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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. Thank you for the help man. I have the same problem with some of my sites where Google displays whatever they want because my site is related with downloads and communities but Google displays ads about construction and Pc games and politics and of course nobody click in the ads. I had used the adsense filter and some of the practices that you expose in this topic but I have the same results and adsense displays whatever less the target ads related with downloads and communities that I suppose that have to have some ads to display in my site. I don?t know what can I do because I was to send an e-mail to google adsense but a friend told me that is dangerous because if you start to reclaim they can easily block your account and how you know the adsense account can only be one, and with the danger of lose my account I think that I have no choice and only be suffering the consequences of using the adsense mark in my site with the ads of another public target.Thank you for your help and please if you know some another practices to help me with my problem I will be very thankful with you.Bye.

  2. Well I dont know because before buy a thing like that I?d want to know the riskies and with devices like this that works with the brain maybe that guy has not being using and testing a lot time ago and in some way we can get damaged or get a disease using devices like that.I think that the physical interaction will be a great industry and will turn funnier our lives and maybe with this invention in the future we will have a lot of oportunities including (I hope) Know what is thinking another person. This will make us superpowerful and the life will be very funny. I always have fantasy with this type of devices but I didn?t know that in the actuality certain type of devices like you present had being designed and builded.Maybe someday we can use a device to know what is thinking a guy trougth a computer...Bye.

  3. Scam?? Of course what more can be it??? You sure you know what is a scam letter?? Because it?s easy to see in this letter all the parameters that define to a scam letter like the Africa thing. why??? Why do somebody in Africa will look for help in the internet??? Risking $78 million dollars?? This is stupid and of course is the perfect way to scam you because you want to be rich and you imagine that once she is free she will give you some good reward for your help... I give you a tip when you receive this type of email please delete it inmediately or configure your email client to send all the emails with this type of scam to the spam folder where they have to be.Please don?t fall in this type of scam... beware of this type of emails.Bye.

  4. I am not a neo-nazi guy, I am not from the arian race but I think that the politics applied in the nazi Germany were excellent for the country. For example the first is Adolf Hitler and his leadership was the greatest to a country that was in a politic hole since WWI and with the leadership of Hitler and with his radicalism, maybe the country re-born to a new conception. The unemployees were reduced drastically in Germany since Adolf Hitler went to the power, and the social rules and model of nacionalsocialism were good to create good families where the father have to work to sustain the family and the mother have to be at home to take care of the children. All these politics seeked to reduce the boys who don´t have any purpose in life, future thieves and change this mind to evolving to future good men of Germany. Here in Honduras the nationalism is so so bad. Anybody believes in the country and the press is only dedicated to fill the brain of the hondurans with that stupid ideas of democracy and development when anything is showing a development in the country and the democratic system only works to continue allowing the corruption and damaging the nationalism. I think that a nationalsocialim system actually could work in Honduras and many countries. I am not saying that Honduras could be the mother of Holocaust in the future but in all the countries who have a civil war people died for the good of the country, the bad people had to die or adapt to the changes. The socialism have a lot of strength here in Honduras and I don´t like that because I see how many countries had practiced the comunism and only a few of them have a good goverment, all the others are destinated to the politic extintion. Some political system like nationalsocialism with a dictator can be good to the third-world countries because a person with all this responsability and worried for the country´s development can be better than the stupid democratic system when every fours years came a new president to steal a lot of money from the huge loans that the Wold Bank give to Honduras.Maybe in your country the things can better with a system like this. What do you say???

    Notice from rvalkass:
    Questionable content removed. While this is a difficult topic to discuss, it would be appreciated if content could be kept inoffensive.

