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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. At school I am in charge of the website for the RE Department. Over the last few years we've gone through a load of redevelopments as we've learnt more, and we've finally settled on a design we like. The design is meant to tie in with the new logo, the jigsaw piece. We weren't exactly given a lot of choice over the logo, and it is now printed on a whole load of stuff, so don't suggest changing it! We've tested the design in a load of web browsers on a load of operating systems (as many as we could get our hands on ) and we haven't found any problems yet, but I am sure you will spot some. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Feel free to sign up to the forum if you want It's meant as a sort of floor for debate on any sort of moral, philosophical or similar sort of issues/questions you like, as well as the themes of religion/agnosticism/atheism. At the moment, the RSS feed link requires you to log in to the forum. This is something we are working on fixing as a priority. It kinda defeats the point of an RSS feed if you have to visit the site to read it We are also working on theming phpBB to tie in with the site better, although the current colour scheme is OK. Any comments, criticism, hints, tips or anything really are welcome. Thanks!
  2. You would need a list of every educational establishment in the world, along with where they are in each country and what type of establishment they are (school, college, university). That data will be very difficult to find, and almost impossible for you to compile yourself.
  3. To create the database, I suggest making use of a tool such as phpMyAdmin. This will allow you to create the fields you need for your database to store your data. An example of the sort of table code I would use for this task is: CREATE TABLE `addresses` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `firstName` TEXT NOT NULL , `lastName` TEXT NOT NULL , `age` INT NOT NULL , `address` LONGTEXT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB Once your table is set up in your database, you will need to have some PHP code to connect to the database, to insert new rows, and to retrieve rows from the database. You will need the following basic code to connect to the MySQL database: $dbh = mysql_connect('localhost', 'MYSQL USERNAME', 'MYSQL PASSWORD') or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db('DATABASE NAME') or die('Could not select database'); Obviously, replace the bits in capital letters with your relevant information. There is a basic example on the PHP website, along with a full function list. They will be useful to you. Your PHP script will need to accept values from an HTML form, and INSERT them into the database. It will also need to SELECT the values in the database and display them to the user.
  4. "Soon" is fairly relative in this case. The planet certainly wouldn't soon be destroyed naturally relative to your lifetime, but may soon be destroyed through pollution etc. The argument you put forward here is the same as saying "I won't redecorate my house, because the paint will only fade again and I'll have to redecorate." Yes, your action is ultimately undone by the destruction of the planet, but in the meantime it does some good. If you believe some predictions, we are saving the planet from our parents for ourselves. Slightly selfish, but look after number one and all that... The problem though is that nature has not been allowed to take its course. There are theories for both sides, but if we assume that global warming and all the current environmental problems are due to human activity then the current state of the planet is due to humans and not nature. If those "couple trillion people" aren't born then it may be due to human activity, not nature, and you are therefore interfering in nature. Trying our best to ensure the next generation will have somewhere habitable to live is the best we can do, and is only reversing human effects, not reversing nature. I think you would have great difficulty in stopping the current population, ahem, 'creating more people' We can therefore say with confidence that our descendants will exist, and so therefore their lives are on the line. They will be born, and may well die due to human activity.
  5. It should be instantaneous as long as you already have the nameservers set correctly. What takes time with domains is getting the namerserver records to propagate to all the DNS servers in the world. Parking/adding a domain changes a record on the nameserver, so is an instant thing (as it is only changed in one place, rather than all over the world).
  6. As far as I know, non-hosted members cannot transfer their credits. It is easier to earn credits when you are not hosted and when you have fewer credits (i.e. it gets harder when you have more credits). If non-hosted members could transfer their credits then people would set up hundreds of accounts to earn credits easier, and just transfer them to their hosted account.
  7. I can now confirm that parked and add-on domains appear to be working! However, they will not work without you deleting them and re-adding them using cPanel. Just use cPanel to delete the domain and then re-add it with the same information. With add-on domains, as long as you give it the same folder name when you re-add it, it looks like no data is lost - just make sure you use the same folder name as before rather than what cPanel suggests!Thanks to everyone involved in getting this working again
  8. It looks like there is still something wrong here regarding Xisto accounts and the nameservers. My domains pointing to an account with Xisto - Web Hosting are working perfectly. However, domains with the same registrar (and one with a different registrar), and with the right nameservers set, that are pointed to my Xisto account just do not work. It has been like this for a few days (so is not a propagation problem) and doesn't seem to be affecting only one domain registrar. It also doesn't just affect my PC, but every PC I have tried from, and apparently everyone in the world. I know you're incredibly busy, but it would be nice to have our domains working again Update: Trying to add the domain again in cPanel returns the following error: As those IP addresses are the ones mentioned as being correct, it looks like the gamma server is configured to look for the wrong IPs when checking if a domain has the correct nameservers set.
