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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. The shoutboxes are places where almost all the visitors of a website can comment about they want. The shoutboxes don?t have moderators and they are used for spam too. I think that in the first Xisto design I can remember it has a shoutbox which was used to make spam for a lot of guest. Like you can see in the footer of the website almost all the time there are a lot of guest but only one or two registered members browsing in the forum. Maybe this was the reason they decided to close the shoutbox. And the paging load was very increased by the shoutbox and was very annoying to read only spam and things without sense the guest visitors wrote on it.I think that you maybe are more able to use a html shoutbox because if you use the flash shoutbox you will increase the time needed to your website load in the browser and you will probably lose a lot of visitors because nobody like to be waiting for a website that is taking longer to load.So that is my advice but if you want to do that yet you can search in google and if you know spanish there is a page that is in the first place ever where the tutorials are excellent and for free and they give you personal orientation to learn more about web designing.So I hope you get your shoutbox. Regards.

  2. Thank you for this useful information. I dindn?t know anything about those sites that you exposed. I know that Xisto have the prices in $9.99. That is the regular price in almost all the sites that offer domain registration. Of course there are giants like Godaddy.com which in some promotion I get a .info domain for $0.30 and for nothing because I never used the domain because the project I was planning to do never take form. I think that excepting you have a credit card and money the best way to get a free .com domain name is using Xisto and Xisto because you can get these domains only for posting your knowledge and comment postes. Is cheap or free to be more specific and fun. The importance of a domain is awesome when you have some time in the website world. If you don?t have a .com domain you maybe don?t exist in the internet because all the search engines hates the .co.cc or .co.nr free domain names because they are used to spam in a lot of website overcoat in China where are the kings of the spam and hacking.I want to have three websites and I have registered three domain names with Xisto but actually they are almost expired and I need to recover them to avoid the possibility of the registration for someone else who can be interested in my domain names. Thank you for the information and I will participate in your polls rigth now.

  3. Well I am young like the most of the members of this forum. We all specially the men sometimes feel like obssesed with the sex and we have the need to found a girlfriend to fall in love and have sex with her. But in some cases there are girls that are traditional. Don?t want sex before the marriage. They maybe feel a lot of pressure because they desire to have sex with men but they can?t because their tradition is more important. These ladies believes in a myth too. Well I say that is a myth: Once one man sleep with them he will lose the love and emotion. Maybe this is truth with some man who are with a girl only to have sex with her but when a man really love a woman the love can grow with sex in my opinion. But I had the idea to make this topic in this forum to ask to all the Xisto members their opinion about the sexuals relationships in the boyfriends. I am totally agree with the traditional but sometimes the women have scared about having sex and the tradition is not so important to them but they hang it because they find an excuse on it. Particularly my girlfriend is virgin I have could check it. I have been close to have sex with her but in the exact time she start to cry and I feel bad and stop. Some of you maybe think what a loser if she leave you one day you will regret about the opportunities you had to have sex with her. Yeah maybe you are rigth but I love her. I am totally crazy for her and I don?t want to hurt her. But like every man I feel the great need to be intimately with a woman you know I was close to fall in pornography and somethings like that. I don?t know it?s very difficult to expose all my feelings about that but maybe the hormones are acting in this part of my life. I am 21 years old so you can imagine all the need of experiment sex I have now. So you can deduct all the interest I have in make you this question. All men pass trougth this decission I think when we have a virgin girlfriend so I want your answers and you are friendly and good I want your advice because the ocassions to have sex with my girlfriend happen regullarly and if it?s not correct what I am doing please give me some explain and I will consider it.

  4. Hello derval and welcome to knowlegdesutra the best forum in the internet where you will get a lot of features that you can?t find in anywhere. Here you can share your knowledge. For example you can share some knowlegde about your business or something like your hobbies, special abilities, in fact all you can share. In exchange you will get free web hosting to your websites projects. The credit system is named Mycents system and the desing of the credit is in US dollars for example 0.01 Mycets are $0.01 so it?s very easy to get your free web hosting with quality here. I have search a lot and there is no other place like Xisto to get your free web hosting because believe there is no any other place. So you have to focus in make some good quality post with a lot of information and please avoid the spam and no-related comments because there are moderators who can delete your posts and you can fall in negative Mycent?s balance. So welcome to the forum and enjoy your stady.

