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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I personally doesn´t like to listen to music while I am studying and I dont see any sense in this discoveries because I dont think that increasing the distractions you will have a better performance once you have started to study. Of course it depends on many things. One, and maybe the most important in my area is to read huge amounts of pages because I am studying medicine and the distractions sometimes are so annoying that I can´t simple concentrate and I don´t get any result studying.But if you are studying phisics or chemistry maybe the music is good because you have to make math and not only be reading text like me.That is my opinion. Thanks for the sites I can use them for other things.

  2. Hello to all the Xisto forum support team. Last week I made a lot of post in the Xisto forum and until today I have not get any Mycent. Mycents are the same as Tuesday and I need it with desperation but I understand sometimes there are some troubles with the script because it is in beta I only want to know if someone else is in my own situation and when the support team will fix this....Thank you for your answer I hope your help....

  3. Hey three days ago I did a lot of post and until today I have not received any Mycent can you please tell me why?? When the knowledgewsutra was Xisto.com this problem never happen the script was automatically updating without any problem...In Xisto is like 4 times a day updated. Please fix this..Thank you.

  4. I dont know it is very difficult to make some opinion in this matter. I believe in God and I learned to believe in hell and the devil too because all my family believe in that. How can I know if this is really something real or not? I have studied to all gods and in all the religions there is a hell where the non-obedient people have to fall and be tormented for all the eternity. I am sure all of us are afraid by the hell who doesnt? I am terrible scared with the idea of being in a lake of fire burning myself for all the eternity. But I don´t know why I have some doubts for example in the precolombine age of my country the Mayans were here and they had a religion based in the sun adoration like a lot of cultures. The believe in a underworld were all the bad humans will be suffering for all the eternity.When the spanish come here and literally killed all the mayans all these about the mayans gods ceased to exist. So I started to think the mayans gods really existed or not? If not who created them? Can be the christian religion part of the same religion with the only difference that could survive until today? I have no idea but all these doubts are logical. It is very confuse to think about this because for a side you have your faith and in the other you have your logic thinkness that target to sometimes doubt about all the religions.So for me it is more intelligent to believe in a religion Why? If that is not truth and the religion is only a men work you don´t lose anything but if it is truth and you spend your time and dont find about god you will lose burning in the lake of fire for all the eternity.Maybe I will complementate this lately I have to go sleep now.Regards

  5. Welcome Ramron to the best post to host site in the world there is not another site like Xisto.com when you can get fun and get web hosting too Great combination rigth... I dont see where are you from but if you are from a different country like the english speakers like USA, England, and all the countries which speak english around the world you maybe will have some problems posting because the english language have a little difficulty but I can sure you It can be possible to post in good english even your native language is not english. Here in Xisto and it is very important to note we are a big community of poster who share our knowledge to the world and we get some credits for that. We use all the credits to get some great hosting plan like we pay for them. Actually the business model is doing publicity of the company which provide us the free service here to all the users that doesn´t like to post and only want to adquire the hosting paying real money. Other way the page makes money is with the ads that show us but I have a lot of time I don´t see any ads. I don´t know if actually Xisto still makes money from the ads.In the beginning all is complicated believe you will maybe have a lot of troubles understanding all the forums and maybe you will get some messages from the moderators because you posted in a incorrect forum and things like that. For example in my first post like three years ago I put a lof of images thinking this was a forum like all the ofher forums in all the internet. But I received some messages from the administrator and correct me and with the time I understood that all you have to do is only make good quality post and share value information for all the users.It´s important to continue posting I don´t know if you read the rules and the guide yet. But if you didn´t I can help you with some parts of the rules I remember you have to make 20 good quality post before you get started with your hosting plan. How a quality post define? Well in the old Xisto there was a moderator that said a quality post is that post which have a least more than 25 words. So you can imagine how easy is to do a quality post. Better is your post more Mycents you will get. It´s important you have to post and post and while you more post you will get more experience and this will be more easy for you and be careful you can get a Xisto adiction!!! :DMycents. This is maybe the most important things for all the new users. Mycents is a measuring unit 1 Mycent=1 US cent and you can change your Mycents to get hosting plan or domain names. I have got both services and actually I have a hosting plan and a domain name which I bougth only with Mycents for one year. There is a script in the website that measure your post and determine how many Mycents you will get and believe it´s easy to make a lot of Mycents only posting one single post. All you have to do is keeping posting everyday but never sacrifice quantity for quality.because we don´t know but the Mycents script also measure the quality of the post not only based in the amount of words because there are a lot of users who write a lof of bad information and get only a few Mycents but most of users make a short or medium quality post and get more Mycents than others who full all the page. You have all the twenty fours hours to post the site is always online and you can collect your Mycents with patience and sometimes you will get enough amount of Mycents to buy your hosting plan only posting one single day.I can give you more advices if you have doubts about Xisto. So please fell free to post a question and I will be visiting this topic regularly.Regards.

