and get drunk three times a week. I think there isn?t anything wrong in leaving the school if you have study or aren?t interested in a proffession.But you have to work then. I have a friend who left the school two years ago. He was all day browsing in the internet, downloading movies, in others words doing nothing. I tried to gave him some useful tips to superate his conduct. But he is in the same work until today: playing gamecube, browsing internet, watching T.V. all day.So what I am trying to say is that you can quit the school but with a purpose because the "lazy life" can trap you if you are not ready.But I want to tell to everybody that the school is one of the best things in the world. DONT QUIT TO THE SCHOOL!

  13. I started to use Windows Messenger in the 2004 where I got started in the internet world. Since 2004 I saw a tendence about the Messengers: Almost all the people use Hotmail and Live how inbox, and by default almost all the people are obligated to use the Windows Messenger.


    In 2005 started the problems with this software, my computer restart when I opened the Messenger. I installed the Kaspersky Antivirus but there was no any virus. Of course, I unistalled the Windows Messenger and that made me to change my inbox to Yahoo! Mail.


    Once in Yahoo, I already noted the superiority over Hotmail. The Yahoo Messenger was more nice than Windows and the options were more intuitive and various than Microsoft.


    But in 2008 a friend that I needed a favor from him only used Windows Live Messenger so I got the balls to install it one more time. At first worked perfectly but in come weeks the problems started again and I was obligated to unistall it.


    This year I gave the last chance to the Windows Live Messenger but the story was scary, the problems started in only 3 days and I was obligated to format my hard disk and I lost all my files and information.


    So my conclution is: Windows Live Messenger have a problem in the programation code and damage the OS when you use it more than one month, at least.



    So, I don?t recommend you to download or install this software.



    I hope to help you to prevent a disaster.

  14. Incredible tutorial It?s great because I always wanted to know how to use skype in my cellphone but I imagined that this could be done with other ideas like use wap in your phone and makes the call since your mobile phone directly. But this way is incredible but I am sad because I have not a bluetooth receiver so I can prove this method right now.This is an incredible and revolutionary tutorial, Where did you get it? Is it yours? But I want to congratulate you, anyway.The cellphone companies will explode with this new about use Skype in your cellphone.Thank you very much.Regards.

  15. Well my alarm clock have the tune of "Hablame Claro - Wisin y Yandel" but how I hate to raised up in the mornings to go to the college I finally hate that song. I raised up to the 8:00 am but I only sleep 6 hours. That?s not enough rigth?I like the raeggaeton for my tunes on my mobile phone but in the street I have to go with the vibration active because there are a lot of thiefs that assault people and steals their things mainly their cellphones.I like this post and I will follow it. Thank you inverse_bloom.Regards.

  16. The best download manager is the JDownloader. This download manager can download files from: Rapidshare.com, Youtube.com, Megaupload.com, Depositfiles.com, Gigasize.com and from the web too...It?s simple the best download manager that I have used in the life and it?s free. I recommend you download this faboulous software and it?s necessary to have Java Environment installed in the computer because JDownloader needs Java to work.You can download movies from Rapidshare for example and the software automatically will download the parts and you can far from your computer but the Jdownloader is working all the time. It?s perfect to the downloaders like me but it can be used for anyone.I recommend you prove the fabolous Jdownloader.Regards.

  17. You only have to post this is the catch... Post in the forums, make good post not spam. To make good post you have to use at least 26 words in your post, less than this is spam and making spam will make you don?t gain the neccesary Mycents that you need. Posting here is so entertaining is not like post on those that offers post-to-hosting like X10hosting that only make you lose your time with their constants serverdowns that make you lose visitors. There is no better hosting provider that Xisto and Xisto.com forums where anyone can access to be hosted for the price of almost nothing: only post on this entertaining forum regularlly and earn MyCents. That?s easy. That?s what I do. There are some first steps that you have to do before get hosted:1. Make 5 good post(with 26 words or more) to start to see your statics in the left sidebar.2. Make 20-30 good post(it?s not difficult) and earn at least $2.00 with your Mycents in your Xisto - Support/Billing account to buy yourself the Logic Hosting Plan and start to be hosted.3. Earn at least another $2.00 in a month to get other month hosted.4. If you earn the enough dollars in your Xisto - Support/Billing account you can buy another things like: A year hosting plan, Register a domain, buy special hosting features, etc..This is so easy and you can start rigth now, I recommend you that you read the rules in the Terms of Service and all the Mycent system information until you understand. That will take you only a couple of days make the first 20 good post and earn $2.00 and you will get hosted before a week from your registration.Welcome to the best hosting provider absolutely free. You will get fun in the forum. Believe me that?s truth.Good Luck and Regards.

