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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. Well this question os for internet newbies. The best way to create virtual drives is using the Daemon Tools software where you can create virtual Cd-ROM drives and DVD-ROM drives like these really exist.To download the Daemon Tools software I recommend you to go to Softonic and download the software from there. Then install the software and start to create virtual drives all that you want.I dont know about another software or tool but don?t lose your time Daemon Tools is the best that you will find.

  2. This is only speculation I dont think that Michael had been embarassed having a child with a nowergian woman. He?d made public this information when he was alive. Maybe this is a extreme. Maybe you are exagerating or maybe the news are exagerating. But I really don?t understand how Michael could have a son and he was denying the paternity. Michael was a great person please let him rest in peace.Stop speculate such this.

  3. Zelaya and his minister are criminals. When he abandon the country, out to the ligth some serious crime like bribe to the anchiest Hondutel manager, Alberto Chimirri, who is acused to receive $350,000 from a phone company in the United States.Chavez is a garbage. Go to Venezuela "Chavista". Stop make your dirty opinion about my country. I know that you cry in the nigths because The Revolucion doesnt work in Honduras.HONDURAS IS DEMOCRATIC, WE ARE NOT "GOLPISTAS" AND CHAVEZ WAS OUT MY COUNTRY FOREVER.MAKE YOUR "REVOLUCIONES" IN YOUR COUNTRIES NOT IN MY COUNTRY.DESTROY YOUR PEOPLE BUT THE HONDURAN PEOPLE NEVER WILL FALL IN THAT DIRTY TRAPS.ARE YOU CRYING? I AM SORRY BUT IT IS THE TRUTH.

  4. HO HO HO HO...

    This is a very good question because I am sure that there is a lot of persons that never leanr the boy´s lesson of how you have to wash your teeth.

    When I was child my fathers ordered me to wash my teeth. I understand the teeth health importance until I was 14 when I had my first girlfriend.

    Yes I certainly do. I feel it's nice to brush my teeth very well and get all the dirty cavities and dirty plack out. Then use some erm...what is it called..err, Listerine (correct me if wrong). smile.gif Anyone else?

    Are you sure? I think that you probably had the same problem like I had.

    Remember all the children. Wash your teeth at least 3 times a day.


  5. I think that is more possible that Michael Jackson was an alien than the moon colonization. At first why? why do the people do something to leave in the moon? I think there are no purpose to this and I am sure that in the NASA they are seeing more away: Mars for example. But the moon colonization is something improbable.Your ideas about how the humans can live in the moon i think that you are rigth. but who will can pay the big bill? The goverments are not interested in the moon because any man have put a foot in the moon since 1972. Why? The moon doesn?t have anything fascinatting after all.But if your dream is to live in the moon you have to make some money, get the goverments support and make your dream true.This my point of view.Regards.

  6. I am and half-fan of Michale Jackson but I?m tired because he died a week ago and on CNN don?t stop talk about him and his career and his scandals.Michael was a great person. His father was a bad father but I think that Michael forget him. The Michael childs are very rich and that is Michael wanted because his childs were the most important to him.Let Michael rest in peace and stop this scandal. He was a great person but I think we are exagerating.Rest in Peace Michael Jackson.Regards.

  7. Gmail of course because it´s more intuitive and is not full of publicity like the Yahoo mail. And the thing that I love of Google is the integration with Mozilla ThunderBird.But althougth maybe the Gmail is better functional than the others most of people use Hotmail and Yahoo, the people that I know all use the Hotmail they say the Hotmail is more powerful in the Spam filter and the others services including Gmail are weak in this function.But I don´t care the others opinion I like Gmail more.GMAIL IS THE BEST.Regards.

  8. Yeah you can use the same serial number on multiples copies of Windows. But there are some problems that this could generate when you do this. Firstly you need a business or corporative serial number because if you use a personal serial number the Windows will be block when you connect to Windows Update.But If you have this problem there are some solutions:1. If you don´t have the money to buy a Windows original copy. Don´t connect the computer to the Windows Update, disable the Automatic Update option and download the most important updates...There are a lot of programs that have the recently windows main updates, I dont remember the names of these programs, but if you search on Google or in Softonic you will found them.2. If your computer is blocked. Maybe the most logical solution is format the hard disk and reinstall the operating system and follow the instructions in the solution Number one. But there are other posibilities you can download some cracked WGA programs that convert your illegal and blocked copy of Windows in a legal copy. There are a lot of forums with these programs, but I PERSONALLY DONT RECOMMEND THIS. NO TO THE PIRACY.3. If your computer is not blocked but don´t permit you update the Windows, be pacient and save some money and buy your original copy of Windows or Mac.Well these are my recomendations to this big problem. I hope this post help you.REMEMBER STOP TO THE SOFTWARE PIRACY.Regards.

