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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. A virus is just a little programme to sabotage coputer software. They should cause damage to file and databenches. The name is often misinterpreted as an organical lifeform, but it was just taken because the way it infects the system is alike the biological ones.A programme must be able to sabotage, manipulate programmes, and to reproduce itself and infect other data to be called a virus. When an infected programme is started, the circle starts again.The classical viruses were programmed, to damage a company via its computers. There are some advantages a virus has, apart from simple deleting of files; a Virus infects even backups, if they are used, nobody can find out who has made it, and the growth of viruses is eponentual.Most of the viruses come from the USA, the Soviet states, Bulgaria, and Poland; most of them are not created to manipulate databenches, but to show what the programmer is able to do, and to show the misprotection of the computer users. But also when a virus is designed to directly damage the user, it is spreading extremely fast. The damage, that is caused by viruses costs about 100 million ATS just in Austria.Viruses are mostly spread through big networks (like the internet) or the exchange of data media. The increasing number of networks allows the non-expert user to get the source codes of extremely dangerous viruses, as a result, there are about 100.000 different viruses active, and the number is doubled every eight months.Viruses can cause file-manipulation (characters are replaced by other) fatal for bank-business, simulate errors( usually harmless) and software-crashes(one of the most fatal versions) these crashes do not allow to do anything, it even will not work to press Crtl-Alt-Del, but the worst viruses format the harddisks, or delete the FAT (File allocation Table).Some Viruses are even able to cause serious damage to hardware, for example the disk-drive or the monitor. Disk-drives are destroyed, when the virus forces it to read out the inner track( the reading unit gets blocked), and monitors can be destroyed by setting the graphic card´s screen refresh rate over the one of the Monitor.Division of viruses:Logical viruses:Simple and obious structure, the virus programme replaces a programme, the same effect can be reached by the dos-prompt RENAME.File infectorsClassical structure; it infects *.com or *.exe files, this can happen in three different methods:parts of the original programme are overwritten, very obvious, because the original programme does not work any more Virus is included at a fix area (mostly at the beginning) into a programme. Infection can be recognized, because the file-size is changing.Call-Viruses: there is just a short start prompt in the programme, the virus itself is a hidden file, that is either stored in the system memory or in an own InterruptBootsector virusesThese viruses use to write their source code onto the boot sector of a hard disc or a disc, and are difficult to find. When booting from the infected sector, the virus is loaded into the system memory, where it stays resistant. Because of that, bootsector viruses are nearly spread with every storing.Sleeping viruses, trigger virusesThese viruses stay unseen for a long time, because they start there actions just on fixed dates, like Friday the 13th or TschernobylPolymorph virusesThis type of virus changes its own source code in every generation, they copy a more or less changed source code into another file. This type is difficult to be found.Stealth virusesThese viruses manipulate the information of a file before they infect it, for example thr size.They are seldom found.Macro Viruses Viruses, that use an own macro-language of programmes (like MS Word) they, do not just infect startable files, but also every file that is used with the host-programme. They are very difficult to remove because only some virus-scanners find themTrojan horses:Trojan horses are programmes, that are hidden in useful files, (drivers, updates, games) they install a virus in the background or allow access to the hostage´s computer via the Internet.Trojan horses are mostly used to terrorize users, or to find out personal information like passwords and so on.EXAMPLE: NetbusA Trojan that mostly comes with funny tools, it allows unlimited access to the hostage´s PC. The Hacker can print documents, play audio files, open graphics, see the screen and its contents, can look through the whole file-tree, open and close the CD-Rom, lock keys, swap the mouse buttons, log the keyboard inputs directly, or into a log-file and many other things.These trojans do not cause damage to anything by selfaction, but the danger is the Hacker, that has access. Trojans can easily be found, with any freeware-trojan scanner, or are usually always detected by any actual virus-scanner. Virusprotection:In the 80s, viruses, and the damage they caused, got a serious problem. The virusprotection was discussed, in these times access controls like ID-Cards an the storage of virus-free backups, end the file property writeprotected were enough.These protections are not enough nowadays, the writeprotection can easily being deleted, and after infection be restored, because most viruses do not give any signals, that they are active, so backups must not be virus-free.The best way to protect yourself is to not exchange Data, which means to not use media, that was written on another system. This is not a 100 percentual protection, because it is not guaranteed, that the software, even the original one, is virus-free.Making backups is not a 100% save method, but recommended. Also regular defrags and watching of the data can ensure an early virus detection.The best way is, of course, to get a Anti-Virus programme, but also this programme has to be updates about every month. Their way of detecting viruses, is to know as many virus source-codes as possible. They explore all files, and are in case possible to remove the known source-code from the infected file. Polymorph viruses are a problem because its source code changes in very short periods of time, and often can not be detected by the AV-Programmes.There are three common methods for Anti-Virus programmes:1. The virus programme is always guarding the system memory, it is loaded while booting, and is checking potentional infection sources , for example, files, that are copied to the harddisk, and possibly could carry a virus.2. The file sizes in a single directory are checked, and saved into a log-file, and often compared with the files themselves, When the size changes, this could possibly be the sign for a virus infection. A problem is, that these Scanners often give false alert, even when a file was manipulated by the computer user.3. Fuzzy Logic because of this method, it became possible to find nearly all viruses, even polymorph viruses, because it messes up the source code, and detects even different source-coded viruses.All these kinds of Anti Virus programmes have to be updated regularly, about one to two times a month, otherwise they do not offer any protection, and the use would get senseless.The usage of Virus-Scanners is just useful, when the harddisks are also scanned regularly, and every new media, (discs) is scanned too.When the Internet is in use, you should try to get an active Internet defense virus scanner.This type checks every watched and downloaded file before it is executed.Most common Virusprogrammes:Norton Antivirus:Prize: about 600-800ATS costless Updates of the Virus-library via Internet available (library updated weekly)McAfee Scan: Prize: about 500ATS costless Updates of the Virus-library, even newer versions of the programme itself via Internet available (library updated weekly)F_Prot:Prize about 400ATS costless Updates should be available, but the site is very often too busy (Library updated every 3 weeks)PC-Cillin:Active Defense programme Prize: Shareware, costless library update via Internet available (library updated weekly)Trojan ScannerThe Cleaner: Trojan scanner and remover, Prize shareware, Trojan library updated monthly, costless update via InternetThe cleaner is a wonderful scanner for Trojan horses, that are mostly not detected by the common anti-virus programmes

