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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. k_nitin_r

    Pentium Vs Amd

    Hi!@onkarnath2001AMD does provide the GHz frequency on its website - you can simply look up the processor that you want the frequency for and there you go! You might be aware that Intel hasn't been using the processor frequency for identifying its processors either so you'll end up going to the Intel website to figure out what the clock frequency of the processor is.BTW, why would you want to know the clock frequency? They're a very bad indicator of processor performance especially when you are comparing different processor families, or in your case different processors from different manufacturers. Instead, look at the benchmarks posted on several hardware review sites such as TomsHardware and you'll get a detailed comparison of the two processors that you are looking for. TomsHardware also benchmarks processors against a previous generation of CPUs so you'll know how a new processor outperforms its predecessors.
  2. Hi!To get started with your purchase, I would say go for an AMD processor and instead get a good graphics card instead. Most games from a year ago are not very CPU intensive (compared to the hardware currently available) but you do need good 3D graphics support to get them running. Use your old monitor instead of investing in a new one. You wouldn't normally have to buy an SMPS because it's included with a new case. You could also get a branded computer system as a base system and then build upon it with extra RAM, a better graphics card, and the rest of the works. With a branded system, you also get a copy of Windows at a much cheaper rate than it would cost you to buy off the shelf, plus you'd also get the system drivers that you need for your hardware.
  3. Hi!Mininova.org isn't completely dead. It can still be used for content distribution. If you make videos, music or anything in particular that you would like to share with the rest of the world, you can create a content distribution torrent on Mininova. Pretty much anything that is too large to distribute through a website due to bandwidth limitations can be distributed over torrents. It's legal, it's convenient. It may not be as much fun as pirated stuff though.
  4. Hi!@TheDarkHackerI thought about that, but then I figured that the database might have had the changes from the newer version so might have problems running with the older version. It's still worth a try though. If all else fails, re-constructing the old database by looking up data in the existing database copy could be a last resort if the data is really important. If it isn't, oh well - there's always room for improving with a fresh start.
  5. Hi@anwiiI like the way you put it - you only get to live once, so might as well enjoy everything that nature has given us (be it processed or right out of the package). Besides, food hasn't killed anybody yet - it is the lack of physical activity that did it for them so as long as the inputs and outputs balance out, it should be all okay (I say that, but I haven't balanced mine yet!).
  6. Hi!@sheepdogI think one of the problems with computers is that they are susceptible to electromagnetic interference. To continue to use cheap copper cabling, firms use shielding over the copper cables that does help to quite a large extent but there still remains the possibility of a high magnitude electromagnetic interference distorting the data travelling over the copper cables. For situations where a high reliability is required, firms use at least two fiberoptic connections in place of copper cabling.Although this use of fiber optic cabling helps in regulating problems caused when carrying electrical signals for connecting different electronic components, the components themselves still run on electronic components with soldered metal ends onto the circuit boards.However, there is a level of acceptable risk when compared to the cost savings incurred and although some may argue that cost savings at the expense of human life should not count, there are automobiles that were popular simply because of the low cost despite being labelled death traps. For example, the Chery QQ, and the Chevrolet Spark are vehicles that provide great fuel economy and a very low price at the expense of performance and safety but you still see very high sales of the two vehicles.
  7. Hi!@webishqiptarI run a website on WordPress too and I think the upgrade has been beautifully handled with notification of new updates and one-click upgrades. Most web hosts provide a one-click backup of your existing site (the database as well as the scripts and any HTML files) so the general process is to make a backup, perform the upgrade, and perform a basic test to ensure that everything is working the way it should be. You might also want to check for any new options that have been introduced as a result of the upgrade.I'm not sure about how forum upgrades are handled, but I'm assuming that it involves creating a configuration file and overwriting the files of the old installation with that of the upgrade, after performing a backup.I've noticed that as long as you have a good web hosting service, the upgrade process should be smooth. With anything less than your average web hosting firm, you might experience upgrades that stop mid-way, or FTP file transfers that experience frequent disconnects or errors.@Ash-BashI can't imagine why people would be against the idea of upgrading to a new version of the software (I'm sorry, I've been away from the forum for a while so probably missed the discussion about an upgrade to Trap 17.com) because I think staying with an older version would mean not receiving security updates or bug fixes. Bug fixes are less of a concern because when users have been using a system for a long time and haven't experienced any problems, it's unlikely that the majority of the users would complain about a bug affecting their everyday operations on the system. Security issues, however, are more likely to affect legacy systems and since vendors do not support them, finding and patching security issues because a lot more expensive.WordPress had a couple of security issues too and the security vulnerability was only present in older installations. Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS provide frequent updates to fix bugs and security vulnerabilities. Imagine still running on Windows 95 while trying to patch the system and keeping it running securely.
