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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. Visit this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It has high quality information on where to download the best flash, photoshop, swish, swishmax and html free templates of the entire internet.
  2. wariorpk, it is working now, maybe it was a down time of the server when you tryed to visit the pages.To all the others, and sorry if i missed someone, thanks a lot, you gave me some nice ideas, and i'll update the site very soon, not now because i have 2 works, but i will.Thanks bros.
  3. Use this:BlackIce firewallorMcAfee internet security suiteorMcAfee firewall
  4. Lyon2

    Download Managers

    FlashGitSearch in google for it, it's free, and it's great to work with flashget, it ads many usefull plugins, hacks, etc.
  5. Need reviews on this website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please, be very specific, i mean, go for details if you want. Thanks. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified.
  6. Very interesting! Very interesting indeed! That gave me an idea for the future. Concerning the site, i did not read much because they start to say : and i just hate to work with affiliate links, i really prefer google ads and nothing more, the rest out there it's just not relevant. Perhaps you should tell where they say that they pay people to play a game, please.
  7. Did you try https://www.awardspace.com/ ?They have almost anything Xisto.com has, at least what's best, and they give 200MB, php, cgi-perl, mysql, good ftp speed, control panel,no ads, you can create tons of subdomains on your control panel in subdomains, good forum, and you don't need to post.Anyway, Xisto still rules, but this one is good.Also https://www.100webspace.com/ has 100's of good and positive replys by many people, you are the first one to say those things.
  8. Also something similar, with php, is here: http://www.htmlcenter.com/tutorials/
  9. I Don't know the build year, but i love:Halo (Microsoft Game)
  10. I Hate it too.But besides Xisto.com there is also a bunch of awesome free host servers out there, beleave me, also very stable and secure with tons of features, and with no need to post in the forums.Here are some examples:https://www.awardspace.com/ (The second best, first is Xisto.) http://www.atspace.com/ https://www.100webspace.com/ (it has a litle banner on top)
  11. For free website submission, this is by far the best place: http://www.freewebsubmission.com/ You can see there all the direct links to more then 50 important search engines to add your url (website adress). And, you can submitt your site in their submission script to lots of search engines.
  12. Very interesting!Very usefull for me. I Used to use javascripts wich has so many code, but now i'll use css, it's much more easy.Thanks.
  13. Yes, that is quite true.The task is very simple, but only in teory, and say that because not many people get so many money with google adsense.I Think is idea is to create an entire network of websites, with high quality information, investing in promotion, ads to get those network of websites known by people.After that is pays to popular websites to exchange links (partners, affiliates, link exchange scripts, text ads, banner ads, and more techniques) to increase to the max his website/webpage page rank, and we all know that google show results, at least the first results, based on website popularity.Google Page RankFor the ones that don't know, Google Page Rank is a script (let's call it that) or an application that define the most popular websites by checking how many links are pointed to that same websites.Meaning, lets analyze Xisto.com for example, Xisto.com has a high popularity in google search engine, why, because many web pages have an active link to Xisto.com website and also to many Xisto.com pages wich function like votes.You can see how many links Xisto.com has by using the well known google advanced operator:link:Xisto.comIf you insert the above code in google, you will see that Xisto.com has 1.260 links, so, is a popular website.You can do it for your website too, and like this you will monitor your website popularity, or you can use the best freeware tool for it: - link popularity check (it's very good)
  14. I Like it very much! The layout structure is quite cool, simple, attractive, well designed. The login area is in a good place, i mean, i like it as it is, in the left side. The images are related to the website theme, business, i think. Your logotype is very simple but good looking, and it stays well with the website text link in front of it, making it easy for search engines to index well the website name. One of the problems is that your images don't have the atributes that should have to help search engines index, so, use the following atributes in your images tag , for example: <IMG title="da vinci image" height=150 alt="da vinci image or another text you want to insert" src="/images/da_vinci.gif" width=250 border=0> Continuing with the website review, i guess, in my opinion, you should align the contact form to the left, and not align in the center, it stays much better like i said, in my opinion, of course. I Like your privacy policy, besides the fact the every site needs it, yours is simple and to the point, and the most important thing is that gives some credibility to yourt site, specially because it is an autosurf business, and obviously, as well as you terms and conditions page. Also, in the faq page, you should align the questions to the left, and not to the center like it is now, i don't find it attractive. The same applys to the sign up page. Try to align your text and forms to the left side, i think it is better, it gives a more organized look and fill, if you know what i mean. In general, your website is excellent.