  5. Well yesterday I was reading the Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and in this book he exposed that people who sacrifice studying a lot only have aspirations to get in the "rat race" where all of them start to fighting for a job when they get graduated. He says that education is important but it can?t better your life very much because if you are poor and you are studying, in the future you will be a modern slave when you have to work and work and work and sell your work strength to people who can fire you in anytime and have more power than you. I read this book three years ago and I have to say that it changed my mind. I am in my country?s medical school. But since I read this book I am losing motivation to study because for example in my country a medician have to earn at least $1,200 at month. But foreign investors come to the country with some medical programs to the people and how is a private company and don?t have the capacity to pay this amount to the medicians and there is a lot of medicians without job, the medicians have to accept a little salary of $400 at month. Once I understood all this I saw that I am studying to be a slave of the system, at least I would work with the state, where the medicians are paid like they deserve.Kiyosaki says that you don?t have to think "study to work for a great company", you have to work for "own a big company". All this class of thinkness from him(useful of course)maybe is the cause to the reducing of my class average and I am losing the entire interest in the classes and I am losing a lot of classes because everytime I enter to a classroom I only can see in the doctor who teach me, like an slave caugth in the "rat race" and everything he does and the false respect that he pressumed to have is only cheating himself. Maybe my thinkness is wrong and this ia a cause to open this topic because I want to read opinions of people that maybe have small companies or actually world in another countries and help me to see if I am wrong believing the Kiyosaki?s books and phrases or if he is rigth and I have to maybe quit the classes to start to study business and try in the future to own a big company.Maybe this change of mind was caused by my really motivation to study this career. I was atracted to study medicine, because is the best-paid career in my country. But once I see how almost all the doctors are in the "rat race" living a slave?s life(some of them work more than 15 hours a day)I totally lose the motivation to continue studying.And I am now a internet addict obsessed with the online marketing sells and I want to start a company in the internet selling some books and software, but I am totally lost with my classes and something I think about if is correct to think to make money or to study a career.Please can you leave your opinion to help me with this complicated situation.

  6. I'm no economist to know what will happen if all the money were to disappear from the world and people began to live without using money, but I think it is due to money that happiness is disappearing from everyone's lives. The rich people are unhappy because they're always greedy for more money and are worried about their security. The poor are unhappy because they barely get enough money to eat three meals a day. And the middle-class are unhappy because although they have the capacity to spend their money, they're afraid they might not have enough money later.

    First of all the rich people don´t live unhappy because they are worried about their security. The rich people, the real rich people, earn so much money that the money is no more so important but the competence make them addicted to work and they start to work a lot, that is no unhappiness is an addiction to work, derived from the fun with the work and the competence. The poor people is not so happy but I think that live a better life than rich people. When I said a poor people is a people that only have money to the basics. So they are not so worried for the money, they live a limited-money life and they only deserve a better life with more money but the home and the children and the marriage couple, all this make the person a little happy and they forget the money problem and enjoy the life a little more because they have no a lot of worries.

    We can´t live without money. The system is ok. If you sell a product you don´t have exchange for example beans for a suit, the money is universal and you can buy with the money whatever you want. The system is the problem but I am sure that if the people work a lot, maybe don´t get out from the poverty but maybe they can be less worried for the money. That is my opinion.

  7. Well I want to expose to all of you a practice that is great to start a business and was used by great businessman in the history, particularly Aristoteles Onassis.

    The Other´s People Money(O.T.M.)practice consist in borrow money from the banks or from another people to start a good business, and with the earnings of the business pay the loans and to the employees and with the rest try to expand the business and in some years you will have your own big business created with the money of another people. This principle was applied by the transport magnate Aristoteles Onassis. Onassis´s family lost all the business they had in Turkey with the war and he moved to Argentina to work in anything like dishwasher and in his free time he read some business books and stock exchange market books. He worked some years until he could save a good but little amount of money to start to speculate in the National Stock Home of Argentina. He started losing a few money and when he took his first winning stock movement he went to an exclusive store in Argentina and bougth an expensive smoking and started to go to exclusive restaurants where only high class´s people assisted.

    He says:

    If you want to be rich: walk, talk, dress and act like a rich man because in this way you will atract to the rigth people to make deals with you. Go to exclusive restaurants at least to drink only a cup of wine and relation with the rich people, like an invesment.