  8. Hi!@manish-mohaniaYou might want to try running a disk test from the BIOS. You can enter the BIOS setup by pressing a key (a different key depending on the make and model of your desktop or laptop PC) and one of the menus or operations there ought to indicate a "hard drive test" or something similar. You might also want to try resetting the settings that the BIOS setup stores in the CMOS - there ought to be a reset option in the BIOS setup but if you cannot find it, you can also pull out the CMOS battery for a couple of minutes and then stick it back in before powering up your computer system.You can also have the partition table re-written using the disk partitioning utility (usually fdisk, which interestingly has the same name as the disk partitioning utility in Microsoft DOS and PC-DOS, or divvy) on your Linux distribution. You can also perform a full disk scan for errors from within Windows or using the file system checker utility (fsck) in Linux.If all else fails, you might want to pop the lid by unscrewing the few screws that hold the case together and finally check the connections for the hard disk drive, particularly the data cable on both the hard disk drive end and the controller end. If the controller is not integrated onto the motherboard, you might want to also re-insert the disk controller to ensure that the problems are not due to a loose connection.
  9. Hi Ash!I would suggest you get a .com domain as well because a lot of people expect to see a http://www.company-name-here.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t. That, plus the ability to type in the company name into the browser address bar and to push Ctrl and Enter to go to the dot-com URL (with a "/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi; prefix) of the domain name.Also, I've noticed that the content for the "Who We Are" page hasn't been filled in yet.Just out of curiosity, are you running this website off the Xisto - Web Hosting servers?
  10. Hi!@WynterThe fact that the editor in chief of the magazine approached you to write the astrology column of the magazine when you did not really know all that much about astrology would make someone have less faith in the magazine's astrology section. I would think that they hire an astrologer to write the section (or at least get an astrologer to work with a journalist to write the section).I do, however, find the astrology section of newspapers and magazines to be surprisingly accurate. Though they are vague, they do seem to reflect happenings in people's lives. The fact that a statement can be true for so many different people must mean that there is something that science hasn't explained or discovered yet that affects our lives.
  11. Hi!@moutonoirI would like to add that most people who use slides during presentations often put too much material on the slides. Others literally put up their entire speech on the slides. Still others, put up so much on a single slide by reducing the font size that it's hard to read anything at all. Equally bad are the ones who use a dark background and a dark font, which may look good on a computer screen, but is unreadable when trying to read off a projector's screen. At times, animation on the slides can be distracting too.Looking for the above common mistakes in your own slides can help improve the use of the presentation slides as visual aids and can help in delivering a better overall presentation.
  12. k_nitin_r

    Pentium Vs Amd

    @iGuestI agree - 512MB must be slowing you down a lot. Some time back, I upgraded my computer's memory from 512MB to 3GB (which is the maximum supported on the 32-bit Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3) and it now feels so much quicker for common activities such as surfing the Internet while editing files in Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Excel 2007.BTW, the clock speed (GHz/MHz) does not really have much significance if you are comparing processors from different vendors or different generations. A Pentium-4 1.8 GHz does not perform the same as an Intel Core Duo 1.8 GHz processor.
  13. @Soviet RatheI know what you mean when you say that you weren't able to run your Windows programs on Mac OS X. I had the same feeling when I switched from Windows XP to Windows Vista! I made the switch back to Windows XP and decided to stay put. Windows 7 didn't change much either - it still cannot run software built for Windows XP. The Windows XP Virtualization will not work on Sony Vaio laptops due to the disabled hardware virtualization.You don't really have to be concerned about not being able to run your existing software what you get a computer with a different operating system. Irrespective of whether you get Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu, you will not be able to run all of your existing software so you might as well pick another platform that can provide alternatives or is better in some other way.
  14. I'm guessing you either have a 5,400rpm drive or you are transferring a lot of small files. When transferring files, if you have a single large file the transfer would be much quicker than if you had multiple small files. Perhaps adding the files into a ZIP file would improve transfer rates because of having a single file and because of the ZIP archive compression (for better compression, you can use 7z or StuffIt). You might also want to invest in a faster hard drive if you perform a lot of large transfers between drives. You could either get a high speed solid state hard drive or a mechanical hard drive with a faster spin rate. Faster spin rates also cause more heat and more noise but the speed they deliver would make up for it.
  15. Hi!If you are planning to pay $220 for an iPod nano that can only store 4GB, I'd suggest you get an iPhone instead. You can get the iPhone for about $299 and you would have at least four times the storage space while having the ability to play video and make phone calls.The disadvantage of iPods/iPhones is that you have to use iTunes to sync your music. However, the availability of software applications from the AppStore, the quality of the device itself (especially the touch screen), and the frequency of firmware updates make it worth buying. It wouldn't replace a USB MP3 player - those are tiny enough to carry around everywhere and are cheap enough that you wouldn't mind losing them - but it would make a good addition to your electronic gadgetry.
