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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi! You've also made this post in another thread and I've replied to you there: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/66602-help-with-the-latest-ads-section-of-our-classifieds-website/ BTW, would it be possible for you to post a dump of the database so we can set up a test environment that mirrors what you have out there. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  2. Hi!To set the number of the latest posts, you have to type this line into the file just after the require_once statement:$latestads_count = 5;Regarding the images, you've got 2 kinds of images - featured item images and regular images. Do you want both the featured and regular items to appear the same size?Regards,Nitin Reddy
  3. Hi!@contactsknYou might want to try using an IDE with an integrated application server for running PHP code - NuSphere PhpEd fits the bill and is also commercially supported. It also provides a debugger so you can execute your code line-by-line. You might want to try EclipsePHP - it's open-source and free (it includes a debugger, but I'm not sure if it includes an application server).If you simply want to setup a test environment, I'd recommend XAMPP just as the previous posted does because it's updated frequently with the latest versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  4. Hi!@kasperooneyApple has been that way for a long long time. They manufacture their Apple hardware, put the Mac OS operating system on it, and will sue anybody else who uses their own hardware to run Mac OS (Psystar). It's a kind of a package deal that Apple offers and you can't separate the two. You can, however, run Windows on Apple hardware which you wouldn't want to do without at least having Mac OS available in a dual-boot configuration.Apple has always been as monopolistic as Microsoft - it's just that they haven't had much success till recently.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  5. Hi! Samsung has recently released a solar-powered cellphone called the Crest Solar. This isn't one of those gimmicky solar panels that you plug into your phone - this solar panel is actually built into the back of phone! Check out the pic below: (Image source: The Register) An hour of charging gets you anywhere between five and ten minutes of talk-time, but if you don't use your phone all that much and are outdoors most of the time, it can do away with having to charge your phone by plugging it in. That's a pretty small target market but just the geek factor from having a solar panel built into the phone ought to help boost sales. Regards, Nitin
  6. Hi!I guess what everybody fails to mention is the app-store-like feature (yum, apt) that Linux has been providing for ages - even before the iPhone came into existence! Windows has yet to see something similar. The Linux package repositories make it a breeze to install software as you don't have to be bothered by package incompatibilities, searching for the packages online etc.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  7. Hi!The Linux-on-iPhone project has been around for quite a while, but what they have yet to accomplish is a stand-alone iPhone that can run Linux. As the touchscreen is not supported, your only means of input to the device is through a USB link to a computer.Apple will definitely not support running Linux on the iPhone. They're running a stripped down version of Mac OS X which itself is Unix based so there's no real benefit for them.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  8. Hi!@kasperooneyAh, now I get where you're going - the package you are getting from BSNL is a 2 megabits per second plan and the speed that you get is 250 kilobytes per second. Those are two different units for measurement. Bytes are always abbreviated to a capital 'B' while bits are abbreviated to a small 'b', which is what caused the confusion. Your speed of 250kBps is just perfect for a plan of 2Mbps so the ISP really is delivering on its claims - you shouldn't have anything to complain about!BTW, when you get the unlimited plan of 256kbps for Rs.750, your max. download speed would be 32kBps and not 50-70kBps.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  9. Hi! I fail to understand how you get a "2Mbps speed" when you mention that you get a max. download speed of 250kbps. I'm guessing you have a 256kbps plan with a 2.5GB transfer limit. You're probably looking at the LAN connectivity from your computer to the router, which doesn't really reflect the transfer rate between your router and the ISP. I'm guessing BSNL/MTNL offers an unlimited package for roughly Rs.850. Which ISP do you use? Regards, Nitin Reddy
  10. Hi!I had a look at Project Gutenberg about a year after it started up. They had some very ancient texts that used the archaic English. It's surprising how they managed to find a trillion e-books - I didn't know so many existed with expired copyrights. There are a couple of e-books with lapsed copyrights available on online stores for a very low price... probably just for the cost of re-packaging the book into a PDF.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  11. Hi!It is quite possible to reach the 2.5Gbps speed with cheaper copper wiring too. The 802.3ea standard defined in 2002 makes it possible to achieve a theoretical limit of 10Gbps transfer rate; you'll also find implementations as early as 2003/2004. Right now, a 10Gbps link is quite common in higher end data centers. NIC bonding makes it possible to reach speeds of 40Gbps even on a low-end blade server (with the 4 NICs).However, to support the higher speeds, your ISP would have to spend a whole lot more on bandwidth and only a handful of consumers would be willing to pay the cost so they'd just wait till the demand for it increases and the cost of the additional bandwidth decreases.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  12. Hi!@truefusion: My view of bots is that they target a specific forum engine (like Invision Power Board, in our case). A co-worker built a bot which simulates mouse-clicks within a browser so I doubt using Javascript would help, but I do think Captcha is the most efficient way to keep bots away. Optical Character Recognition systems are getting more advanced, but I doubt they can do stuff like tell you what is in a picture or solve a riddle Eg. What film is this picture from? What goes moo?Regards
  13. Hi!Your post isn't really clear about what actually happened - did your computer work after all that remained from the original was the case? It seems that way since you've mentioned that the "terrible mistake" was putting in your old CPU.Your CPU might have an issue so put the new one in again, reset the CMOS and try again. There's no such thing as a RAM virus because once you turn off the power, all the data goes *poof*! If the machines ever took over and SkyNet was going to be built, all you've got to do is shut down the power and it's the fall of the machines. :-)Regards,Nitin Reddy