  5. anwii my friend I am sorry for all the problems you are having with xisto. I don?t hate Xisto for nothing. I am not happy with the forum only. I love Xisto because they have gave me a good hosting plan and three domains. Well maybe is not Xisto?s fault. I have to make you some question about this new problem that you are having: Do you have a good antivirus program installed in your computer? Do you have a firewall? Do you use the same account name and password in different sites? Maybe the problem that you are having is a hack. Somebody could hack your account from a trojan or a gusan if you don?t have an antivirus or a firewall installed in your computer. This can be the origin of the problem. I lost my facebook account because some guy steal me my password and use it in my mail because I have the bad practice of using the same name and passwords in differents sites. I am not sad because of that I don?t need facebook it is a little bored to me. I don?t know if it?s a good idea to let the fault in Xisto and attack them in almost all your post. I know that is not legal they ban you but they can so maybe you have to be more careful with that.Take care of you and please answer the questions maybe I can help you.

  6. Well I suppose if you check your adsense earnings every minutes is because you have a lot of impressions and get a lot of clicks too. In my case I have earned only $7 dollars in all my adsense history. This is because I have used Adsense in temporal pages and I don?t know but earn cents once a visitor click in the Adsense?s ads is frustrating to me. Almost nobody like to click in the Adsense links and some links are not related with the content I am offering in the sites. So I want to congratulate you because it?s very difficult to make some money with Adsense and you maybe are making a lot because you are getting great updates when you check your adsense stats. But to me is very frustrating using Adsense and it?s more frustating to use Bidadvertiser or one of the others services like that. Earn money in that way is not atractive to me. Using the Google services like Adwords it is atractive but only when my ads appears in the search page in Google because if there is in a particular website is almost truth that all my money will be losing because I will fall in the non-interesting visitor way when they come to your site and quickly close the tab or in the traps of some good designers who desing the google code to don?t look like an ad to get more clicks.In resume, congratulations.

  7. Well in my particular case I started in the Xisto forum where the Mycents rate are a little low in my aprecciation. In Xisto my post are more valuable althougth it is supposed to be the same in the two forums. I think that the start post is not rigth because all of us have different screen resolution settings and I find more important to determine the rate of a post by characthers than screen size. My post are not so long for different reasons.1. I can speak and write in English but my natural language is Spanish, so you maybe can understand me why is a little difficult to write in english long post when this is not your natural language.2. I know about typing but I have a lot of errors when I am writing. I think I have to re-learn typing because I make a lot of mistakes when I am writing. I am fast but that is useless when I lose a lot of time pushing the backspace key.3. I am not so fast. And maybe this is related with the English too but I can´t think and write quickly like I can in Spanish. This is because I am thinking in Spanish and I have to translate my thinkness to the english and then write it. If Xisto would a Spanish forum the process in my brain would quickly than normal.Now, to make good money in the Xisto and Xisto forums you have to post. Not only post of course. You have to make good quality post. I know that sometimes we are so tired and we post not because we are interested in the topic but we need the Mycents to pay our hosting plan. So I recommend to all the members to post everyday if you can. And if you don´t found anything interesting for you in the forum you can open a new topic with something that is interesting for you and wait for the comments and then re-comment to the members and in this way you have created a good discussion with an interesting topic for you and you will be inspirated to write long post and make a lot of Mycents.I want to think that the purpose of all of us in this forum is not only to get a hosting plan or a domain but we want to share our knowledge and in this way we can enjoy to write good quality post and it´s easier to keep posting everyday. It´s difficult and you get tired soon when you are only posting to make Mycents because there is a moment when you don´t find anything more to write and you can fall in the temptation of make spam to earn mycents quickly.

