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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!There really are a lot of people out there who still can't tell the difference, but I do agree with Xedos that most people here probably know (or ought to know) the difference - especially if they're here for the web hosting package.In a recent thread in the Java & Javascript forum, I had a discussion about why Javascript shouldn't be bunched together with Java and all, going into the details of how they are very different and come from different language families.Regards
  2. David Baker, the inventor of the crocodile keyboard (an on-screen keyboard with triangular keys), claims that it is easier to type on a keyboard when the keys are triangular because there's more dead space between the keys, making you less likely to mis-type and use the backspace key. David aims to license the idea to Apple to include it as a part of the iPhone package but, in the meantime, hopes to create an application available on the App-Store to give users a feel of the crocodile.In my opinion, making keys triangular makes them harder to press/touch too. If I missed 5 keys and had to slow down to figure out what text is missing, I'd be taking longer than replacing just one character.What do you think about David's crocodile keyboard? Is it just another gimmick or is it the invention of the decade?
  3. Hi!My concern with flat files is write-concurrency. They offer good performance while reading though and if your file is your actual end markup, the web server can serve the file without any processing! WP-SuperCache does something similar for WordPress blogs.Regards,Nitin Reddy"Flat flies good. Flat files bad." (kidding!)
  4. Hi!When you are starting off your career, it's okay to change your job about once a year for 2 years. If you've got 4 years of experience at 4 different firms, it certainly would show that you were a job-hopper. 10 different jobs in 14 years definitely looks bad on a resume.If you are getting a significant increase in salary, then your job-change is justified but if you switch jobs for a mere sum, it just isn't worth it.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  5. Hi!You're mistaken there - Windows 7 is an operating system and the Intel Core i7 is a processor! The Intel Core i7 processor has 4 or 8 cores, depending on the model you are looking at. Windows 7 is available as an RTM version, with the final release expected on 22nd October, 2009.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  6. Hi!If you're still looking for a contact form, msg me and I'll help you with it.A contact form is simple to create though - you need to add a form tag to your page and use the input tags for the user to provide input. Another input-submit tag provides a button for the user to submit the data which can be processed by a server-side form. If your server supports the use of the mail PHP function, it's relatively simply or you could store the value into a database instead.You can also have a contact form that works entirely via client-side code, but that would require the user to have an email client (with exceptions!) setup.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  7. Hi! I haven't been able to try MethodGamer.com yet as my RDP bandwidth is too low to support the graphics. I did try the link mentioned by the original poster though. The actual URL is: innovatiova I've noticed that you can upload multiple source files at a time and can compile with the 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 Java compilers. It's been maintained since 1995! That's a whole 14 years ago. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  8. Hi!There is a standard for web browsers, but unless the vendors decide to make their browsers compliant, there isn't much that anybody can do. Cross-browser compatibility is easy to achieve with current browsers (IE8, FF3, Safari3) but older versions are harder to work with.Of special mention is IE7. Internet Explorer 7 has an interesting bug where it displays the link correctly but the mouse has to be positioned in an adjacent area to work with (hover or click) the link.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  9. Hi!I'm primarily an ASP.NET developer, though recently I've decided to go with PHP instead. I've done some very basic JSP development in the past, but nothing of much significance. I've spent some time with MS SQL Server and Oracle, and do some simple stuff with MySQL.Having developed some stuff with Java Swing & AWT, and with Microsoft .NET, I now find web development to be much simpler as the browser takes care of the layout after I create the markup.Regards
  10. Hi! I got my license a while after I turned 18. It took about 2 months of driving lessons and tests. The tests were subjective and don't depend on the test-taker's ability to drive. They've got a quota of licenses that they can hand out, which is about 7 per day of about 40 test applicants so if you're lucky, your name pops up in the raffle! :-D I've got a license for an automatic transmission, but I did step across international boundaries for which I applied for a stick shift. When driving stick, my instructor always complained that I'd wear out the clutch because I never let go. I can drive stick perfectly well now, though I haven't been in a stick-shift LMV for well over a year (they're quite rare in these parts). Regards, Nitin Reddy
  11. We can't really blame Brendan Eich for the name 'JavaScript' because he developed it for the Netscape corporation. It was named Mocha at the time. Later it was named LiveScript. Now the marketing guys back then thought along the lines that domain squatters think today so they named it after the popular Java programming language. Thus we have JavaScript. We have a lot of terms that were 'invented' or 'hi-jacked' (for lack of a better term) by marketing staff who had a vaguely limited knowledge of the subject. Anyway, I guess this is another thread we can consider closed :-(