    Once he started to relation with the high class family he started to see business oportunities to make money. One problem he had no capital to invest in the money. How could he do the business ideas in reality?? Using the money of his new friends, so he ask for a loan to one argentinan friend of him, and after convince him, talk to his dad in Greece to say him that if was possible to export refined tobacco from Greece to Argentina and then sell it to the high class women and men in Argentina. He sent some money to his father who bought some acres of land to cultivate high quality tobacco and in some months the export of greek tobacco started and Onassis started the business. The refined tobacco was put in fashion in the high class´s women in Argentina and Uruguay and in three years Onassis paid the loan(with all the interestes of course)and he was owner of a great company and when we was 27 years old he made his first million dollar.

    Once the exportation from Greece was big, Onassis bougth a ship to transport the tobacco without pay high rates to transport it through the Atlantic. He noted that the ship came back to Greece empty so he convice to some of his friends to export their products to the Greek market and he offered him to transport their products with his ship. The deal was good-received by all his friends and this is how Onassis started in the shipping business.

    Once he saw the incredible potential of the shipping business he started to learn more about the business and he treated to see how he could to start in the business... It was no easy and looked impossible, he needed a great ship fleet to compete with the greek shipping businessman so here he started to use again the OTM principle.

    The international banks didn´t want to give him a $45 million loan to start the company. But Onassis was smart...

    He rented a ship fleet and got a great contract to export arabian oil through the Mediterranean ocean until Europe and America. He came back to the international banks office to ask for the loans but now he used the oil transportation contracts like a guarantee to the banks which make him possible to get the huge loan and buy more ships to make bigger the fleet. In ten years the loan was paid and he was the total owner of a multinational shipping company named "Olympic Shipping and Management" and he started to make a huge amount of money, and he invested in hotels and casinos in MonteCarlo and in the Greek airways "Olympic Airways".

    Like you have seen this principle called Other´s People Money is great. You can get rich and owner of a huge company without having money only using your intelligence and loans from another people.

    The banks win with the interest, and you win owning a great company. of course you have to be at time with the payments to the bank to don´t fall in the bankcruptcy. Bye.

  8. Well first of all I have to say that I have at least 1 1/2 years conscius of this health problem. Three years ago I live with my aunt here in the capital of the republic, I study medicine. With my aunt I had a good food and I don?t have problems drinking coke, because I only drinked coke once or two time a week. But now what do you think??? Two years ago my brothers come here to start the university and my parents decided to rent us a house to live the three. Of course I felt good because in my new house I can make whatever I want and go whatever I want to.How any of us can cook, we start to buy a lot of fast food and this was the first change, because I start to get fat again(I was fat when I was a child but I got thin in the high school) but I didn?t care because my weigth is not so big to start worry. The problem was the following: I like the coke like almost all the people in the world and my brothers too, so how we bougth fast food(which doesn?t taste so good with water than coke) we started to buy a 3 liters Coke everyday and we start to be addicted to the coke, but I am the worst. I am so addicted that I don?t drink anything else no water and no juice. And is rare to seing me drinking water because when I feel thirsty I go to the freezer and take a little coke to drink. This problem is consuming me because actually I look fat(not a lot, but yes) and I am afraid of the kidney?s problem that I can have, I have read a lot of the complications that a person can have if drink a lot of coke. But I just can?t leave it. I have tried but you know maybe is the abstinence sindrome that make me fall in the addiction again. So please I think that in this forum maybe an expert or the people who post here can help me with some tips or maybe a diet plan to leave the coke and start to drink water like all the normal people. I will be very thankful with all of you that give me the advice or one tip to leave my addiction.Thank you for help me.

  9. Can you or someone please say me what type of skin problem you have, acne or what??? I don?t have acne anymore but I have a face with a lot of fat that is expelled trougth my pores and my face brigth five hours after I wash it. And in the nose is where I have more problems with this and some black points are appearing. My face doesn?t look so bad but this is really bothering me. Please can someone say me what can I do???? Thank you.