  2. 13 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert

    Note: many of these tips work on all search engines, but if they don't you'll have to go back to Google.


    1. Explicit Phrase: Let's say you are looking for content about internet marketing. Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes. Example: "internet marketing"


    2. Exclude Words: Let's say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising. To do this, simply use the "-" sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

    Example Search: internet marketing -advertising


    3. Site Specific Search: Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase. Even if the site doesn't support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the "site:somesite.com" modifier. Example: "internet marketing" site:https://www.hubspot.com/


    4. Similar Words and Synonyms: Let's say you are want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms. To do this, use the "~" in front of the word. Example: "internet marketing" ~professional


    5. Specific Document Types: If you're looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier "filetype:". For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing. Example: "internet marketing" filetype:ppt


    6. This OR That: By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator. (Note: The OR has to be capitalized). Example: internet marketing OR advertising


    7. Phone Listing: Let's say someone calls you on your mobile number and you don't know how it is. If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature. Example: phonebook:617-555-1212


    8. Area Code Lookup: If all you need to do is to look-up the area code for a phone number, just enter the 3-digit area code and Google will tell you where it's from.

    Example: 617


    9. Addresses. Type in any address into Google, including the city and state and Google will provide a map of the area, as well as the ability to get directions to the location. Example: 880 Hermann Rd, North Brunswick, NJ


    10. Numeric Ranges: This is a rarely used, but highly useful tip. Let's say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers. You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what's between the X and Y are two periods. This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.