  8. Thank you for your answer and please forgive me I wasn´t enough clear in the start post. I bougth an autoresponder PHP script software that is sold in the internet. This software is the Email Marketing Assistant Pro. I bougth it a time ago. Well I am an internet marketer. Truly I am new in the internet marketing but I have almost all the knowledge needed so I know I have to contact regularly to my customers to inform them about a new product or some gift I want to give them. You probably know about this. I suppose you have visited a site wich ask you for your email address and then you start to receive some emails in your inbox. Well I know Aweber or GetResponse.com are better options the problem is I don´t have actually the money and I possible can get the money but I know that is possible to have your own autoresponder software without paying only using your hosting account. I have seen to a lot of internet marketers that store all their email list in their autoresponder software. To be more specific I am not using spam. I hate the spam. I want to sell products and services so I don´t found why the I have to use spam. I only want to send emails to the people who visit my site and voluntarialy fill the form because they are interested in my site and the information and they are my objective public. I am not selling any product in my site now. But I want to create some prestige because I am good in my study area and I want to share good information with my customers now with the idea of selling some products that I will create in the future.So that is the specific description. Now maybe you can help me and give me more advices.zenia I understand your advice of using an email account to respond the messages. But you will be agree with me that sending emails to all my customers personally will take me a lot of time So that is my need for an autoresponder. Thank you.

  9. . My problem is next: I bougth a PHP script a long time ago which is an autoresponder software to send automatic emails to my site´s visitors when they fill a form. Well the software works great but the problem is about the emails sent by my software are arriving to the SPAM folder in Yahoo mail, Hotmail and Gmail, the main webmails services. So this is a problem to me because I am losing traffic because nobody check the spam folder and in consequence almost nobody is reading my mails. I have made some research about the trouble and I found information about the IP of the hoster service or something related and other information about contact to the webmails services or something like that. So I need your help please can you support me what I have to do because I don´t know how I can solve this problem.So maybe some of you are expert or are using this type of software in some website of yours. I really need help I am losing a lot of qualified and returning traffic by this problem.Thanks.

  10. Xenotransplantation is the use of DNA modified animals to make organs those will be used by humans. The are three types of transplantations. Autotransplantation like tissue located in the abdominal zone to a damaged part of the skin in any part of the body. Alotransplantation like the common tranfer of the organs from a healthy person to other diseased. And at last we have the Xenotransplantation using animals and DNA chains to produce organs. The incredibles advantages of the transplatation are based in the disponibility of the organs. Nowadays the main problem in the transplantation medicine is the low availability of organs. This is caused by numerous factors. The main is the resistence of the people to donate their organs. When an alotranplant is made there is some factors. The diseased people factor is good because he is obtaining a healthy and functional organ to his sick body. The healthy people from a medical point of view only receive harm to their bodies because an organ is being extracted. The donators are more exposed to develop a lot of diseases. Some related with the surgery and others related with the less-function of the organ extracted. So we don?t want to donate our organs at less it will be necessary to save to a familiar, friend or any important people in our lifes. The xenotransplantation is great but from the inmune point of view have a lot of dangers because is the transference from a specie to other. The reject response of the organism to the strange tissues and antigens can be more powerful than normal transplants and cause more cases of destruction of the organ transplanted. So once you are concious of this you can decide if you take the risk or not. The advances in the medical practice are great but the xenotransplantation is not used yet with the regularity that is going to be used in the future. There is some investigations to do first.

  11. I think all your recomendations are for freebie and dummie people because sending your content to Delicious for example won´t give you any traffic considering the amount of articles that this site have. The main way to get traffic for a blog or for any site is Google there is no anything else. If you try to send your articles and you don´t invest your time in the search engine optimization you will be losing your time and possibly money because the time is money. Using sites like submitexpress.com is not recommended if your intention is to mantain a serious site because all that you will get is only be indexed in low category because what this site does is sending your website to a lot of search engines that nobody use like go.com or altavista. I recommend you go to google and search "google webmaster tools" and open a free google account and start to send your website with a sitemap. If you have a blog simply send your blog you will not need the sitemap. Like one poster said only sending your website to the search engines won´t give you any traffic there is no any guarantee including that the search engines will accept your website so please don´t fall in cheat with these practices.You need to put a good SEO campaing and forget about all. If you don´t use SEO you will no get any traffic at less you pay expensive campaigsn like Google adwords.