  10. I think the monotony is the cause. The monotony is made the same things all the days like go to the movies in Tuesday or lunch together in the weekends. So one of the partners will start to get bored and will be easier to find interesting things in another person. So the monotony conducts to the infedelity and when this relationship?s enemy present the history is almost secured and the breakup will be the end of the long-term relationship. So we have a lot of problems everyday and maybe with a long-term relationship we start to put more attention to our problems than the partner and this totally conducts to the breakup and when this happen is difficult to re-join the relationship and continue.Of course there are exceptions like the masoquist relations where one person is totally dependent of the other like women who suffer violence but they deep like it. The women specially try to leave to the agressor but once they do this they start in a nostalgical state of mind and miss to the agressor who come back and continue the abuse and the problems but for a strange reason they breakup and suddenly are together again. Maybe this have nothing related with the long-term relationship but is part of the long-term relationship because the masoquist partners will last a lot of years, at least something extraordinary happens like arrest or the jail. So maybe this are some of the most common causes of a long-term relationship to end. Bye.

  11. Hy my friend and welcome to Xisto where you will get a lot of fun and free web hosting of course, here you will have the opportunity to expose your knowledge will all the members and earn Mycents to acummulate them and start your website project. Here in Xisto you will have in good hands with an excelent community and all the support and assistance in all the question you can have. I incentive you to post and make a least 20 good quality post to start your website and get at least $2 in your xisto billing account and start to enjoy your website. The quality post is a post with a least 25 words and related with the topic and with a little good ortography because here the Mycent script, the program who takes control of the Mycents counting take all this features of the post in consideration to credit to your account the amount of Mycents that you deserve.You study electric engineering. Well I want to congratulate you because is an excellent career and is related with the technology innovations a lot, so you will have a lot of knowledge about technology that you will can expose to all of us here in Xisto and be rewarded with a lot of mycents of course and remember that 100 Mycents is equal to $1 USD and you can use the money here to buy your hosting account and to buy domain names. So welcome and enjoy your track in this fantastic forum. Bye.

  12. First of all, we all need proof to believe in something and I have proof to believe in God and in religion. There are some things that we all question about religion but in this thing of intelligent development and evolution theory, I think the following: Why the Evolution Theory contradices to the Bible??In the Genesis God created the earth and the sky and the seas, but in all the book it doesn?t said God created to the rabbits or the cows. So if in all the book nothing about the rabbits and cows is not mentioned, Why the book will mentioned to dinosaurs and apes. The apes are only animals since 3000 A.C. the people in Greece is researching and the science borned. But in almost 5 thousand years there is no evidence of the minimum evolution. Maybe the evolution is not present anymore?? No but if 100k years some advanced humans found a siames baby body in some mountain, if they conclude that thousand years ago the people borned in couples and they borned joined. They will be rigth?? They can conclude that before in the time the evolution conducts to the human being to be a solo being with independence and the baby doesnt born joined.The big bang theory is that a theory. I found that this is a ridicoulus theory. Since there is no proof of this but it is only accepted because there is no any other theory that can explain how the universe begin and why the universe is in expansion. The relativity theory is different because there are a lot of proof about this theory that is used in the satellite industry and in the optic and nuclear industry.We are christians, I don?t respect to the people who said that they don?t believe in anything because if something happen to them one day, a car accident for example the first they said is "My God". So we need proof we are humans and we have a brain, and we have to use it because if the brain is not used we fall in a capital sin.God is in everywhere, what more proof about God that see the stars in the sky in the nigth and enjoy the life or how the people who believe and practice with the faith have wonderful lifes without having a lot of problems and they live in a happy environment, doesn?t matter if they are poor or rich. Believe in God and if you want to make your own researchs about God and all the religion, do it. Because use your mind without prejugments is good. But I warn you about see that atheus programs or documentaries where you only see to Bill Maher saying that all the religion is so wrong. So if he believe that ok, but he started to say this to another people and this is ridiculous.God is our salvation and we can think, but no be heretics with the word.Bye.

  13. Since five years ago I understood that the poor people don´t mind if they are leaders or not don´t have any power in the social machine. The succes is measured in how much a person have made in the entire life. And some famous people like the singers aren´t measured by the beauty of their songs but by the millions that they have made in their careers. Thinking on this I conclude the same conclusion that 50 Cent has "Get rich or die trying". But when I exposed this ideas to my family they reacted in a strange way. They said me that I am not a devil´s son to think only in the money and material world because I am christian. But I said them that be rich in a honest way don´t have anything wrong. And instantly my grandma opened her bible and look for the part who says:

    It is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man in the kingdom of heaven.

