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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. There seems to be a problem with the server at the moment, as I can't access my website either. Hopefully it'll be sorted out soon and the sites will be back online. Checking the status page, the Gamma server, hosting these sites, has completely gone down. Check here for when it is back online.
  2. When I write tutorials I like to have my forum name next to them so people can see who wrote it, and also who to direct any questions towards. If the admin's name is next to it then they are likely to get PMed with questions about the tutorial, regardless if they credit the original creator.
  3. I have a Sony Ericsson K700i and its a brilliant phone. Everyone I know who has a Sony Ericsson has never had a problem with it and is completely happy with it. I also like the design on the Sonys. They've got that sort of 'clean' look to them and are simple to use, yet also very stylish.I used to have a Motorola but it wasn't that good. The menus were slow to react and most of the features seemed like afterthoughts and weren't implemented that well.
  4. I like your thinking KuBi! Well done to everyone, especially Opaque, for keeping the site running and giving us the best free web hosting around!
  5. Presumably they are for a high definition input, such as that from an XBox 360 console. The letters R, G and B refer to the primary colours of light (red, green and blue). HD probably means High Definition.Everything should be colour coded, so if you have a non-HD old XBox then you should have 3 plugs: red, white and yellow. Red and white are right and left audio and yellow is the composite video. Plug them into the corresponding coloured ports on the monitor.If you have a high definition XBox 360, then you will have 6 cables. A red, green and blue for the corresponding light colours. Red and white for audio and a yellow composite video, which is not needed for hi-def. Plug these into the corresponding ports on your monitor and it should work.
  6. When your hosting application is accepted your credits are reset and reduced to only a few. Now you are hosted, one credit will disappear each day as it says. This means that you can choose to leave the forum for 13 days before you have to post again if you want. Remember that your site will get suspended if your credits drop too low!
  7. It is either in a file called config.php or somewhere in the database, where the path is set to the forums. Have a look in config.php and if you can't find it then you will have to look through the database and find it. You should just be able to search for your old URL and it will come up with where it is. Just change that to your new URL and it should work, but remember to backup the database first.
  8. One of the easiest ways to start your own Internet radio station is to use something called ShoutCAST which works in conjunction with Winamp to broadcast your voice to the world! You do have to have your own hosting and the amount of bandwidth used is colossal, you have been warned! You can find out more information here. Most companies will not offer a free service to host Internet radio, and the costs of a paid service are huge, due to the amounts of bandwidth needed to get many listeners at a good quality.
  9. An important point to make is that, in copyright law it states: Even if you put a notice at the bottom you would still be infringing copyright. Fair use law generally covers research for students, teachers, scientists etc, and also for reviews and criticisms. I don't think creating a website banner counts as any of those. The safest option is to email them, although this is often fruitless. Another important point I found in the copyright law is this: As you say, WWE is a multi-million dollar company, and it is better to be safe and not use the images than have their legal department on your tail.
  10. It is no good saying that we don't need more laws, as this is already law! Regardless of the fact that you may be able to drive while using the phone there are millions of people who can't and have serious crashes becuase they try to use their phone, apply makeup and eat a sandwich while doing 90mph around the M25. Personally, I think that some of the drivers on the road are over confident and think that they are the only people in existence and own the road, and their flimsy metal box will protect them in the eventuality that they crash at motorway speeds. Well, this technology already exists and the government wastes enough money as it is, so they can't do a worse job. Plus it would actually save money in the billions spent each year on court fees and jails. I am not saying people should go without mobile phones. They are a brilliant and useful invention, but no call is so important that you need to make it while you are driving? If it was that important you would stop at a service station or something. I only came up with this idea after seeing so many people like yourself who think this is a stupid law who are talking on their phones or texting people, and then having to take evasive action or something and causing more danger. To answer the other sensible points about making sure it is the driver who is making the call, you could apply the system to only the telephone numbers of people who have been convicted of driving while using their mobile. Therefore people who are passengers would not be stopped, unless they are stupid enough to break the law while driving and then become a passenger.
  11. After I read the post about people here in the UK ignoring the laws about not using a mobile phone while driving I came up with an idea. Mobile phones can already be tracked by satellites to a distance of about 3 feet. This technology has been used to find criminals and track people. Couldn't we also use this technology to detect them being used while driving?The government has maps of all transport systems, roads, railways etc. If the positions of mobile phones were monitored then we could see how fast they are travelling compared to previous positions. If a mobile phone is moving at over 20mph or something then it should be barred from making or receiving calls until the speed is sufficiently low. Their position could also be compared to maps of rail networks etc, so that people on trains and public transport can still use their phones.I understand that many people would say this is an invasion of privacy, so we could apply it only to people who have been conviced of making a call while driving. This means that only the law breakers would be monitored, and if they didn't want to be tracked then they shouldn't have broken the law, which I think is fair.Do you think this could possibly be put into action? Would you have any concerns about it?
