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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I have been retired a little bit from Xisto.com because I have paid with my paypal account all the invoices in my xisto billing account. But I am ready to start to post again. My surprise is now Xisto.com is Xisto.com but It look different not only in the design in the system too.Because all of that I have to make a few question and I looking for a answer:1. Is knowledsutra the same Xisto.com?2. Is still this site a post to host site? 3. Is the Mycent system working or not? Is it updating or not?I think that all these question need an answer because I am confused like I said.I hope your answer. Bye

  2. Interesting post because all of us had only heard about the roman empire but maybe dont know how this great empire maybe the greatest empire of all the human history could fall down after dominate almost all the world. Maybe I have another theories about the fall of the roman empire:1. There are a lot of evidences of disalignment in the roman army because some generals where thinking in their own interest if the empire falls. A lot of important people of Rome was rewarded in some or another way with the fall of the empire.2. I have heard another documentaries where say that the emperors ate their food in plumb plates and it is demostrated by the science that the plumb damage the brain functions of thinking and reality and maybe this suspected madness combined with all the vices of the emperors could be one of the reasons of the end of the empire.3. The barbarians. All civilization have their enemies and actually we can see this in the fight between the capitalism society with the comunism or almost comunist countries like Rusia. The main feature of this people who is against the developed civilization in all the human history is their perseverance generation by generation and the incredible hate that they can develop against the dominating civilization. The barbarians had defeat by defeat in almost a millenium but they never surrender and at the end they had their victory.4. The empire system. I am totally agree with all my friends that maybe this type of government was useless to contain all the problems that Rome had in those times. Maybe a little democracy or a capable dictator could contain all this problems but the hereditary system was completely useless.5. Cristianity. I am cristian but I have to admit that all the religions had some type of danger to the human develop because all we know the history of heaven and SION but we all are here in the earth and we have to do something with our lives and the cristianity maybe make the people lazy and the people dont have any type of superation spirit in their lives, they only are waiting for the dead and that is not correct. We can be religious but no lazy.At the end I think that all the empires had to fall some day but it?s incredible how some great empires like the roman empire fell down when I imagine that it those days maybe that?s looked imposible.Great topic and bye.

  3. I think that there are a lot of possible other types of life in all the universe but we maybe dont have to lose our time thinking of that. First of all the humans are destinated to be destroyed by ourselves because we are hurting the only planet where we can live with all the pollution and all the oil like in Mexico Gulf, the life in another planet is possible and more than possible maybe is unrefutable but maybe in another galaxies or solar system the life maybe is not smartest than us. If there are aliens who are coming to the earth is doubtful because for the nature maybe all the types of life like the destruction and maybe they can come to destroy us not to help us like a lot who believe that in the area 51 the aliens are making conpirations with the US goverment.The another question maybe more interesting is how close we have these types of foreign life in the world maybe in all the solar system have to be another piece of life maybe in Mars where some type of life can be living...These questions are completely logical but until this time they don?t have any answer....

  4. I dont think that computers will take over earth because the computer in the words of the master Garry Kasparov are stupid because they cant think for themselves they have to be operated by an human or by another computer. I think that this type of post with this paranoid issues are out of date. First in the 2000 all the cars had to fly and now in the 2012 the world is gonna end. The computer are incredible usesfull but they can hurt people at least humans use them to this purpose. We have to be more intelligent and excuse me if my answer is hurting your feelings....

  5. Well the riskies of use the unsecure wireless networks are logic. You can get an infection with a virus or you can get your computer hacked and lost information or damage your operative system. I recommend to use a good antivirus with firewall and spyware like protection but if you don´t want to take this riskies you can simply try to don´t use these wireless connections in public places and only use them when the situation is extremely necessary. I heard one day, I don´t remember exactly when this happened, but here in my country that have a sub-development in technology and in computers, a guy could to access to private information of a lot of people like credit cards numbers and bank accounts and start to steal money from the people that connected in a wireless network that worked in a mall. The guy was discovered for some FBI agents but he only could steal like $10,000 because some accounts can´t be totally hacked. In only five months the guy got out of the jail and five days later was found dead with a shot in his head because one of the people that he stole take revenge with his life.So this is an example that if you make something bad you will pay everything you do. So if you don´t want to be steal and hacked please avoid these connections and only use your personal internet connection or only networks where you are sure that anyone can hack your computer. Please don´t make the classic mistake of connect to a wireless network without a good antivirus and a good firewall.Bye.

