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Everything posted by serverph

  1. are these the ones you tried? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you may have just misunderstood, of course, when the default index page says:
  2. moved & closed. continue discussion in original thread: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25849-google-earth-really-cool-thing/ a whole forum section is devoted to google earth here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/225-google-earth/ please search Xisto forums first before opening a new thread, to reduce redundancy of topics.
  3. TRAP17 README for newbies, read here. closed.
  4. resolved, as per author's report. closed.
  5. 1: 1 hosting credit = 1 day 2: you are already in the [HOSTED] group, and you simply need to replace the default INDEX Xisto page for your own. hence, it means that "your site is up and your account is functioning properly" as the welcome page says in your site.
  6. Notice from serverph: this is locked, owing to repeated attempts at spam by guest(s).IP: other comments/suggestions/etc. can be directed to any admin/moderator.
  7. you can get windows xp from torrent, yes. but why is it there in the first place? because it's warez stuff. and warez are warez. and illegal. well, you can do whatever you want anyway. i'm just giving users a caveat, a cautionary warning.
  8. i'm talking about those *premade* or *all-in-one* thingies floating around the information superhighway. and that one is NOT legal. UPDATE: A MacBreak Special: Leo Laporte rushes a demo of the XP running on an Intel Mac Mini. Video download (Direct .mov link & iTunes) available.
  9. i think there's WINE for that. not all windows games and programs may run as you require, but then again, there are windows apps also that don't run entirely on all windows versions, i.e. they are version-dependent (for win2k/xp only, etc).
  10. sorry mate, have to close this. topic already in discussion here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34699-hackers-get-mac-running-windows-and-apple-thought-it-cant-be-done/=
  11. Hackers get Mac running Windows... and Apple thought it can't be done! a bounty of $13,854 (�7,895) was "what broke the camel's back", so to speak. twas a "profitable" motivation enough for two "hackers" to do the "seemingly impossible" task. now, the word "hacker" may raise red flags all around, and some who are brainwashed by media's definition of the word (#4 below) may bring some frowns on their faces. but i'd like to point out that the "hacker" by webster definition in this case is #3: the "hack" involved (which is an "open source project") is a legal download provided by the authors, but it won't do any good if you don't have a legal Windows XP SP2 (which is required to test it out of course). caveat again: a premade installation CD of Windows XP SP2 is not legal.. anyway, after dealing with that legalese stuff, your thoughts. i want to know if you are willing to try it, what uses would it benefit you, etc. unfortunately, i can't test it out, since i don't own a mac. but i'm sure some of you here do.
  12. First there was Google Earth, then Google Moon... and now, GOOGLE MARS! https://www.google.com/mars/ visit mars today! wonder if the green martians will appear in the map? LOLZ! see for yourself! bring your own chocolate bar (joke! just a pun!).
  13. in the meantime, just PM admins/moderators about the member's shout in question. include as well the link to the shout number + the name of member: when you go to View The Shoutbox, you can copy shout link you want to report for review. from the example above, shout #9575 is http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acttbox&shout=9575. it will then be reviewed for proper action.
  14. resolved by itself? closing this thread then.
  15. that seems to be the trend of the future. with wireless connectivity and pc mobility going widespread, software is going the way of being a service instead of a product. also, since software is ubiquitous, it makes it accesible anytime anywhere... add to that that there will be no need to download updates every now and then, since upgrades will be centralized on their servers.
  16. just straying a bit for a quick update. as of march 10, it's wordpress 2.0.2 already, which contains several bug and security fixes. in any case, if you download wordpress from their website exclusively, then you will always get the latest version.
  17. read Configuring FTP from Xisto README.
  18. this news has been covered intensively during the past few days (at least online). and yes, even Google spokeswoman Lynn Fox commented about it already, but only to the point of saying that they were not "intended for publication": at the very least, it is still a "PLAN" at this point in time. like vapourware -- which may or may not come into actuality -- and only time can tell if google would pursue it for public consumption.
  19. as of post date/time: etailcanada.ca... working. teamext.net... working. (although it's just a tagbox this time, with indications of being "owned" by some old "buddy" named kasted. won't post a screenshot anymore, since some restricted words can be seen there. if you can't stand those words, don't blame me, you've been forewarned. ). pingdynamix.com... working. (shows Ventrilo Control Panel. this domain however, is not even pointed to Xisto - Web Hosting nameservers. unless sitelutions.com is also part of the xisto network, is it? ).
  20. nah. that's taking your imagination too far. in all of asia, the philippines is the only country with ZERO cases of bird flu as of date, taking into account that it's all over the region already. and we've been eating balut since time immemorial. shouldn't you be thinking that that is why bird flu is not a health issue in the philippines? (but come to think of it, that would also be taking our imagination too far. ) anyway, i love balut! it's even becoming popular in city malls, thanks to enterprising individuals. now, more and more people are exposed to this treat -- locals and foreigners alike.
  21. i tend to believe dreams are but bits and pieces of our consciousness, which surfaces in our minds when we sleep. sometimes, it can be because we subconsciously have it in our minds during our waking times yet we are not fully aware of it or not fully focused on it. then it manifests itself during sleep since mind tends to "replay" our subconscious thoughts. dreams are segmented, as well, like a weird comic strip jumping from one scene to another, yet without apparent connection. like if you're dreaming you are riding in a boat on sea, then the next scene you dream is eating an apple under a shade of tree. they don't make sense most of the time. and only vivid dreams sometimes stick in our memory upon waking up. ever wonder why we dream sometimes but sometimes not? perhaps our physical and mental condition dictates that. stress and anxiety sometimes bring about bad dreams. yet i don't subscribe to by-the-book interpretations on dreams, since i believe we ourselves can find a meaningful interpretation by our own personal experiences which differ from person to person. speaking of dreams, do you dream in colors or black and white? come on, think!
  22. maybe your connection is timing out? you can use a download manager like flashget, getright, etc. if your server supports download resume. in case your next download is cut midstream, you can then safely resume and continue where you left off until it is completed.
  23. one thread on your site will suffice. closed. continue here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34182-four-different-forms-of-income-all-on-auto-pilot/= please be reminded to review Xisto forum rules & TOS. thanks.
  24. alapidus' Xisto profile is here. from Xisto records, he last logged-in here june of 2005, and his last post was march of 2005 (almost a year already). though i have not known him in the course of his stay here in Xisto, i'm still saddened by the news of his parting. such a young age to die, and with great promise even. i wish him peace where he is now, and i thank him for the times he spent and the thoughts he shared with us here at Xisto. bon voyage to the great beyond, alapidus.
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