    Example: president 1940..1950


    11. Stock (Ticker Symbol): Just enter a valid ticker symbol as your search term and Google will give you the current financials and a quick thumb-nail chart for the stock. Example: GOOG


    12. Calculator: The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression in to Google.

    Example: 48512 * 1.02


    13. Word Definitions: If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the "define:" command. Example: define:plethora







    Some benefits to Firefox

    Security: Hackers are more likely to attack IE than Firefox, which appears to have a tighter security protocol built in.

    Built in SpellChecker: If you type words into a field, you can simply right click on the Word and it will offer you suggestions for alternatives.

    Built in search: if you type in any search term into the address bar, Firfox will take you to the first result on a Google search. (the same as click ing the I'm Feeling Lucky button).

    Shortcut Search: You can search for information directly on a web page shortcut.

    Go to any webpage that has a search box (like the NEw York Times (nytimes.com)) Right click on the search box and click add a keyword for this search. A new window will open. Type the name of the site you are at (New York Times) and add the shortcut you'd like to use (nyt). Then the next time you want to find something on that website, you can just type into the address bar: nyt search term and it will go right to the results page of a search on that website.

    Addons: a slew of things to help you customize your browser.



    Pop Up Prevention: Firefox automatically blocks pop ups unless you allow them to come (some sites require them for new windows) To allow them: When a pop up is blocked, a window shows you that along the top of you window. Click preferences and you can choose from a menu of options like, allow pop ups from this site.

    Blocking Ads: This is one of the addons meantioned above. It is installed on all of the machines. If you compare a site with ads from IE to Firefox you will see that the ads are not displayed. If you wish to download this yourself, Search online for Firefox Adblock Plus and download it. Then subscribe (when the new window pops up) to EasyList (USA).

  3. Oh the streaming files are not allowed in the logic plan. I tried to make a website that use streaming but they tell me that this is not possible now. But the support team told me that if you get the Dedicated Server plan when you get unlimited bandwith and unlimited webspace you can do whatever you want. And I want to open a linksharing site when the members post files hosted on Rapidshare, Megaupload, Depositfiles and other and yes that is allowed. I get surprised but it is true. So if you wanted to have your own linksharing site it?s possible with Xisto. So maybe you have to get the "Dedicated Server" Plan but it is $12.00 a month so you will have to post a lot to get it and maintain it. But every work is good for the men ok.So keep posting and remember the streaming is not allowed but the linksharing is allowed.

  4. The pause breack is a scroll lock key and they are designed to the old computers when you can print the documents only pushing the Print button. These buttons have some function today for example when you download a screen capturer they use the Print button to capture a part of your screen and save it like an image. But the use of this button is falling since the mouse is in the scene. So they are not unuseless only that their use is falling now and in some keyword they look different and in different position.So that is a short story about this buttons.

  5. Welcome back my friend and i am sure that you will get back your hosting very soon. But I have to make you a question: How much time did you had without posting? Because I last almost two months without posting and the Xisto team said me that they never delete the files of the users. Maybe you can recovery your files too. Ohhh Xisto is a dream come true I can remember now when I was jumping from a free web hosting to other because I never be satisfied. But with Xisto the life is so good I have no to be mad with the support team because Xisto have the best support service that a web hosting can have. I am so happy because I have some projects in my mind and I will to make them reality with the most important thing that a website can need: A good webhosting. So keep posting my friend and soon you will have your old hosting plan active and working again. Please remember to keep posting all the time because it is very healthy Yeah believe me I was a inexpert with the mecanography until I found this great forum where I can exercise all my talents and share all my knowledge with educated people that make the world better posting regularly here.And maybe I can recommend you to back to the school because is the most important thing in life, ok. You can be rich and I hope to be rich someday but the education is more important than the money. So get back to the school my friend. Never lose the hopes ok. Good. So Welcome back and keep posting remember this phrase: This is the best web hosting in the earth. Where they offer you good web hosting for talk between good people.Bye my friend and welcome back.

