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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I think he really likes you. All the signs are there so if you are ready you can make a move and hint him your intentions. But I don?t know almost anything about women seduction or things like that. So this guy maybe is a very busy person because I have my doubts if you left him alone in a date. He reacted good and asking your forgiveness. That is strange but you know there are a lot of different types of men. So you can make a move and in a few days you can be updating us with your new and fresh relationship and will make us very happy in this forum.Bye. Regards.

  2. Nobody tell you about your mistakes. If you love him why you decided to move on first? I simply don?t understan this part of your story. When a couple have problems and both of them are thinking the things they put the relationship in stand by but not finished like you did. My point is you don?t have any rigth about him or his acts now so maybe this was your fault how could you broke the relationship in you wanted to be still in it. The hurt men are an easy meal to mad women with experience and this type of women always are young and have children of other men because the others men get tired of them. So maybe your boy isn?t in a long term relationship like you were. But if in the future you want to be with him again you have to be ready to have a child in your life that is not yours or live with that. I advice you to move on of this relationship. I know it?s not easy. How can be easy forget 4 years in a day, week or a month? Impossible but there is nothing that the time can?t destroy and maybe you in the future will only have the memories of your relationship but nothing more. The feelings will dissapear. You will be a stronger woman and you will have more experience to decide about men and find another man. So not all is bad. You are a valuable woman. So you don?t deserve to a man who you know maybe it?s not the best although you feel that you love him so much right now.Keeping in move on. You can do it.Regards.

  3. Well I am not an expert in these type of issues but I have a girlfriend and I had read a lot of books about this and I had practice a lot of mental exercises to deal with these issues if someday they come to me.First the first: For me SHE DOESN?T LOVE ANYMORE. I think that this is maybe a hard thing to assimilate but that is the truth. Maybe she actually feel something for you but the love like in the past isn?t there anymore. I can give you some advices that you can follow and it?s very important that you follow them to the letter. DON?T CALL HER AND DON?T TEXT HER NEVER: IF SHE STILL LOVES YOU IF SHE IS STILL INTERESTED ON YOU WILL BE SHE WHO WILL CALL YOU OR TEXT YOU. The women think in a different language than men. She like to feel important to the others. We the men not. That don?t care for us. They need to feel pretty and need a lot of man saying them beatiful things or simply saying them that they are pretty and unique. So if you fall in the game of the calls and messages you are showing your love and the women simply thing that have you in the hand and feel shame for you. The shame and the love are not match. So you have to leave them miss you. So my recomendation is not call her nor message her and leave her to miss you. She will only miss you if she still feel something for you.If she don?t call you or text you you have to move on. It?s not never easy. But you have to do that. The best way to move on is spending a lot of time in things that are new and fun like getting new hobbies or dating with your friends and have a good time. We the men when we have a girl that have us crazy have the habit to forget our friends and leave to spend time with them and this is a serious problem when you break with your girlfriend and you are alone because your friends don?t wanna know anything about you because you left them alone for your girlfriend. So that is my recomendation and advice. You can move on. You have to have self love. One day you will find another woman or women who can know? So be ready. In the world are 7 billion of people and 4 billion are women so there are a lot of opportunities to find another girl I think. You have to be strong and never came back. Because if you do that you will suffer more than you have suffered. And that is a real danger to fall in worst problems like depression syndromes.So follow my advices first if that don?t work move on. Be strong. You can do it.Regards.

