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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. Hello Vineet Welcome to Trap 17 forums.You will enjoy all the entertaiment that you will get posting in this fantastic community. I want to congratulate you because you are a professional. In my country the people don?t like the technic careers. The people prefers the "paper" careers.India must be a beatiful country. I want to travel a day to Nueva Delhi and learn more about Mohatma Ghandi and his work.Well then Welcome, you are in you home.Regards.

  2. To get your hosting with Xisto your have to make good post(aproximately 26 words or more) trougth the MyCents system. Once you have made 5 good post your MyCents will be shown in the left side where your data is shown.

    You will have to open an account in the Xisto - Support/Billing Area.

    Once you have made 20-30 good post and you have more than $2.00 acummulated in your Xisto Billing/Support account you will be able to "buy" a login plan but you will not to use real money because you will pay with the MyCents, at end the hosting is absolutely free.

    The hosting service is awesome. I have 20 days with it and I´m satisfied with the service.

    I recommend that you read these topics: (please read them all)





  3. Hi kasperooney,


    Xisto is not a simple forum is a post-for-hosting forum. That means that you receive a gift for your participation: the hosting. I actually have a Logic hosting plan here and I have to tell you that I?m suprised because the support is better that the paid hosting.


    It?s truth the majority of people post because they want to obtain the hosting but I imagine that you are like them. I can lie you I love this forum for a lot of reasons:


    1. This forum give me a hosting plan(I signed up in Xisto because i found the free hosting service offer).

    2. The forum is in english(I live in a country where Spanish is the official language) and i can practice my english here.

    3. The content is very interesting and the most of post are quality post.


    I don?t understand if you are saying that you want to know who created the MyCents system of if you want that MyCents system be more stricted.


    It would be good that a moderator or the admin answer in this topic.



  4. Hi I only want to make a comment about this characther named Donald Trump. Donal Trump is a millonaire that made money with real state and his casinos in Atlantic City...But althougth he is admired, I dont like certains actions like treat to the other people(include the people who don?t work for him) like fools, lazy, etc...Everybody knows what ocurred in the Larry King Show where Trump offend to King saying that king had a horrible breath in national television.Forgetting this, he is an admirable person but this actions talk about him very bad...

  5. I think most of you in America are wrong...it?s understable because you are afraid with the Influenza, too. I think there is not overreacting...In USA did have dead people and their health system is one of the best in the world.You must be careful, what do you think that the sick people thougth before get sick?....The same that you are thinking: That Influenza is only a lie, only the weaks get sick, and other like that...Be careful or the Influenza A H1N1 will surprise you...

  6. Hi I recommend you that you buy a full webhosting because a business selling hosting on reseller plans is not a really webhosting business. That?s affiliate marketing....Of course to do that you have to buy a lot of software and hardware, in other words it?s a big investion but it could be great if your webhosting have success...Because is a very reduitable business.

  7. Hello,I have a serious problem, I cant send emails from my website...I think the sendmail function is not working and I need it because my script need to send activation emails.I have opened 2 tickets on Xisto - Support since yesterday and no one answer.My cron jobs emails are not arriving, either. Can someone please help me...I?m tired...The problems with the sendmail function and servers downs were the reasons to moved from my old server.I was happy until a five days ago when the sendmail function start to fail...I wait an anwer...

  8. Hello.I have a serious and critical problem...I can?t send mails from my website...I don?t know what?s going on because 5 days ago everything was allrigth.I think the sendmail function is affected or the mail() php function...My server is GAMMA...I already sent support tickets to Xisto - Web Hosting support but I haven?t received and answer yet.Please can someone help me...P.D. I will really apreciate an answer because without the sendmail function my website can?t work.

  9. Hi Everyone,I have a serious problem with my hosting account...Three days ago the sendmail function stop working!!! This is a critical error in my site because my scripts need to send confirmation emails to my visitors...The mail() function is not working, also.I already sent a ticket on Xisto - Support.com but I had have an answer.Can someone help me, please??My Server is GAMMA...

  10. This is an easy question...MySQL is simple the best database...Why do you think that almost all the servers use it? I never have had a problem with MySQL its language is easy to learn and is almost an universal language in programation...I don´t recommend that you use a different type of database...Please don´t lose your time and your brains with others...MySQL is simple the best...Regards

  11. Your problem can be solucionated with these tips... :o :o Disable the cache of your browser...This maybe is confusing the new content of Xisto forum site with the content saved in your computer.Delete all the cookies...It´s a possibilty althougth the only cookie that Xisto save in your browser is the cookie to login you automatically...Test with a different link than index page...Test this forum link maybe this is the problem althougth that will be strange...And last...Uninstall your actual browser and download Mozilla Firefox or IE7...Those are the best web browsers so don´t lose your time with other browsers...I hope that you can solucionate your problems with these tips for you can continue enjoying the Xisto forum...Regards.

