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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!I'm surprised the 2nd column actually displays the names instead of the IP addresses for you. What version of Windows are you using? Perhaps nobody with a DNS name ever connects to me *sniff* :-(Anyway, it is quite normal for a lot of connections to be made to/from your PC when you're downloading and uploading torrents. That's the whole peer-to-peer concept. If you want to speed things up on your end, keep the torrent-ing to the evening when you don't use your PC for browsing, emailing etc.Regards
  2. Hi!While at university, I saw a listing for a creative writing class and wondered, "how would somebody teach creativity in writing?" I took up level 1 (Creative Writing 101) and that introduced me to different genres of writing. It also got me to write my first ever short story!If anyone on this forum does get an opportunity to teach a creative writing course, here are my ideas on stuff you could do to get the creativity flowing:1. If you write about something that happened to you, that's creativity too. You can lie about stuff that happened to you - that's being wayy more creative. Then, you can say you were an angel, even if you were a demonic pain for your siblings - still more creativity points! In either case, start with something that happened to you. You can express more clearly something that happened to you and you can write so much more about it. When you live through the experience, you have a picture of what you want to say.2. Try different styles. You might find that a particular style of writing suits you better. Look up works by different authors and try to follow several before you land on one as your preferred style.3. Try some poetry. You really ought to try writing some poetry because it gets you thinking about the way you pick your words. When you make words rhyme, that adds literary effect and you have a perfectly good poem that you can sing out to the class. However, the process of getting there teaches you how you can choose from a wide variety of words to express the same thought. You sometimes come across poems that don't rhyme, but they still have a sense of appeal. It's all in the choice of words.I'd definitely like to see ideas by other members on the forum - post your own idea and write about the stuff you do when you've got writers' block.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  3. Hi! You are probably looking for the VISITED pseudo-class selector. Try this: a:visited {background: #990000;}My guess is that your understanding of active is actually the CSS definition of visited i.e. the behavior with which links that you've visited turn purple. If not, then what you want to accomplish would require some Javascript as what you observe is the normal behavior for the CSS within a browser. Regards
  4. @TramposchHi!For a minute there, I thought it was a Microsoft-run website when I looked at the header. If something is confusingly similar that way, it's illegal. Think along the lines of the older Chevrolet Spark (back in the Daewoo days) and the Chery QQ. Or the Apple iPhone and the TV Mobile (yes, that's the brand name - it looks just like an iPhone but without the gestures or the AppStore, and it has a cable to connect to your TV!!!).You cannot use the Windows logo because it's a Microsoft trademark! Have you heard of the time when a guy named Mike maintained his personal website at mikerosoft.com - Microsoft sued him for having a similar name. Due to the huge press coverage and public protest, Microsoft had to step back in the interest of its public image. Having exactly the same logo is certainly something of concern here.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  5. Hi Cian (a.k.a. Drumknot ) !Welcome to Xisto! Good to have you on the forum.I've helped setup Moodle at a university I taught at, so do let me know when you're ready to have the thing put up. BTW, I'd also suggest putting up a blog where you can post recent updates. WordPress is amazing for that kind of stuff, and I'm a WordPress widget developer, so I could probably cook up something that you're looking for.Here are some of the more commonly used acronyms in forums:BTW = By The WayIMHO = In My Humble OpinionLOL = Laughing Out LoudROFL = Rolling On the Floor LaughingIf you come across more, you could feed them into Google and put them up on a chart next to your computer.Regards,Nitin ReddyPS: I met a guy a while back who thought LoL meant "Lots of Love" and it was a pretty common in his circle of friends, so I'd watch out for non-standard acronyms that are confusingly similar to other more popular ones.
  6. Hi!I wouldn't call EyeOS a true operating system as it doesn't perform all that Windows, Linux or the MacOS X does. It still requires you to have some kind of operating system installed to function. It's a kind of a software suite that could go as far as performing desktop virtualization.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  7. Time does appear to relatively slow down if you are moving quickly enough. Does it slow down your aging? Perhaps. Does it take you back in time? Probably not, since when your speed goes closer to infinity, time would have stopped for you but it doesn't go backwards. If the guy collecting tickets on a high-speed train or the pilot from the concorde looks younger than his actual age, you know that the theory has been in effect.Drugs definitely do you no good. It simply makes you feel just as you would if you had too much to drink. It blurs your perception but gets you no where.