  6. I think Obama is giving obedience to his chiefs the bankers of Wall Street. Yeah Obama is the perfect way to keep the American people in knees aproving everything he does and celebrating all his actions. The Nobel Prize is a fraud. Obama haven?t made absolutely nothing for the world peace. Why doesn?t he retire the troops from Iraq and Afganistan? Why? What World Peace when the world is in war? I am tired of this man talking and talking about the same all the time "The Change" oooohhhh of course. He planned the coup in Honduras against Manuel Zelaya Rosales and now he is looking the peace for all latin american people...come on you Obama are a fraud.Maybe I would paint my skin using the Jackson?s process inverted and learn to talk and I was maybe in the White House talking to people that "my chiefs" order me, receiving orders from the Capitol, ohhhhhDont be fool people and latin american people before all, this black guy is the same thing that the other presidents but this is "negro" and that?s not the reason to vote for a president. I think McCain could be better president than Obama but almost all the American people let that their lives be directed by the mass communication media. Fools.America is a disaster. Maybe in the next election Hillary Clinton or John McCain could finish this disater made in Obamalandia.

  7. I almost never believe in conspiracy theories, some of them are ridiculous. But in the morning 9/11 I had my doubts when I watched the video of the fall of World Trade Center, over and over again. The first question was, If a plane have the power to collapse a building, Why did the terrorist only use 6 planes when they could hijack a lot of planes? And why the WTC collapse like a demolition? Why this? Why that? I had doubts all the time and I thought and thougth but I was a child and never imagine that the own American Goverment could be behind the attacks until I saw the Zeigest documental.


    Well I have watched a lot of documentaries and I am going to post topics related to the 9/11 here if you dont mind to expose the truth about 9/11. Please dont be closed mind. If you have prejuices please push "Alt + F4" in your keyboard right now.


    Well I am going to start with the compilation of "Lies" about the official version:

    1) Using a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan and 19 Saudi Arabian hijackers with box-cutters, Osama Bin Laden fooled the most expensive and sophisticated military defense establishment in the history the world. We accept this official explanation that Bin Laden did it even though no evidence has been provided that proves this.



    2) The attacks of 9/11 are the result of "intelligence failures."



    3) 9/11 was a "New Pearl Harbor." We unquestionably accept this paradigm and prepare for a righteous world war.



    4) Bin Laden and Al Qaeda constitute America's #1 enemy. We forget that both Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are fabrications of American intelligence agencies like the CIA.



    5) Three WTC buildings exploded, disintegrated, and collapsed at nearly the speed of gravity due to the impact of hijacked airliners into the buildings and the jet fuel fires. We believe this even though:


    a. no steel buildings have ever collapsed due to fires and it is physically impossible for them to do so,



    b. Building 7 was never hit by any kind of aircraft, and c) the planes that hit the WTC 1 and 2 most probably were not the hijacked airliners, but rather military drones steered by remote control.




    6) The Pentagon was hit by Flight 77. And all the debris and human remains of this approximately 100-ton Boeing 767 disappeared because they were completely incinerated by jet fuel fires. We believe this story, even though:


    a. the hole in the West Wing of the Pentagon is only 16 feet across and


    b. no images of a Boeing 767 striking the Pentagon have been shown on any video tape. We are ignorant or unconcerned about the fact that



    c. within 5 minutes of the crash, FBI agents confiscated surveillance camera film from three nearby buildings and have never released these to the public. Expert 9/11 researchers believe that what actually hit the Pentagon was a missile followed by a military aircraft such as a Global Hawk or F-16 fighter.



    8) The U.S. government would never be involved in attacks upon "the Homeland." We believe this despite a long succession of "synthetic terror" events that have been staged in the past by our own government in order to galvanize public opinion to support imperial wars abroad and frighten them into giving up their civil liberties.