  12. Virtually ever single forum script out there uses a database, whether that be MySQL, SqLite, PostgreSQL or another system. As far as I am aware there isn't a character limit of 255 on things like the TEXT datatype in MySQL. This is how most forums store their post content, and it allows you to have long posts with no character limit, although many forums impose a character limit due to database size restrictions.As for the removing HTML tags, your best bet would be to remove all tags, so < anything > and then replace a linebreak with a special character, like the ? symbol. Then when you load the post, remove that symbol and replace it with a linebreak tag. If not then look at some tutorials or other forum scripts and see how they do it.
  13. Your site design looks very professional and well thought out. However, there is one major problem. As a web designer you should know that you need to test your site in every browser known to man, and this has obviously not been done. In every browser except Opera your site loads perfectly. However, in Opera I get the following: This doesn't exactly bode well for a web developer. Once you get those bugs sorted out then your design will be perfect and viewable by all. The colour scheme and shapes used are very aestheitically pleasing and are well used throughout the design.
  14. I don't think that would work as energy would be transferred to heat (via friction) and sound inside the generator. This would mean that you would run out of energy in the system so it would eventually stop. This is similar to the theory of a solar panel powering a light bulb, but obviously the light bulb gives off heat energy which is not taken up by the solar panel.
  15. For tutorials in both Flash and Photoshop, Tutorialized has a very wide range of tutorials on lots of different subjects and techniques. As people have said, the secret to a successful website is not having a Flash based site or necessarily good graphics. People will keep coming back to a site if they have a reason to, not just because it looks good. Navigation and content are both incredibly important, and although the graphics make a site look good and can hold visitors, they should not be a priority for you.
  16. With the title banner at the top, either extend it the whole way across the page, or put it in line with with main content boxes, because it just looks random at the moment. The borders around the content also seem the blend into the background a bit too much in the bottom left. The whole point of a border is to make something stand out and give it an edge, so try and change the colour of the blue in the border to something lighter. Finally, you've got a nice rounded corner on the borders, but a sharp corner on the white text areas, so if you can try and round those off too.It's a good layout, but it just needs some fine tuning to get the details right.
  17. I've also used Game Maker a bit, and it is incredibly simple to use and teaches you about the basics of game programming. The interface is pretty intuitive and there are loads of tutorials out there on the net for it.
  18. That looks pretty cool, but no matter how much technology they put into it there are bound to be collisions and crashes, expecially if people get manual control of something doing 375mph in open air. If they do hit the mainstream market, what would you need to drive one? A drivers licence or a pilots licence? And where would you get the clean ethanol fuel from?
  19. Normally, cartridges don't dry out if you use the printer regularly. Companies generally do not want people dismantling or drilling their cartridges and refilling them, as it does mean they get less business, but also people have complained to the cartridge manufacturer if they do it wrong and they damage their printer or cover themselves in ink.
  20. The graphics for that seem to have been greatly improved from the earlier versions, and hopefully there will still be loads of downloadable content available to add extra planes and such? Do you know if there is a demo version or any more screenshots anywhere?
  21. Currently, nuclear fusion takes far more energy to start the process than the final amount of energy you get out at the end, so is impractical for anything. Also, I don't think you can do it with bananas :)However, there are ways to collect the methane from piles of rubbish, but burning that has just the same effect as buring fossil fuels.
  22. The 'behind the scenes' part of a website can be written in many different languages. PHP is probably one of the most widely used, and you can find out about it here. That site also lists all of the functions in PHP and how to use them. ASP, CGI and Perl are all also used in many sites, along with Java for some of the larger sites usually. As for the books, I can suggest WikiBooks to you. If you've never used it, it has books written by users with tutorials and good explanations. The only problem is that sometimes people abandon the tutorials or they are wrong. The '...For Dummies' books are also great, and often contain a CD with sample scripts and helpful stuff. They are also layed out well and make sense. You can find the books here: PHP & MySQL, HTML, XML and Java. You also need to bear in mind that there are also different database architechtures: MySQL, MS-SQL, SqLite, PostgreSQL etc... You might want to look at each of these and their advantages and disadvantages.
  23. Well most power supplies have labels that say you shouldn't open them and all that, and you should be careful when you're opening and changing any component connected directly to the mains supply.You can often find the circuit diagrams for things like this on the Internet and in various specialist forums. Also, a basic understanding of electronics helps. Most components should be easy to source and fix if you are sure that you know which component is causing the problem. You could always check with a digital multimeter to find out.
  24. Well here in the UK we have run out of water in the south east (supposedly), but every reservoir I have seen has been full. A desalination plant would work and remember, the reason they are so expensive is the amount of electricity they use. Spending more at the start on solar panels would dramatically drive down the running costs and save money in the long run.
  25. I think that companies like this are vital in combatting spam. This is the most violent reaction, so to speak, from the spamming community so far to any initiative to stop them. Short of going and smashing their computers, there is not a lot you can do to stop them, but Blue Security did a good job of annoying them.
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