  12. Your answer is self-contradictory too... I understand you because I imagine that you were educated in the "occidental world" where Hitler is considerated an monster...But Why George Bush isn´t considerated an monster, too? why?????????You said that the industrial, education and belic growth is not all...Well then What is it all? United States is a power nation because their educational, industrial and belic system are the world´s best...Also without Hitler Germany would be and Third-World country...The country have lost all the principles that had when Hitler gave to the people...Proof of that is the actual minister which is a joke if you comparate with Hitler...What I am trying to say is don´t fall in the occidental opinion...In America Fidel Castro is a monster, Why? In Egypt somebody is a monster but Ask yourself Why??If all the people would have the same point of reference...This would be a list of Monsters...George BushRonald ReaganGeorge WashingtonThe Quenn IsabelFidel CastroAdolf HitlerOsama Bin LadenSaddam HusseimOthers....Well can you say me that I´m wrong?Regards.

  13. Welcome to the best forum community,sarajevl. You will have fun in Xisto forums. I see that you are christian and I want to congratulate you because of that. I think that your project will be successful...because the free web hosting service on Xisto.com is unique is like a paid hosting service.Harry Potter? I like that movie too...But the lastest movies are losing the Harry Potter?s esencie...It?s turning like a tennager movie...I don?t know if the theather adaptation is guilty or the author is writing the books like that now(I have not read any Harry Potter?s book yet...) But It?s still being fun and that?s important.Well you will be able to win your free web hosting very soon...You only have to make good post that help to the community and the site will reward you with a lot of MyCents....You are right the MyCents will can paid the hosting and a domain so Start to post right now...You will find that post on Xisto is not an obligation is A PLEASURE because you will have the opportunity to help and be helped in this forum...Well I wish you the best...Welcome again to Trap 17...Regards.

  14. Hello my dear friends....I have found a way to make money online with the PTC sites. Which pay you when you click a link and visit a site for a least 30 seconds.But...there are a lot of stories in Google that these sites don?t pay to their members...They are scam or something like that...I want an opinion because I am tempted to invest on these sites because they promise good money...I have joined to Neobux, 10bux.net and B-U-X.net...Anybody knows if these sites are really trusted? Or they are scam?I?m very confused...Please help me...P.D. Is Alertpay a serious online money transfer bank?

  15. Firefox is the best web browser, but I like the Internet Explorer 7.0 too. I think that Google help to the Firefox Makers for the indexed pages on Google load faster.In the surfers likes Mozilla Firefox is the faster...I have not use the Google Chrome yet...but a friend told me that Google Chrome is the same that Firefox.The Internet Explorer design is the feature that Firefox can´t imitate...Internet Explorer is the most used explorer yet....

  16. Ohhhh... I think that I´m the unique person that loves Hi5.com until now in Xisto forums... Maybe in the English community Hi5.com is out of fashion...But in Honduras everybody have Hi5...Well I´m learning...Very soon I will travel to United States so I won´t talk about Hi5.com and neither ask "Can you give me your Hi5?"...Until then I will continue using Hi5 and watch the girl´s photos :o :o

  17. I was researching and the menace of Microsoft is using spyware is big...In the spanish forums some internet experts says that when a computer that uses Windows is connected to the computer, the microsoft networt is monitoring its actions.... THIS IS SPYWARE!!!!!!tHE SVCHOST.EXE file is the "spyware software", but it isn?t proof....Microsoft is so strange...They almost have the control over all the internet.....They say that Macintosh is the same story and Linux is the most secure OS....But I don?t like Linux....Before I prefer the Microsoft and its spyware

  18. 22/05/2009


    The virus Influenza A H1N1 has arrived to Honduras the unique country which was free of this moster.


    Monica Aguilar, 7 years old, was the first infected citizen. By fortune she is fine...Because she was treated in a TOP SECRET hospital in the United States where the Honduran Goverment send to the girl...


    She lives with her parents and 10 brothers and sisters. Rarely she was the unique infected...The autorithies had said that the girl had contact with Mexican citizens in her scholl...


    This is the unique epidemiologyc conection between Monica and Influenza...


    I?m a little scared I thougth the Influenza has finished...


    But the pandemy is not finished, yet...

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