  15. I've read all you have write in this topic, and i have to agree with you.Computers don't make anyone happy, and i really sure of it, i just use computers because i need them for my work as webdesigner, and also to make some more money.It seems like you are very depressed, sad and unhappy.In my opinion you don't have to stop using computers, you have to see the good side of using them, because there are many good things in them (Internet, free information, Chats, ...).Try to see the good things in life, not only in computers, but in all things, in all situations, because then you will accept the bad things and certanly you will move on with your life.Don't be so sad because something that doesn't have too much value, at least comparing with your and mine important thing, the most important thing for all, to live, life, happyness, friends, work, pleasure.Again, computers are usefull, but not an important thing as to speek.There are a lot of more important things in life, in your life, and if now you are having difficulties in find those important things, call a friend, go to a chat and talk to someone, "just let in all out".If you need to talk, i'm here for you if you need.I have 2 works, so i don't have too much time, in fact, i am now at one of my 2 works, your topic was the first one i saw and clicked because it was so sad, specially for your friends here in Xisto.com forums, i don't consider myself as one of your friends, but i see your work, i see your draws or sigs (images) and let me say that they are very good, with high quality.Try to express this feelings in Photoshop or whatever Image editing program you use, i'm sure you will feel much better in the end, it's not enogh but it will help.I also consider you as a good moderator, and the fact that you are not now one, you can be again later, fight for it if you think you deserve it, fight for it.You have some things ti fight for, for example: - You are a good designer - - - - I'm sure your friends will fill up the spaces above, i'm sure they will say nice things to you, so i will let them finish up.Hope you are better now.
  16. First, the best search engines (google, msn, ask jeeves and yahoo), specially google (that's what matters) indexed flash site and google can read very well flash sites, just to show you that i'm right, just insert this query in google: inurl:flash.swf and you will see that only shows up swf files, so imagine how many flash animations or flash aplications you can find, just enter the desired keywords.Also for you to know, macromedia has developed an aplication named "flash sdk", wich is a "swf to html" tool, specially for search engines, that when they install in their search engine servers, they will be able to convert flash aplications (*.swf) to html, so they will be able to index and read text from flash aplications.Of course, if you build an html website with no frames and with high keyword density and popularity, as well as with organized and related meta tags, you will most definetly have more chances to show up in the top google results for keywords related to your website theme, but, if you want visitors/clients, if you want more visitors/clientes, if you want them to keep comming to your website(s), you will need an inpressive, attractive, powerfull website, and flash tech (actionscript to be exact) can do the job, it's not easy at first months, but then you will be a master webdesigner, and certanly if you're a webdesigner like profession, clients will love your work because flash does the most cool flash on the "internet".Also one thing, if you find flash mx or flash 8 a litle bit difficult, there one program, wich by the way tons of people are using and tons more are starting to use at this moment, the name is: swishMAX , it's much more easy to build flash sites then flash 8, beleave me, i have a great ebook named "swishmax unleashed" wich helped me a lot.Now, if you want to learn flash, but really learn, you have to get a very good ebook, at least for your first ebook (you can learn or if you want i can send one good for you, just private email me).If you don't want to read a ebook or if you think that is not enough, just visit the following websites, they are the best in flash resources like: - Tutorials - News - Programs and Tools - Actionscript (The real flash Tech)The flash related websites: - flashkit.com (flash animations,tons of tutorials, the best forums, etc) - ultrashock.com (high quality tutorials,components,flash animations) - actionscript.org (excellent for learn the real flash,great forums) - actionscript.com (another one with great forums, great actionscript tutorials) - actionscript.co.uk (this one is also great, hot news,tutorials,etc...)There's much more to talk about flash in this topic, but my reply is big and helpfull enough (i think and hope).Main things you need to do: - Read, then read more, and finally read more and more flash ebooks, by one, or get one from someone that already byed, make copies of that ebook if you can. - Continue reading, but now read on sites, online, at the above websites, read flash news and articles here: - flashnews.com - Never stop reading (he he) - Search in the above sites for "step-by-step" flash tutorials and read and practice while you read each step, you'll learn more if you practice, but you must read a lot, a lot, a lot.Hope i've helped enough for start.PM me if you need more help or flash stuff, really.
