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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I think that the most important feature that you must to have in mind is the SENDMAIL Option or SMTP....Secondly you have to review if the hosting is serious, I refer to the uptime of the server.By example I have an account with X10Hosting but the big problem is the server is down almost all the time... That is to make you buy a paid hosting...The other features are also important like the Bandwitdh but there are a lot of free hosting that can give you more bandwithd for free!!!But in Xisto everything is equilibrated, there aren´t better free hosting than Xisto...Regards

  2. The best way to get a hard drive data recovery is fixing the hard disk problem...I personally recommend HDD Regenerator....It´s a great software...And can repair physic sectors of your Hard Disk...It´s a very useful tool... This software that you mentioned are totally unknow to me...Are you sure they are good?...My recomendation...HDD Regenerator... A fantastic tool...Regards.

  3. Of course Jesus was a real person...How do you think he was? His existance is so important for the human race that our age is called "After Christ". He was a real man but in the same time he was a pure heart man that founded the cristianism and came to give hopes to the humans.The problem is there are so many fanatics think that Jesus is only a lie.You must go to the church, and read the bible...STOP READING THE DaVINCI CODE!!!Jesus is helping you now although you are not recognizing him...

  4. Neither Communism nor Free Market Economy are good systems...The best goverment system already exist... This system is the NationalSocialism (Nazi)...Yeah the NationalSocialism system was the greatest for the german people...The corruption disappears, Germany experimented a quick growth... Germany was a great people...I think the communism is destinated to dissapear and the Cuban Socialism too... They are decadent systems...The NationalSocialism is the answer for 21st Century...

  5. The best mobile phone for me is the motorola V3.Simply is the best. The V3 model incorporate all the great Motorola?s features and also her beatiful design is perfect to pressume. :lol: The Motorolas phones are the top leader in sales in Honduras. They have alliace with the best mobile network company and the people prefers Motorola before another brand...I think that Nokia phone are too sophisticated and that?s the reason because the people prefers Motorola.I have a Motorola V3, simple the best mobile phone...

  6. Hi I wanna tell you that I have always had this problem. Since I was a child my Shyness ever was with me. I never talked with a girl with "love intentions"...Do you understand what I?m saying? In the school my classmates bother me when they said that I was in love with some girl. That were embarassing moments for me, because I always was in loved with those girls who they bother me but I had not the courage to confess it.I wanna say that my mom is very jealous with me, She doesn?t like that I meet girls that doesn?t like her.My shyness dicreased a little with I meet to my wife, but a little... Because I feel shy with my sisters in law and...my mother in law. My tongue is almost locked when I talk with them....My shyness took me to take the decition of take a break with my marriage, but this half breakup with my wife only brougth more suffer...I?m totally dependent of my wife...In my work my female partners always said me "You are very shy, Why?" I?m tired of listen this phrase, but simply I can?t change.I?m resigned to be like this. I think I born with my shyness as part of my personality... I can?t do nothing...

  7. Thank you for your assistance, jlhaslipBut, Where is that link???I have clicked the "My Products & Services" Link. And there is some information.Based in that information I see that my hosting account is Status "Pending". What is this means??Why is it pending if I got the Hosting Logic Plan 25 hours ago??Can you or someone please post the full steps that I have to follow??Thank you.

  8. I have a problem....


    I did the steps in the tutorial of how get my hosting with my MyCents...


    Three emails arrived to my inbox...


    1. Order Confirmation.

    2. Customer Invoice.

    3. Invoice Payment Confirmation.


    But In any of this mails says that my hosting account has been setup... I want help please.


    I hope you can help me...

  9. I am studying lots of things. Exam are coming soon, So I am studying my own course most of my time (Its Bachelor Level of Management). Besides these, I am learning PHP, Wordpress, Joomla.When I am sit on in front of my computer/laptop, I always thinking about become freelancer so I am taking idea about freelancer.

    WOW!!! You wanna be a freelancer, forgive this question, What is a freelancer? I am new on technical internet language...

  10. Hi. Yesterday in a laboratory of my university the teacher shows up an robot than can puts the comercials in the local TV Station twice quickly than a man... This robot is from 1975 and its jobs is put commercial trought a videotape.


    This was in my mind everyday and I reflexionate than the robots and computers are not only faster than humans.


    Now they are more intelligent...A human brain is more valuable than an computer but a computer can do things than a human never will can do.


    One of the proofs of this reflexion is that Garry Kasparov The best chess player loses against a machine: The Deep Blue...But any human can defeat Kasparov before that...


