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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. A Chupacabra is a animal which was created artificially.The experiment was made in America. The problems started when the animal was liberated in the nature. The chupacabra feeds birds, hens, chicken, etc..The chupacabras moved from America to LatinAmerica where they are extremely hated.The farms start to puts nocturn guards because the treat was big.Suddenly the number and the attack of chupacabras started to decrease. Nobody Knows why...

  2. Hello, I have a lot of doubts about Microsoft...One of them is if Microsoft use spyware in the Windows platform...I said this because when I connect my computer to the internet, a lot of hidden processes start to work...What is the function of these processes? I want to really know... Because these processes can be used to take personal information saved in the computer...This is strange...Somebody knows the function or functions of these processes?

  3. I want to tell you about this technology...


    When we talk about Inalambric Electricity you must be thinking in a new technology but this isn?t new.


    Incredibly, are a few the people who Knows about this great innovation...


    Its inventor was the excentric Nikola Tesla who was capable to conduct electricity on waves(like the radio) to a distance of 40 Kilometers.


    But you have to be asking, Why this technology isn?t in use?


    The Tesla?s project never was put in practice by the goverments because he was Thomas Alva Edison?s enemy and Alva Edison moved his influences to stop the inalambric electricity implementation...


    And how Tesla didn?t make planes(he memorized his invent?s planes for avoid the steal of his ideas) The project an all that known about the inalambric electricity died...the 7/1/1943 day when Nikola Tesla died.


    The inalambric electricity had been one of the dreams of many electric engineers, but nobody have could reproduce it, yet.


    Nikola Tesla was a genius and one of the greatest inventors in the world history, but the envy of his competition denied to the human race: the biggest electric innovation...

  4. Since I was a child, I got fascinated with the UFO?s (Unknown Flying Object).


    The existance of life in other planets is fascinating... But is it true? I don?t really know...


    I only can tell you that an night I was with my friends in the garden and we watched an unusual object in the sky when I was 11...But the authorities of my country said that was the Space Shuttle Discovery while was returning from a mission...


    My dad told me that a night while he was at a party, he got out to piss in the garden and he saw inside the bushes to a green small man with audiophones. Of course he got scared a lot and ran away from there.


    I believe in my father althought....


    There are sceptics...


    The sceptics say that the UFO phenomenon is only a marketing strategy to sell magazines, DVD?s, etc...


    Like you think, I?m a newbie on these things...


    I don?t know what I have to believe...


    But based in my intuition... I prefer to be a believer about the UFO phenomenon...

  5. Hello all the fantastic Xisto Members.This forum is awesome. I like it so much.Well i have a doubt, and signed up two days ago. I have made some post but in my sidebar don?t show MyCents... Don?t I have myCents yet? How are the MyCents system works?I read in some help forums that ONE POST=ONE MYCENT. Is this correct?I am waiting an answer. Thank you :lol:

  6. What do you think about Suicide?


    A years ago I had fantasies with my suicide. Do you think that I was crazy? Maybe.


    My girlfriend let me. A jerk start to be her new man I was totally jealous, I admit it. I tried almost everything to gain her love again, but nothing got results.


    That let me in an depressive state. I tried to date with other girls but although some of them were prettiest that my ex-girlfriend I couldn?t forget her.


    Almost all the time in the day I spent thinking on her.


    I start to have fantasies. My first fantasy was kill to his new boyfriend. I bought a water gun and I spent hours imagining that I kill him. I imagined that I got enter to his house in the night and I kill him with a machete.


    I imagined that I kill him in the school, in the school bus, in the cafeteria...


    But some day I found him in a store and I was decided to make my play and give him a lesson. I started to provocate him and I hit it in his face. But he returned to me and hit me with a chair and I get knocked.


    My parents had to take me to the hospital...


    I thought that my ex-girlfriend after that would be sad about me and she will come to see me to the hospital.


    But these days were a nightmare. Everybody in the school start to say that I am a *****, that I was a girl!!!! That my girlfriend let me because discovered that i am GAY.


    That was a completely nigthmare I fell in a deep depressive state...


    I wanted to kill myself.


    I started to get fantasies about my suicide... I wrote a suicide letter.


    I was planning my suicide when my parents wrote my letter.


    They inmediately took me to a psyquiatric hospital where i was 8 months, It was awful but It was great at the sametime...because they helped me a lot.


    After that year I think that i had the courage for kill myself.


    I am totally new man, I?m healthy now.


    But I am now asking me that kill yourself is have COURAGE OR BE A COWARD?





  7. Hello everyone,


    I am happy to say hi. My name is Fermin and I am from Honduras the most beatiful land.


    And I would like to take this oportunity to invite you to visit Honduras...


    These are my recommended destinations:



    The Bay Islands and their Wall Reef: the second place in the most larges wall reefs in the world.



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    : Where lived the antique civilization MAYA. A magical place.


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    The Talgua?s Caves: Discovered by some american tourists. There are phosphorescent skeletons. It?s a weird phenomenon and it?s unique in the world.



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    The Platano Biosphere: World Heritage site since 1982. Part of the Mesoamerican corridor and place of the rarest species in America.




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    And there are a lot of destinations, yet. This is my country and it?s very beatiful.


    I hope Honduras like you.




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