  9. There has been no reply as of yet, but the admins have been alerted. Please be patient until they reply.
  10. This, I believe, is a permissions problem related to the server move. I am sure it will be fixed soon.
  11. The system clock, while turned off, is maintained by the CMOS battery on the motherboard. They usually last for a quite a few years, but it could be that the battery has gone flat. It's just an ordinary watch battery (those 1.5V flat disc batteries) so should be quite easy to find. Replace it and see if it helps.
  12. I used to use Apophysis a lot and made myself thousands of fractals before I switched to using Linux on my laptop. I should really see if I can get Apophysis to run under Wine. When my website comes back online, I'll post a link to all my fractals I agree with midnightvamp that the second one is my favourite. The first one is also quite good, but could perhaps have used a different gradient to make it stand out from the black background. Apophysis is a program for designing fractal patterns called 'flames' that are then rendered and turned into images. Check out the Apophysis website for more information. Apophysis creates codes called 'cosmic recursive fractal flames'. The huge string of numbers created can be converted into an image. Changing the numbers changes the image. A fractal is a self-similar image made from a constantly repeated mathematical function. What it simply means is that the image you see is made up of copies of the image itself, each of those smaller images being made from copies of the same image, ad infinitum.
  13. I can access your site perfectly fine, so I suspect this is a DNS issue. You need to wait for your ISP to update their DNS server to represent the new location of the servers.
  14. That code is not better, but wrong. A form is not tabular data, so does not belong in a table. Also, the align tag has been deprecated since HTML 4, so should not really be used.
  15. I think most of us use some form of FTP application to upload to our hosting accounts. You were given the details when you activated your hosting account, so all you need to do is tap them into your FTP application of choice and it should log you in. For you it looks like your details are as follows: Server: ftp.kudmus.trap17.com Username: kudmus Password: Your cPanel password Personally, I use Konqueror to upload files when I need to.
  16. Get your credits above 4 and it should then reactivate you within the next two hours.
  17. I have just started to do the same thing, along with a bit of web design and stuff like that. It makes sense to stick to what you know, and should hopefully get me some money for university in the autumn. As odd as it sounds, qualifications are not important. The average home user will not, for example, understand the meaning of being Red Hat Certified, or whatever qualifications you can think of. Even one of the major PC support firms in the UK doesn't require any qualifications to get a job working for them! All they really want is: # A good working knowledge of PC technology and computing operating systems# A proven track record of achievement in problem solving for customers in a highly demanding environmentIf you do want qualifications then on the Linux side, the Red Hat Certification qualifications are well respected. Some distributions also offer qualifications and schemes, such as Ubuntu's Partners scheme. On the Windows side, Microsoft offer a range of training and certification programs, depending on what you want to be certified as. Business cards are a great way to get people to know who you are. If you can, always give someone two or three after you finish, so they can easily pass your card to someone else. Also, even if you are aiming at the cheaper end of the market, get good quality business cards printed on good quality card. They will give the impression of quality and high standards, which are obviously good things to have associated with your work. An excellent idea, but don't make yourself look too much cheaper. If people see that you are, say, half price, they might wonder what they are missing out on compared to more expensive services. Make sure you can back up that your service is just as good, if not better, by getting details from your competitors' websites or leaflets and showing you will do exactly the same (or more) for less. Very cheap, not a problem. The static clip isn't actually essential, but better safe than sorry, especially when working with other people's machines. As for the tools, get a good quality and comprehensive toolkit from your nearest shop selling computer repair toolkits Also try to keep a stock of some parts that often get overlooked and don't really get outdated. Keep a few fans of varying sizes with you, some thermal compound, and if you can, a few hard drives and some cheap RAM. The fans and thermal compound are cheap and useful to keep around. The hard drives and RAM and two of the most common things people will want upgrading, so it can be handy to keep a few lying around but only if you think you will use them quickly. Buying a few together saves on delivery, but as prices constantly come down it can sometimes be cheaper to buy things when you need them if business is slow. Local Yellow Pages can be a good way to advertise, depending on cost. If you can also get your card in local shop windows or anything, that can also be good. Buy yourself a big external HDD or two so you can do backups and store them. When you're working on a PC you should only need to keep a backup until you've got the PC running again. Keeping a backup is the client's responsibility really, although if you offer a backup service that is something which is very popular these days. Set yourself up with a file server at home and you can store disk images of clients machines for them. Take a new backup each month and charge a fee for storing it or however