  4. I am totally agree with the creator of this thread: The high school life is the best time in your life. Maybe a lot of people have posted that for them is not the best part of their lifes but for me was the time. The freedom, the friendship, the women atraction was so good that I desire to back to the past and repeat all the time and do things that maybe because I was scared I didn?t do. I had good teachers I was one of the best students in the classroom I got respect and a little popularity but because I was a little younger that almost all my classmates I was a little scared about woman and finally I couldn?t have a girlfriend although there was like two or three girls that practically ask me to be their boyfriend in the two years that my high school last. I was a lot maybe three or four times and was a type of love that I don?t know why but I couldn?t experience again. Actually I have a girlfriend and I love her but I don?t feel the crazyness like in those years. Maybe the maduration process changed me. In the intelectual part was the best part of my life. I was the king in the classroom and now that I am in the college I am not bad but I am not the best and maybe this is making me losing a little the interest in the study and focus in other things maybe my girlfriend and the internet and I had though that the college time is the worst time to have a girlfriend and be addicted to the internet because in this time you have to focus in your career and be good to get a good job in the future. Maybe Robert Kiyosaki is making a bad influence in me with his lessons about money and university. So this post making me remember my times I was so happy that I can?t explain. I had a good life that actually and I say it with sincerity I desire to back to the past and re-experience all my high school time and do things that maybe shyness and cowardly couldn?t allow me to do. For example in those times I could have my first sex experiences but because I was a coward and maybe because I had "bad friends" in those topics I never did anything. But what we can do the time pass and when you fall in the earth maybe it?s too late to do something that you could do if you had the opportunity.Thank you for the post my friend I have more to share in this post but I have to go to the classes rigth now. Seriously thank you. Regards.

  5. I am always with the justice...But my point of view is different to all the people. My point of view is if you make something you have to pay it. So this 12 year old boy can be a child but he is guilty because there are two people here (the grandparents)who are dead and the justice can?t obvious this. I am so tired about hear everywhere the people saying that a person who is in psyquiatric treatment don?t know what they are doing. I am medical student and I had treated with psiquiatric guys and I sure you that they know what they are doing almost all the time. So I think that the problem here maybe is the sentence because 30 years in the jail maybe is a lot of time to this crime. Maybe a 10 year sentence was a better sentence. Although you know, the court thougth that maybe this guy was a real danger for the society and keeping here a lot of time in the jail will avoid more human harmfuls.So that is my opinion and maybe will be different to a lot of you. Regards.

  6. I don?t know but I think that you are new in the computer world because your theory actually is a practice... basically is the main way to hack a computer with a internet connection. The basic process is getting some Ip addresses with a proxy to don?t expose your real Ip if you are the hacker. Once you get the Ip addresses you send a file to the computer you want to hack like a trojan or a virus and get the control of the computer with the possibility of disabling the hardware, disabling the task managet and get full control of the computer remotally. I am not a hacker. But I am a computer user since a lot of time ago and I had been victim of hacking processes like virus and trojan and once a guy could reset my computer like 5 times and make me format my computer because any virus could desinfect my computer.So I am happy for you because your imagination is good. But this is not a theory this is the practice nowadays.Regards.

  7. Hi John and welcome to the best forum community in the world where you will get a lot of fun and get a lot of valuable information: Xisto. I am registered in Xisto since 2009 and I am happy with the service also the possibility to share my little knowledge with people that is sharing their knowledge too. There is a lot of people that post everyday and good moderators to secure that all the content is high quality and I sure you that you never will go bored because posting here is very fun and sharing your knowledge is the best thing in the world. I recommend you to read the TOS and understand everything about the forum first. Here you can also get Mycents and change them for hosting packages and for domains registrations and get your website projects run quickly and with a professional service like paying... I am glad you decided to register and I finally recommend you keep posting good quality post and in a short time when you get to the 20 post you will be able to get your free hosting account and start your website project here in Xisto.Welcome and remember keep posting. Regards.

  8. I am a real obssesive person with this theme... "make money in the internet" this phrase is in all the sites I am interested and I have bougth, read and watched a lot of programs and tutorials about making money in the internet... I will tell you part of my story: some day and only for curiosity I was researching about some millionaire people like John Rockefeller and Bill Gates and a question came to my mind... How to be millionaire? And I put in Google the phrase how to be a rich man and the first result is a free ebook about a guy named Wallace Wattles "The science of being rich" so I read it twice and after reading some forums I found a person name that revolutionate my way of think: Robert Kiyosaki. I read the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and was like opening the eyes to a new world and inmediately I found another site offering a proof way to make money selling online and I bougth it... I get surprised again with the secrets and I start to learn how to desing a website the html code some WYSIWYG programs and finally I tried to learn the PHP program code but I don?t like it... So I started to build a website focus in offering good quality post (blog site) and products to my visitors with a affiliate program where you offer the products of other people..


