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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi! There is actually a lot of software created in Java. Since you mention PHP, I'm assuming you are a PHP developer. The Eclipse PHP Development IDE is a Java application. The Blue Light CMS system was built with Java too. The Vignette document management and collaboration suite is yet another Java-based application. You might be able to find a large list of software at: http://www.java-opensource.com/ PS: A lot of software development frameworks such as Log4J and Spring have been ported to the .NET platform too.
  2. Hi!@bluedragonThe problem you are experiencing is neither due to a virus nor due to a problem with Microsoft Windows XP or Ubuntu Linux. The problem is because Linux provides you with an option to treat your computer's clock (powered by your CMOS battery) as either the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) / Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) or your current local timezone. The benefit of this approach is that when you take your computer to a different location, you can simply change the timezone to have your computer display the current time in that location, much like the Apple iPhone does.Microsoft Windows XP, however, does not have this feature and always attempts to set your computer's clock to the current time in your geographical region. It scan ynchronize the computer's clock with a time server located on the Internet periodically.If you have a dual boot system, you can select the option to have Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, or any other distribution that you use ought to provide you with an option to do this) treat the computer clock as the time in the current location's time zone.You might be able to fix the problem using the method suggested by rvalkass, but I have always been using the graphical interface for making the setting. Linux also prompts for the setting during installation so I have never had to change it for any of my recent installations of Linux.@iGuest (Siva)When you reboot into Microsoft Windows after having Linux set the time on your computer, you might want to give it some time to synchronize the clock with an Internet time server. Alternatively, you can use a script to automatically synchronize the clock when the computer boots up.If you can, change the time setting on Linux to the current timezone rather than Universal Coordinated Time / Greenwich Meridian Time, as that's the right way to solve the problem permanently.
  3. Hi!@AshBashHave you tried using IMAP instead of POP? You'll find IMAP to be much better than POP3 due to the features that it offers over POP3. The best feature, as I've mentioned earlier, is the preservation of the read/unread status of the emails so you don't have to look for which of the emails you haven't already read.
  4. People often wonder where the social roles of a man as the bread earner of the family and the woman as a home maker comes from. I recently looked up a grade one textbook for social studies, published by Vikranth Publishers in India, and I found the following: It is texts such as these that bring forward the question of gender equality. We still preach what men ought to do and what women ought to do and carve out their roles in society. Don't women deserve an equal opportunity in the workplace and don't men have any household responsibilities? Have you come across anything that creates or increases the gender gap?
  5. Hi!I like the convenience of using IMAP to read my email. I can then compose my email offline and have them all sent at once. The added benefit is that I can view my email while on the go when I don't have access to my mailbox. When used in combination with web mail, IMAP enables the mail server to synchronize the read/unread state of the email messages, unlike POP3 which does not maintain the read/unread state.The ability to store old mail, especially those with large attachments helps save disk space when using web mail. GMail gives us several gigabytes worth of space and that's expanding every day so I doubt I'll ever need to both about space usage. If I do end up reaching the limit in a couple of years, I can simply create another email account.I am, however, a little sceptical about services that advertise unlimited mailbox size, such as Rediffmail, because I'm not really sure of how they would maintain their level of service.
  6. Hi!@wayneI agree - the level of service, which includes the performance of the servers and the perceived quality, is what determines whether users will keep coming back after they register.@thejodeI think the name kind of fits in with the free web hosting services. In the past, I've tried 8m and 100mb (or was it 100megs?) and neither offered a decent web hosting service. Geocities was pretty good for static page hosting though.@knoppixusrWhen I first heard about 1&1 (One-and-one), I thought it was some sort of a singles dating website but then a co-worker sent me the URL as 1and1hosting - seeing the word "hosting" indicated to me that it was a web hosting provider, so that set things right.
  7. Hi!@puneyeI don't like Notepad because sometimes it automatically switched from monotype to variable type and makes the source code difficult to read. Another feature that it is missing is the ability to automatically insert a tab when I press return to get a new line. I rarely use the online editing tools because I do most of my composing offline, but occasionally, online editing is useful to quickly fix errors.@domguanFor some reason, vi kinda grew onto me so I never used Emacs much. Some Linux distributions include a version of vi with syntax highlighting whereas other Linux distributions include vi with syntax highlighting. I might be generalizing though because I treat vi and vim (vi enhanced) as the same and expect the distribution to automatically launch vi enhanced even when I type "vi" instead of "vim" due to the behavior on some distributions.@web_designerIf you are looking for a replacement for EditPlus, you can try using Notepad++ which is free. You can also try TextPad, which is pretty much the same as EditPlus. Adobe DreamWeaver is pretty good for editing HTML markup and CSS style sheets. However, for writing Javascript or PHP, I find Notepad++ to be nicer simply because they start up faster.