    Then I start this idea and the following research and I want your opinion about this. If this is truth then is impossible that people like Bill Gates, Donald Trump and the same Pope(who control a millionare account) enter in the kingdom heaven. Thinking like this is impossible that you work like you want because if you start a company only to generate the necessary amount of money to support your family and suddenly the company starts to grow, you will have to sell it because you are in the way to be rich and if you are a man of God, you can be rich.

    I think that this religious teorie is complicated and maybe all of us have someday or some ocassion hear this. I have listen to some tapes of motivation for people who wants to be a self-development and all they conclude that "the rich if they go to heaven, but in first class" but I think that this type of phrases are not answering my question.

    I want to be rich, because almost only the rich people can make the great changes in the world. And all the people who actually are no rich and make great changes in the world end up being rich. So this phrase exposed by Jesus said that is a sin work a lot in something because for example, if you work a lot seeking the cure for the AIDS and you discover it, you will not be poor never, because the world will be in doubt with you and you will be rich.

    So what do you think the rich people can go to the heaven or not???

  14. There is something named pride. If a guy hits you in the face you have to attack him, less you have no opportunity or you life will have risk. But you don?t have to treat to the bad guys well, I think you are totally bad with this declaration because we can?t accept abuses from another person and respond to these abuses with "good treating" you are totally wrong. We all have pride and we are no dogs to be the slaves of somebody. I think that you are some "abused-guy" the nerd who supports all the abuse in the classroom or the guy who support all the abuse in the neighborhood. The cristian religion said that you have to put the another cheek but you are maybe wrong to let to other people to abuse you in this way. You have to attack and you don?t to be the sheep who is abused by all the world.Please don?t fall in those mistakes dont treat the bad guys well. Treat them like they deserves.

  15. Once you have your domain name and the hosting plan, you have to think about the topic of your website like you know if you want a mp3 website or a warcraft website so you have to think this before once you have thougth about the topic you have to research if you can design the website or you will have to buy or get a PHP script to build your website. For example I imagine that you know about the Rapidshare.com website. As you know Rapidshare is a hosting website where you can upload your sites for free, in some cases. The admin of Rapidshare for example thougth in build this website like a hosting site. So the only way to make this type of site is with a PHP script that you can get for free in the internet(not recommended, bugs), pay to somebody to build this site for you or you can build your own site(recommended) but only if you have knowledge about PHP design and you know the entire programming language. As you see start your own site is not an easy work but you have to spend hours building it so the reward in the future can be great. Your own website needs visitors but that is another topic but I recommend you to read a good SEO book and start to make the changes to the site to be in the top 10 for the different keywords in Google and the others search engines. So once you have built your site you need to get traffic and you need to make the scheduled changes in the time like knowlegsutra did with the change of the domain name Xisto.com to Xisto.com with a new design. This is critical because the people tends to get bored with the same design of the site and they start to go away and don?t visit the website with the same regularity like before.So this is some advices you can use to get your website online and have a lot of opportunities to get a lot of traffic and you website have a lot of lifetime.Bye.

  16. Simple Paypal is the most strange company that I have ever seen. In my country Honduras I can sell products with my paypal account but I can buy with my paypal account. When I made the question to them Why you are not allowing sell to honduran users? They only said me that "is a company?s politic." I think that paypal is not a good option to withdraw and I don?t know if this will be a strong impact in the Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting because they use paypal to withdraw so I recommend to the admins of Xisto - Web Hosting to seek for another ways to pay like Alertpay, which is a canadian company and 2checkout.This is paypal and we are obligated to accept it. I was angry with the support team when they only said me that Honduras has no economy guarantees and they only operate with big economies or economies in way to grow. This is ridiculous because in a small country like Honduras there are not problems to sell your products in anothere companies like 2checkout and Alertpay. The truth is that we are being damaged by this stupid politics and we have to do something and I recommend to all the indian companies that securely will lose a lot of money with this paypal?s decision to look for another companies to make the electronic withdraws like Alertpay which have a lot of run in this business and it is supported by the canadian government so you maybe have to move your withdraws to alertpay and avoid future problems with paypal. Moneybookers is another option but the problem is that almost all the operation is with poker and gambling sites what maybe will not look so good for your clients. So please consider this and dont allow to paypal do what they want to do. Bye.