    BUT... there was a problem I didn?t get any traffic I didn?t know anything about upload my site to the search engines and nothing about SEO and I start to learn (hours and hours) and I have never understand a real method about get in the first page in google... So I decide to pay some Adwords publicity and in the way I spent a lot of money and: 0 sales...


    So I decided to make a try with the PTC sites and started to lost my time in all the sites like... you know... I never made a penny and in this process I started to lose the hope and started to use the internet only for foolishness like Facebook, chat and MSN and a lot of things that make millions lose their time... Althougt maybe this was not so bad because using Facebook and got a beatiful girlfriend and since I am with her I totally forget my challenge of making money in the internet...


    I found a guy with a great program to make money in the internet selling products and founding a niche... But I am very sceptic about this so my question is:


    Is really possible to make money in the internet?


    Is there a real and proof way to make money?


    Is actually some of you making money in the internet? How? Finally: Some tips?



    Regards and Thank you...

  9. So I know that maybe this is strange but I had some big changes in my life a year ago and I am surprised because I was maybe a year without enter to this fantastic forum... So I want to develop my inconcluse projects I left a year ago but I want to make them with class without all the laziness that I had the last year... So I am not interested anymore in my hosting account I am maybe only interested in my domain name So I have this questions:Is possible to close this account in the forum and in the billing and re-open with another?Can I recover my old domain that is in my actual billing and transfer it to the new billing account that I will create?I hope your answer and thank you...Regards.

  10. Hello Nikki how are you there is Fermin from Honduras saying you: Nice to meet you and welcome to Xisto I was a very active member of this forum a year ago but I got a girlfriend and the world changed because of her I am with her rigth now but I have some feelings about all the time I left my website dreams alone.... So I am back and I have a great challenge to get around $70 to recover my hosting service and my domain names because I have lost everything and my xisto billing account is full of invoices and I don?t know how but I will make all the Mycents needed to recover my hosting service because I need to finish my projects and start to work like a mad person because God send us here to do that.I love black ops too... but I am pretty bad in that game my brother beats me almost all the time and in internet games I lose all the time so I prefer other games like grand theft auto and recently I am playing the Swat game and I am pretty good and I like all the dinamic in the game and the characters and the history of course... So I recommend you that game... I have never like the Mortal Kombat games I don?t know why and I like a lot the football games like FIFA and Pro evolution soccer...So welcome to Xisto and please keep your fingers in the keyboard and make some good quality post and enjoy all the benefits of being a member of this fantastic forum...Regards.

  11. You are not alone. I have problems loading the page I didn?t enter to the site five months ago... well I know that all the changes to evolutionate are necessary but I still remember the old Xisto.com forum that have a kind environment... The pages were simple and the load was fast and didn?t have any flash page in the welcome page... And of course the Mycents updates were so fast that in a few hours you could to use your money and pay your billing account and continue posting only for fun... But the Xisto forum is totally different and I don?t know if this change is because to the new desing of the site or to a change in the people who manage the site...Please come back to the old desing of Xisto.com to recover all the things that made me register in this fantastic forum...And if you can?t to back to the old desing please you can boost this site because it?s a little annoyed to be waiting for the load of the page and be waiting for the mycents update...

  12. Well I have almost 5 months without posting any post in here because I cancelled my internet connection for economic problems but now I am here again to make good quality post to rich this fantastic forum. I fell sorry for this new I have no idea about this type of invassion of spammers to knowledsutra where the point is to make good quality post... Well but be a moderator has never been easy so I pressume that all the moderators are ready to attack these spammers and delete or report all those post that qualify like spam... So I have a great challenge because I have a debt of $53 in my xisto billing account so I have to post to recover a little of the debt and practice to write a lot of time and also think to make good contributions here...So please give me good luck to make my challenge and recover all the functions of my Xisto host account.

  13. Excellent man I am happy for this new and now the image search will be easier than ever and this service of search images is very needed for all of us. Google is always changing and going better and It?s excellent I watched in CNN that the tool Google wave have failed because it had no the impact that Google thougth that it could be had. But now the Google owners decide to give the code to the GNU free project so the Google wave is now in open code to all the users like Mozilla Firefox and I like this way to do the things of Google that the things that failed in their strategies of sell some products they inmediately give to the entire world the font code of the program to free use from all the internauts. So I am happy to hear that Google is improving the Image Search and this maybe will be great for all of us who use a lot of images for presentations and graphic design. Bye.