    9) The U.S. needs to spend upwards of $450 billion a year to prosecute an endless "war on terrorism" in order to defend itself against state-less Al Qaeda "terrorists." We believe this even though:



    a. the U.N. has estimated there are only about 2000 to 3000 members of Al Qaeda worldwide, and


    b. Al Qaeda itself was created and funded and is still controlled by the CIA,


    c) numerous documents prepared by neoconservative think tanks indicate that the goal of the Bush administration is to establish "full spectrum dominance" of the world, i.e., a global Pax Americana.




    10) Probably the biggest lie of all is the "war on terrorism;" the notion that the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had anything at all to do with 9/11 or Osama bin Laden and the 19 alleged hijackers.




    11) Finally, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we still like to believe that the U.S. government acts in our best interests rather than in the interests of its corporate sponsors.



    Each of these "Big Lies," by itself, is outrageous and preposterous. But you accept them because:


    1) 9/11 was a fairly successful "psy op" against the American people,

    2) we have become conditioned by the incessant barrage of propaganda we get from the mainstream media,

    3) these lies are repeated over and over by all forms of media in what is called the "echo effect" (Franken, 2004; Rampton and Stauber, 2004), and

    4) we feel we have to believe them in order to maintain our sense of safety and security. To question these lies means we must entertain some very scary realities. We might not want to learn that our government is a serial liar, torturer, thief, and murderer, indeed, a rogue, terrorist state (Chomsky, 1988, 2000; Blum, 2000). It is far easier and more comfortable to remain in the state of denial, perhaps the most over-populated state in the world.

    I will post the real facts in another post later. Please be patient.

    Notice from truefusion:
    Quoted part taken from here.

  8. The domain name .co.nr are worst than co.cc domain names. I recommend to all of you keep posting and collect at least $10.00 and buy a .com, .net or .org domain name. Come on guys we have the oportunity to have a domain and free web hosting only posting and recommending this great service so you can waste your time with those bad domains that ruin your websites because nobody take seriously a website with a free domain or redirection. I particullary hate these "companies" that only put you a trap and make money with the ignorant users who prefers to have a co.cc domain before the .com, .net or .org serious domains that you can get only posting in this forums. So keep posting and don´t waste your times with these services that only hurt your tries to get a good website like the famous websites.This is only a advise of course but if you want still using this service the tutorial is simple:Go to co.nr site and open a free account and configure to point to your websites. If you don´t know how to configure and point a domain to your account press Alt+F4 rigth now. Nobody can buy or get a service if doesn´t know how to use it.So I recommend to keep posting and get a serious domain name with the Xisto team but if you want to use the co.nr free domains I let you the tutorial below.

  9. Oh I am really interested in this topic because I have a domain too and I want to have it without using Paypal because they don?t work with the honduran people because they said "It unconvenient to the company growth now".So can someome tell me if It?s posssible to renew the domain name without using Paypal and only using MyCents because this forum is the best thing that ever happened me because I had only used deficient free hosting services and now I am happy that ever.And other thing that I have been question is that If the Xisto Hosting delete your files if you don?t cover the invoice after the account is suspended. Please can someone answer this and post in this topic.Thank you.

  10. I have knowledge that you can expand your bandwith with different plans. For example some guys in my neigborhood convince to install a script to transfer Rapidshare files trough my hosting account. In a few days all my bandwith was down. And of course I lost a lot of visitors those days but Nikhil the support guy who is very kind help me to back my website only with 40GB more of bandwith for only $0.88 more every month. But I don?t know if this can be done now. Maybe you have to open a new support ticket to make them the question about this possibility. But this issue don?t have to stop you now because you can start with your blog or forum right now and believe me the trafffic grows with the time you will not have a lot of visitors since the launch.Again open a new support ticket and ask to the support team to help you with your needs. This only take a few hours and sometimes some minutes the Xisto - Support team is incredible great.

  11. Of course I know a lot about Cable Filters there are used for unblock some TV channels. Oh, I am remembering them I don?t know if you are using this cable filter for the same purpose that me. I used the cable filters to unblock some Adult Channels. jajajajaja Yeah I know but I was younger I had needs. If you can use some of this cable filters you will be able to unblock some channels that you are not paying for like Venus and Playboy or some another TV channels packages like HBO, Cinemax or Starz. You have to connect the cable filter between the cable and the Tv adaptator behind the TV. I hope you enjoy this cable filters like me. I only recommend you be careful because this is illegal if you don?t have the permision of your cable company.