  17. Well I am getting updated once every three days but the admin said that this problem will be solved before august but maybe there are some bugs in the script that are damaging to some users like one who exposed that he made such 50 post but when everybody got Mycents he got nothing because the script?s bugs damaging his account. Personally I have never been damaged by the bugs but there are a lot of members who have had bad moments when the script doesn?t update them.Well we have to continue posting here and generating Mycents I have to make like $5 dollars to recover completely my hosting account and I will never be delayed with the payments again because it is difficult to see that your site is suspended because you are lazy and don?t like to post in a great community like Xisto.com.So keep posting. Bye.

  18. Well I am a loyal coke drinker since some years ago. I have heard about all the harmful about the coke and all the diseases that it can cause to our health. But until today I have no evidence about this. So I decided to start this topic to learn a little more about this popular drink and if it is harmful or not?I have years drinking Coke in the lunch. It taste is awesome and it takes sugar so sometimes when I fell tired I drink a little coke and it stimulates me and give me more strength to do my work or study. So I know that the coke is a drug like the coffe but I don?t know if it is harmful and can cause some diseases like cancer or tumors or something like that or can harm to the kidney system. I am studying medicine and I never heard a real and serious study about the harmful or benefits effect of Coke. So please can someone tell me if the Coke is really harmful or not???Please.

  19. A long time ago we all have been witnesses of one rare phenomenon that happen when you play a popular song in reverse mode. This has been investigated and at the end all the evidence marks that the singers or maybe the producers of some popular songs in the music business use subliminal messages hidden in the songs. In the latin music business there are a lot of cases and all of them is proven the subliminal messages containing some satanic messages when they are play in reverse mode. For example in the popular mexican group named RBD there is a popular song named "Salvame" which popularity raises all the standards in mexico and latin america. Two years later, accidentaly in Chile some music students played the song in reverse mode and the discover was scaring. The song had a lot of subliminal messages:


    1. The phrase "Salvame del olvido" in reverse mode said "El diablo me lleva" translate to English "The devil is taking me away"


    2. The phrase "Amor es la palabra" in reverse mode said "Matar a Jesus" translate to English "Kill Jesus"


    This was a great impact for the group and the producers but they deny all the acusations about satanic messages in their songs and suddenly six months later the group announced their separation forever.


    This is only one case. They are a lot of artist people in the latin american business like Ricky Martin and Shakira who are linked with the use of subliminal messages in their songs and their videos.


    But one of the most famous cases was the spanish group named the "Chicas Ketchup" or daugther of the tomatoe. They made a popular song that was the first in all the top 10 named "Asereje". The song was the number 1 in all Latin America and Spain and get a great place in some countries where the spanish is not a famous language like China and Japan. Eigth months later, the news revealed the mean of the chorus which contained tongue-twister. The catolic church call to all the religious people to burn the Cd´s and eliminate the song from the radios.


    All the accusations was like following:


    The song start with a boy named "Diego"(in some spain beliefs the name of the devil)who was a gitan party boy.


    The song continue narrating Diego adventures where he get in to "Donde mas no cabe un alma"(Where else can not be a soul) understood like the hell that is full of souls.


    Then de DJ in the discotec who see Diego play "el himno de las doce" (the anthem of the twelve)understood like midnigth when the devil returns to the hell.


    Then the song chorus start with the following tongue-twister:


    "Asereje ja de jede, de jebe tu re jebere sebiunouba majabi dan de jebere de buididipi"


    Translated to the English all the song chorus in the reverse mode mean of the tongue-twister is like following:


    "Making Christian heretics, to the delight of the evil angel and the cross of Calvary to make us pee"


    All this charges against the group forced to its members to the separation. The group try to back to the music business but all the songs dont have the attention which Asereje has.


    This phenomenon is really strange and some academics say that everything is used by the music producers to cause some addiction to the songs who listen one song can stop to listen to it all day long. The rock groups and the pop stars have some cases, too.