  14. I am sorry to hear that your facebook account got hacked but I am sure that is totally hacked and someone in the net have your password because it?s evident with this type of strange use of your account. You can do a lot of things and I recommend you first to try to seek who or where you possible got hacked your account and maybe you are the victim of a Social Engineering truck or something because I don?t believe that your account got hacked by a trojan horse or a virus, the most possible is that you were using your account in a public place, like a cybernet internet service and the people who work there have installed some programs like Cain & Abel that is a program who record all the password used in the computer and the directions of mail of your accounts and I personally have installed this program in some place where I worked and I stole a lot of twitter, facebook and hotmail accounts. I stole like 200 accounts but I got bored using them to read emails that weren?t mine. So I never damaged to anyone but I could to steal a lot of accounts with this method. I think that you are a victim of this method maybe or some type of social engineering because it?s very typical to hear this here in my country where a lot of people use the public internet in a lot of places and be exposed to some simple but powerful programs like Cain & Abel and some others. Once you have determine the possible way of the hack you have to take the preventive actions and change inmediately your password of your facebook account and of your e-mail directions, because there is the posibility of being hacked from your e-mail direction and this could be the way to hack your facebook account. So like you see this world of hack is very complex and we can be victim in a lot of ways of this world problem. We have to be preventive and avoid to be exposed to the hackers because believe when I say that the hackers are closer than you think. Bye.

  15. I see that you signed up 4 days ago and you have 54 post now. So I want to congratulate you because you really have this need to share you knowledge and you wil be rewarded for this because you wil have a lot of Mycents if you continue in this rhytm. Where are you from? What do you study? or Are you Working? Do you have Website projects? I want to know more about you because I see that you are very intelligent in your post because I have seen a few minutes ago the top posters wall and I see that you are in first place. So continue here posting and making richer the forum with your knowledge and comments. And of course welcome to knowledge the best post-to-host forum where you will found a lot of knowledge and a lot of Mycents to your hosting projects, too. So you have to read the rules, but I pressume that you already did it but if you don´t you can found them in the first forum in the home of the forum and if you have questions there are a lot of moderators who are very good and they are browsing here a lot of times in the day so your answer will be submitted in a few minutes.Congratulations you are a good sharer, you wil be quickly a super member and start to be more respetable in the forum.Welcome here.Bye.

  16. Maybe the problem is your laptop browser and you maybe have problems with a firewall or with you network because the page is loading for me. This maybe is a configuration problem because a browser in a laptop and in a PC have no difference at all and they have to load all the pages without a problem if they have a good internet connection. So I recommend you to see the configuration of your browser and your network and if the problem persist you can try to uninstall your browsers and re-intall them with the default configuration and test if your laptop load your domain or the problem remains.In some countries and in some networks the problem is maybe the IP from the reminder in this case if you are hosting with Xisto all your Ip from your site will be from India so if in your country or your network have problems with the Indian IP?s you will know about your problem. But I doubt this because almost all the countries only have problems with the Chinese IP?s, because the chinese are very intelligent and like to hack a lot.So please research and if you have an update please post it to help you if I can.Bye.