    Maybe someday will de dominated by robots.


    Don´t you think?

  11. Kapersky is the best antivirus. Simply Nod32 is a weak protection. I used Nod32 Business Edition but suddenly the Nod32 never started again. I uninstall it. And then I install the Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 and detects virus, trojans, malware, spyware that Nod32 didn´t detect like virus.Use Nod32 is not safety. I recommend Kaspersky or McAfee Antivirus.

  12. Ok Ok Ok....I want to congratulate you for you get paid from Bux.toBut my story is very different.I got signed to Bux.to last year and I earned $120 in two months because I bought referrals and got a premium membership.When I cashout suddenly my balance turned zero, my referrals disappeared...Two days later my account was deleted.I was furious...But It was my fault. When I signed up to Buxto my instict told that Bux.to was a fraud.But Congratulations... You are very lucky...

  13. Hi I want to talk about Hi5.com. Hi5 is one of the biggest communities on the internet. In my school everybody have his Hi5 account...In my house: my sister, my brother, my mom until my dad have Hi5...Hi5.com started in 2003 and now has millions of people who trough Hi5.com get communication with any Hi5 member.Many couples had meet trought Hi5.com, many girls upload their best photos :o :o :lol: Hi5 is a great and entertained virtual community.

  14. I don´t think that Gmail is the best email service, because almost all the people I know prefer to use Hotmail more than Yahoo or Gmail. That Gmail is a great email service, very functional and very simple, I can deny it but Gmail have a lot of way to run to really be close Hotmail. Google have wanted to put many tools in the market which didn´t have success. The Google voice for example is not very used. The people prefer Skype....The unique tool that Google copy from their competitors and is successful is the Google Translate copy of Yahoo Babelfish.I think Gmail is not the best or the most used mail service.Hotmail is the best, Can someone deny this?

  15. Hi vichi.I want to congratulate you because the site is fantastic. But I have a question for you...Do you think that someone goes to buy World of Warcraf on your site? I personally never buy a thing in an unofficial site...If you can implement an online business I recommend that you sell something new...Something that the people really need...It´s only my opinion...

  16. Easyhits4u is a great traffic exchange site I recommend it...I like a lot the Traffic Exchanges because of that I use EasyHits4u a lot. there are other Traffic Exchange sites like Traffic Splash buy they don´t generate the same results.Also, you can make a little money in Easyhits4u.com but It is that, a little...I use it to buy Premium membership where you can surf in a 1:1 ratio surf.Don´t lose your time in another traffic exchange sites. Use Easyhits4u...

  17. The Nazi, name to the National Socialism regimen in Germany commanded by Adolf Hitler between 1933-1945 was the most great time for the germans.


    When Hitler was the Fuhrer Germany grows up, In Economy, In belic Power, in other words Germany converted in Mundial Power.


    The germans lived the most quality life in the history of World...


    Dont bad-understand me I know that The nazis made a lot of crimes which violated the human rights... But, what goverment didn´t commit crimes?. Until in America the goverment kill people...


    The Nazi Germany was the best people that ever exists!!!


    Proof of that is that all the mundial potencies: USA, England, France, URSS have to fight against the Third Reich to destroy it.


    Germany now is a sleeping people...A decadent country...


    I am not racist, Neonazi or Antisemist but nobody can deny that Germany had his best time with Hitler how its Fuhrer.


    Hitler was a murder I know... but, Who great governor wasn´t? George Washington killed people, Alexander the Great killed people, George Bush killed people...


    My point is Hitler have his credit in the World History...


    Why is this credit don´t recognized?


    A conspiration by who have afraid about the Nazi?

  18. Hello I have a doubt.I have read a lot about uncapping. I have a Motorola SB5120 and I have read that to uncap a Modem like this you have to buy a BlackCat Cable.But I see in another forum that the uncapping is not posible, that it´s a fraud to sell you The Blackcat Cable.Is someone in this forum can help me???

  19. Hi I want to tell about an strange phenomenon that occurs in May every year in an honduran Town named Yoro, Yoro.


    Between the 5-25 May day start a typical electric storm and Suddenly...minutes later that the storm started...Began to fall a lot of sea-fishes in the town....




    This is extremely strange because Yoro is 300 miles away the closer coast...Many people had wanted to explain this rare phenomenon but nobody can explain it, yet...


    The picture above is a Padre Subirana?s(Legendary Catolic Missionare).


    Posted Image




    This is a rare Phenomenon, I have not an explanation.


    What is this?

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