  14. Hi!I've been using Trap 17 for a while, I think the ops have done a good job of removing the clutter from the ones that I read frequently. You can imagine how many entries we'd have in the Computer forums if we didn't have a Hot News forum - it keeps the marketing info away from the techie stuff.Tutorials are neatly stacked into the Tutorials forum so you know where to look if you're learning something new - you don't have to sort through a whole bunch of "Help - I have a problem" posts. And, on the flip-side of the coin, when I'm looking for problems to solve, I can just go over the threads where the author post their problems and await responses.If you're starting off, I'd suggest you start with one and then work your way to other forums that interest you.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  15. Hi!@Veradesigns: I agree with you on the availability of free material on the Internet, but that isn't the same as an online course. There are some authors who create free online courses, but most of the stuff on the Internet is reference material. Learning videos that some authors create and post on Vimeo (YouTube's videos are too small to read text unless you put very few words and make the BIG) or on their own websites are mini-courses and they are just as effective as a classroom session. The Carnegie Mellon University creates videos, by recording their classroom sessions, to send to the distance learning students but they aren't for free.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  16. Hi!@kasperooney: I think learning a foreign language online would be difficult. You wouldn't be able to get your pronunciation corrected. Sure, there are audio courses online but unless you get somebody to listen to you, you can't really figure out if you are doing it right. For written language learning, online learning gives you almost the same experience as classroom learning.With online learning, you would know about the errors that other students make so you'll have to actually make the mistakes yourself before you know about it.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  17. Hi!@kasperooney:What do you mean by "touch keyboards"? Do you mean something like an on-screen Windows keyboard on a Tablet PC? While in university, the instructor used those - the whiteboard was actually a soft board hooked up to a desktop PC and the projector put up the image. At the start of the session, he would calibrate the display to make sure the touch was accurately recognized. Then, he'd use the on-screen keyboard instead of walking over to the keyboard. He didn't type all that much though - pretty much everything was pre-typed and he's bring it along on a USB disk drive.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  18. Hi!@kasperooney:I think when the sun goes out like a light-bulb, it will be due to a shortage of Hydrogen - no, I don't think there won't be explosions or anything. Don't quote me on this though - I'm not an astronomist... I'm a web developer :-P@Veradesigns:Do you think the carbon credits thing is really an effort to combat pollution and global warming? It's more of a statement saying, "We don't want to say we're against it." If they really were serious about it, we'd be seeing more hybrid vehicles all over the world, but I still don't see any hybrid vehicles at any of the car stores in my geographical location.Regards
  19. Hi!I think it would be nice to be a girl - I'd then have a wider variety of stuff in my wardrobe to pick from, I wouldn't need a haircut so often, and the gentlemen would always treat me like royalty! :-)@kasperooney:At the workplace, women are not always discriminated against. Those are just isolated incidents that have been over-publicized. Either that, or I always end up at places that follow fair work practices.-N
  20. Hi!@haiyeerI'm pretty sure Palm did not develop the Nidesoft DVD to Palm converter that you are using - if they did, they wouldn't have Nidesoft in the name of the software. In either case, Palm has been around the longest in the smart phone/PDA business although they've been sitting on their bottoms for a while, letting other firms take over the industry. They just might make a comeback if they've got enough variety among their handsets and they don't compromise on quality, coming up with flimsy hardware.Regards
  21. Hi!I've got one of those messages too. I just ignored it since it only happened to me once. I wonder if anybody even responds to those messages."I am Ibrahim Ezekuel from Nigeria. A dude died and he has this huge sum of money so we want you to illegally transfer it for us. We need access to your bank account. You'll be rewarded appropriately." Yeah, right!Regards
  22. Hi!If she's been away from you for a whole month and you've never talked to her then that is really disturbing. If you wanted her to upset her family and be with you, she certainly would have felt betrayed if you hadn't spoken to her for that long. And after what your negative response to her over the phone, I can say it would be extremely difficult to patch things up with her. You really ought to put your ego aside because when you truly love somebody, you wouldn't really shouldn't second thoughts like you do right now.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  23. Hi!@Truefusion:You can use the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). It's included with Microsoft Windows - all you need to do is install it from Add Remove Programs - Windows Components, or Add Role - Web Server, depending on what version of Windows you are using.You can use Apache or TinyHTTPD if you're running Linux, FreeBSD, Unix or other Unix-like OSes. Apache is available from Windows too.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  24. Hi! @bittr I agree with your objection, but I think we ought to drop everything within brackets altogether because there are other languages in the .NET framework too, such as J#, C++ .NET, PHP with Phalanger etc. As long as a language can compile to Microsoft Intermediate Language, we can consider it to be a part of the .NET framework. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  25. Hi!You could also use the Equals method as the String class overrides the Equals method of the Object class to perform a case-sensitive matching check. This is used as follows:if (str1.Equals(str2)) { //the strings are the same}The "==" operator can also be used for most checks as the framework performs string interning.CompareTo is useful for sorting - it can tell you if a string is greater than or less than another based on precendence in the alphabet.Regards,Nitin Reddy
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