  8. Hi!@nolanI don't really know of many websites out there that use IFrames, which are indeed frames. If I remember right, IFrames started off as an element initially supported only by Microsoft Internet Explorer and then adopted by other web browsers. Apparently, the Internet Explorer product planning team isn't as innovative as they once were.I haven't had to use iFrames or even regular frames as long as I had server-side scripting, but for client-side scripting, I did have problems with accessing resources across domains due to the web browser restrictions that most browsers enforce. iFrames are the way to circumvent the problem and although it does not make the security problem go away, it does make the problems introduced by security go away.This whole thing about web browser security and differences in settings just might make web operating systems more of a reality if somebody did take the effort to push it to becoming a de facto standard.
  9. Hi!I haven't had a Zune HD or any other Zune yet. However, I do have an iPhone 2G and can tell that the iPod Touch would be just as amazing, but without the cellular network connectivity. If you can, go with an iPhone instead of the iPod Touch - you might even get a good deal on it with a carrier subsidy.The iPhone or iPod Touch can be very engaging, especially with the plethora of applications you can find on the iTunes AppStore. You have applications for social networking, tons and tons of games, VNC and remote desktop client software, and the option to jailbreak the phone or player to install software that the AppStore hasn't approved yet.The disadvantage of having an iPhone or an iPod Touch is that you have to use the Apple iTunes software to synchronize your data. There is, however, an option to treat the iPhone as a disk drive but switching between the two modes requires me to delete all of the music that I have on the player. Also, the synchronization of music and videos is one-way and would delete media that isn't on the local drive during synchronization, making it difficult to synchronize between multiple PCs or if you format your computer and re-install Windows often.The VLC player for the iPhone isn't half as good as the VLC player for Windows. In other words, it doesn't work as 'advertised' but that's a problem with the player rather than the iPhone so it isn't something I can blame the iPhone for.
  10. Hi! I've been looking up the reviews of the online programs of the University of Phoenix at Guide-To-Online-Schools.com (typed without the hyphens) and there are mixed reviews. Some people mention about poor IT support or bad course instructors (I would imagine those two are problems that students at all universities complain about, though good IT support is something that online university programs should strive to maintain), while other students mention that it is more intensive than an on-campus program. Here's a link to the page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Does anyone have any experience that they can share about the University of Phoenix or any other online university? What is the view of an online degree at work places? Some of the programs at the University of Phoenix require students to attend online classes as well as a few on-campus sessions - does this affect the views of the university's programs?
  11. Hi!@getubeI find it quite interesting that C-programming is being replaced by PHP programming considering how much development is exclusively for the web. Sure, C-programming is essential for more low-level stuff like creating operating systems and high-performance software components. However, software professionals should be trained in meeting the needs of the industry and web it is, at least for the current era of computing.BTW, which state board are you following?@QuatruxI am assuming you have a CMS written in PHP. Is it your own CMS or do you use an open-source CMS such as Joomla!, Drupal, or WordPress (a lot of people have their doubts about the use of WordPress as a CMS, but there are many many websites out there that use WordPress as a CMS system due to its simplicity).The "mess of horrible code" is actually the work of amateur programmers and you would find it occuring with just about every programming language. Java tried to deal with it to some extend by introducing compiler checks, but that simply drove the programmers away from the platform. Java's stringent checks such as either declaring an exception as being thrown or handling the exception act as safety nets that you don't usually find programmers on other platforms practicing. There are limitations to how far a compiler can prevent a programmer's errors (human errors) though.@getubeI haven't had to use the CURL library yet, though there are other libraries that I use with a dependency on CURL. fopen() seems to do the job for most simple requirements.@nolanPHP, which is a part of the LAMP packages offered by most hosting providers, is much more popular than Perl or Python. There are firms that still prefer to use a compiled language or a platform on which the source code can be obfuscated such that they don't give away their source code when they send out programming libraries and software components. Performance is another issue that many firms are concerned about when developing web applications with PHP.