  12. @truefusion Hi! I know I haven't convinced you yet, so I'll make another attempt in this post. What I tried to mention in my original post is that we shouldn't be grouping the languages simply due to the name. Let me form an analogy here... C++ and C# aren't usually grouped together. The C++ libraries are very different from the .NET base class libraries. C++ code is compiled into machine code while C# code is compiled into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). The following are the differences I can state between Java and java script: 1. Syntax We cannot use the Java syntax when writing Javascript. The similarity between Java and Javascript is the same as the similarity between C++ and PHP - they both end statements with semicolons and have squiggly brackets to indicate blocks. Among others, the easiest to notice is the use of the "function" keyword when declaring a Javascript function instead of the return type in Java. We don't have to declare variables in Javascript as we do in Java. 2. Compilation model Java is a (partly) compiled language. The Java compiler turns the Java source code into byte code. Javascript, on the other hand, is interpreted. 3. Strict-typing vs Weak-typing We don't declare the datatype of the variables in Javascript. The same variable can hold a reference to a number, a string containing a number, or an object. In Java, we define the data type of variables upon declaration. I agree with you when you say AJAX is a part of Javascript. AJAX stands for "Asynchronous Javascript and XML". AJAX only deals with the asynchronous calls to the server for additional functionality - simply performing client-side validation or improving the aesthetics of the web page with Javascript-effects isn't AJAX but it is Javscript. Since we're anyway covering a part of Javascript, we might as well discuss Javascript in its entirety. I agree with you on the "Client-side languages" concept, though I would suggest keeping (X)HTML and CSS separate from Javascript as they are primarily related to the display/formatting of the content, while Javascript adds additional 'programmable' functionality. I agree with you on the forum maintenance issue. It is a pain. But an alternative is to archive the current "Java*" section (stop new posts/replies) and create separate sections for Javascript and for Java-based technologies. If necessary, with some volunteering, we could move the messages from the archives to the new sections. Regards
  13. I work with a recently-formed dot com firm and spend quite a bit of time with web technologies. I've noticed that the older (pre-version 8) Internet Explorer browsers have pretty bad support for CSS, so it is very tempting to just create a bunch of tables for the markup. Firefox 2 was a bit of a problem too, but we simply dropped support for it. The most severe bug I've seen with Internet Explorer is when the hotspot for a hyperlink is wayy off - you literally have to click two words to the side of the hyperlink for it to work! I'm glad Microsoft finally decided to put Internet Explorer 8 into the automatic updates. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  14. Hi! There's something off about the title of this sub-category. I mean, just try and spot the odd one out: Java Javascript Java Servlets JSP Yes, that's right - it is Javascript. Javascript is by no means Java. It doesn't compile into Java bytecode, it isn't strictly typed, it's a whole different language! Why then is Javascript bunched together with Java, Java servlets and JSP? The only thing Javascript shares with Java is a part of the name. In fact, if you look at the AJAX sub-category, Javascript is a part of AJAX (the 'J' in AJAX stands for Javascript). You could have the AJAX sub-category named as "Javascript and AJAX" and have this sub-category named as "Java, Java Servlets, & JSP". If you've got any thoughts about this, feel free to post to this thread. Regards
  15. Hi!In just about any normal browser, I'd expect to click on a hyperlink and I'd be taken to another page (or, it would run some Javascript... as the case may be).With Internet Explorer, a problem I've been having with my design is that, at times, the hyperlink is displayed in one part of the screen, but to click or to cause a hover, I have to move my mouse over an area close to the hyperlink. I know it sounds funny... if you want to click the link, the mouse has to be on the link but IE doesn't do anything when I click the hyperlink - I have to click on an area to the right of the link.All I did was use XHTML and CSS, so I can't really think of which CSS attribute did it. I'd appreciate any help I can get with fixing the issue.Regards
  16. Hi!When reading through the thread, I mistook your second post for a solution to your first post. I guess that's why the board has a policy against double-posting. Anyway, would it be possible for you to post your code online so we could set it up on our own development environments? That'll help us see the error you are getting.Have you ruled out a security issue? Using a signed applet will usually help.Regards