  12. Google analitycs is the best tool to analize your website providing you good and real information about the traffic and the search terms that the people is finding your website. You can be surprised about the search terms that some people use to find your website and can be a great tool to consider the positioning for another keywords than your main keyword. The regional stats maybe is the best feature of google analitycs where you can easily where your visitors are coming, what is their nationality and you can make good efforts to maximize your site optimization to that part of your visitors. I have to say that google analitycs is almost complete. I thank to Google for this tool and I can recommend you that if you aren´t actually using this great tool start to use it inmediately because you are losing money and traffic without their use.I had a website about traffic exchange and I try to positionate with the keyword "intercambio de visitas" that is the same word in spanish. I just get surprised that almost all my visitors came for search terms that I never expected they used like long tails keywords. Without this useful tool we can´t simply know all this useful information.I think starscream is not right with his post because when you start to use the google analitycs is in a SEO intention and there no SEO features in a analisis tool like all those tools available in the cpanel of the hosters.Any other tool provides you all the useful information like google analitycs maybe you hate google but you have to admit that this is a useful tool and please teach people to use good, qualified and free things and not only paid things that make you in the most cases losing money because there are other options like google analitycs that are free to all the world.Keep this in your mind.

  13. The tool that you have shared with us is the best in the market and its free. I know that there is a lot of another software like Wordtracker and Keyword elite buy my question is why can this paid tools affirm that they are more exact than Google when the same Google gave us this stats. How can they affirm that they know more abouth Google than the same Google? That have no sense. What is truth is that these tools have a lot of functions that google keyword tool doens´t have and maybe are this feature is the difference between google and software like keyword elite and wordtracker. The google keyword tool is not exact it has only a promedium nothing more. But in maybe all the cases the estimations are ok and we can trust in the results.This topic is not about backlinks. We all know that backlinks is the main thing in which search engines are bases to give a higher rank to some sites than others. But this is not the topic.

  14. Well I am an amateur web designer and I know a lot about website programming but like a hobby. Trough the years I have learned that the main purpose of building a website is to get visitors. The only sense of having a website is to atract other people to use it and give it valuable. So if you have money you can get thousands of visitors to your site in a few hours using a lot of paying methods like adwords and traffic exchanges but if you don´t have the money you have to use the generical traffic trough the search engines like Google.


    We will suppose that you have a "lose weigth" website where you give information to the people about how to lose weigth. You are expecting to atract huge amounts of traffic because you think that there are a lot of people searching about how to lose weigth. And you build your website and happily you launch your website and when you visit the stats you are seing that nobody is visiting your website. And you are questioning how can this be possible and you go to Google and type "how to lose weigth" and you find million of results and your website is in the 34000 place for that search term. So you can have two reactions: 1. Quit of your website project 2. Search for information like SEO and website optimizations to up for the search terms.


    Obviously we are not going to talk about the first reaction. But suppose you choose the second and you start to practice all the SEO recommendations that are in all the good SEO tutorials and you spend a lot of time optimizing your website and at the end and two months later you are in the 200 place and you say COOL this is great because I passed from the 34000 position to 200. And you continue working without generating any traffic to your site either. And four months later you are in position 185.


    Of course you start to questioning about all the work you have done and actually you are not generating any traffic to your site. So you came back to the first option of our experiment and you quit of your website project.


    Funny right? This is my story when I TRIED to positionate a website a years ago. I got really mad and I decide to start to use my hosting plan for fool things like rapishare premium links generators and that stupid things that only makes you lose money almost all the time.


    The purpose of this post is to evaluate my old situation. Was is it correct to quit? Could I come to the first positions for that keyword or not?


    These questions are being in my mind almost everyday since then. I want your review of my actions and I want you to share your experiences about this SEO and GOOGLE things.


    Please feel free to left your opinion.

  15. In my opinion google is the best search engine because they understood the use the people give to the internet. Most of the people is in the internet looking for information and entertaiment so they thougth about this and in an intelligent way they created the search engine because they understood that the people looking for information will be needed of a tool to search that information. So google is the best site in the world. Why? Because is the only site that have almost an universal acceptation around the world. When I am looking for information I wanted to use Bing and Yahoo but they are so bored and complicated that I can´t avoid to use the google search engine and get the best results to my queries. We have to be prepared to be with Google a long time. I have read some articles about the search engines industry. Actually it´s very difficult to a new company grow like Google because Google is like a shark that is eating to all the competition.Recent stats shows that Google controls more than 85% of the industry. Yahoo has lost almost the half of the business in the last few years so in some years maybe yahoo will be only with its portal and the search engine will dissapear. Bing is with the same piece of the cake since a lot of years and it´s slowly losing its influence.I am again the monopolist companies but in the case of Google the monopoly is not illegal because the people prefers google and the others companies simply can´t competite with the people because it´s the people who decided which is best and which isn´t.I don´t think that Google has changed the world. I think that if Google close its operation today there will be more options and maybe that can be the opportunitie for Yahoo and bing.