  6. Well in my opinion all the father actios are justified... I hate facebook because it is only a tool to idiotize all the teenagers and some adult people. Here in my country you have to see all the fools who spend almost all the day, not kidding, chatting or simply reading updates and photos from another facebook users. I am tired of this. I only use the facebook to chat when is necessary because all the old chat rooms have dissapeared from the internet since facebook and almost all the people I need to chat is connected all day long in the facebook. And it is truth teenagers dont trust in their parents. Maybe they are having sexual relationships and the fathers are the last to know about it. The trust and the old respect to your parents actually is being losing because all the new technologies like facebook, twitter or blackberry the teenagers only want to expend their time chatting and knowing everything about all the people.The teenager are confused human beings that is known from eternity. In this stage all of us experiment some feelings and certain thinkness that mark us for all the life. This create like sheepdog says a lack of communication with our parents but this have not to be like this. Once you get mature all this feelings and thinkness have to disapear but now that maybe is imposible because all the teenagers are not worried to get mature they only want to know the last comments or see the last photo on the facebook or the last update in the twitter or being chatting all day long in the blackberry.Once the technology arrived here we are not using it we are slaves of the technology and dont have time for all the important things like study, or excersive in a long term future we all will see all the consequences of this...Dont be a technology slave.Regards...

  7. I was last sunday in my aunt house and suddenly we start to talk about all the woman who suffer the male violence here in my country... But In middle of discussion we remember to some guy who lived with his wife and he found her cheating with a neighbor in his own bed and he wanted to hit her but he controlled himself and forgive her because they were christians and his wife asked for his forgiveness. Of course it wasn´t easy for him to forgive her... how can be this easy not? :PSix months later he found his wife cheating him with one of his friends in some mall and he prefered don´t say her nothing and when she arrived to the house he beat her and broke his arm, some ribes and the mandibule with a broomstick. Of course hearing the scandale the neighbors called the cops who arrested him and incredibly in the trial the judge(a woman) gives him 22 years of prison.My opinion is: The man has rigth to beat his woman when she is cheating him. Only imagine all the humillation you think you can control yourself?? How...That is my opinion the women sometimes are so.... better I don´t say more :angry: :angry: :angry:

  8. Well I like to make some time travels there is a lot of times I want to visit like the Mayan age in Honduras, The third reich in the 20st century, the Roman empire but I think and I dont know if you think in my way too It´s better time travels are not possible today. All the human have the right to live their lives and make mistakes is part of the human nature and my question is the next if you live in a period when the entire world is in war and you return to the past and you stop all the sequence of events that conditioning the war you think the present from you travel will really change I dont think so all the dead people will not return from the other side and be live again that is not possible and I can´t imagine go to the past and save Hitler, Stalin, Kennedy, Colossio, Mussolini and avoid their murders. You think this is possible?? I don´t think soIt would be cool to visit all the old civilizations and get some answers to all the question about the mayans, the egypcians for example but change the future I dont think so my friend...