  6. I don´t like the new name I think that Xisto is better than Xisto but what can I do? I am not an admin and my only purpose is to make Mycents to get back my hosting plan that is under a great debt with xisto and I have to pay it writing here and talking trougth the forums with all the members of these greats forums. So I have problems to pay because I can´t use Xisto, sorry Xisto because in all the forum is the new that the mycent system is not working. So I need a little or maybe a lot of mycents to get back my hosting plan and I need it quickly. So I have to post in Xisto that is not my favorite because here the people talk more about technical things that maybe I know very good but I really don´t care to explain to another people what is facebook, or what is twitter or how you can get a pdf file in a doc file, so maybe these days will be a nigthmare for me because for first time in a year I have the obligation to post in this forum and talk about technical things and try to explain in a simple good quality post how to do something to all the visitors and members but I can´t do anything to fix this problem, everything is admin thing and I will not cry for this, for good sake.So hello again to all the Xisto members and welcome to the new non-working site Xisto.com

  7. Well I have no any money so my computer is so old that the unique factor that make it entertained is the internet because I can´t install videogames newer than 2000 because I dont have a 3d video card, either. So my apologizes to all you that maybe don´t believe me but this is the truth.My computer is a:Intel Pentium II 233 MHz256 MB RAM8 MB VIDEO CARDMy monitor doesn´t have a mark so...I have a mouse and a keyboard512 Kbps Cable InternetWindows SP3 autorebooteable(my computer has problems and turn off alone)And maybe that is all so you are lucky and never say bad things about your computers because in a little part in the earth I am connected with my old computer.So bye bye.

  8. Well I don´t know if this is a new strategy by Google to keep its visitors busy and online. The truth is that Google is today the world leader in the search engine business and maybe with this new feature they are testing if the costumers can increase because the bing page is growing and there are a lot of users that have changed their preferences from Google to bing.com.So happy for Google it´s my favorite and maybe there are a lot of visitors that remembered their age when they played pacman with their friends and now Google is offering to all the people this easy and very entertained game.Ohh... no now are the twelve o´clock in my country and Google took off the pacman game well nothing is forever no? But thank you google and maybe in some hours i will download the pacman game to remember my times and my childness.Bye.

  9. I think that you maybe are exagerating with the design because it looks a little agressive. Because a site with a lot of visual effects like this site maybe are not the best to be surfing. Maybe you have to put a good-looking template for your blog but with a less of visual effects because this site have the look of personal page you know that pages that anybody can visit and the admins think that are good sites. So please you have to changer your template add good content and make good seo work and of course you have to change your domain name because it has the Xisto.com and that is not good looking because all the visitors instictly detect that your web page is free and free in internet means bad content and wasted time so the people will go away from your site ok. You need to make this changes and add your blog to google and start to catch visitors and I recommend you to send a sitemap to google webmaster tools. Please don?t fall in the easiest opinion that the other people are saying you that your site is good-looking that your blog is beatiful because believe me like yours there are a lot of blogs in the internet and anyone visit it in the month so the important in the internet is not the good looking of a website. The important in the internet is the easy way for surf the web page and you know that Yahoo.com for example have one of the more good-looking designs and Google.com is one of the simplest website in all the internet but in internet the people want to be simple so Google dominate to yahoo and you know that is the true. Please pay attention to all my tips and you will have a beatiful and popular blog.