  16. Be part of the search engines maybe it´s very difficult because the main purpose it isn´t to be in the results, the real purpose is to generate good and qualified traffic to your site from the search engines like Google, bing and Yahoo. Maybe starscream is good with his vision, but in my opinion you have to focus all your SEO efforts in Google because all the others search engines only have a 10% of the cake of the search engines. Google actually control more than 85% of the search engines industry. So what sense do have positioning in the other search engines? Well that is my opinion. But you have a lot of options to send your website to Google but I recommend you to use the Google webmaster tool and send a sitemap because if your site is found by the link in another site you are exposed to be spammed if the site where your link is have been indicated for spam. And you can be accused a spam site because generate spam backlinks is not more allowed by google.For example if I left my website link in this post and the Google bot visit this topic I will be in trouble because my website is related with ecology and the search engines topics doesn´t have any related to it. So remember in search engines things we are now in the age of relevance. If you generate a backlink in a website that is not related to your website´s content you will have troubles in the future and your position in the google search engine.Google is unique. Google control almost all the traffic rate and goes to up. So send a sitemap open a webmaster tools account and make all the optimizations that your website requires to be in the first positions in google and you will have a lot of good and qualified traffic to your site and you will get good convertion of this traffic.

  17. For me it worth it. With commercial intentions maybe its better the Xisto hosting than the paid hostings because I have some experience with the paid hosting services like hostgator and once you have arrived to the limit of your monthly plan they only give you a few days and then you get your site deleted and all your work lost. So you can also paid the service and I am satisfied with the Xisto hosting and I know that there is a company named Xisto - Web Hosting that sell good hosting plans the same like Xisto because Xisto - Web Hosting is the owner of the Xisto, Xisto and Xisto sites.You have to remember something that makes me to move to this hosting in the first place. When you are posting like in Xisto with the Mycents system you are literally paying for the service because you are investing your time posting here and not everybody have the time and the skill needed like typing to be posting here and get a free web hosting doing that. The Mycents system is the only system that allows you to pay your website hosting posting and this is not a free service because if you don´t make good quality post and don´t visit this site frequently your site will be suspended and you will lose all your traffic and maybe you will lose a lot of rank in the search engines when the robot will be arrived to the suspended page.We are paying for our hosting plans and you have not to forget this. So keep posting making good quality post and please avoid the spam. This is a fantastic forum and we can make it better because in this time Xisto is a better forum than Xisto when in older times when I signed up to the forums opposite was true.

  18. Thank you for the information. I am knowledgeable about the topic rigth now. Making money with websites that promise you be paid by them when you sign up to certains websites or offers are scam. Maybe the websites you found it?s not scam yet but prepare to fall in the trap in some days or months. These type of businesses are not profitable in the internet and only make money scamming the people that fall in their traps everyday and spend almost all the time signing up to the offers and thinking that they are making a lot of money and they will enjoy the money. That is not truth. So I advice you about. Please be conscient and don?t waste your time with this type of programs and try to research a lot about the website in the internet and you will found a lot of things and maybe scam proofs in the internet.So be aware of this.Regards.

  19. Thank you for the advertisement. There are a lot of hack groups like these. In my country there are not any of this group. I have personally hacked some websites but the methods of hacking that I have used to use can be found in any hacking forum and of course the security of the victim?s page have to be almost nothing because in the modern hosters and websites the type of methods that i used are impossible to use actually. I don?t know what is the purpose of hacking websites and steal the database and credit cards if you can?t use them to buy anywhere because that only will put you on evidence and you will be in the jail soon. I have heard about a Paypal hacker that stole almost $20 million dollars to his paypal account but the stupid try to withdraw the money and of course he will caugth in a few days in the border of Swiss. Maybe there are others ways to steal money in the internet but actually all the ways run you to be in the jail soon. The common sense says me that if this group of hackers are attacking only the Sony websites maybe are some criminals paid for the Sony?s competition to hurt the Sony?s image in front of the customers. That is my opinion. And maybe the corresponding authorities have to investigate this possibility.Be a hacker is not easy because you have to learn all the programming language and be an expert in the matter. But of course in China, India and Europe there are a lot of bored people that don?t have anything to do with their lifes and they have all the time to hack sites, programs or security systems only for fun because it?s impossible to make money in a long term hacking systems because if you try to use the money you will be in the jail very soon.So thank you for the information and I have a question for you: Where do you hear about this new? It?s a weird information that you have shared with us today.Regards.