  9. Well I am agree with you about destroying humanity all the polution problems are over the life in the earth will be more clean, more green more nature. But I don´t think you want to die. Nobody wants to die. Die is the end of the life here in the earth and if you are suggesting destroying the human race maybe there are another options. You are rigth with your point about we are the only race that want things and to get these things we have to destroy in a way or another some ecosystems to get resources and like the actual tendence of growing human population we will not get some enough resources to all of us and maybe will be our ending. But the nature is very intellingent. In the past when the resources has been low the weakest dies and the stronger lives is a thing named natural selection described by Darwin. In my country over all in my town there is a say; "Not all good is correct, not all the bad is incorrect" When the planet experiment the war and a lot of people dies is only ocurring things bad to some human beings but good to the preservation of the nature and humanity when a lot of people dies all the resources that those dead people had consumed is saved and the people who lives in the long term is favored.The humanity and all the things we do are so complex. For example a lot of the economy of my country depends on the logging you know cut trees to sell the wood. If you think about nature you will see all the destruction this practice is doing to the environment here in Honduras but if you stop this... Almost 900,000 families will lose their way of sustent and the economy will fall incredibly. It´s complicated like I say so we have to think sometimes in the two ways and the two sides.I can recomend you a software named Gra.nola that saved you energy from your computer so you can use it and save a little but a very important amount of CO2 when you get your stats mixed with all the software´s users around the world. You can find it in Google.So It´s a lot of complicated my friend but you know we have to be more humans sometimes....

  10. Hello tomgat and welcome to Xisto the best post to host site when you can make some good quality post and get premium hosting and get domains too. Here in Xisto all is about share you knowledge nothing more. If you have some knowledge to share you will get a lot of fun sharing it here. Once you get $2.00 from posting in Mycents you can get your premium hosting and enjoy all the privileges of the xisto hosting and believe you will not get dissapointed because posting here is so easy and manage your hosting account is more easy. Your website project will get some support from here critical support I can say. Here we are a comunnity so you can ask in this post all the question you want and be free to expose all the doubts about the site a lot of us have more than 3 years posting here and like you see the site has not been offline never and you can continue posting here and making some good Mycents and getting your hosting plan. The xisto billing support is very good and you can get a lot of help they are very open and when you open a ticket is take only a few hours to get the response and sometime I have got the response instantly....You will get a lot of fun here in Xisto If you have any question you can ask me here in your post and I will be monitorizing here....Regards

  11. Maybe you are rigth in some things but religion is all the practice who close the people with a superior power and hinduism make his part with this....Only because they don´t have a single god or have a lot of saints doesn´t mean that you have to use the afffirmation "is not a religion".Talk about religion is not a sign of education in the person because you never know who is gonna be hurt talking about religion that is my mon says.So I hope you change your mind...

  12. Well zenia I was only trying to expose the great Godaddy is because there is only one site to get a cheap website. And you can get a lot of domain terminations like .com, .net, .org, .tv, .biz, .es, .com.mx all that domains which are impossible to get in a normal domain register site. That was only an aclaration. But I want to thank you again about the coupon because I will give some money to get a domain name using it because I don´t have the time to be posting here forever to get the domains names I want. So thank you zenia and keep posting.

  13. Well there is a software for all the SEO called SEO Elite which works generating backlinks automatically. The advertising of this software in the internet is incredible and the information about it is in all the internet forums related with seo. Well I look for some good SEO tutorial and I bougth a new one where the author recommend to don´t use the backlink exchange because nowadays Google detects all this type of practice and you can lose all your Pagerank if you do that. But if you look to the SEO elite page there are a lot of promises about getting good results in your SEO campaigns with this software. Well I downloaded it with a torrent service. I know this is piracy, I know. And I get the lastest version of the software and I tested it. Basically the softwares works looking for good Pagerank websites related to a keyword and digging them to find the admin email. Once the software gets the admin email you can send him a email asking him to add a backlink to your site because you will add a link to his site too. Well you purpose a link exchange. I had a website with a traffic exchange script and all the users come from referrals to the site so I wanna to expand my number of users so I tried to increase my position in the Google results. I find the opportunity to use the SEO Elite software. Well I did it. And I sent a lot of emails to the admins of the sites related with my keyword. Nobody added a link to my site. And some of the admins report me to Google and I got deleted my site from Google and my site had almost any traffic so I got bored and I close the website. Well i WANT to know if some of you have used this software? I have fatal results using it. I try to get some reviews because I want to report this software with Google because if the software developers are selling software which don´t work for the purpose it has been made there are thousands of people who are buying something which doesn´t work. This is an abuse. So I hope and wait for your answers. And please post your personal review not something based in some friend´s experience. We have to stop to all that internet marketers who sell garbage to the customers. Thank you.