  10. Hi kjktrini welcome to trap 17.com the best forum community in all the internet where you will can get a lot of fun and of course all the webhosting that you can desire to realize your website projects. Oh my god you have like 10 dollars in negative balance what did you do my friend? I have to say you that you have to read the rules to be cool with the moderators and admins because they are like eagles searching in the internet if you have copy/paste something fron the internet. Here you will get a lot of information and of course some professionals that can help you if you have technical problems with your site or something like that. Please feel free to make a topic in the help forum and they will help you because this is a great community to share the knowledge that all we have. So your projects here will grow because you will have the most important thing in a website project that is the hosting and you will get all the free web hosting here that you want and you only have to make some good quality post here and earn MyCents and collect them enough to buy your first hosting logic plan. So here you will get a lot of fun too. There isn?t anything more fun than talk with somebody and here you will can talk with a lot of members that like you want to share their thinkness and help between them. You are very important for the community so please fell free to request help if you need. And please read the rules because I can note that you have a huge quantity of negative balance and that is very bad for you I can?t imagine all the work that you will have to do to get out of that huge hole where you are rigth now. But with a little of work and discipline you can do it faster than quit and believe me that if you quit to your projects only for this you will be very sorry. So welcome again and remember to request help please because I can see that you need help to understand how the Mycents system works. Bye.

  11. Thank you for the web page I will going to bookmark now and use it later because I am starting a new project and I want to use the SEO techniques that I learned a few weeks ago and start to have a good website with traffic and all that because the traffic exchanges have me bored to generate traffic. The Seo techniques are easy but if you want to be in the fist page maybe you will have to look for a niche or something like that becase if you want to be in the first position for "music" oh my god the seo tools maybe you will need the help of GOD with the millions of results that google and bing will return you to this keyword maybe with the niche where google only back some 5k results you will can have more oportunities and the competition is less ok. Maybe you will have to pay some good adwords campaign to generate some traffic to your site with a keyword like "music" and this seo tools maybe will not help you for nothing ok. So use this techniques to get a lot of traffic in your sites but related with a niche and not with a great keyword that if you have luck maybe you will be in the 1000 position and you don´t have any traffic and you will have to be surfing in traffic exchanges like me... :):D And believe me that is incredible boring ok. So don´t fall in this traps that some seo gurus can sell you their ebooks and make money lying you saying that theirs techniques can make that you up in the google results until the first position for good keywords because that is not true. So follow the seo techniques in a niche and start to get backlinks inmediately ok because if you didn´t do it maybe your projects will be in the first position one day and the other part of the year in the third or on he fifth position. So be careful with your competition.

  12. i recommend you to use google and search for some windows intallations like this that are available in all the forums out there. Some of them have some names like razor windows that includes you tha office and winrar adobe and all the sofware that you install when you have installed windows. So you can go to google and search for a windows installation version that includes all this that you want. But if you want to make your own windows installation I have to say you that you can damage your motherboard using unofficial windows installations cd´s so the best is install an official version of windows and then install all the software that you need. If you have a little knowledge about spanish I recommend you go to taringa that is a very good site where a lot of hackers have a membership and they upload this type of windows version and I have to say that this versions of windows the unique that I tested works good but the problem that I had was the drivers so I finish it and format my hard drive. That´s a good version to old computers and worked in mine. So look in google or bing for a good version of windows modificated ok. So you will can make your own version of windows putting there all the softwares that you want maybe understanding the I316 folder and modify it to install all the software that you want so go to internet and google and look for a good tutorial because here I think that you will not find good information because the forum is fill but with website programators and maybe they don´t know anything about this. But I dont know. Go to taringa in google and search for a good version of windows and please only search for xp modificated versions because the other version can damage your motherboard and force you to buy a new motherboard and you know all the problem that you will have for this. So: Go to taringa, bye.