  18. Microsoft is making a good move. Since they launched Bing.com they?re growing and now the Yahoo colaboration wil put Bing.com more in the map. Maybe there are some nostalgy about the Yahoo search I know about friends that used like homepage the Yahoo Search Page. But this movement between two bing companies to compete Google I think is perfect. Google maybe have to be worried because it?s losing a huge percentage of rate of using since Bing.com is online.This alliance is not illegal. Why do this have to be illegal? Yahoo and Microsoft are making the impossible to beat their common competitor: Google. Google made alliance like this in the past: sharing and then buying Youtube, and other more examples...A year ago I thought that Google was undefeatable but now the things are changing and I think that is better the competition that the monopoly.That?s my opinion.Regards.

  19. Well TheDisturbedOne, this is peculiar ocassion but I will make my comment about this. All the torrents are not illegal, this is true. But the illegal torrents are more than the legal. How will you prove that your torrents files are legal?...Don?t understand bad everybody included me love torrent and if Xisto - Web Hosting politics aren?t agaisnt the Warez for example, I am sure that in this moments my website maybe offers Warez.Althougth Torrent is not Warez they are used for the same purposes the most part of the time: Distribuite illegal copies without the copyrigths and that means a serious problem to the artist, software developers, and all the industries were the illegal copying is damaging their profits.The most intelligent form to know if Torrent is allowed on Xisto - Web Hosting is sending a support ticket to them and asking if the torrent linking is allowed. I am sure that they will allow you using the Torrent because if they don?t allow it maybe this point have to be wrote in the TOS.But I recommend you that if they aprove you to use Torrent in your website, don?t upload links that contains illegal files or you will lose your account here.I wish you good luck and I 100% that they will allow you to use Torrent files.Regards.

  20. Hi Maxime I see that you are so lost now. Maybe you have a deep obsession with your ex-boyfriend that doesn?t let you to met other men properly. I am a man. I know that I am not the best to advice you but maybe some of my words will help you.Your life is the most important thing to you and you came to the earth to be happy, and you don?t deserve to be worry for a man that is not yours anymore. You have to understand that he is married now, unavailable. And Understand that you will never be with him without hurt to a family: his wife and his daugther. Please let him in the past, forget him now because your life is being consumed for a passion that isn?t exist anymore.Take the riskies metting with other men, try to met them better and you will see that there are some men better than your ex-boyfriend, valuable, crazy for you and make you happy. But if you live with that idea in your mind: "My ex-boyfriend is the best man in the world" metting with another guys will be extremely difficult.I like to read that you let the drugs and that evil things that only bring you troubles. Your life is a gift from God and you don?t have to waste it obsessionate with a man that doesn?t love you anymore or taking drugs and all these things that only make you more unhappy.You need to start love and forget the past. Go to clubs, meet interesting men, start to enjoy the life again...And you will find to a man that will love you for all your life until the death. Everything is taking the properly riskies and you will found your awesome reward at the end of the road.I hope that my words help you with your problems. You are a great person and woman. You don?t deserve to be unhappy. You deserve to be happy!Good luck and Regards!

  21. I knew that Microsoft will menace Google with the Bing Search Engine. Bing is very good looking search engine and give you the impression that you are in the best search engine, Bing is only the best design in the internet but maybe there is something else that makes Bing a good search engine and a serious Google?s competitor. Bing will destroy to Yahoo search engine because Yahoo search engine isn?t good looking and it doesn?t have a good search code. In the market Bing wil grow against Google and Yahoo because a lot of people is putting Bing.com like Homepage in their browsers.Microsoft is very intelligent because Google looked undefeatable but now the reality is other. In one year Bing will be a closer Google?s competitor.Start using Bing and Google. Go to the crash with Yahoo.Bing is the best now.Regards.

  22. Welcome back I?m sorry for your past website but I recommend you that start to post in this fantastic forum and get your Logic Hosting Plan very soon. I am thankful with the Xisto forums since I signed up I have get 3 months of quality hosting and a .COM domain. This is the best forum in all the planet. I never could have a good website until I meet Xisto. The support is the best that I have ever seen. In fact I paid for another hosting and never receive so fast answer like here.I recommend you that start post in this fantastic forum. Don?t waste your time with the other free web hosting sites.Welcome back to Trap 17.Regards.

  23. Nooooooooooooooo you are totally wrong I think that the high school is very important in the human development. Maybe is more logical say that the university is a waste of time and money. In Honduras the 50% not end the high school and have more probabilities of living poor all their lives.In change the university can be a waste of time if you dont want to be an employee. Maybe you are interested in the business world and the university can be a obstacle in your way.The education in the things that you are interested never is a waste of time.

  24. I think that we hanve to see to the future and stop seing the past. The floppy disks were a revolution in their time and actually they aren?t unuseful. In my country still work with floppy but quicly the USB pendrive is starting to delete the floppy disk from the map.The nostalgia is foolisnesh. The present are the USB Pendrives.In some years we will say: "RIP Floppy Disk"

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