  14. You are rigth zenia jordan is a great moderator like a member too. He post good quality post and help new member with the doubth they have. I lost my patience in Xisto once because all the new members ask for information related with the free web hosting because they have signed up in the forum with the purpose of get a good free web hosting and a domain name. I explain to almost five users about the process and I have not entered in that section of the Xisto forum since two years because I am tired of that type of questions. But here in Xisto is yordan who never lose his patience with anyone. He is always posting and checking to all the members and check if a topic or single post is spam. I remember that one day he report a topic I have made like spam and to be honest that was spam. It was the first and the unique time I have been with negative balance. Once I try to do this in Xisto forum anyone report my post like spam and you know I get a lot of mycents for free but in the pass of the weeks the owner of the forum some guy named opaque report my topic and I lost the balance because I have to post a lot to get my balance positive again. But what I am trying to say is here in Xisto forum the actions are quick than Xisto and yordan is a good part of it.So you are rigth there is a lot of members who keep the post alive and post good comments and make this entertained and so fun for us that the fingers post by themselves because you find good information here and good spaces to post your opinion and knowledge. So congratulations for your 200th post and keep continue posting.

  15. Interesting topic. In my country the goverment doesn´t have money to give to a part of the economy like US or Uk but in my country all the economic politics are designed by the interntional monetary fund and we have to take them. In my country there are 5% of the people who are rich 60% who are poor but we can say that maybe have a life like a middle class and 35% who are extremely poor so here there is no a lot of parts of the economy there are only three and the rich people have companies who sell products directly to the state in the most of the cases. There is a little good companies who work in the mass production model like the americans so we are behind in that sense. I think I am more inclinated with the trickled-up theory because the poor people in almost all the cases don´t have the habit to save money in the bank or in their houses and try to spend all the money and don´t pay debts too. The poor are who keep the economy because they are who spend all the money they earn and they put the working power in the factories. Well giving money to the poor maybe is the better way. Because if you give money to the rich they have a lot of ways to put this money to work and they have the habit to save money. So giving to the poor is better and that theory which say the poor go to buy foreign products is totally wrong because they only buy what they need and in the most of cases they have to buy the cheaper products who in the most of cases are made in the same country. So maybe the economy is something complex but we have to understand that we need to create a better economic system because in the actual there is a big hole because maybe we have the perception of there is not enough money to all of us because a lot of people is without a job and can´t bring money to their houses. Good topic.

  16. Thank you for the information zenia. Godaddy.com maybe is the best domain registrar in the world and the biggest too. I can´t buy a domain now because I don´t have a credit car because I abused of my old credit cart and my parents took it away from me. What a shame that was a good promotion to get a cheap domain name. I have used Godaddy before once I was to registrar a domain name with a .info but I register the domain name and never used it. Ridicoulus rigth but that is truth I give my money to them for nothing althougth the domain only was $1.01. Godaddy is pretty good for me and I am waiting to buy some domain names from it in a future when I recover my credit card because posting here in Xisto is possible but you know you have to pass a lot of your time posting here to get the enougth Mycents to buy a domain althougth there are some guys who are pretty good in the typing and in the writing and they told me they made almost one dollar in only 8 minutes maybe it is truth but I am not so good with the typing and less writing and sometimes I don´t know what more can I write I think I will make a topic about this and request for some help to me to get more typing ability and writing too.Thank you for the infomation again zenia you are great.