  13. Intel is the best company in processors. Well that is not a secret but this technology is awesome the consuming of this new processor is awesome it only use 0.2 watt and that is awesome because in old computer like mine the processor is the thing that more spend your money... It?s incredible that all we have a lot of good performance in the computer because I have to say that I tested a core 2 duo with a athlon and the difference is incredible Intel is the best processors manufacturer and maybe the 90% of all the computers use the intel processors before all the others bad processors. The question is this is a processor to mobile devices like an ipod or an celular? Because I worked in a cell phone workshop and I opened all the models of all the companies in the year that I worked there and I have to say that I never see any intel processor maybe this technology is new or they only have processors for mini-laptop or laptops. But it?s incredible that now there are a lot of cloned processors because I went to a store and buy a processor and it was cheap so I bougth it inmediately of course but in the house when i see it with detention I saw that that was a copy or a clon and I tested it in my computer because I can return the product to the store. And incredible in my computer it?s detected like an Intel processor core 2 duo. Maybe the piracy is very advanced in these days.

  14. Hey that sounds good I didnt?t know anything about this new technology of microsoft but it?s good to know now. I didn?t know that we can have in a windows server a wiki service searching documents in all the internet and then offer this to our visitors and this maybe some of us can make the competition to the wikipedia because now I have to say that wikipedia have to be in the number one of google for a lot of time and that maybe it?s not fair because the internet is open to all of us and microsoft scrash all closing the encarta. I imagine that this software can?t be used here in xisto.com with a dedicated web server or yes? Have a server maybe it?s very expensive althougth you have all the fredom to make with it that you want and dont be posting here all the months and dont have to earn mycents, jajajaja. I have been kidding ok. So if you want to have a dedicated server of yours in your house maybe you will have to be ready with the money to pay the expensive that this can be to all who have a own server. Windows sharepoint? I can imagine a technology like that well wikipedia will have a lot of competition with this new invention of Microsoft. Gates can be alone to anyone eh? I like that guy because he understand that the competition is unique that make the like have more sense that the simple survive instict that the more of people have. Maybe with this software and in some years or months depends of all my projects maybe I will have my own server and can use this software to create my own wiki site.

  15. My personal vision is that maybe this is an unapropiated category because the religion is a very controversial theme and this can be transformed in a battle camp because all the people have different points of views about god and all the religion. I think that. Maybe the administrators have good intentions with this category but I have fear or make a new topic here because I can get banned if I expose all the doubts and thougths that I have about the religion. I am not an atheo or something like that but I have my question and maybe this forum is so censurable for the admins and moderators that is not good idea post here some thougths that i have. Maybe a moderator can pm me and say me that I can post here all related with religion but that maybe is not gonna happen. So proof of that is this topic where a member is saying that this a cool category and he expect that this be used properly and maybe doing an advise about the consequences of post here your real thoughts and that maybe alert me more to avoid this category and pay more attention to the other forums where I can?t post any of my thougths but there are more liberty. So maybe all of we are here because the category about spiritually catched our attention and we maybe thougth that this category you will can talk about religion with all the liberty that any person needs to talk about it. So please can a moderator or the admin say us if this category is free of prejuices? That answer maybe make me post here a lot of ideas or never comeback to this category. Until then I will keep away of this category bye.

  16. Hello discomatt and welcome to Xisto where you wil can make your website dreams true. Here you will find all the tools to start your website and get Mycents to earn you hosting plan. It?s incredible 6 years encoding PHP and I am only starting to learn that beatiful code. It?s hard to learn PHP like me because I have never learned C++ or foxpro or another programation language. Well, welcome again to this fantastic forum where you will get a lot of fun posting here and helping to the other members because a lot of people need help with php here. You have to make 20 good quality post to start receiving your hosting package and it?s easy to start only make post with 26+ works related with the theme of the conversation. The knowledge that will find here is invaluable because all the forum is filled of webmasters ready to help you because this a real community and you are free to post anything related with the forums. I recommend you go to the tos section to understand all the rules and know how can you avoid some warnings avoiding some bad practices that fall the new members of this website. Please don?t copy/paste content from another site. Because the moderators team and the administrators of this forum are good searching if the content posted here is in another site... The idea is that Xisto.com is new, fresh content and if you copy paste from another website you only will get banned and lost your hosting package until the moderators release your account and allow you comeback. So please dont fall on that trap. But welcome again and remember that you are free here to post your thinkness because there are a lot of people that want to read yours. Welcome and start your website projects to run here in the best forum community in all the internet Xisto.com