  12. Hi!@iGuest (Gopal)It is possible for you to send SMSes using a cellular network modem. However, you would need to get a PHP module that will enable you to do this to perform this function natively from PHP. You can, alternatively, push your messages into a message queue and use a different language which is better suited for interfacing with cellular network modems - this is how most enterprise applications are developed, because the delay from sending the messages using a modem will keep the user's browser in a waiting state and creates the idea that the website is 'slow'.@BuffaloHelpYou do not need to be a cellular phone service provider to be able to send SMSes. Using an SMS gateway service is the easiest and most reliable way, but certainly not the only way to send out SMSes.The idea of sending email to a cellular phone number is a rather good idea because it is cheaper to send out email compared to sending out text messages from a cellular phone plan, especially for international cellular phones. However, not all cellular phone service providers enable the email addresses for the cellular phone numbers in an attempt to increase their revenue.
  13. Hi!@rvalkassI've always had a pretty good experienc with RealTek wired Ethernet network adapters on the Linux platform. However, I haven't used any RealTek wireless network adapters yet because every notebook PC I've bought since the burgeoning of wireless Ethernet networks has had an Intel wireless chipset so it's been the wireless platform of the Centrino all the way for me.@user681I like the way you say "most of these guides are written as if you're born with knowledge of all ubuntu commands" but that isn't entirely true. I agree that many guides do not explain the commands that they have you typing. You can, however, always use the man (manual) command to look up what a particular command does. That's the most verbose description of a command that you can find unless somebody has written a comprehensive guide about the command. If you don't have a manual page for the command, you can post in the forums and perhaps one of the Linux developers can look up the source code and create a user guide that you can use as a reference guide.If you would like to speed up the process of getting your hardware working and your Linux setup correctly, get onto an IRC channel with another computer and then follow the instructions that the other users on IRC have to recommend - there's usually a #ubuntu or a #linux channel on one of the servers.
  14. Hi!@puneyeYou might have a battery maintenance utility that can help you with draining the battery completely and recharging it again. If the problem persists, a new battery, which is user-replaceable and the self-installation of which will not void your warranty, will get your computer a second life.If you are feeling adventurous, you might want to dissect your battery and replace the individual cells located within the battery with cells of similar specification and capacity. You could probably find a YouTube video that tells you how to do this.@rpgsearcherzIf you have tried getting the battery drained and charged again, you may need a replacement battery. There are some firms that make cheaper batteries for laptops. Don't worry - they are no more explosive than standard batteries sold with branded laptops and reputed manufacturers, considering how all of the explosive batteries came from Sony.@akashiAre you sure your laptop PC doesn't *recognize* the battery?!??! Does the laptop say it hasn't got anything in the battery bay? Does it perhaps indicate that it 'looking' for a battery when you plug it in?
  15. Hi!@user681Wireless network adapter support is one of those things that Linux still needs some work on, but at least the support for integrated wireless network adapters and wireless network adapter cards is better than the support for USB wireless adapters.You would probably find a setting that enables Ubuntu to load proprietary drivers for your hardware, which just might load the drivers that you need for your wireless network adapter.BTW, from the lspci output that you've listed, it seems you have an AMD processor in your laptop PC. What's the battery life for your laptop like? Does it compare to a similarly priced Intel-powered laptop?
  16. Hi!@rob86Frames are considered ugly simply because they had a border for most websites back in the day. Designers and developers did not take the effort to remove the border because they enabled users to re-size the frames, but having a grey vertical line in the middle of the website is hardly aesthetic. In terms of usability, frames are quite good in that they download common content only once, they can display pages from different URLs and they enable you to update a single file to reflect the content in multiple 'views'.The problem with using frames is that when you save a URL, you are actually saving the initial location to which all of the frames point so if you are browsing a website and intend to return to the pages that you were looking at, you would have to navigate through the website and find them again. In the alternate case, if you bookmarked a single page, you would lose the navigation menus and would not be able to locate related content on the website.@truefusionWhen a search engine picks up a web page through its crawler, it attempts to find links to other web pages on your website using the hyperlinks that it finds on that page. If the search engine does find an 'inner' page, it would have no links to the rest of the webpage and therefore it cannot discover the other pages on the website. Sure, the problem can be solved by introducing meta tags, but that would be something that every website owner or web master would have to implement, and that could take a couple of years for it to be ubiquitous - think of XFN (XHTML Friends Network) today and you wouldn't find many website owners or web masters aware of it, though you would find many websites that do use it.@nolanTrue, frames aren't history, but they are not used as they once were. If you look up a router's web-based administration software, the chances are that it does use frames for navigation. I wonder if somebody reading this thread can find and post an example of a frame-based navigation for a website for you to look at. IFrames are a more convenient form of using frames for loading content from other domains as a means of getting around the security imposed by most web browsers today. It's funny how they would create a security restriction that most web developers find very annoying and leave a workaround that creates the same problems that it was intended to solve.@allI know some of you may point me to server-side includes (SSIs) and script-based solutions to include common content instead of including the common content within frames, but that would be dependent on server-side functionality - the server would need the parsers or plugins/modules/entensions installed to provide the desired functionality and there's no guarantee that every web hosting provider would have the plugin/module/extension especially if you're hunting around for a free web hosting provider.I've mentioned about some of the other advantages, disadvantages and issues with using frames in my post earlier in this thread.