  9. The free websites are disgusting... From Google or from another services I think that they offer the worst design that you could use.A website is for generate traffic and when somebody enter in your website and you have a Google freewebsite you have to offer something really valuable or this person will never return to your site.The service of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is something similar but the design let a lot to desire. Typically when the people open a freewebsite abandon the project in less a month.Better than the freewebsites are the Blog services like Blogger or Wordpress. I prefer to start a project with a Blog than a free Google website.Better use a WYSIWYG software and create your own customizable website.Regards.

  10. Of course not, Maybe the depravation is growing in the world but we don?t have to accept it.The homosexuality is an anormal psicologist state where the men likes the men and the women likes the women. The cause of the homosexuality is complicated. But the causes can be:1. Abuse in the infancy by persons of the same person. (Typical in gays)2. Psicologist induction by the parents or other actors.3. Imitation because the fashion stablish that. (Typical in lesbian)4. Others...The boys that have been abused by their parents or other develop a psicologist trauma that ocassionates the gay personality growths inside them. This is negation psicologist state develop in a contained revenge desire.The girls where the problem is more complex, they want to incorporate the lesbian conduct when they don?t found enough love in the men, and they start to make "good" female friends and in a time, they admit to love more to the women...The other part are the "bisexual" persons where the problem is not in the mind. The problem is in the sexual likes. It is not more than a sexual problem where the person likes the variability between sex.I recommend to all the homosexuals in this community that look for help...Regards.P.D. I am not homofobic or homophobic, I hate the violence agaisnt the homosexual people...

  11. This theory is not mine. I read it in a magazine like I told.This is an extremal explanation about Michael Jackson?s life. Because the theory?s author try to explain and relationate it with Lisa Marie Presley and Elvis Presley. This is ridicoulus but it have a little sense too... I watched in Discovery Channel that Elvis Presley maybe is alive because he never died. Everything was a fake made for the CIA...Elvis Presley was an CIA Agent and to protect him the CIA solved to took him to Argentina.Well this is the closest this theory appears reality. If you are Michael?s fan forgive me about post this topic, but that was the best moment to post it.Maybe Michael is alive right now if this theory is right...

  12. This appears to only work in certain countries.. luck of the draw, I suppose.

    Firstly this service is not totally free. Secondly it is not work in all countries. I am tired of this services where they promise you Free SMS or Free International Calls and at the end all this is less than nothing.

    Hmmm I bet this doesn't even work, Like the App store I tried getting similar to this however it took 30 minutes for them to get a text, If I was you I would just Get an iPhone like I have getting the new one now the iPhone 3G s, Since my iPhone 3G went for a wash, As Sky knows

    I prefer to use the free sms sending in the cell phone company´s website. It is the only way that I can sure you that you will have free SMS.

    This plugin are full of malware and adware, also. I don´t recommend that you install this potencial dangerous plugins in your browsers.

    Please don´t fall in the cheating of this "free service" that will cost you reinstall your OS or in the lucky cases reinstall your browser.

    I hope my opinion help somebody.


  13. Oh really i dont know why I didn?t see this topic before. They are incredible. But where is Google, MSN and Yahoo.com, I think Youtube maybe must be more expensive than Facebook.The Facebook?s creator make a good quantity, he maybe have the enough money for all his life. This is the dream of all webmaster. I am not a full webmaster I don?t know program in PHP so My road is large right now.I think that to make a great community like these sites you have to offer new services althought FaceBook.com market is not new because Hi5.com was the first which start with this type of services.Youtube.com is the best video-streaming site, there are thousand connected to Youtube every second and Google make a good deal with the original Youtube owners.Maybe a good day some of us make a good website and MILLIONS OF DOLLARS like this people.Until then, Be pacient and study a lot, of course.Regards. :(