  17. It´s possible that in the future a lot of people want to marry with robots but think in legalize this maybe is a little exagerated. This is a business so why not? A lot of mans have needs with the love and maybe they feel alone and can´t socialize with the women and if they have the enough money to buy a robot and marry with it they are free to do it. The dolls that a lot of men use to satisfy sexually is not a crime and it´s allowed. Why? Because there are a lot of men that want sex quickly and need to be with someone and don´t have the time or the skills to go to a bar and talk with a woman and start the reproduction process. This is typical for all those men that are nerds or are crazy. Sorry nerds but my recomendation is dont fall in this, wait, being nerd or not you will get a woman in the future that always happen be you ugly or pretty. So if there are a plesbicist for this and want to vote to favor to all that men that will be happy with a robot like wife. Another thing is that women need this too. The dildos are sold like hot bread. But maybe the women are more reserved and usually don´t fall in these practices, maybe pay to a man but that is all. So my opinion is that the men are free to choose if they want to pass the rest of their lives with a real human or with a machine. Why in Masachussets? The gay cases don´t have anything here. I think that althougth Masachussets was the first state in legalize the gay matrimony and since that sucess the world is opening a lot of legislations to favor gay like in Mexico and Argentina for example. So the future is there at least that 2012 is the end of world or something like that.

  18. Good news for the indians and congratulations to all that people that work in the internet and now is receiving their money with paypal. I opened an account with 2checkout and I am very dissapointing because they only allow you to use a domain. If you have different domains you have to buy another account, with $19 discount but for me that?s a lot of money to spend with a credit card. And paypal doesn?t work with Honduras and I don?t know why if they maybe can be making millions of dollars with the withdraws of the people that works illegally in the U.S. but they want to give all the market to Western Union and Money Gram. I think that one of the best payment processors in all the internet is Alertpay but the only trouble with alertpay is the language because if your customers don?t speak english how can they fill all the payment process if that is in english.So congrats to all the indians and continue using Paypal.

  19. I recommed to all of you that you have to use kaspersky to have a good security system because kaspersky have a lot of tools like firewall and parent control included in the software because it´s important that you have a good security system in your computer that operates like a single software because if you have a antivirus and then install an adware or spyware software you can have some problems because some of them are not compatible and crashed easily.But your question maybe is better mcaffe than norton but I only tested norton once and I have to say you that that software sucks...Bye.

  20. I think that facebook can win this war with this practice using humans. The robots are great the problem is sometimes your results are not exact. This is a problem that I personally have with the google translator tool. I have not tested the Facebook translator tool. But very soon when I have a need I wll test it. Maybe google have to change the results to back better results because all the results in spanish that is my official language have a lot of errors and one of the easiers works like firewall are returned in english.Go Facebook maybe this is one of the best ideas in these days.

  21. Dont worry about the english you only have to post with the basic english and quote all the content in another language.Welcome to Xisto.com this forum is yours here you will can get a lot of fun and free web hosting of course. The hosting service is one of the best in the world and believe me you will not need another server in all your life. Here in trap 17 you will find a lot of information and knowledge for every question that you maybe will have with your website project.First of all you have to read the TOS and understand all the steps to get your free web hosting and start to make MyCents later and you will save a lot of time because I waste a lot of time posting before understand the rules and all the steps.This forum has a good group of moderators and admins and here you only will find good information, and I say you this because one of the practices here that maybe can put in danger your project is being copying/pasting from another forum information.... this is spamming and avoid to fall in this practices please...Welcome again and start to post now and make a lot of MYcents.Bye.