  17. Well I think that these types of updates made by Firefox are for advertising purpose because in these days opera upgraded their software too. Personally I will not upgrade the version until in a month because all the time I decide to upgrade I only get problems with the browser performance and the work of some addons. But we have to admit it Firefox is the best browser nowadays maybe the tab feature was the first which atracted to almost all the internet users to install firefox in their computers. In fact install the upgrade now maybe it´s a mistake because in all the times Mozilla upgrades the Firefox I get a lot of errors in my navigation. Maybe in security purposes there is no some great updates because in the version 4 the security was very good not like the version 3 where some guy from Pakistan came to my browser I don´t know why and was stealing all my cookies when I used my premium accounts to download from the file hosting services like rapidshare, megaupload and I was to be changing the password and logging out almost all the time to avoid losing my account. Once I started to use Firefox 4 the problem end. In visual effects well I am one of the unfortunate because I have windows xp and I can´t upgrade to Vista or windows 7 so this feature will not work in my computer. Well I have to congratulate to the mozilla team from here because they give us this browser totally free and without paying a penny or something. So if you want maybe can follow the advice of starscream and install the update maybe can work for you. Bye.

  18. I don´t know why Xisto decide to raise the old price from $9.99 to $12.95 they will be more difficult to get a domain name because you have to make a lot of money and Mycents to get it. I had have three domain names registered with xisto. But there is only one I am most interested the old I will let them to expire because to conserve them I have to make a lot of post and actually I don´t have the time to do that. The bad news about registering a domain name with xisto maybe is the Ip and I get the worse side of the hit because I actually use an autoresponder an all the Ip coming from xisto are in the black list of Hotmail.com and Yahoo.com. I want to congratulate you for all the information contained in this topic because it is very useful to all of us. Particullarly I had to deduct all the process the first time but now I know how to buy a domain name in Xisto and how to conserve it year by year to pay the exact fee. So thank you zenia for all your help and I want to remember you that to see how much do you have in your xisto account you have to click the rigth like in the rigth side and go to your billing account. I see you have $16 in your credits Congratulations you are a great poster and you deserve that money. Bye.

  19. Well I found the magazine some days ago in my vault and can?t resist to re-read the article about Michael Jackson is an alien. So I remember this post and couldn?t to avoid visit it and let this comment to all of you who see the forum and comment in this topic. Thank you very much for your comments. You are welcome if you have a doubt or something you want to ask to me about the topic. Ok!

  20. Your eyes are beatiful and the datum you are sharing with us today it?s truth and now in my country for example 90% or maybe more have dark eyes including me. When there is a girl with blue, green or marron eyes there are a lot of boys behind her because here it is a lux to dating with a blue-eyes girl. I particularly don?t care about the eyes colour but I have to admit that I feel atracted for a woman with beatiful eyes and the atraction is maybe stronger with women with blue eyes. I am a medical student so I think that the surgery in Panama can be scam and I don?t believe anything of that. Maybe I am wrong. But in almost 6 years in the medical practice I have not heard about an iris surgery because the eyes surgeries have the risk to leave blind to the patient in one eyes and sometimes in the two eyes. So be careful I think this is only an advertising program to atract some people to Panama and steal your money and lose your vision. The most beatiful in the life is can see all the things surround us. It is a God?s gift to almost all the humans. Some kids born without the possibility of see to their mom, their dad, their brothers in fact the world and we are very lucky for having the priviledge to use our two eyes like God say.So don?t be scam for those guys this doesn?t smell good.