  17. There are a lot of situations that can ocassionate you to spend this amount of bandwith and in some ocasions I have suffered this type of downswing in my bandwith. One of the reasons is maybe the script that you are using and the type of site you have, for example is know that some scripts spend more bandwith than others like a forum script with a mp3 script that runs with cron jobs almost all the days and spend the bandwith including with anybody is connected to the site. So if you have this type of script like a mp3 searcher to offer free downloads from your site maybe 10GB is not the proper amount of bandwith that you require. Other case can be that you have a free premium link generator site with a script like Rapidleesh or Rapidshot to offer free premium link generator service and this is a type of site that I had hosted in the past and spend me almost all the bandwith in a few days. It was typical in 10 days to see the "Account out of Bandwith" when I tried to access to my site since my browser. So if you are offering this type of site I have to tell you that you need and unlimited hosting plan with some provider or if you have your hosting account with xisto maybe the anual plan of $99 can be for you. Other posibility and the most probable is that you are hosting a file in your server like a game, a movie or something that is 100MB+ and some people maybe get tracked this file and they are downloading the file that is the same to decrease your bandwith 100MB a time and of course your bandwith will be decreasing until you will have any bandwith to use.So please you have to check with your FTP client your files or your script and try to research about the posibility of a DOS attack althougth I doubt about it because now almost all the hosting providers have DOS protection and some providers don?t have this feature in general but they offer for a few bucks this feature for some clients that want to be protected from a DOS attack.So please research about your problem and any update please post it here.Bye.

  18. Well I have a great experience in the types of making money online. I started to seek oportunities to make money online since 2007 and in this period I have learn a lot about what works and what doesn?t works. Like all the people who seek how to make money online I started in Google and I found the "bux" thing and I started to register in the Bux.to, 07bux.com(it doesn?t exist anymore), 10bux.com and others. And I got very excited for the oportunity of making money online and pay my internet bill with the money that I earned online making click in some links... I quickly understand that for make money in the PTC?s world I have to get referrals and a lot of course. And I started to experience with some referrals comunities in Spanish and I quicly get a lot of referrals in the site that I mostly trust: 07bux.com. I got like 80 referrals and most of them clicked everyday and I quickly get a lot of money and I had to get to $100 to cashout my first payment and in a few months I got the $100 and I cashout inmediately but how the send of the money was manual the delivery lasted like a month but how my bad luck the admin started to make scam and one day to other he said that the site was hacked with a DOS attack and some people stealed the database so he had to close the site and create a better script and delete all the earnings from the members. So i got scammed. Bux.to had some rumors of scam. So I get mad with all these type of sites... Until I got register in Neobux another site and I think that is the most trusted PTC site in the world... The problem was that I had no a great amount of money to invest in it and I invested only $50 and I quickly lost all my money because how you know some of the bougth referrals don?t click because they are inactive members who are only waiting to delete their acounts. So I definetely conclude that Bux thing is not a good way to make money and the only way that you can make money in the PTC thing is only investing $500+ to be safe your invest and only in trust sites like Neobux and others.


    So I seek for another oportunities and reading mails quickly got me mad. Reading mails is a great way to lose your time. Then I found the offer and sell digital products like ebooks and audiobooks but I had no the invest to make them profitable because you need to start(to compete in the most of cases) to pay a good google adwords campaing to get some people to your list and start to sell while possionate your site in a good place in the top 10 in Google where you will not pay more google adwords campaing unless you want to increase your earning and prospects. Then I found the forex oportunity and I got in love with the idea of invest money to make more money with the divise changes in the international market I got registered in a company and I got surprised when they call me to my home phone to explain how this world of Forex is and this guy told me that I will make a lot of money investing in Forex. The problem I had no any capital to invest and anyone will borrow me money to invest on internet businesses.


    Then I found the Stock Online Marketing in the internet with a guy who I really know started with a few and know had a good suitcase in the Nasdaq and NYSE market. The problem... I have no money to invest. So I think that I will have to wait until I got graduated and start to make my own money to invest in some online oportunities to make money because now all my environment is black. So I will list all the oportunities and you will see what works and what doesn?t works:



    1. PTC: You have to make a good seek to see what sites are scam and what not. I recommend to start with a investment of $500+ to increase the chance of success to your invest. And only use sites with instant payment feature.


    2. Read emails: Don?t lose your time this doesn?t work for anything. You will only get frustated.


    3. Offer and sell digital products: It?s the best way for the most of people in the internet, but you have to create a good product and be directed in the rigth market and a little invest to pay a good Google Adwords campaing while a SEO make your site in the top 10 position for the keyword. It?s very difficult to create a product but sell it it?s more difficult.


    4. Forex: Incredible oportunity. And almost all the companies who offer Forex oportunity are very trustful and offer you support but you need an invest in the most of cases of $10k+ to start.