  12. Self-Publishing my friend is a difficult way but very reduitable if you use it properly. By example it is very difficult to promote a "normal" book in the internet. The only way that I can guarantee maybe it is Amazon.com or Ebay.com and you can make the publicity in a local T.V. chanel or Radio Station or pay some publicity in the internet like the Google Adwords campagnies. But it is more difficult to be "rich" with this method. I recommend you that focus the themes of your books in a niche. A niche is a group of themes with relation between them. If you chose a niche and write books about all the themes in the niche you can sell a book to a person and if this person liked your book he will be very interested in buy you another book because in his mind you will look like an expert to this niche or group of themes.But if you aren?t interested in this type of marketing called "The Ebook Marketing", I only can recommend you start since the start of the career, that means writing in a local newspaper or something like that for example and one time you get experience the oportunities will fall to your feet, if you are good of course. The success in all the fields of work have two possible ways:1. The fast way: The Ebook Marketing posibility when you start to sell your books in a little amount of time. But the social recognize are not big because your public is in all the world.2. The secure way: You start since the principle and scalating obstacles you will can make your success in the time. The social recognize is manifest because everybody around you will recognize you.For example make a comparison between Anderson Cooper that works in National TV with Howard Sterns that works in Satelital Radio. The money maybe is more for Sterns but the recognization is with Cooper.So you can chooose your destiny. You only have to think about it.I hope to help you.Bye.

  13. One of the most common, and certainly the most debatable question in circulation over dragons is, "do they exist?". Despite being repeatedly asked, a satisfactory conclusion has never really been offered. The reason is primarily because everyone has a different viewpoint on dragon existence, and due to the controversial nature of the topic, we have so far only really been faced with contradiction. To date, theories regarding dragon existence have ranged from a physical, literal presence; the idea that dragons used to roam the earth but were wiped out by chivalrous knights or human advances. Others believe that dragons are little more than a mixture of the untamed forces of nature and human imagination, or that dragons exist on the astral plane, or that they have found their home in our imaginations.Our focus in this essay is not to try and directly prove or disprove the existence of dragons, but instead to discuss the main possibilities from which we will draw our own conclusion. However, in the end it will be up to you to decide how you believe in dragons. I for one think they were dinos that manged to survive the big bang.....whats are your threorys and thoughts?

    You know what? The answer is simple. The dragons nevers exist. The dinosaurs exist. How can I know that the dinosaurs exist? Simple there are a lot of proof around the planet with evidence that the dinosaurs exist thousands of years ago.

    How can I know that the dragons never exist? Simple: there are not evidence of their existence in any place of the planet, and that´s because they are a china invent of theirs cultures. And other thing is if the dragons exist How could they be extingued? The meteorite fall in Yucatan, Mexico killed the dinosaurs. And the fosils are everywhere. Are you heard about a dragon fosil? Of course not. They never exist. Don´t waste your time with this question. Maybe the best question is: God exist? But dragons my friend are out of scientific reason.

    The chinese traditions are great. The chinese had a good colective imagination and that is proven with the traditions like the dragons and other creatures and the way to make a war, The samurai or ninja. Don´t fall in the traps ok. You are very intelligent.

    The conclusion is the dragons never exist because there are not proofs of their existence. There are no fosils, there are no bones, there are no ADN.

    Don´t lose your time with these theories.