    But there is more strange case. There is a singer in Puerto Rico named Don Omar who wrote one song named "El señor de la noche" (The lord of the nigth).


    The story narrated in the song is like below.


    The lord of the nigth is a human being, half-person, half-animal who have a lot of money and one nigth he go to a party where he gives to all the girls money and dancing he conquers to all the ladies. He kill to all the men who try to steal some of his women. He is in the discotec and the ligth is low and everybody in one second notes that he is half-animal from the navel down and all go crazy and he take three crazy ladies to pass the nigth with them.


    The song have some satanic messages without need to play it in the reverse mode. But the strange is this: In almost 10 countries including mine, Honduras, there is one story about this lord of night. It looks to be real.


    For example in 1999 in a honduras city named La Ceiba like witnesses said: "one handsome guy who said he was the spain prince, was all day long in one mall trowing to the air 500 lempiras bills($25 dollars which is a lot of money to be giving in my country)and a lot of ladies were behind him all day long. In the nigth he took the ladies to a famous nigth club and started to dance with them. Later at the twelve o´clock in the nigth, he trow a 500 lempiras bill to his feet and one lady went down to take the bill. In that instant the ligths in all the city turn off for 15 seconds and in the darkness in the nigth club everybody hear like a horse running with the particular sound, when the ligts turn on the girls who took the 500 lempiras bill saw his legs and the legs was of a horse. In that instant the ligths turn off again and the misterious never will be seen again. The girls suffered a nervous shock and was translated to the hospital where she died two daya later."


    This narration is truth and you can found it in google like "el diablo en La Ceiba".



    All this type of sublimal messages and strage songs could be evidence of satanic control in the music industry??? :( :( :(

  20. Well first of all I want to thank you to all of you for your replies with a lot of good information. Really, I only have this idea but I am not printing money rigth now. yeah it will be really fun to go shopping and buy a lot of things with fake money and full my house with very cool things that now I can?t buy. This idea has been in my head since two weeks ago and was reforzed by one movie that i seen last week about the Third Reich where they obligate to jew prisoners to make fake britain pounds and dollars but I didn?t know that the porpuse of this project in the world war 2 was to create inflation in England and United States. I thougth the purpose was to use the fake money to buy oil in the neutral nations like Switherland to expand the militar equipment and raise the nazi army. Well print money maybe it?s not recommended but in my country I think that there is not any special division to this type of crimes because here the dollars falsification is common and the steal of debit from bank account with some special credit cards is common, also. I don?t know how those guys can to make this great steals to the people who use the ATM?s and the machines where you pay with your credit card in the markets and all the stores. So I want to thank you for the recomendations and I won?t to make this project because I am really scared about go to jail and lose some years of my life living behind the bars here in my country. And all the pain that I will cause to my family leave me without choice. I have to work and open a company to get rich there isn?t another option.

  21. I am totally agree in one thing: The men want the perfect woman for them. But I think you are totally wrong in your arguments because also the women want the perfect man for them. So everybody, men or women, are looking for the perfection and maybe this is not insane or unfair, because this is part of our nature. The men want a great woman for them: pretty, responsible, know to cook, to clean, to educate the children and it?s ok. The things that maybe are not ok some this thinkness of some men are like following: A woman with big breast, sexy, hot and great butt. This is maybe ridicoulus but is part of our nature, also. An experiment in an university revealed that women with big breast are more atractive to the men?s eyes because the size of the breast represents the fertility of the woman. It?s strange but it is truth.At the end, all men or women only want to somebody who loves them and take care of them. That?s all. But like everything in the life the divorces happened when one part is totally tired of the other part and decide to separate definetely. Our girlfriends maybe are not perfect in almost all the cases and maybe the breakouts in the couples are for some causes like the dislove and the rutine.A woman don?t have to be perfect to be loved like she deserves, but maybe have to be a little perfect and make some sacrifices to keep the couple and the family in some cases, joined. That?s my opinion.