  17. Hi!@AerrowI think the name you are looking for is Netscape Composer. It was a really good tool for creating web pages back in the day and was a pretty good alternative to Microsoft's Frontpage Express (though I can't remember much about the non-Express version of Frontpage).@allThere was a Geocities-based guide on HTML that I occasionally referred to when I needed to look up any of the HTML tags. There's no point in my looking up the URL and posting it here because Yahoo pulled the plug on Geocities a couple of months ago (I believe it was sometime in October 2009). Later, I simply expanded upon it using a guide called the Sink-or-Swim HTML Reference that someone referred me to. I picked up CSS eventually by looking at the various 'examples' on the Internet but it was mostly self-taught and from looking up the reference provided by different browser vendors - I believe both Microsoft and Mozilla provide a CSS reference guide for their respective browser (Microsoft provides the list of CSS attributes supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla provides a list of CSS attributes supported by Mozilla Firefox. I'm sure Opera does the same).
  18. Hi!@The SimpletonNetscape Navigator was a pretty good web browser even back in the day when Microsoft Windows 95 was first available. My ISP provided me with the Netscape Navigator installation disks and it included an email client, an HTML composer, and a web browser, all in the same package. The integrated nature of Netscape Navigator as a web 'suite' rather than simply a web browser made it more pleasing to work with. With computers of the time, running both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator at the same time was difficult due to the limited memory available in most computers. This isn't really an issue now as computers come equipped with 3GB or more of memory. The icon on the Windows desktop labelled "The Internet" did seem like a very convenient way to browse the Internet for most people who had somebody install Windows for them (during the age of the cheap assembled PCs that ran a pirated copy of Windows). Eventually, people made the switch over to Microsoft Internet Explorer entirely because a large number of users who got their PCs without Netscape Navigator installed had to be catered to as both web browsers acted differently - in terms of Javascript execution and HTML rendering.@allI used Google Chrome as my primary browser because it was rather quick, but due to the stability problems that I have been experiencing with Google Chrome, I switched back to Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft's Internet Explorer was pretty good in terms of end-user experience in the earlier releases - Internet Explorer 6 was pretty responsive, though after tabbed browsing came along, it didn't make much sense to stay with Internet Explorer 6, although Yahoo did introduce a browser plugin that brought tabbed browing to Internet Explorer 6. However, Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 are pretty slow. Microsoft Windows 7 seems to pre-load the browser (Internet Explorer 8, but a slightly different version from the one available for Windows XP and Windows Vista) but the lag does show, at times.@Nameless_Apple Safari seems like a pretty good browser, but I guess some of the keyboard shortcuts that we have grown pretty accustomed to are missing in Safari. Chrome and Safari are both Webkit based so theren't a pretty close resemblence between the two browsers.@kleongI don't really have a need for all of the plugins available for Mozilla Firefox other than the FireBug plugin for web designers and web developers alike, but they are all there when I need them, which is why I'd never un-install Mozilla Firefox and it's the first thing I would install after re-installing Windows.@Nameless_You've mentioned that you get 'kicked' out of Xisto when not using Mozilla Firefox. I've never experienced that, but I do get an error indicating that I am flooding the board with messages and that I have to wait for 15 seconds. It's odd because it certainly does take me longer than 15 seconds to type a message. I get the error even when I make sure that it's been over a minute since I posted the last message. I'm not really sure of which forum I can bring up the issue in since most of my posts are simply replies to existing posts and a post or two in the programming forums.
  19. Hi!@iGuest (Shane Pickerill)The Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature introduced in the Oracle 10g database makes some of the settings obsolete. Although this means that you have less administrative tasks to perform, it also means that some of the older scripts will not run correctly.