  22. First of all, 2012 is not the end of the earth and second, did you suspect something about this:Why the prophecy was made public until now if it?s truth? Why did this to be exposed in a movie? And not in CNN or something like that...Easy...To make more money with the stupid movies about this...2012 part II and your will go to see that stupid movie... To make more money to the "richest" producers in Hollywood and generating audience to the stupid documentaries in the History Channel that have no fundament and only let you with more doubts than answers.PEOPLE the 2012 is not the end of the world maybe the 2029 when a asteroid will crash the earth is more believable than this...Third: The eartquakes in Haiti and Chile are something normal in the history of the earth the earthquakes are necessary to the position and rotation of the earth... So maybe we are alarmed but there are a lot of earthquakes in all the world every year but in CNN only figure the earthquakes that happen here in America that maybe are some advise about the feared "great earthquake in California", that?s all maybe you have to read Wikipedia and see that a lot of earthquakes happen all the years.This is only lies about the armaggeddon and all those things... Please don?t fall in this..Dont be...

  23. Hi and welcome to the best forum community in all the internet here in Xisto.com you will get a lot of fun and information and of course all the webhosting that you can need. First you have to make 20 good quality post. A good quality post is a post where you have to use more than 26 words and with coherency with the theme in the post of course. It is not permitted to post information from another forum or website. Believe that is not an option because I tried it and I got banned from the forum. So you can avoid all this problem making your own post with quality content.Here in Xisto you will get a lot of fun because all the forums have good information and all the discussions have actuality and the design of the forum is professional with a good team of moderators or administrators. Please read all the instructions in the TOS section about how to get your free logic hosting plan and how to start to host your websites here in Xisto.com using your Xisto - Support/billing area.So I desire you good luck in your project and I incentivate you to continue learning PHP and all the programation languages that wil save you in more than an ocassion to pay a lot of money in support. Believe me.So welcome here and start to make good quality post and saving money using the free web hosting of Xisto.Bye.

  24. Hey herman welcome to the best forum community in all the internet Xisto.com where you will get a lot of fun and you will find a lot of good information. Indonesia is a very beatiful country and you must be happy living there. Here in trap 17 you will find everything you need to make a good website and get a lot of fun too. The professional team that will help you here is very very good and believe once you have the 20 good quality post to get your logic hosting plan is cuestion of days to start optimizing your site and getting all the visitors that you need to make your website popular in the internet. So here you will get a lot of fun, good information and knowledge. Althougth here the moderators are very stricted so I don?t recommend you to copy/paste from anothere website and fall in warn status because there are a lot of problems to get out of the warn status believe me I fell in warn status once and I couldn?t buy a domain name. But I am very happy for you because now you are here and believe you never will have to go away because here you will get free hosting, fun and a professional team working behind you and assist you everytime you need.In Indonesia lives the three guy rigth? I watched him in the Discovery Channed and it?s very impacting so but you maybe never watched him because Indonesia is a very big country.Asia is a very big continent and I never had go there. I was to go Japan once but I couldn?t because here in my country a Hurrican destroy all the avation industry.So welcome again and enjoy your time here. Bye.

  25. Hi mpopkin50 and welcome to the best forum community in all the internet Xisto.com I am happy to know that your will build a videogame review website because all the site with this theme sucks and maybe the yours will be better than all the others. Frequently here in Xisto.com the projects fail because there are no perseverancy so I say you that you have to be patient and build a good site, optimize it with sEO techniques or something like that and of course start to atract good visitors. The videogames are my passion too so if you need help to start the reviews I can help you.Well here in Xisto forums you will get a lot a fun and information and of course free web hosting. If you have not read the TOS yet, let me say you that you have to make 20 good quality post before be accepted to a logic hosting plan that is the basic here in Xisto.com. The free web hosting here maybe will looks for you like a paid hosting because the service to the client is very good and professional team assist you all the time when you have a doubt or simply help with your site. Please feel free to contact them if you don?t know how to do something to your site and if you have technicals problems. Afterwards here you will get a lot of fun because the forum is very good-looking with information that the people can know and all the knowledge that you will need to put your web site online with the professional assist.So welcome again and remember be patient with your site and generate good quality content in it to optimize for google and all the others search engines.Regards and Good Luck.

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