  20. Well I have a lot of defects. I am human of course I have to be defected. But in the last few years I was experimenting something weird and with advantages and disadvantages too. It isn´t easy to me explain this. It´s like a virtual world that is in my head and in an insigth point of view it´s like something real but it isn´t. Maybe you are confused and maybe you are thinking that I am crazy but let me explain this in this topic and MAYBE you will found that you are in the same trance like me.


    I have discovered that this virtual world is here to me when I am dissapointed with the real world. For example I live with a mad obssesion for the money and when I fall in the reality and see that I am poor I start to imagine that I am rich, I have cars, houses, companies, women and you know a lot of stupid things. They are stupid things. But in some way this make me feel better and help me to don´t fall in depression by the real world. A lot of my friends have the same practice in their lifes. They told me that the main virtual world that they experiment is with women when they can conquer a woman. All my friends are nerds like me so Imagine that. They told me that sometimes they imagine them with a pretty girlfriend in the college, living with them, having sex with them and you know...


    This is weird and when we talk about this type of things that are happening to us we are considering seriously that we are crazy or we aren´t normal people.


    But I have read a lot of books about auto-suggestion. I think this happen to all the people in one time of their lifes. Maybe the unconscient mind gives us a piece of the things that we want to have or experiment to makes us feel better. That is my theory but who can know. I don´t have fantasies with women but I have a lot of fantasies with money and companies. I don´t know but I can avoid it it´s like a disease. But I have made some observations related with this phenomenon:


    1. The pleasure you feel because you think that you have or experiment things that are impossible in the real world makes you feel better and helps you to believe that you can do it in the real world.


    2. The effect of the fantasies are stronger listening to the music.


    3. More you are experiment these fantasies more difficult they come true in the future.


    For example: I have read a lot of e-commerce books in the internet. I have hacked websites to download ebooks without pay because I can´t pay them, only to read the books or watch the videos. I dream with a good business in the internet and make money in an automatic pilot system with the internet and my website. I signed up to Xisto and Xisto with the purpose of getting a hosting plan to my websites. I passed entire days imagining me making huges amount of money in the internet. And now two years later of the beginning of this obsession what do I have? Nothing... I lost my time with fantasies and I didn´t anything in the real world. It´s weird and I don´t know if this is a disease or it´s normal. Having these types of fantasies like an obsession is unhealthy.


    I am telling you this because I want to know if having fantasies and obsessions are normal to you too. I don´t know maybe I have an psicologist disease or something. Please I wait your comments and please be honest.



  21. Since ancient times there is something rare in the world. Everywhere have something to tell about witchcraft and maybe in your location there is some stories too. The witchcraft is something that is forbidden to practice in the bible so if you think that this is only garbage and the witchcraft doesn?t exist analyze why the bible forbid its practice. In my country there is a lot of examples and a lot of people who actually practice the witchcraft. Since poor people in general to etnic people like the black have these type of practices and I will tell you like in my point of view and the point of view of my country what the witchcraft is...


    In Honduras the witchcraft consist in the practice of dark magic with the purpose of hurt to other people. There is a lot of examples that people who has suffered spells like a neighbor who start to grow in his business and the people says that a friend jealous of his success contract a witch. My neighbor started to lose money then started to have figths with his wife and with this wife?s family and then problems with the banks and with his partners. One year later we has lost to his family and his business. And being he in my house he started to cry and in the tears he showed us bits of glass the came from his eyes. And being he in my house his car turns on alone whitout the key. Rare things real rare things. All this happened in two years. And when a friend told him about the witchcraft and the possibility of this he thougth that is not truth witchcraft doesn?t exist. But his friend insist and took him and visit a witch and ask her to make a counterspell and from the nigth to the morning my neighbor changed he started to work again and in one year he recovered his business and althougth he never came back with his wife he has a good relationship with his sons. The witchcraft stole him good years only for envy.


