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Everything posted by serverph

  1. see, that's what i meant. stable as vista may be, it is still built over an older version (in which case, i guess it would be server 2003), with a lot of security quirks and excess baggage in it. a fresh OS should be their future. with an army of coders bill gates has today, that would be a breeze (but then again, too many cooks spoil the broth, so they say. )
  2. poor pocket harddrive. i'm having a serious fit of laughing over what you did to testdrive the thing. good thing the drive core features a G-force protection system to handle shocks quite well, or so some reviews say. :ph34r:design note: it looks like a pressed powder compact though.
  3. those fantastico scripts may work, but not as specific as you'd want it to be though like in your example. you may want to try the content management scripts in fantastico, and see something which fits your requirements, and which you can work in with some degree of comfort (it's always fairly difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it. ). most if not all of those have search functionality included already so you don't need to figure out how to manage search on your intended site.
  4. another update, but now for those using VISTA: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32426-microsoft-ships-first-vista-security-patches-yup-got-that-right-vista/= you are vulnerable too!
  5. Microsoft Ships First Vista Security Patches http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/HP-TouchPad-Needs-68-Weeks-for-Additional-Shipments-142584 related article on why security patch is released:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31835-serious-wmf-windows-exploit-no-one-is-safe-right-now/= VISTA beta-testers, that's what BETAs are for anyway. to iron out kinks, with you as guinea pigs. (on second thought, even official OS release versions out of beta are likewise open to such kinks in security, so we are all guinea pigs all the same. ) microsoft ought to build their next OS release from scratch instead. cleaner. leaner. and more stable. how i wish!
  6. there's always google. https://www.google.com/cse/ if you want to play with google API, this article may help you out guys. https://tools.digitalpoint.com/site-search if you have an adsense account, you can easily add the search code with your adsense ID. this further monetizes searches coming from your site. if your site gets indexed by google, the googlebot will spider your site regularly. as for wansuen, are you planning to use canned scripts for your directory? or are you going to do the programming yourself? Notice from serverph: fixed google search code link.
  7. paid hosting: https://xisto.com/from the same company that brings us Xisto.
  8. only some? make sure that those files are not corrupted in the first place. i would suppose flash mx would be backward compatible, so file corruption is the first thing i'd check. and if mx can open others, but not some, then it would just mean mx works, your file just don't.
  9. you can use subdomains on your main Xisto hosting account to separate the sites. as for bandwidth, do you expect a steady download to exceed the limit? perhaps you should consider paid hosting. hosting wallpapers will not be a problem, if these are your own productions (that is, your own creations and not just ripped off from some other sites which can present copyright issues).
  10. edited, but not as kasm suggested entirely. happy now, kasm? next time, you can use the REPORT button for instances as this, to keep the thread in order. moving on...
  11. google cache provided does not seem to show anything on my end (both firefox and internet explorer), except a horizontal line. the text-only google cache oddly gives a link to click to enter, but still would not work (operation timed out) every time i tried. but this one is the latest archive (as of march 31, 2005) from archive.org. i don't know if this helps to access the page needed to acquire the download though.
  12. there is still the supreme court, which will mediate in the judgments done in the lower courts if need be. and it's a bench of justices there deciding on the final outcome, not just one. although an appeal can be made at a definite timeframe after a supreme court's ruling, if the justices sitting in the bench just rushed into a decision to finalize a ruling, then that's the end of it. there ends the mediation, but of course you are correct in saying that a mistake (especially if its in the supreme court already) can be the bane of a country in passing justice.
  13. depends on many factors: the kinds of ads appearing on your site, how much an advertiser pays for the keywords and subsequent clicks, the volume of legitimate viewers/clickers, etc. some advertisers go as high as US$10 dollars or more per keyword selection, and if you have their ads on your site and people click on it, then it's easier for you to reach the hundred dollar minimum. most advertisers pay less than that, and most sites takes weeks or months to get to the 100 dollar mark, from legitimate means of course. you would know by now what will happen if you click your own adsense ads, right? google will catch up with you and you forfeit your earnings.
  14. UPDATE: google is re-opening its doors to new users, albeit on an invitation basis. https://www.google.com/analytics/ i have signed up for this before there was an apparent overload. just begun using it this 2006 for my site though.
  15. rush on and watch an exclusive premiere of "waterborne" via streaming on google video! streaming will be free for the first week of release only. it's 85 minutes long, and can be downloaded for a fee (but why buy, if you can still watch it for FREE, right? ).
  16. just give google some time. and spice your image filenames with appropriate keywords. like if you have a picture of buildings, name it as "buildings001.jpg" or something. it would crop up in google image search better.
  17. no need for new thread. continue discussion in this thread. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31981-wordpress-20-released/= closing.
  18. The Google 2006 Anita Borg Scholarship just a quick notice to interested parties, google is supporting scholarships ($10,000 worth for each recipient this academic year 2006-2007) for senior and undergraduate and undergraduate students in the United States. this is a heads-up to the visions of Dr. Anita Borg who passed away in 2003. application ends JANUARY 20, 2006. to fill up an online form and review requirements for the scholarship, go to: https://www.google.com/anitaborg/
  19. Morales vs. Pacquiao (part 2) : THE BATTLE - Saturday, January 21, 2006 boxing aficionados like me are very excited about this fight. and as a compatriot of pacquaio, i'm rooting for him to win over morales. GO PACMAN!
  20. here's a wikipedia entry regarding CHMOD. google also found these other definitions of chmod.
  21. google just bundled the whole thing, rejected. anyway, there are other "hidden" applications not included in the list. it's for you guys to find out.
  22. but there are extensions available for the purpose in firefox. i use SAGE. there's also google reader, an online service but not a browser add-on (just worth mentioning ).
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