  14. Let's not generalize and put entire tag of spamming on "Nigerians". If we've to look at the spam trend we can see that. Most of the forum spam that comes from Russia. All those links to the porn site and viagra ads on dead forums is from russia. "Get-rich-quick-quick" and "SEO" ads based SPAM comes from canada and pakistan. Some pakistani spam even send ads of anti-virus and anti-malware. If you check the "Downline" and "earn money from home" type of scams then you'll see that is from india. And mix of all these spam is also from US. So at the end, let's not tag any single country for SPAM mail and postings. SPAMmer are universal, even on Xisto too. :(


    But seriously, i'm turn off with the scam mails like " x person is wife of y person and wants to transfer huge amount of money". Or "You've won this much money in uk lottery and you need to send x amount to receive your funds". There are even worst cases, some SEO companies are sending mails by checking whois and sending ads to lure domain owners to get SEO advice from them. Seriously, spammers get a life. Think differently, come up with something new.

    What spammers in Xisto I dont know that. Are you a spammer. I think I will have to hide my profile to don´t allow some spammer steal my email and start to send spam all the days. The administration of this forum maybe have to research a little to determine if it´s true that someone users are Spammers.


    The nigerians are not the only persons who dedicated their lifes to send the spam to others. In Honduras I don´t know anybody who know what is the spam :P:):P We are behind the technology yet. :) :)


    The americans are spammers too. But I can´t believe at all is the people who falls in this things that is ridiculous how can you be so foolish. When some of this emails arrives to my inbox I detected inmediately. And I deleted it like all the people knows you have to do it. I don´t have family in others countries. I don´t know anything about transfer money to save it if the country is in war so I cant believe that someone people can fall in this primitive traps. Oh..Oh.. we are in Xisto forums so I fell in a trap :(:):P Sorry.


    When some email arrives to your inbox. You can open it without trouble. And if inside it´s written that you need to give your bank account information or your credit card information: S-I-M-P-L-E DELETE IT OK.


    That´s all the tutorial to never fall in the spam traps ok. I hope I could help you. "Spam for dummies" I think :(:P :P

  15. Of course the age matters. Or you will can fall in love with a 90 years old woman or something for example. You need to meet the people and fall in love. In the most of cases the peoples who fall in love are of a close age. But the extremist like the Fundamentalist Mormons believe that the age doesn?t matters and they celebrate marriages between a 75 years old man and a 16 years old woman. That in the natural work is ridicoulus. And I don?t support this because it looks like a kidnapping or something like that I can?t explain that.The age matters a lot. Don?t be a child.

  16. OH OH OH OH :):P :P The Facebook?s administration maybe is presumming the they have 300 million users but I can bet that neither the half are active. Facebook is good, fun; but there are a lot of people like me that hate the social networks. They are only a waste of time. I was signed up in Hi5.com and that was a BOOM in Honduras and Central America but now, yeah you can guess, Nobody use Hi5.com anymore. Everybody change to Facebook because the history was running all the corners: "Facebook is the fashion social network". The social networks business is fat, I know, but not so fat like Facebook says. I can open a account today and never return to my account. They have to say the truth: How many active users have Facebook? That is the question. If someone in this forum waste hours with Facebook I would surprised. If we talk about free web hosting and don?t believe someone in Xisto waste the time meeting people in Facebook. I recommend open a account in Twitter to learn how can you increase your traffic using the Twitter?s social network.See ya.

  17. Yeah Zelaya is a fool. Honduras is in Peace now when the crisis look like will be returned to our country. 22th September Zelaya returns Honduras in secrete, when this happened I think that some international institutions like the OEA or UNO are going to put Zelaya in the power again. But that was a "fools strategy", I until feel bad for Zelaya. How can you think that you, aloned and exiled without power could defeat a stablished goverment? Zelaya only returns to increase the political crisis in Honduras since the Brazilian embassy. He made a call to the people insurrection and that mean attacks to business locals, malls, and public building of his followers. But Zelaya commited a great mistake in the night of last sunday when he received to the presidential candidates. One particullary Elvin Santos is a Zelaya?s enemy but in TV their appears sharing a hug, like old friends. And this get mad to all the Zelaya?s followers and aparently the half of them abandon him that nigth.Zelaya was was defeated the sunday night.To suspend the curfew the goverment alterate the constitution and delete a lot of constitutional rigths for 45 days. I didn?t support this. Because is bad to deny to the people have a meetting without the goverment permission.But that is the end of history. Hugo Chavez failed in Honduras. Maybe a good portion of the country support Zelaya before 28th June but some terrible mistakes in the planeation of the "Cuarta Urna" made the destiny he is experimenting rigth now.