  17. Oh, my! Those are a lot of questions! :-) The following are my answers 1. Which format of video files should I use.WMV format works pretty well for Windows users. You could use the AVI or MPEG format, although you'll find that the newer codecs may not be available on all PCs; many users have the DivX codec but I wouldn't count on it. There's Apple QuickTime which would be available on all Macs and iPhones too but it isn't installed on most systems either. FLV is pretty common since most users have Adobe Flash installed. 2. Which is the widely used format on net.I believe FLV leads the pack due to the ubiquitous nature of the Adobe Flash plugin. I've seen plenty of QuickTime movies out there too. On the Microsoft and their partnering websites, I see either WMV or a Silverlight plugin. 3. Which player can be inserted in my website the most easily, and... 4. Which is the best player to be used in my website.Do you want to embed a player on your website? You don't have to do so in order to display video, unless you have a need for branding. The browser plugins take care of displaying the player. If you do need a player, you'd have to go with an Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight based object to add to your website. There are plenty of free ones out there that you can customize and use. 5. How to insert videos in my website. Please help me with codes for the same.It differs by the approach you want to use - do you simply want to embed a video on your page or do you want a Flash/Silverlight-based player? 6. Can I use youtube player to play the videos which are loaded on my server. 7. If it is possible then how can it be accomplished. Please help me friends.No, YouTube can only play videos that you upload to YouTube. Think about it this way - can you take your own food to eat at a restaurant?We're all out here to help but we would need specifics since you're leading the development! :-)
  18. Hi!@Frozen.FishAlthough Microsoft claims .NET is platform independent, the .NET framework isn't available in its entirety on any non-Windows platform yet, so I'd still say it isn't platform independent. If you build a universal TV remote, but only add the firmware to support Samsung televisions, is it really a universal TV remote? I'd call it a Samsung TV remote! Java, on the other hand, is really platform independent - the runtime is available for pretty much any major operating system.@Inverse.BloomI've been doing some stuff with WordPress lately. I find PHP applications really easy to develop and we've got the groundwork already done for us if we build upon existing open source projects. Usually, all you need is a quick skinning job (themes) and a couple of customized plugins.@proskiier23:In classic ASP, JSP and PHP, you can use include files which are quite similar to master pages. ASP.NET adds a level of abstraction that hides the differences between a Windows forms application and an ASP.NET application. Java and PHP have similar frameworks too, but it's commonly used.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  19. Hi!It's pretty good, except for the 32MB built-in memory... you need to factor in the cost of the memory cards that you'll be buying. If you're getting a camcorder with a hard disk, you're looking at about 40GB of storage space.Canon has some pretty good deals on their camcorders for higher-end models, although you can't get the accessories for it yet - Canon ships the lenses but not the microphone, light or flash... you can, however, plug in a standard microphone, and use a light/flash that fits onto the tripod.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  20. Hi!Supporting older browsers is usually a pain. You could probably use Microsoft's Virtual PC, Sun's Virtual Box or VMWare to create a virtual machine in which to run a different version of Internet Explorer.Cross-browser compatibility is achievable, though you may have to settle for a slight variation between browsers if you don't want to take the pain of achieving pixel-accurate layouts.Regards
  21. Hi!You might have to replace your CMOS battery. Either that, or the jumper setting is incorrect. In either case, you'll have to open up your computer to get to the problem.The battery powering the CMOS is a standard watch battery, so you'll easily find one of those. For the jumper setting, you'll have to look up the manual for the location and the setting. If you don't have the manual, simply look for the markings on the motherboard - it's usually printed somewhere on there.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  22. Hi! I've been doing some stuff with CSS and WordPress too, though my tryst with WordPress has been quite recent. I'm primarily an ASP.NET/C# developer who switched to PHP for the love of the WordPress platform (less than a month ago). Do you have any open-source WordPress themes/plugins that you could post links to in the forum? I'd really like to look at ideas that other WP developers have been working on. Regards
  23. For me, both are the same - I can either get a package for 512kbps cable or 512kbps ADSL. It's like asking, "Which is heavier? A kilogram of iron or a kilogram of cotton? :-)"Some providers have a combo package for both the TV stations and the Internet, which means you can get a faster cable connection for the same price.Regards,N
  24. Hi!Microsoft Windows does 'call home'. When an application crashes, it gives you the option to send an error report to Microsoft. There's the Microsoft Windows Activation that prevents you from downloading or installing specific software unless you have a genuinely licensed copy of Windows (Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage program).However, I wouldn't call any of these spyware because it displays a button for you to click on before sending the information across. Since you have a button to click on, Microsoft has your consent to view your data.Regards
  25. Hi! A freelancer is like a contractor. He/she doesn't work for an organization, but rather seeks out work on his/her own and hands in the work in receive payment. Think of it as a business run by a single person. The positive side is that you get to set your own hours and price. The negative is that work tends to be unsteady - you have times when there's literally work pouring in and other times when there's no work, no matter how hard you look. Eventually, you'll want to switch to having a full-time job or starting your own firm. Regards
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