  14. Please mark this topics like spam. Bux.to is only a scam program. The guys posted this type of topics get fake proof of payments and then upload them to tinypic.com.Then they post them in here and says that "I made $$$$ only clicking on the ads on Bux.to" If this is real why you post your referral link like your signature, eh? This topics are only spam.Bux.to is a internet business based in Paid to Click business model, The Ptc´s sell publicity and share the earnings with their members. But a lot of websites that pressume to pay a lot of money to their members are only S-C-A-M. They are fake. They lie to the people with fake proof of payments. Bux.to have a doubt with me. They stole me $150 that I earned a year ago, I invest a good quantity in Bux.to but when I wanted to cashout my money, they said that their alertpay account was closed, Paypal too. Then GUESS they close my account.I sent 100 mails to his support system and they never answered me. They are only thiefs. So please don´t post this topics lying to the community saying that Bux.to is a great site because it isn´t.Better we must try to open our own PTC site and make a lot money HONESTLY without stealing to the other people that trust on us.Bux.to is only a abuse. They are only criminals. STOP MAKING PUBLICITY TO THIS TYPE OF SITES.When you want to cashout you will see what I am talking about.Regards.

  15. If it's you really want to know right now, you may simply submit a ticket, you should have rather quickly an answer.

    However, I don't think you have enough credits for ordering a domain right now, a domain is $9.99 one year.

    I know that the domains cost $9.99 and I will have this quantity very soon... I have an account in Xisto where I win MyCents too.


    I will submit a ticket to the support team because I want to buy the domain inmediately. I need it to make a good website.


    I think Xisto and Xisto forums are the best website products providers because something is the web hosting and other is the domain name and the mail services.



    Maybe the other forum users can post his problems with the new Xisto - Support script that doesn´t show the staticts.



  16. Bing.com is simple beatiful I like its design a lot. Maybe Google have to take actions or very soon Bing.com will be a real competitor because now is not strong. The search engines marketing is evolutionating and I am happy because Google have its monopoly, and Yahoo search and old Live Search weren´t good competitors.Also the results are very good, of course are not the same that Google Bot generates but they are very good. The image search engine is very good better than Google. Maybe all we have to use the Bing.com search engine more than Google and I will put the Bing.com like Start Page in my Mozilla Firefox browser.Bing.com will be better than Google like the things are right now, maybe Bill Gates are thinking how to defeat Google and its Empire like:Youtube.comAdsenseAdwordsTaringa! (It´s not confirmed)I hope Bing.com grows. And Yahoo maybe will make his new search engine in these days.Regards.

  17. Google is not going to ban you for that and I don´t think this people be hackers or something because wordpress is a serious enterprise and they are protected from menaces like hackers. But I have to make you a question: What is the propossite of your blog? It is not a blog of warez or hakers of pheakers right? Because if your blog is dedicated to these things you maybe have these visitors because Russia and China are the main hackers countries.Your linking is not going to be alterated. But you maybe have to implement the CAPTCHA like Atomic0 says.I can suggest you that if your blog is a big one you maybe want to contract the services of BlockDos.net or McAffe Secure Internet but these services are very expensive but if your blog makes real money with Adsense you will have not any problem.Well these are my suggestions, althought you can contact to Wordpress.com to get help too.I hope my tips help you.Regards.

  18. I know you maybe are shocking like me when I read this. I read it in a magazine in Honduras years ago and I remembered it now when Michael die.


    The theory said that Michael Jackson is son of Aliens and that he was a special genetic flexibity and this is the explanation to his peculiar moves are possible.


    Michael when born was took to the artirst life for his parents to make money because they knew that "the humans" are fool and somebody can make a fortune only moving the legs.


    How Michael born with black skin and that limited him to the black audience, he decided to change his skin with a rare treatment that convert him in a white guy in a little time.


    He got married with an "woman" that results to be the another alien´s daughter: Lisa Marie Presley. This theory says that Elvis Presley was an alien too. Lisa Marie and Michael are not descendents of the same specie. They were incompatible and that is the reason because they never had children.


    Then Michael Jackson starts to love to human women like Brooke Shields for example....But He had to used a strange artificial insemination to have children, it´s pressumed that this insemination required alien technology and a lot of expensives because the diference in the Genoma was big.


    After this he expose to one of his children in a window in Germany because Michael can make levitate to his boy if this fell...


    And in 2007 Michael will return to his planet, for that he will perform his own death...




  19. This is the same topic that I see in Xisto forum. Yeah all the members have the same problem the account credit balance is not shown in the Xisto - Support/Billing Area and I want to know if I can buy something today. I want to buy a domain but I don´t know if that will be possible with this issue. Can someone explain this? I know this maybe is a technical problem. But when can we see our staticts?Please help us!Maybe some moderators or admins can post an answer here.Regards.

