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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. I have made some research on avoiding scammers, which are increasing in number and this is due to economical and financial globe crisis. Anyone dealing with things like these must be aware of. With identity theft affecting millions of people every year, and those numbers just continue to lift each passing year, it is vital that people are understanding how to defend against these criminals who come up with all sorts of ways to cheat, and steal your money and identity from you. Being that said, I am going to cover the main way that criminals steal personal information online, phishing fraud. First, let us look at just what this kind of fraud, so that you can learn to identify it and avoid it. Mainly it comes in the form of an e-mail that looks like it sent to you a solid and reputable company that you are part of like Facebook, your local credit union, even Ebay or Paypal. This is where the anxiety starts, because the criminals go to great pains to make these emails look legitimate, so many people accept that they come from the business or institution. However, some things that you can search and just be aware of that may help you avoid giving your information to the wrong people. Most importantly, you should always be cautious when it comes to e-mail you receive from any company or institution that you are part. Make sure you know what their policies on what they ask you, because many will never ask you your personal information in e-mail. Another thing you can ever do if you're asked to go to a particular place, it will make sure to type in the main website address is typed in the address bar, rather than click on any link in the email. NEVER do not click no link in the email like this. If a company or institution you are familiar with or related to the actual needs you to contact them, then it can be done through their site. A few other things to be aware of - firstly, most of these types of emails all caught spam filter that comes with most providers of e-mail addresses. However, none of these programs are able to keep 100% of the malicious messages phishing scams from getting to you, so hard to take care of communicating with all the emails. And finally, here a list of some kind - respected companies and institutions, consumers and clients who were influenced in these types of scams so that you can fully appreciate and understand how dangerous these criminals can be - tax authorities, Bank of America, Capital One, Twitter, Ebay, Paypal and Hotmail.
  2. Your website or blog seems ok, but do you get any traffic at all? It si important to write lots of stories and articles for getting some traffic. But in general it is ok. I don't like the colors(yellow one) maybe it is more stylish to use grey.
  3. what's this, a story about how to install love in your spirit?? I think it must be included in a forum of jokes.. :angel:
  4. I guess there must be a software for this, just google it, or just google youtube to mp3, and you'll get thousands of results.
  5. Time is how you measure your life. By time you work, you sleep, you eat and make money(most important maybe ) I am quite curious about time, and studying it can be quite and attempt. And I am finishing by some local popular saying that time is gold.
  6. Very nice adorable dog. I'd like to have a dog, but I don't like the idea of having one inside my house. I still have an idea of dogs being unhealthy and dirty. I prefer cats and have one inside my house. But though there must be a way to have a clean dog around my house. Still very lovely dog, I bet it can be hard to loose it, even by accident or by stealing.
  7. In a certain way they are the same thing, but there is a trend nowadays to show the subdomain with a slash, like mydomain.com/news or similar to this. It's easier to remember rather than writing it news.mydomain.com. But if you want to create a subdomain you will get get to either by news.mydomain.com or mydomain.com/news. I mean either of them brings to the same place. It's only a matter of style of appearance.
  8. If you want to dream about something you must think of it all of the time. This what I think and that happened to me. When I liked a girl, and continued thinking about it all days and hours then she also appeared at my dreams too.
  9. But I don't see the point. A cell phone can be bought at 30$ while a house can cost at 500 000$. So we don't have to make further debates. It is clear for me.
  10. I thinks it is a moral duty to rich people to donate money for this poor and homeless Haiti people. I think that all of us can make a difference only by donating small amounts, but that help too. Governments and big companies like(google donation was open in their main page at the day of the disaster happening) those get millions of dollar profits can really help those people. You may not know if the money you send will really arrive at the destination. I can believe that in this world there those kind of people who make money from other disasters.
  11. welcome aboard dude, what's yellow, the welcome message from colors or what??
  12. It seems a pretty good domain registration service, but I can't remember it even after 5 minutes. I registered some dental domains such as:dentistry.cz.ccoralsurgery.cz.ccendodontics.cz.ccprosthodonti.cz.ccI'll try to make any profit of them although it sounds pretty difficult.Thanks for sharing dude. I have one question can these names be used in google adsense for domains?
  13. very cool and attractive design. It has all features of great free template that could be used from everyone. I like the color combination too. I also like the menu design, I don't know how if it can be converted easily into css and html. But the menu is very modern and like it mostly from all of the design. Well I don't see other web elements on it, such as banners or right or left sidebar menus. In general it is a very good design.
  14. I a pretty fast at typing, but i have problems on accuracy. Sometimes I make mistakes, and sometimes get angry about this. But something important to note is that I can write even without seeing the keyboard, and this is good. If you learn to write like this, you can achieve lots of value in the work you, or you can save yourself a lots of time, and this is why that kind of program is available.
  15. that's pretty ridiculous, I never heard a debate between a wife and husband complaining on the fact that why did you live the lid open or closed. Well as times are advancing people may want to be totally alone, living alone and with all the things that they don't like. These people of nowaday are complaining about everything and they find it difficult to tolerate and have tolerance between married people.
  16. Wow what a computer, especially that 1GB Nvidia Geforce card. But I have a question, what is stereoscopic 3D? So what should you be able to do with that? I am just curious. You can play all of the best games and what graphics can you design??
  17. I have another question about vbulletin, can it be used without a license??I'd like to turn my forum in vbulletin and don't have money to pay for license. Maybe you should check the folder where you installed it..first create the folder and than install it..
  18. Yes I saw this on news, and it is a horrible story about sports. It's just more horrible than soccer games heart stops. But I also read that it was something that could be avoided by creators of such stadiums.
  19. That sounds really ugly. Why are they doing this? Any kind of argument? In my opinion in the next years people will have a tax even on air breathing, and this is very dramatic.
  20. I like the spirit of this. You want to make things free and help others. This is in your nature. I also think that php is the dream that someone like you had 15 years ago and make it reality.
  21. What about google books, it has digitalized all books ever and yet they're not having problems. I guess that if you just put links it is ok..you must not host, or just declare that you're not responsible for links or copyrighted material in your website. I don't why there should be a problem with that.
  22. Well, I like to help people in need. When someone is poor I make discounts for them, and so I earn less. This probably the most important thing in helping others, sharing some of what you earn.
  23. Good argument. I guess sport and sex are related to beauty and perfect and sportive people tend to be very sexy and attractive. So something beautiful and sexy attracts attention and love, interest and lots of other VIP things. So you can realize your dreams. How could you expect a rich and powerful man like tigerwoods to be faithful to his wife????
  24. Buzz is a new way to share updates, photos, videos and more as well as starting conversations about the things that you find interesting. You're already set up to follow the people who you email and chat with the most.I like the new google buzz, but not many friend of mine use it, such as fb. Facebook is more popular at my friends so I find it cool to connect. So google buzz is just staying at gmail and I just watch it anytime when I get curious.
  25. Sleeping occurs as a biologic time. I mean that at night we sleep and during the day we don't. This means or this is like a biologic environment that must not be broken or biologic health disorders will happen. So if you are working at night you must rearrange this biologic event and sleep at day, but for that to work perfectly and for not having any trouble or disorders with your health you must consider creating an environment very similar to the night. You must close windows and make a dark room and have no noise around. So if you work at night you must sleep at day and this is not easy. If you do not recover your night sleeping hours serious brain disorders will occur. One of these disorders is intelligence loosing.
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