  8. Hi! If you want to go faster than a conventional hard disk drive, you can get yourself a sold state disk drive. Those are quite expensive so you'll only find them in small capacities. The largest solid state disk drive commercially available has a capacity of 512GB. BTW, from a technical perspective, you can't call a flash drive (thumb drive or a solid state drive) a 'disk' drive because it doesn't have a circular disk in it. They ought to be called simply 'storage drives' or 'storage devices'. Regards
  9. Hi!You can go to oDesk.com. They have all kinds of jobs, but you should aim for the ones with hourly rates. They require you to install their software on your computer so the buyer can verify that you really were working during the hourly that you are claiming compensation for. When you start off, you just have to take a basic oDesk readiness test and you're off - bid on projects and wait for a response.I haven't looked at any other websites that let you claim for the number of hours worked, so I can't suggest any other similar sites, but oDesk is definitely among the more popular of the lot.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  10. Hi!A lot of the posters in this thread seem to believe that using torrents keeps your Internet activity anonymous. Irrespective of whether you use Kazaa, BitTorrent/BitComet or LimeWire, your computer would still need to connect to a kind of a directory service that maintains a list of other computers running the same P2P software. In addition, since every peer advertises the list of files it shares, the RIAA can determine if you are sharing material illegally.If, theoretically, I were running BitTorrent and I were to start a torrent download, I'd be able to see the IP addresses of all the seeders. The list is usually available right there on the screen!I don't mean to cause a scare, but that's just the way the Internet works - everything can be traced back to your IP address and, thus, your location.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  11. @InverseHi!I've spent some time with a few similar websites before and here's what I think of the ones I've used from the list above....CraigsList: A good classifieds site, but most of the non-US visitors visiting are sellers. I haven't met anybody who bought a product or a service after looking up an ad on CraigsList. The website is quite popular for it's simplicity and ease of use, but I don't see how much commercial value it would have.oDesk: They've got a pretty good model going there for per-hour jobs and that's definitely a plus. In addition, you can form a team and can get paid as a team... it's then up to the creator of the team to distribute the earned funds.I think I've used eLance and ScriptLance, but can't remember much about my experience with them.You've got the idea moving in the right direction - there are websites out there that have done what we seek to accomplish, but the difference in what we would have to offer is an online portfolio of work. Most members in this thread have a Xisto-hosted website showcasing their work and that speaks for their professionalism.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  12. Hi!While I would say that at times I've got to go to multiple forums for what I need, I wouldn't say it is excessive. If I were to post something about the new Safari 4 browser, I'd either go to Computer > Software or Internet > Web Browser since there's an overlap there. Safari 4 is both computer software and an Internet web browser. In the interest of keeping topics under the category that best defines the subject matter, I'd then post my thread about Safari 4 in the Internet > Web Browser forum.I would say that there are lots of forums here at Trap 17, but that's only because we're not a topic-specific discussion forum, such as a PHP forum or a Botany forum. You can talk about anything from UFOs to how to tie a bow-tie and that's the beauty of it - no matter what you want to talk about, you can turn to Xisto!Regards
  13. Hey Ne / DD! Welcome to Xisto! I'm Nitin Reddy, recently-turned WordPress plugin developer and enthusiast. If you are here for the free web hosting that Xisto provides, you ought to read up about the MyCENT credit system here. In your pursuit for building up credits, there are rules of the game that you need to adhere to. If you wish to know more, read the Frequent Asked Question page. As always, other members on the forum are always ready to help if you need anything. Hope you have a good time here, and have a good day!!! Regards, Nitin Reddy
  14. Hey Tenshi!I know for certain that it is possible to make about twenty to thirty posts in half a day, so if you are on holiday and are home alone, you most certainly can make over a hundred posts in two days. I am curious to know what you'd write about though. If it were not for work, I would certainly join you in this insane pursuit of making a hundred posts in forty eight hours.If there is anything I could do to help you with your pursuit, do let me know, but for now I'd suggest a couple of topics you could write about: twisted versions of original poetry in the Creativity Forum, history of the LTTE in the FIR forum, a tutorial on using features in MS Office that are not-so-obvious, suggestions for a new user interface for Xisto in the Secret Hideout, stuff about recent UFO sightings in My Idea, Theories, Possibilities and Innovation forum.Wishing you luck with your new quest!Regards,Nitin Reddy
  15. @iGuestHi!I get a 404-Not Found for the link you've sent across, but I get the idea you're suggesting - putting in some Javascript that can get the width of the document and re-size the iFrame accordingly. It's been only about 2 weeks since you've posted the link so I'm surprised the page went *poof*!The original poster's query is from way back in 2006, so I doubt it would be of much use if I were to write it up and post it here. If anyone does still need the solution though, holler back on this thread and I'll work it out.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  16. I personally prefer the iPhone from Apple because they've got lots of applications available on the AppStore and because of the simplicity of installing Apps. They've also got a really good web browser - Safari - that is pretty much as capable as the desktop edition, with the exception of the Flash plugin and the Javascript timeout limit. If you really want a keyboard, you can wait for the Palm Pre. It'll probably have it's own AppStore since Palm is trying to emulate iPhone in making it's come-back. -Nitin Reddy
  17. If you can't run Boot Camp then you'll have to run either VMWare or VirtualBox. Both are free. VMWare has a commercial version also available if you want to run it on a server and access it from your laptop. VirtualBox is from Sun - they have an open-source version and a free-but-not-open-source version. I wonder if Oracle would keep the VirtualBox product alive... I don't see it aligning with any of the stuff they're doing - databases and ERP don't have much in common with virtualization. There still is the possibility that they might want to see it as an add-on to Solaris.