  20. Michael lived a spectacular life. He never was defeated for the public scandals and all the envy that lives in Hollywood. He was one of the most greates human beings. He influented in the music, fashion and lifestyle not only in United States, in the entire world.

    His scandals with the children abuse was a dirty process to damage his image but he could out like only him could: Giving the face in front the world and proving his inocence.

    Michael lived a extraordinarial life that somes "conspirators" believe that he was an alien...Yeah an alien...

    If you want to know most about it go to: http://forums.xisto.com/Michael-Jacksview=getnewpost

    His finances were excentric he really didn´t care a lot the money. He donate millions dollars to the charity.

    He was a good example to his family. Janet Jackson is a great artist and a big part of that is because Michael support her to growth in the music world.

    His shows were spectaculars I want to think the best in the history. His moves never will die. Maybe the Jonh Travolta moves will die someday but Michael´s never. Maybe his death was his last act, he knew the world impact that his death will ocassionate.

    He was the biggest singer in the history. He always will be the number one.

    Rest In Peace, Michael.

    You never will die in our hearts.


  21. Oh no, I have the same problem too.

    I think that the support script was updated but my statitics are not shown.

    No dear even I am facing the same problem that means it is some thing really technically and what I think we should not worry for it. I think the problem will be resolved very soon.

    Yes maybe the error is technical I have a good quantity of MyCents earned I want not to lose them.

    Please can some moderator or admin team post here what´s the trouble with the Xisto - Support/Billing Area?.

    We can´t see our money earned. That put me very worried because I was saving MyCents to buy a domain name.

    BUT I am sure that the technical team will take actions to solve this problem.

    Meanwhile everybody keep posting in this great forum named: Xisto.com and Xisto.com (if you have an account in there).


  22. I prefer a desktop computer. I don´t have a laptop right now because I sold it two months ago. I didn´t like its vulnerability and the high cost in reparation when the Operative Systems collapsed and with it all the drivers!The desktop computer gives you more freedom. You can crash it and repair it yourself, go to the store and buy hardware yourself and it´s more private than a laptop.And in my country there are a thief net that assaults to the college students and steal their laptops. Before they stole mine I decided to sell it.I love to repair desktop pc because that makes you think and use your instinct to find the problem.The laptop computer are very difficult to repair because you are afraid if you make something bad and suddenly you ruin hardware pieces that are so expensive that the technical team says you that is better buy another new one.But if somebody prefer the laptop is ok. But when Windows start to fail, you will think different.Sometimes the technology isn´t an advantage when you have not a lot of money.I hope somebody else can see the advantages of desktop computers in my post.Regards.

  23. You can upload video files without complications using FTP. Simply download the Core Ftp freeware from softonic.com and setup the ftp setting of your hosting account.Upload the files to your server and put links in your webpages if you want to share these videos.Well this is a simple tutorial, but you can prove to use the 4shared code or the Megavideo.com code or if you are a fanatic the famous Youtube code.I want to warn you that your bandwith can be excedeed if you share a lot of videos that are uploaded in your server.But if you have a complete hosting account with ilimited bandwith. This will not be a trouble.I hope these tips will help you.Regards.

  24. I know you maybe are shocking like me when I read this. I read it in a magazine in Honduras years ago and I remembered it now when Michael die.


    The theory said that Michael Jackson is son of Aliens and that he was a special genetic flexibity and this is the explanation to his peculiar moves are possible.


    Michael when born was took to the artirst life for his parents to make money because they knew that "the humans" are fool and somebody can make a fortune only moving the legs.


    How Michael born with black skin and that limited him to the black audience, he decided to change his skin with a rare treatment that convert him in a white guy in a little time.


    He got married with an "woman" that results to be the another alien?s daughter: Lisa Marie Presley. This theory says that Elvis Presley was an alien too. Lisa Marie and Michael are not descendents of the same specie. They were incompatible and that is the reason because they never had children.


    Then Michael Jackson starts to love to human women like Brooke Shields for example....But He had to used a strange artificial insemination to have children, it?s pressumed that this insemination required alien technology and a lot of expensives because the diference in the Genoma was big.


    After this he expose to one of his children in a window in Germany because Michael can make levitate to his boy if this fell...


    And in 2007 Michael will return to his planet, for that he will perform his own death...




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