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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!I guess I'm a little late on this thread, but here's my response:@iGuestYou can find plenty of free hosts such as webs.com, but if you want to host dynamic content (server-side processing), you can try Xisto which is better than all the free ones I've tried. Webs.com also has a pretty simple interface if you are using the Site Builder.@tominichI hear X10Hosting and AwardHosting are good providers, from among the ones on the list.@x31110Or you can use your old laptop (Core Duo, Pentium 4, Pentium 3, Pentium 2, Pentium, 486?, 386???) for hosting Apache. Basically, anything that can run Linux or BSD with Apache.@gentongAs the poster before you mentions, you have to post messages in the forum, accumulate MyCENTS. You can then spend those MyCENTS to order hosting on Xisto.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  2. Hi!I agree with Harrison. There's probably a camera that you have to setup and the controller uses image processing to determine the position of the parts of the body.Hey, perhaps they can use it to get games to adapt to the user. If you see a very very angry face, perhaps it's time to make the game easier to play :-)Regards,Nitin
  3. Hi!When I'm sick, I usually spend my time watching TV or playing computer games. I don't get cranky at all - it's not a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for me. I just get extra-lazy (more lazier than my usual self) and either sit or sleep. I love soup with croutons and when I'm sick, I usually get lots of it! :-)Regards,Nitin Reddy
  4. @BloomHi!You've really got to try out Grand Theft Auto. It's got so much to offer that you'll wonder why they don't make more games like it.It's got a story-line, it's racing, it's a first-person shooter, and it's an arcade - all in the same game!The last game in the Grand Theft Auto series that I played was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I never finished it though - perhaps there's something I had to do to access more missions, but beyond a point I didn't get anything. It was pretty much the same when I tried to play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - no missions and there's nothing for me to do. Oh, and the missions in San Andreas with the planes were simply annoying - they were too difficult to get through. I wonder if Grand Theft Auto 4 is better.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  5. @AshHi!The part I liked the most about the TeraCopy tutorial you've posted are the screenshots. I didn't have to download and try the software myself to get a feel of what it has to offer.BTW, how does TeraCopy copy data between workstations? Does it have some kind of a P2P protocol, or do you enter the IP address, allow the app through the firewall and access it like an FTP server?Regards,Nitin ReddyPS: What does the "Clean Up" button do?
  6. @africaHi!I couldn't help notice that you were hoping on working with Simple Machines. Are you planning to switch from phpBB to the Simple Machines Forum?If you're looking for an open-source project to join, SourceForge.net is the place to be. You ought to pick something related to what you do at work because you're more likely to abandon your project if you don't.Regards
  7. Hi!You might want to try using phpBB. I've never heard about InvisionFree - I thought the only forum software Invision made was the Invision Power Board (IPB). BTW, Xisto runs the Invision Power Board.Were you able to get more info on how the members on your guild got the viruses? Perhaps somebody attached a file to a message and the reader simply downloaded and executed it? Or perhaps some Javascript was injected into your pages? I'm guessing there might be a plugin available to prevent such an occurrence.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  8. Hi!Although I'm not really into art, I think the leg on the lower right is bent the wrong way. Also, there are too many lines across the arm that make it appear less human. The hair looks like it's that of a genie. You could perhaps remove the band to reduce this effect. Did you use plain brown when editing through Pixlr? Perhaps you can use Photoshop and use a parchment-like texture for it.I've seen a similar form of art before, but can't exactly place it.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  9. Hi!I agree - it looked a lot like a dog.You sometimes find similar incidents happening with people too - conjoined/siamese twins.Way back in the 16th or 17th century, people regarded such occurrences as the result of witchcraft. An incident in 1727 involving Janet Horne, whose daughter had a deformed hand resembling a horse's hoof, is often cited as the last witch-burning in Scotland. The accusation against Janet Horne was that she cast a spell, turning her daughter into a horse that she rode to meet other witches and the deformed hand remained as she was unable to turn the girl back completely into her human form.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  10. Hi!Global warming is due to the presence of green house gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane etc. (the presence of oxygen doesn't affect the temperature, as indicated in a post above).Carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the global greenhouse effect and due to activities involving consumption of fossil fuels and deforestation, we've got very high levels of carbon dioxide.While forest fires do contribute to global warming by both generating heat from the fire and releasing carbon dioxide, deforestation is not a solution to the problem since we'd be removing the carbon dioxode-to-oxygen conversion entities provided by nature. Besides, the carbon dioxide absorbed by a forest over the entire year would probably be more than that released in a forest fire.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  11. Hi!Since my last post in this thread, I've actually signed up for a hosting package with Xisto. There's an option to have WordPress installed for you. With WordPress, you can put up articles that are only visible to users who actually have accounts on your website. There's a lot more that you can do with WordPress. For a glimpse with a crippled (they disable certain features to get you to pay for the upgraded package) WordPress blog, you can get a free account on WordPress.com and try it out - if you like it and desire more, you can subscribe to a hosting account with WordPress and take things to the next level.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  12. Hi!I play CounterStrike 1.6 and CounterStrike Source with my buddies at work. It's loads of fun. Sometimes, we also play Unreal Tournament '99 and Unreal Tournament 2004. UT2004 is not as much fun, unless you're with a group that actually knows how to play it, but CounterStrike is more of a point-and-shoot kinda thing.I liked Need For Speed initially, but it got too monotonous to keep playing over and over again. I then switched to Grand Theft Auto which was lots of fun. If Grand Theft Auto had a native multiplayer option, it would be lots more fun. (Don't even mention MTA here! :-P)Regards,Nitin Reddy
  13. I've had a police patrol and a few policemen posted at school just after the 9/11 event. They even had a check on all cars that entered the parking lot. After a couple of months, they just went away and we then had them come over a year after the 9/11. The policemen weren't posted at all schools though - it was only at the ones they've identified as possible targets.I'm lucky to not have had anything happen at school so the policemen didn't have to do anything but I think it's their presence that prevented any incidents in the first place!