  16. @room2593Hi!I would like to add that Linux is not all that different from Mac OS X. Linux has the same updating system as Mac OS X does and they even use the same packaging for the updates. When you mention about Linux releases, you would also have to mention about Mac OS X also being available as releases. Snow Leopard is a release of Mac OS X, just as Jaunty Jackalope is a release of Ubuntu Linux.Windows does deliver releases too - we have release 2 of Windows 2008 which includes IIS 7.5 among other additions to the operating system.
  17. @TheSimpletonHi!Way back in the 90s, I also remember having both Mac and Windows versions of popular computer games. The Prince of Persia manual came with instructions for both Mac and Windows versions. I think Monkey Island only targeted Windows users though. However, getting a notebook PC isn't all that bad - you could install Ubuntu on it and perhaps have a dual boot with Windows - but if given a choice, the Macs are definitely higher on the wishlist.@index.htmlFirst, I'd like to say that you've got a nice username! I envy you for having thought of "index.html" before me, but I guess there's still "Default.htm" :-)Although there are some viruses that do exist on Linux and MacOS, the risk is fairly negligible compared to on Windows. I would think this has a lot to do with the fact that Windows users have read-write access to the Windows directory and read-write access to the Program Files directory while Linux and MacOS X users, assuming that they do follow generally accepted conventions and practices, do not have only read access to the Linux operating system files and read access to the program files that are installed for all users. They do, however, have read-write access to software that they install for themselves but this shouldn't affect other user accounts on the system so the threat is contained.There are flaws in the Linux and MacOS X operating system themselves, which could be exploited, but they aren't the threats that one would face everyday.
  18. @nirmaldanielHi!I'm not sure why you are unable to run Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I'm running Windows XP with Service Pack 3 and it runs perfectly well for me. In fact, I also installed the Beta 2 release of Visual Studio 2010. The VS 2010 Beta 2 does have more bugs than I can deal with in course of my regular software development activities so I would be uninstalling it till the Release Candidate version of Visual Studio 2010 becomes available. Generally, the Community Technology Preview releases are simply a glimpse of the new product and do not provide sufficient functionality for regular use. The beta versions have basic functionality, but if you are planning to use a beta version for development you would be spending more time debugging than you would with a Released-To-Manufacturing product.In either case, you might want to try installing Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 over Windows XP Service Pack 3 before you decide to completely give up on Service Pack 3.If you do make the move to Microsoft Windows 7, you can't have SQL Server 2008 Express running without the Service Pack (for SQL Server) so irrespective of which version of Windows you use, XP or 7, you've still got to deal with the installation of Service Packs before you can get your development environment up and running.@FouGilangIf you have a problem with installing Windows XP's Service Pack 3 over Service Pack 2, you also have the option of going directly from Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 3 (although you cannot go from having no Service Packs to Service Pack 3).
  19. I'm surprised this thread still gets responses after all these years!@AuxiliumI'm not sure if you've read the story behind the name. It all started off with an Internet cafe and people who visited it would get a portal page to start browsing (I believe it's the equivalent of a home page - you might be able to get a screenshot somewhere in the forums... it has a red background and a black spider web). The idea of the web portal expanded after the Internet cafe was shut down and it went with the original name. Some of the members on this forum were customers at the Internet cafe and they can relate to the name - it's associated with some old memories. Besides, after having built upon the name for so long, it would be pointless to want to change the name.
  20. Hi!I've had to get support from Xisto once and that was pretty quick. I think Opaque's explanation that more support staff does not equal quicker service is well founded. I can imagine that it would be the equivalent of having an automated reply to every support ticket that said, "We've received your support and are passing it on to level 2" :-PThe idea of having a knowledge base sounds good, though I wouldn't recommend using the forums for a knowledge base. If somebody posted an article and somebody else wanted to make modifications, that simply wouldn't be possible unless everybody had moderator access to the forum... and then things would get messy. Perhaps a separate system can be maintained for the knowledge base?
  21. @The SimpletonHi!You've probably got a mix of the old and the new WordPress files. A powercut in the middle of an installation or an upgrade generally means that you have to roll back to the previous backup. Restoring files from a backup is rather pretty easy compared to having to repair a broken install.You can try using either XAMPP or WAMP, both of which are quite popular for running PHP/MySQL/Python/Perl apps.