    This is only one of a lot of stories that I particularly know and I have seen with my own eyes. And you maybe are questioning you about what is my interest in this topic. Well my real interest has always existed but now maybe is potenciated because one of my classmates in the medical school was found making witchcraft practices to do his girlfriend to reprobate the final exams. He was found with a book with black magic and with candles and snake skin in the bathroom by a security officer. This is a bomb in all the college and you can imagine all the expectation of the people who have beed remembering all the stories like these in all the towns of the country.


    I believe in God but there are bad things too like witchcraft. I wanted to write this topic to share with you this type of events that happen regularly in my country and ask you if you have the same events in yours?


    I hope your answer and I actually scared because here is 4 a.m. and it?s dark. I should be lie on the bed.


    Bye and Regards.

  22. Well I have to say that I am tired of Knowledgsutra. Yeah you read well. I am tired of all the spam and non-quality post and all those threads that bored me. I left the forum a year ago because my priorities changed and I forgot the website projects that I had so I came back a weeks ago and because my main language is not english and I haven´t the custom of write in english I was in a slow posting rate. But now I am totally back and I have to be honest: Xisto is not the same anymore. Yeah I said it. I still remember the old Xisto and the adictive that site was for me. I spent almost all nigth reading, posting and sharing my knowledge with good posters like anwii, webdesigner, k_nitin_r and I remember to these posters because they used to post almost everyday in Xisto and I imagine that they posted because they enjoyed to post not for hosting plans of domains. Well now the Xisto forum is good designed but in the content that is offering to the guest is reduced. All the forums are full of spam. And I have to say this: Why you admins or moderators created the technical forums like programming and graphics and animationsif the atraction of the old Xisto was the absence of them?


    These forums like programming and graphics are bored to all of us that have a little knowledge and interest for this type of topics. For that type of material there is another forum called Xisto which I actually don´t visit because the topics are not interesting for me. I have to be critic because I love this forum I love the essence under was created a years ago. Actually there is no any better post-to-host forum in the hosting packages, like these forums. But I need quality WE need quality and good information in the forums not spam. And this forum can change and I am interested in changing this forum and I will make some good quality topics to change the spam tradition in the last months this is my challenge and I expose to you in this topic to get your help to save this forum of the spam and poor-quality post.


    For that we need to start doing this: Sharing our knowledge. But in a good way and useful information that can generate debate and traffic to the forum from the search engines that is the last objective of the creators of this site. I don´t care if we post funny things or serious things but please post good things and not only words to collect the Mycents and continues with our hosting packages. We can change this forum to a new way in team. Posters moderator and the admin can change this forum. I will make my part. One: because I love this forum and I want to back and enjoy it and Two: because I am not interested in the dissapear of Xisto and Xisto because like you I need the hosting plans to host my websites because there is no any post-to-host site that offers me the advantages that these forums and Xisto can give me.


    Well this is my challenge and I wait for your help. Please save this forum from the spam and make good quality post. The Mycents will come alone don´t forget about them they will come alone to your Xisto´s accounts. So I hope this topic change the mind of a lot of posters and I hope the admin and the moderators read it.


    My final objective: The glory of this forum.



  23. Of course Mozilla Thunderbird is the best email client although it has a lot of bugs, yet. I prefer to use email clients to webmail because it´s easier to use the email clients except when you have attached files because I have a slow connection and I can´t to be waiting until thunderbird finish to download the archive from the server all the time. Maybe this question is not good in here security although in security issues maybe is better the Outlook because the Mozilla thunderbird has a lot of bugs actually.

  24. I don?t know how can you be sure that a girl is only playing with you. I think that you have to know her pretty good before. In your case I think that you are involved in a forget-relationship. I will explain you. In some cases the women decide to bore a man to don?t hurt him. That is good in a certain issues. Sometimes and this happen more frequently in the boyfriend?s relationship the woman make a mistake: like cheating, get pregnant with another guy, or simply she doesn?t love you anymore. In any case this is never good and we have to be ready to run of this situation quickly and understand that the relationship has gone to the garbage. Find out about the reasons of this type of behavior maybe isn?t the best unless we can be hurt when we know the truth. So run of this relationship and it?s maybe easier now than later when the feelings are stronger. So move on my friend. This is not the rigth way for you so keep in good and have this advice present.Good luck.

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