  14. I'd just like to add that the Kalki Avataar of God hasn't appeared yet. Though the discussion above mentioning about the presence of only one God is true. Also, as mentioned by the original poster, the name "Hinduism" was given by the westerners who occupied India. (Shocking, but true) You can find a reference to this at: http://iskconeducationalservices.org/HoH/ Iskcon refers to the religion as "Sanatana-Dharma" rather than "Hinduism".
  15. Greetings, priestess!Haven't you heard? Way back in the 17th century, they burned witches at the stake and ever since, we've been sworn to secrecy. What happened with Alice Molland was really horrific and since then, things have changed.You can drop by at the annual secret WitchFest to meet up with the rest of us.Hope to see you at WitchFest '10! :-)Regards and Best Wishes.
  16. Different groups within the Hindu society have different customs and traditions too. There's a tradition in the southern part of India (Rajapalayam, close to Chennai) where all the attendees give the bride and the groom a slice of a banana and milk, and the couple is supposed to consume it right there! Usually the weddings have at least five hundred visitors, so the newly-wed wouldn't really be looking forward to the lunch/dinner following the wedding :-PIn the Andhra region, the attendees throw uncooked rice mixed with turmeric at the couple, symbolizing blessings.@ORene: The wedding ceremony isn't under a canopy - it's at a wedding hall. They just put up a canopy outside the house of the bride and the groom.
  17. Hi!I think you ought to get regular desktop PCs because if there was a problem on the network or the server, it wouldn't stop the staff from doing their work entirely. Besides, to get a good ROI, the thin-client approach is better suited for medium or large sized organizations.Usually, all you'd need for a startup is a full-tower-sized server. A small business with growing I.T. needs could invest in a rack and some blade servers. If you're going with HP, get yourself a C-class enclosure instead of a P-class enclosure and you'll see them supported for longer.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  18. Hi!I believe we ought to investigate. The first link pointing to Reality Software isn't a link to the template that CyberTec Online uses, so I can't really tell much from that.However, there is a resemblance between the template on Templates Freelance and the J. C. Milliken Agency and if the template is used in violation of the terms of the license, perhaps they need a gentle reminder to place the message on the footer.Most people don't read the terms and it's only after somebody tells them that they really go over the terms again. Usually, that's all it takes - a reminder!Regards,Nitin Reddy
  19. Hi!I've got a WordPress blog (on another host) and I back it up using phpMyAdmin and an FTP client. I'm still getting started with the WordPress blog I have here at Xisto, so I'm not backing up my data just yet. Perhaps in another month or so.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  20. Hi Kimo!I've looked at the current site and it is already in WordPress, so I don't really know what you mean when you say that you're converting the site into WordPress. Did you get the URLs for the current site and the draft mixed up?BTW, for the draft URL, the menus appear in separate lines. Perhaps you ought to line them up? Or am I just not using the intended browser?Anyway, it looks like you're doing a good job with the site - the original looks like it used a WordPress theme out-of-the-box as the white mountain doesn't really relate to them and there isn't much on the site.Regards,Nitin ReddyPS: Are you using stock photographs or are those real photographs from the foundation?
  21. Hi!I used Google AdSense a while back on my blog, which got me about 5-600 unique visitors a day. As I rarely got any clicks, the payout from GoogleAds was really low so I stopped using it after a while.Also, you might have your Google AdSense account terminated if a user repeatedly clicks on your ads. Xisto had the issue a couple of times in the past. You can read about it in the thread about the Xisto story.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  22. Hi!I could help with the site administration. I would like to know what the game pages are. Are they simply a description about each of these games, are they clan sites, or are they a listing of game servers?Could you also provide more details, such as the CMS you are using and any other expectations?Regards
  23. Hi! You've also posted this message (although slightly paraphrased) in another thread. Here's the link to it: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/66645-can-someone-help-me/ Read my response to it there. BTW, do you have, perhaps, an error message or something that you could provide to help diagnose the problem better? Regards
  24. Hi Ash!Thanks for the tutorial.I was wondering if you've got a comparison between TeraCopy and the standard Windows copy-paste for file transfer. Perhaps a benchmark comparing the time taken for the transfer would be indicative of the performance.The benefit I see of using TeraCopy is the CRC check. From the screenshot, I can tell that it compares the CRC of the source and the destination files thus ensuring that the files were properly copied. I believe this functionality, while beneficial, would increase the time required for a transfer.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  25. Hi!Does the PHP mail() function return a false? If it does, then the the hosting provider would have to help you out. Most PHP hosting servers are configured to store the error message in a log instead of displaying the error on the page (for security reasons) so the system administrator can either provide you with the message from the logs or fix the problem with SMTP.Regards,Nitin Reddy
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