  22. Hi!Are you referring to the Windows Messenger? You can go to the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and remove Windows Messenger from there. You might want to install Windows Live Messenger instead, which is the newer version of Windows Messenger (following the MSN Messenger releases). However, if you are referring to the Messenger service with which Windows XP can send messages to other Windows hosts or get back printer status messages from network printers, then you can click on Start, select Run, and in the dialog box that appears, type "services.msc" (without the quotes) and click the Ok button. This gives you a list of all of the services running on your computer. At the bottom of the window, you will find the Standard and the Extended tabs. Click the Standard tab and scroll down to the Messenger service. Then, right-click the Messenger service and select Properties. In the Properties dialog box, change the Startup Type (which should currently be set to Automatic or Manual) to Disabled. Re-start your computer and you should no longer have the Windows Messenger service running.
  23. @livepcportal I'm sure the distribution of Microsoft source code is illegal so you can't expect to keep a copy of it. Microsoft does, however, provide the source code of some parts of its operating system for academic use though you can't use the source code in any of your own software or even distribute the software. However, you can take a peek at the Linux source code and you are encourage to distribute and make modifications to it. You can download a copy of the Linux kernel source code from https://www.kernel.org/ . The source code for pretty much all the other components that you find in your favorite Linux distribution is available online too. If there is any particular component or tool that you would like to have the code for, please feel free to post back to the forum with your request and I or any one of the other members of the forum would gladly provide you with a link. If you would like to have a walkthrough of the code, there's plenty of documentation available and any of the forum members associated with or contributing to the project can help you get started via IM.
  24. @onkarnath2001 Hi! I'd like to clarify to you that operating systems are built to target a hardware platform. For example, you can say you are trying to build an operating system for the 32-bit Intel system architecture. Linux is an open-source operating system so you can view the source code and can perhaps even use parts of Linux for your own operating system. I'm not sure if you want to create application software for Linux, because you mention that you would like to create something for Linux - if that is what you mean, you can compile any of your existing C/C++ programs using the gcc or g++ compiler and expect most of them to run on Linux. You can also build applications using Java that can run on both Windows and Linux - in fact, you can take any Java executable along with its dependent libraries and expect them to run on either Windows or Linux as long as a compatible version of the Java Virtual Machine, which is also referred to as the Java Runtime Environment, has been installed. If you do indeed want to create your own operating system, you would be spending a lot of time re-creating a lot of the code that exists out there. What I mean is that you can read some of the code that BSD, Linux and Minix provide to look up how to create an operating system and what kind of source code you will be writing. You can download the Linux kernel source code from https://www.kernel.org/ and look up the associated documentation at http://lxr.linux.no/ . Most of the code is neatly divided into modules so you can start reading through the code for a specific module. Documenting the Linux kernel is a project by itself so at some point you might just want to do that after reading pages and pages of code that the Linux kernel comprises. It is hard to create a full-featured operating system all by yourself as a final year project. Creating an operating system like Linux or Windows takes a long time to build. You might want to create something that you can demo to the project evaluation team. The first component that you would be dealing with when creating an operating system is a boot loader. You would probably want to use assembly language to create it due to the relative ease and then continue writing the rest of the operating system in C/C++. If you do need more resources, feel free to post back to this post and perhaps we can get you more resources or guide you via IM on how to get started with OS development.
  25. The Turbo C++ compiler was quite popular in the late 80s and the early 90s though you don't really hear much about it today. Borland stopped updating the Turbo line of software development tools but brought the product line back a few years ago though they aren't being actively updated. If you plan to do any serious C or C++ development, you should either use gcc or g++ for Linux or Visual C++ for Windows.C# is a part of the Microsoft .NET framework. It is actually quite unlike C or C++. Although C++ can be called a superset of C, C# doesn't build upon either. The Microsoft .NET framework consists of languages, including C#, J# (a Java-like programming language), and Visual Basic .NET. As Mahesh2K mentions, the Microsoft .NET framework provides a lot of features that the Java platform has been providing. Garbage collection and abstraction are the key features that enable programs written in C# to run anywhere. C# programs are compiled into Microsoft Intermediate Language code, instead of Machine code, as are any other languages targeting the Microsoft .NET Framework. This is similar to the behavior of the Java compiler, which compiles your Java code into Java byte code. In fact, the only language that Visual Studio can compile into native machine code is C/C++.With a rich feature set and rapid software development tools, C# has gained a lot of popularity since its introduction. Although it does not entirely do away with the problems associated with having different versions of software development libraries, it does attempt to solve the problem to some extent by providing configuration files that are read upon execution of .NET executables within which you can direct the dynamic library calls to different versions.If you would like to try C#, you can use either the free Visual C# Express Edition or the free Visual Web Developer available from the Microsoft Express tools website.
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