  22. Dream my friend I think that you are totally dreaming because to creat a programming language you have to study a lot and dream, of course, but study a lot, too. The programming world is complicated and no all the humans have the patience to learn it or practice it and I think that programming is bored sometimes when you are obligated to do it, but entertained when you have a project in your ming and you desire to make it real. A new programming language is totally necessary but you have to go to the college study in some software special grades because only study a career related with software and programming is not enough. Fortunately for you, the big companies like Google, Microsoft and Yahoo are wanting people like you with that desire to create something new. But desire is not everything and you have to study and work a lot, like I had said. Maybe you can start reading some free ebooks in the internet about programming and start to program in some easy(relativelity, of course)programming languages like Pascal. And of course learn and understand some old but necessary languages like Foxpro, C++ and all the languages that you have heard about it. I recommend you to don?t learn the Html and websites programing, well maybe PHP yes. Because, most internet languages are very easy and unnecessary because there are some WYSIWYG programs that let the language program behing and make possible to almost all the people to create a website without knowledge of programming in Html or something. I want to congratulate you because you are thinking in the future of programming but don?t let your dreams in the air, study all the programming languages first and then you will can to create a better programming language and make to all of us the life a little easier.

  23. The other day I was thinking about the money and all the work that a lot of people, including me of course, do to get the most amount they can. All the industrial zone and the comercial zone, all the students, all the people work to make money. And the banks borrows money from another banks and the economy depends of the money and the country depends of economy, so everybody and everything depends on the money. I get entertained thinking in all that people who today will get rich and all that people who today will get poor, all that people who today dream with the personal superation. Everybody work for the money. The money is the owner of the world. The money motivate to all the people go to work everyday. So, the money owns to you and me.And thinking about these arguments I was. Until a spot in my head said me: "... why work to make money, when I would can to make literally the money, printing it..." and I got this idea. The central banks in all the countries print money, the federal reserve in the U.S. prints money, Why can?t I print money too? So I am thinking about make a secret printing house and print money to get rich. I don?t know how can I to make false money but i can try, Rigth?So this is my idea. Maybe is not intelligent to post it here but I want to know the opinion of Xisto?s members. Some recomendations? Would be good to take the risk and go to jail? I am thinking about it all day long so my head is burning. I have the knowledge about a man who was in my country printing false dollars and with a lot of precision that the only way to get discovered was that once in a casino in a Royal Caribbean?s boat he paid with a bill with the same number of series that another bill the cashier has. What is the probability of that? The police discovered like 200 thousand dollars in his home and a little machine to make dollars. The case was very popular and the U.S. asked for the extradition of this man and never know what happened with him. Maybe I would can be the latino Frank Abaganale.I am confused. So I wait some advises or recomendations. Bye.

  24. I am like you I want to destroy my computer when it frezees because I have in this moments a Pentium II and the memory Ram is dying and when I open the firefox and then the winamp and then the Gom player all the system just freeze and I have to wait like one minute to recover the control of my computer. In those moments I want to fire to my computer but fortunately I had never did this. If I do this and fire with my gun to my computer I have to be offline until my dad buy me a new computer. So I have to take care of my old computer. And maybe love it because in my country the electricity is irregular and the equipment like computers and printers are very vulnerables to these quick changes in the voltage.So, I understand you. And I want to support you to continue loving your computer and don´t allow that an anger attack make you to destroy or damage an important machine like computer where you can make a lot of things and be entertained all day long.I am crying in these moments only thinking where is gonna be this machine when I´ll have the possibility to buy a new computer. I don´t think that the owner will give you the attention and the mantenaince that I give it. I love you my Pentium II and I hope to never sell you to any people.I love to my computer. I love you my computer.

  25. The Mycent script is intelligent and its runs with all the possible considerations like the characters of the post, the number of words, the rating of the post, if is a reply or a new topic but I think that it doesnt operate with the valuable links... I don?t think that we earn more Mycents when we put a link in our post or in our replies. Also the moderators play a critical part in the Mycent system because they report that topic that are considered like spam, copied and pasted from another parts of the internet and all that. Try to understand the Mycent system maybe is not possible but I am glad to see the ideas of some of the Xisto?s member and some of the ideas have a lot of sense.I don?t think that the Mycent system can difference a long paragraph with one liner and give more Mycents to the post with the long paragraph and a little Mycents with the post with one liner. Well, it?s my opinion.

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