    5. Stock Marketing: Great oportunity and the dream of all the people who want money. Invest money and get the earnings(or losses)in a few days. You need an invest of $3k+ to start to don?t allow that the broker comission damage your earnings.


    I have exposed you all this type of business and the real way to make money online. Of course there are more chances and other different businesses in the internet to make money. But you can use this topic like a guide to get experienced in these businesses and maybe get rich from the intenet.


    I hope this post help to you.



  19. Hey I am in the same situation you are. I have a lot of ideas to a business but I have no the capital needed to start the businesses. So I have an idea to an online business where I don?t need any capital invest but how you know when you don?t need the money you need the time and I am a student, unfortunely, and I depend totally from my parents and I have to do what they want, for now. But I am waiting the vacations to start the business and if I am sucessful I will graduate, because I am close to get it, and I will to develop the business to get some capital saving and when I get graduated I will start to invest in the offline way and in a clinic to make more money working offline and online and I will work only when I want, not live a slave like my teachers who gots up at 4:00 o?clock and only sleep 4 hours to a simple salary. I admire to some businessmen that only sleep 4 hours but maintaning a great business but working for another people I am not agree with my teacher profession and life.So you can expose your business ideas here and we will discuss them. Maybe you are not agree with the first comment to your topic, this guy want to steal your ideas for his uncle?s business and I am not agree with that so if you don?t want to expose your ideas because this guy will steal you I will understand you.The businesses are the only way to get rich and get a better and more interesting life and you wil have the power to make changes in your environment if you want because you will have the money to make them. So I am happy that in Xisto there are people who think like me and are agree with the business world and not like the professional people who think that the businessmen are bad people who make suffer to the poor people but these professional are working for them, so what is going on???Bye and never surrender please.

  20. I think that the long distances relationship are not ok. Why?? A relationship is the interaction between two people and when I say interacion I mean to the contact between to people who are joined for a feeling or circunstance. But when one of the couple have to travel to another country or to another city for some months then the contact doesn?t exist anymore and the heat is lost with the cold of being talking by the phone or by the internet. How can you know that your partner is not with other guy?? You can?t know and this can ocassionate you a big stress problem and start to feel jealous and think things that maybe are not real but you can stop to think in those things. Of course you and your partner when there is a cirncunstance in the life that will separate each other have to make the effort to continue the relationship with a pact, with a promise, I don?t know. But you have to make the effort of course but if in some part of the time you start to feel something with another new people you have met you have to tell this inmediately to your partner and together take a decision, broke or continue together. The chat and all the ways to keep the contact are useful to simulate that contact that you can have in the real way, but of course it can?t no replace to the real contact, the heat of a real relationship, one close to the other.So this is what I think, of course if you are in this type of relationship you have to fight but at the same time being concieous about the turn that can have in the future the relationship. In my country there is a said: "Love distance relationship, is a love between fools".

  21. Good topic but how you have see the world?s biggest problems maybe are not all you have exposed. I am agree with the natural resources but the unequal distribution of money maybe it?s not one of them because how you see all the people in the world want different things and these different things make to some people to get rich and live in the high class and make to other study a good career and live in the medium class and make to all the others to fail or make mistakes or simply never have the opportunities and they live in the low class. Yeah this is a problem but I think that the only problem for the humanity now is to help to those poor people that don?t have any opportunity to advance in the pass of the years and better their lifes like the people in Africa where the slavism is still a practice and where the people is being forgotten for all the people who live good in the Western.For the problem of natural resources, I think that you are totally right because how we have seen in these years the oil is the power and the countries create wars for this natural resource. How we see all the people in the world need the oil to their cars or to other things so we can?t stop to use the oil from the nigth to the morning but how you say we can start to use some renewable resources. For example in Honduras when was under military dictators they built a hidroelectric plant who was enough to sell energy to another countries but now the demand of energy is so big that the 60% of the energy in the country is generated from oil plants which use bunker to work. This is wrong but build another hidroelectric plant is like $2,000 million dollar and the country doesn?t have the capacity to build this type of project because we have no money to pay salaries and the business men in the country doesn?t have the capacity either.With the deshonesty problem I think that we can?t do anything Why??? Because how we can make a change if the people in the charges experiencing the temptation??? And they fall everyday of course. This is the main problem here in Honduras where the dishonesty is the low classes and in the high classes but the main class who is the most dishonest is the medium class. The medium class, the lawyers, the doctors, the administrators, are the main people in make dishonesty and corruption and the worst is that if someone is know by corrupt this have the biggest chances to jump in the public charges because is more easy to some people who are out of the goverment system to use these people to their own interest. So this problem maybe will never stop because in the universities you listen to all the people saying that they will never make corruption but in the reality and when they get a work the history is so different...Violence is more difficult to stop this problem because the violence is inside the human beings and almost everybody enjoy the violence when there are a "cause" who allow the violence. So the wars will never stop because the real power of a country is not in the finances or in the money it?s in the army and this is the reason because in the world wars countries like Germany who had serious social problems a decade before the WW2 began to be the most powerful country in the world, not for the finances was the army who give them that power.So the world?s biggest problems are these and I am happy that you didn?t put to the global warming here because we are bored of hearing about the global warming when there is no proof about this. Your topic is so interesting and very good. Bye.