you want to charge them. If you're gonna use a Windows machine for your work then armour yourself to the teeth with the best anti-virus and backup software you can get hold of. The computers you are dealing with will likely not have any anti-virus software, so who knows what you'll be dealing with. A Linux machine would be a better bet due to the reduced risk of viruses, and the fact it will be able to read Linux partitions, which you'll need if you intend to work with other Linux PCs. As for the Windows licence, you can get OEM licences much cheaper than a retail licence. However, you won't get a manual or anything with it, and it is locked to that PC. You'll need to make your client aware of that if you let them choose between retail and OEM. You could also offer some free training along with the purchase of the licence or something. You need to make the client aware that you are troubleshooting and that you don't necessarily know all the answers, like a mechanic working on a car. You'll also need to tell them that, despite the fact you're taking a backup, you can't be responsible for any data loss. It always used to be that you would take the PC away and repair it, but the trend now is very much moving towards doing repairs at the client's home. You can charge a little bit extra for that if you want, or just offer it as standard if it is no hassle for you to get around (and especially if your competitors are charging for it). Try to gauge the situation. Start by talking through what you are doing so that the client has a very good idea what they are paying you for. If, however, it is clear that they don't want to know then just get on with it as quick as possible. If you can't solve their problem then be honest and say so. It is unlikely that you won't be able to solve a problem, but if you can't then tell them that. Don't charge them for your labour if possible, and refer them to someone else you trust who might be able to help. If they're not satisfied, ask them why. Did you take too long? Charge too much? Not explain what you're doing? Whatever it is, take it on board and thank them for their feedback. I've done a bit of tuition in using digital cameras, scanners and a whole host of applications on the PC. Repairs and upgrades are quite simple as long as you buy the right part. I haven't yet got into doing whole system builds, but I hope to in the near future. It is something I enjoy doing, and I can tailor PCs to what people want. I've also done aftermarket setup (i.e. setting up a PC they have bought elsewhere), installation of broadband connections and stuff like that.
  18. There is a way around this. Buy it with Vista installed on the PC you want, whatever the cheapest one is. When the laptop arrives, get out your video camera or digital camera and record the first time you turn the laptop on. Most importantly, provide graphical evidence of you refusing the EULA during the install. You'll notice, if you read the EULA, that you have the right to return Vista to the OEM if you disagree with the EULA. They also have to refund you the value of Vista. It might take a little while, and you'll have to send back any Vista CDs they send, but you should get a cheque in the post for the value of Vista. If you want, speak to Dell first and check. If they say they won't refund you for Vista demand to know why.
  19. You still haven't got number 28 crossed off. I therefore offer my solution If f(x)=10x2+2x Then f'(x)=20x+2xln(2) So, f'(e)=20e+2eln(2) Which is roughly equal to 58.9 (3sf).
  20. The only settings you need to change for your domain are the nameservers, which should be: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM The A, MX and CNAME records are set on the nameserver, so changing them in your domain's control panel will make no difference at all. For my domains, that information is still at the defaults; all you need to change is the nameservers. Once you've got the nameservers done then you just need to add the domain in cPanel as a Parked or Addon domain.
  21. There seems to be an example of how to do this here, but it doesn't seem to work with the latest versions of PHP, and I can't find a lot of info about how to get it working. If you are desperate to have the information available, then you could just upload the database file, but it would only be accessible to people with Microsoft's Access application. Of course, you could also switch to another accounting program which stores its data in a MySQL database, or something else more easily accessible to PHP.
  22. The latest releases of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu came out this afternoon. This is a long term support (LTS) release, so should also be adopted by companies needing the security of longer support. What is most important to me about this release is that the Kubuntu release is the first to include the latest KDE4 desktop environment, along with a CD offering the older KDE 3. KDE4 looks incredible and brings a lot of advantages over the last release of KDE, and should encourage more people to switch to Kubuntu.
  23. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  24. rvalkass

    Pdf Reader ?

    Looks like there isn't a Windows port of it at the moment.
  25. CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ whois darklightms.com Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net/ for detailed information. No match for "DARKLIGHTMS.COM". >>> Last update of whois database: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:14:38 EDT <<< You might want to buy that domain if you intend to use it. You need to pay for any domain name you want to use. Going straight to your hosting space through the ugly address ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) it looks like you don't have a file called index.html or index.php in the /public_html/ folder.
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