  18. Hi!Your new logo looks better, but the text is packed too closely. If you could put more space between the words that would look neater.I love the graphic to the right of the orange glow, but the orange glow feels a little too close so I'd space them out and move the login out of the box - perhaps reduce it to a single line so it appears within the menu bar but floated to the right.As you scroll down, you'd notice that there's too much text and no graphics, so I'd suggest adding icons for the individual forums. Nothing fancy, but something that gives the idea that it isn't entirely textual down there.The statistics below are well-placed, and I'd say that's the first time I saw a login that lets the user decide how long to stay logged in (though I'd use a radio-button with 3 pre-set values and a 4th custom value entered by the user.Anyway, keep up the good work - you'll definitely see the number of users building up.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  19. Hi! If you've posted your thread recently, you can look up the list of forums for a reply - there's usually the date/time and the name of the person who posted the reply, along with the thread subject. You can also go with email notifications, as an earlier posted suggested. If you are having a hard time getting to the replies, you can increase the number of messages displayed per page to "40" in the My Controls settings so you can view all of the messages on one page. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  20. Hi! If you're looking for a provider in the middle east, I'd suggest you take a look at Emirates Internet & Telecommunications at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Their support is quite good and they've also got a data center where you can plug in your own servers if you want to upgrade to that option. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  21. Hi! That's probably not true. When you click on a thread, you are taken to the last page containing the replies, unless you've clicked on a page number. The topics you see below are similar threads and not replies to the current thread. I know it's difficult to comprehend - my first day on the forums was topsy turvy too. I set my messages-to-display to 40 in the settings and that makes it easier to see more messages on a page; I can't imagine why it didn't work for you. Possibly, the gremlins are attacking again. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  22. Hi! A regular format is better in that there's a complete check for bad sectors on the storage medium. A quick format, on the other hand, skips this check and simply makes the storage medium available for use. If you were concerned about performance for formatting your hard disk once or twice a week, I'd say a quick format takes much less time. A regular format is a better choice if you're formatting every quarter. Recognizing bad sectors still does not guarantee that you will not lose any data - you could still have a hard drive crash or a media failure so you ought to make frequent backups of your data just in case. These days a 1TB external disk is quite reasonably priced and can store pretty much all the files you have on your computer. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  23. I wouldn't call the leader of the LTTE a tyrant, but rather the leader of the militants. Demands for a separate nation are bound to be refused and taking up something by force only leads to a retaliation by the government. It really does seem pointless to give up one's life to push for something as silly as a national boundary. There are better causes to die for and so many unthings that affect many more people. Either way, the Sri Lankan government now has more funds available for things that matter most to the people.
  24. That's simply amazing. I wonder what they use to distribute the load across the server farm. I can imagine removing a piece of dirt from the film, but turning the grainy images into high definition goodness sounds like it's got to take a lot of work - take a new picture under the same lighting and get it into the film to look like it was a part of the original shot. Adobe Photoshop is quite stable on the Mac. You can work with really high resolution images without crashing. On the PC, Adobe Photoshop usually tosses an error dialog onto the screen and goes bye-bye. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  25. Perhaps you can install Windows as a dual-boot? Boot camp does it. Or you could trying running VMWare? If you're looking for something free, VirtualBox can get the job done too! Microsoft has also got the VirtualPC, but I believe Microsoft Virtual PC only runs on Windows, which you don't currently have :-P If you get get Windows running on your PC either as a dual boot or within a virtual machine, you'll have dominion over a Windows installation of your own - you'll be the administrator, the power user, the grand imperial pubah. Regards, Nitin Reddy
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