  21. Jajajaaja I never have entered to this topic because I thought it was a boring typical topic posted in this section. But I have to admit tha you make me laugh with this absurd post because I was agree with you if you would be a dog, cat, snake or horse but you are a human being and you are propossing to destroy yourself? That doesn?t have any sense to me and you are probably mad of your mind to make this fool suggestions in this forums. I have read today a forum made by me from a long time ago and I can?t avoid to enter there and post a comment because it is the most commented post in my history in this forum. It is based in a magazine article. But you maybe are based in your thinkness because I have never heard to somebody propossing this to the pollute solution. This is comparable to the effort against the cancer. If you would be one of the researchers to find the cure to the cancer you will proposse to all the people living with cancer to suicide. In other words all your suggestion lack of sense to me. Maybe some of the posters are agreee with you and your vision but if you think a little more about that you will find there is no any solution in your post and you are recommend us to kill ourselves to save the planet. Good luck with your theory maybe someday can be truth the problem is that you will not live to see that.

  22. I am agree with you anwii because I detect the post could be spam from the beginning and maybe because eza used the images with sparkly colors and all that. But it is very useful to me because I didn?t know anything about haters or something like that. Maybe eza has the intention to make spam and you maybe can consider this post like that but to me was very educative. Well like my mom says there is no something good which doesn?t come from something bad.

  23. Well maybe you are rigth with your comment. First of all the hosting is almost free in this forum and you have to remember the phrase "almost free" because there is a fee which is posting here some post to make Mycents and pay your hosting. What I am trying to say you is having staff in the weekend in a company which offer free web hosting maybe it is not logical. In all the countries there are laws against the work excess and I imagine India it isn?t the exception. I remember in my older days in this forum the support was great Super I have to say. I remember to some guy named Nikhil Pathil who answered my support tickets sometimes in minutes. If I had a doubt about a service he was always there fixing some problem in minutes and in the extreme case in two hours. I almost made a personal relationship with him because I didn?t know a lot about Cpanel and Mysql and all that. But since I quit from here I lost the contact with him and now I think he is not working in Xisto anymore. Now in the weekends there isn?t any answer to your support tickets but I recommend you to send the tickets already because like India have some hours advantage than Occident the answer will be received by you in the Sunday?s afternoon. So you maybe will have time in the afternoon to make some correction to your site. Well I know Xisto isn?t the best hosting site in the world but what we can do is to ask the admin who have to be in the company to improve the support system because nowadays leave a lot to desire.Good luck anwii and keep posting my friends I like all your comments.

  24. Interesting post. I didn?t know anything about haters and I suppose that in all the videos I have uploaded I have found with a lot of haters who post only negative comments to my videos. I hate this guys. They hate me and my video :) But you know that is the wonderful about the internet and the social networks there is not only good things there are bad things and it?s the translocation between the good and bad who make this so fun. Thank you for the information you are truly increasing my knowledge.

  25. I don?t know if I am rigth but in some cases like in the Xisto actual problem maybe is good to have trolls who made some post and atract to more posters to be more active and create debate in some topics because I have seen that in the maybe all the topics there are maximum 5 comments to the first post. So I was a troll in a poker forum when I was trying to learn some good strategies to win. Of course I didn?t win anything and i only lost all the time I blindly dedicate to this stupid things. It was entertained to share my crazy ideas in that forum and the webmaster of the forum who insult me in the regular topics I made send me emails saying me to keep posting because my post was the best in the forum and generate a great amount of traffic because a lot of the guys who was in the forum learning poker returned to the forum to watch my topics and comments. Those were wonderful days but actually I lost the interest for poker and stop to post and in Xisto I don?t practice trolling because this is a serious forum where there are moderators and all the people is interested only in the hosting plan and only post when they need Mycents to get their free web hosting to get paid. So it?s difficult to survive like a troll in Xisto and maybe there are spammers infiltrated here but trollers there aren?t. I doubt it so much. I want to see the opinion of a moderator about trolling and see If I can troll a little here. To me trolling is not annoy to the people but entertained to the people with controversial information that generates debate and leave a lot of comments.So maybe trolling in some forums is the best way to get traffic and if you doubt that you can look for fermin25 in the pokerstrategy.com forum and you will found that some of my post was 10 pages large because all the guys wanted to comment and share their opinion about my topics.If there is no moderators like anwii say maybe i can troll a little in this forum. If not I will continues here posting with quality and sharing my knowledge with honor. Bye.

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