  20. Hi!I don't exactly know why earlier posters in the thread mention that using the Web Browser control on a Visual Basic form gave them a slower browser. It should have been faster because it does not load all of the controls that Microsoft Internet Explorer does. I'm not sure of whether it loads the add ons though I do believe that it loads the plugins (such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player, and the Java Runtime plugin for the browser).In response to an earlier post, I would like to mention that even if Firefox was building using Visual Basic, it would be possible to distribute the software - using a proprietary language or platform does not mean that the software built with it cannot be distributed for free. In fact, there are several programs built with C# and distributed with Linux to run over the Mono .NET framework.
  21. Hi!If you can get a memory stick from a store to try and boot up the computer, you might be able to get it running. You might want to try removing and re-seating the existing memory in the computer before you buy a new one though.If that doesn't work, you would be replacing other parts one-at-a-time to figure out which is causing the problem. It might be cheaper for you to send the notebook PC to a service center to have it fixed because they've got surplus parts that they can try replacing your existing notebook's parts with to find the part causing the problem.To flash the BIOS, you would need to get the computer running first, but that's not likely to be the problem anyway.BTW, did you get a discount on the floor demo unit?
  22. Hi!Most wireless routers that you find on store shelves do not really work as advertised. They often have to be re-booted and have stability problems. I have a Siemens Gigaset SpeedStream router that turns off its wireless. I've tried using the re-boot option in the administration tool provided but that simply restarts the router without starting up the wireless interface, although the settings explicitly indicate that the wireless interface should be active. The LED shows that the wireless interface is down too. A restart using the power switch/button gets the wireless interface up again.I am thinking about getting a different wireless router, perhaps a D-Link, LinkSys or a NetGear ADSL router, but my ISP seems to want to replace all ADSL connections with fibre optic connections and provide a minimum bandwidth of 1Mbps on all of those connections so I think I'll wait for a few months rather than getting an ADSL router now and having to send it to the landfill when the switchover to fibre optic takes place.
  23. Hi!@rjraazThere's lots of stuff you can do to ensure the security of email. The simplest solution would be to use a separate email server within the office network, independent of Internet-based email services. Think of it as the traditional mail services on UNIX systems that enabled users on a single server to email each other - Linux has it too!Another way you can secure your email is to obtain a digital certification from one of the popular digital certificate providers and use it to digitally sign your email. The receiver of your email can verify, using your digital signature, that the email really did originate from you. You can also use public key-private key encryption for all of your email.For external mail, you can read through the full set of headers provided by your email provider.I am surprised by the fact that the spammer who sent you the email requesting for your Orkut account details used a free account with the HoaxMail footer in the email message - that must have been the give-away! I am also surprised that someone would actually create a service named HoaxMail. Would the service even be legal? The name definitely suggests that they exist solely to enable senders with malicious intent to send out bulk email.
  24. Hi!@user681One of the problems that you would encounter with Linux is the lack of drivers out-of-the-box. However, you can get most cards working by selecting the option to load proprietary drivers. The reason for this inconvenience is the intellectual property protection law that prevents Linux vendors from distributing their code without paying a licensing fee, and since Linux intends to remain free, the proprietary drivers are not included loaded by default. In either case, you can either use the wired network or use a USB flash disk drive to copy your files across.BTW, did you get a recovery CD with your laptop PC? If you did, you can use it after having backed up all of your files. Make sure you also get the files in "Documents and Settings", which is where all of your files from the Desktop, My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Videos etc folders are located. When using a recovery CD, you don't have to look around for device drivers for Windows, and you get a licensed version (OEM) of Windows 7 and can enter the product key located on the sticker underneath your laptop. Some vendors also provide a pre-activated version of the operating system and install Microsoft Office, an antivirus, and lots of other utilities along with Windows.
  25. Hi!I seem to be the only one with good things to say about the Karmic Koala (Ubuntu Linux 9.10). It has much better power management than the older Jaunty Jackalope (Ubuntu Linux 9.04). I remember running Jaunty Jackalope on my Compaq Presario 2132EA and the CPU fan would by spinning all day with plenty of heat generation. Now, the same notebook runs Karmic Koala and does not have the processor and the CPU fan generating green house gases and destroying the environment.I haven't been able to use either extensively on any other hardware though so although I think Karmic Koala is an improvement over the Jaunty Jackalope release for older hardware, I cannot comment about its performance on non-standard or newer hardware.
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