  22. I am tired of my teachers and all the adult people with the pesimism about the country. Some ignorants talking about socialism is the way, others with the Robin Hood?s thinkness(you know) and the worst the academics my teachers laughing all the days with the National plans to 2021 of my country... I am tired.First of all in my country there is a colective envy that is damaging to all the people... You can?t prosper in your business because the people and the "left" media start to talk about you and damaging your image. In the university the teachers spend the half of the time in class talking about the country and "Honduras doesn?t work, Honduras is the worst, Only happen in Honduras, In Honduras only stupid people lives" and I tired of hear this and of course in middle I have exposed all my thinkness and the useless of being pesimist about the future of the country and the colective stupid of wait to someone else to better their lifes...I know Honduras is not a rich people but I know something... It?s the same talk about something with do something? Of course not. And in my country all the people think that it?s in the capacity of being president and talk about everything...And I didn?t care this if only one thing that determines the important of this consideration: New generations are coming and their thinkness is being polluted with this type of pesimism of the old and frustrated people...So I want to say something and I hope that you give me your opinion...I think that the only way to my country to leave this pesimism is a revolution, but no a politic revolution, an army revolution to eliminate to all the anti-patriotic people and born again with the young people with a health and clean thinkness and build the future of Honduras in a better way... We can?t wait to this people dies...This is my idea, it?s not a plan yet. But...What do you think???

  23. It?s difficult to save with kids. I have no kids. But I live with my family and it?s difficult to save for me and I dont know if it?s difficult for you. I think that when someone have kids the dreams of a better life of personal development are dead because with kids you have a resposability and you know that with kids all the personal problems or desires that you can have will be in a second plane because you are more interested in the happiness of your kids and their needs than yours. So I think it?s difficult to save with kids but if you want to make the effort you can do it and save a little money to be more prepared to a contingence in your family. That?s all.

  24. Of course not we can?t limit our luxury. If we have the money to spend in some things that the most of people can?t so spend this money is very healthy to the economy because behind these "lux" things like a great car, brand designer clothes and all the other luxs there are people who their sustent is with this products like the enginners that desing a Ferrari and the workers who build that Ferrari who get paid with the sale of that car. Of course there are some social things like luxury is bad but everything have good things and bad things and I think that spend the excedent of money in luxury is not so bad than save all the money in a bank or in your house where the money will be stopped of the circulation and the economy is being damaged for practices like save all your money and never spend it or invest it. So I thing that the luxes are so neccesary and only have one bad thing that is generated for it: Envy. An there is a personal envy and colective envy and when you are envy with someone you will be thinking on this person all the day and will be hating to someone else because they have more things or more money than you. I think that envy is in everywhere since the offices to the churches and we see envy in a lot of media and in our day interacting with the people commenting about that or this person who is very rich when they are a lot of people who is suffering today, and things like that.But I repeat we have to have a limit to the luxury but I thing that the luxury is so neccesary to the economy that stopping it we can have a lot of economic problems because an important part of the economy is behind the luxury and the expensive things.Bye.

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