  18. Google takes around three hours to add your URL to their database but he start to show two days later. I recommend you to use the Google?s add URL tool. Not use that sites when promise you to add your website to 300 search engines if you put a backlink to them.When your website is up the Page Rank will be 0. So you will have to work a lot to scale positions and make your site a top ten for the keyword you are working. Making good content and optimizing the meta tags and the title you will can put your site in the map.So it is a challenge to beat Google. Are you ready?

  19. Another Virus? :P:):P The solution is simple: The Antivirus Software. I recommend Kaspersky. The virus are created by the same antivirus companies. How do you think their business grow? I don?t consider that "nerds" create all the virus to steal your credit card information, your address or something like that. Why you wil create a virus to damage computers if you will not receive any money?Maybe I am wrong but I am suspecting...

  20. Hello there. It?s always a pleasure to say hi to another member and guide them is a relief because sometimes when we started some things look confused. Welcome geekincome to Xisto forums when you will can get your free web hosting account and get fun too. I have to tell you that there isn?t any forum in the internet which allow you to pay for everything you need to put a website in the map(web hosting, domain, mx names, email specials) like Xisto forums and Xisto forums.


    So I recommend you to sign up in the Xisto forums too because you can make MyCents there but in my opinion the things look more better in Xisto because in Xisto all the topics are about technical things.


    Well then welcome to this fantastic forum. Keep posting and making MyCents and you will have a hosting service better than the paid service.


    I only recommend you make good post not spam. Because the MyCents system will get you with a negative balance.



  21. Well maybe yeah because if you use PHP you will have to learn all the code and believe it?s very difficult if you don?t experience with another programation code. But if you want a simple HTML site it?s not very difficult and with some programs like Macromedia Dreamweaver or WYSIWYG Web Builder soon you will create your website and start to generate visitors. Another thing that you can do is buy a PHP script pre-designed and customize it with your information or content. I will explain you a little better...If you for example want to open and create a blog maybe programming it will take you a lot of time, but you can buy or in this case free download a PHP script like wordpress install it in your hosting account and start to post and get visitors...This way is more simple than program an entire PHP blog script.Or maybe you can open a blog in Blogger or Wordpress and add it a Domain name .com, .net, .org. You can get a domain name with Xisto and Xisto. For that you have to post and earn a least $10.00 MyCent and change them for a domain name. The domain name you like!Well I hope I can help you with this information. Don?t be afraid and create your website ok.

  22. Hello Draxx welcome to Xisto the best forum community in all the internet. Yeah I am here with your same reasons kill the time and try to have a good website but I have to warn you something please be careful with your post because if you copy and paste something from another site and a moderator ban you, your account will fall in negative balance and I am like this from a month ago. So please be careful.Althougth you will find a lot of fun in these forums because they have a lot of good post and themes that will make you post and post and post.So welcome to Xisto and get fun!!!!

  23. This is only paranoia...You think the big cellphone companies will allow this? Until Microsoft have taken precautions against the spyware So this is only paranoia. Where did you get this information? I think this is possible true but the big companies will protect their business so be cool and don´t worry about this ok. The spyware is a way to take the control and spy, of course, a remot electronic machine. For this the "spywarers" use special software and special hardware. But I think that in cellphone the spyware is very limited. Because I only have listened about some bluetooth frauds and chips cloned. But that is all.

    So maybe you are paranoic. Turn off your cellphone if you are scared while I will take a good warm bath. ;):P :P

    This may seem scary but there's no real reason to panic yet. This tech isn't widely used and it's really hard to set it up and all. And as Watermonkey said, there's no use worrying about everything new - problems may come and go but if we stay careful that's enough. Staying worried all the time is up to no good.

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