  17. Concerning the layout (structure), let me say that is quite good, simple, attractive, good use of colors, a nice flash clock with calendar, a good looking menu navigation, a cool logotype and a nice login system for members (i did not test it, but you should to check if people can register there without problems) and some more cool design things.Concerning the content (text, information) is the thing that is not that good, you need to insert more information, quality information, stuff that people really want to see, for example, you can insert more news (only hot news, and some other news but still hot ones).The forums are great, just simply cool design.You should work more in your image gallery, 1 or 2 images won't load (get a script (javascript) to load the unloaded images when someone visits the image gallery page.The site is to big, perhaps you should reduce the website resolution to 800*600 or a litle bit biger but i don't recommend it.You have one video that i think you're not allowed to insert it on your website (if you have the license forgive me).The rest is good.By the way, i've answer your pool: "How does the site Look!!" wich i answered: "Looks Good".Keep Up!Note:If you have that's ok, but if you don't, insert a link to Xisto.com website in your front page like i did.
  18. Sorry, but are you asking for help or this is a business deal?If it's business deal, and if you give more tech details of what exactly you want to update, how many times a week, what graphics and text and more.If it's not a business deal, i can help you, but not too much because i have 2 day jobs, one it's "webdesign" and the other is "safety, security and higyne at work", so i don't have too much time, but count on me to build graphics, to get a cool script(s), logotypes, navigation menus and buttons in flash or dhtml or javascript, banners in flash or with just plain images, and more, just say what you want.
  19. I totaly agree with you!Why the * they want to attack iran?Why don't they attack China, they don't respect the human rights since forever, they have 10000's of bombs, they treat their people like *.Why don't they invade, or try to invade china?Well, i know, they will most definetly blow with the entire usa in just a few minutes that's why.The americans are just a bunch of crazy people, obcessed by power and by guns and bombs and * like that.I'm tired of viewing americans invading countrys with the sol purpose of getting Petrol, with some poor escuses.If i was an afegan or iraquian, beleave me, if i could, i would blow america away for good!
  20. Post count: 5000+Member rank: Trap17_Gurus_Group----------Post count: 2000Member rank: Trap17_Presidents_GroupPost count: 1000Member rank: Trap17_Commanders_GroupPost count: 500Member rank: Trap17_Captains_GroupPost count: 250Member rank: Trap17_Soldiers_Group
  21. DeveloperX, if you want to know the top paying keyowrds, for free, visit this, it's absolutly awsome:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. This is one of those texts/tutorials/ads to do "one" thing:Promote the service, in this case, the stormpay website service, and to promote it for free.People tend to try this stuff when they are new to the "Internet Market", and by doing that, the rich ones get even more rich.If you add a good intention, wich i want to beleave, there's a lot more ways to get money on the internet, 100's of ways, and really good ones.Anyway, thanks for joyning and starting to share knowledge, you did not made a very good first topic, but i'm sure you will do better next time.
  23. I Just think that a topic doesn't need to have much words or sentences because you can create a topic with just one simple question or whatever, the thing is that it's got to be an inteligente topic and with an interesting subject.Of course, normally, for you to spice up the things a litle bit, you should write down more to "help" or "inspire" others to reply, but, i don't think that should be a rule.I really beleave that you just can't judge someone's topic just because you THINK something is wrong according to your beleaves, in that case, BEFORE you judge (i mean, BEFORE you report a topic), you should reply to that same topic and ask the member why he made a short topic and also explain him why you think you have to report it.If you do that, perhaps the new members will learn something, and not signing out and never come here again because someone is reporting their topics without even saying something.This is a far more complex subject then you might think, you're an active member but don't forget the litle things like i've explained above, that's the difference between the ones that really want to help of the others that just want to rise up or just simply contribute but not contributing all the way, if you know what i mean.
  24. Thanks, it sounds very very interessing!But one thing, i don't think i'm going to use my good ideas and only get paid with 3 cents, no my friend, i will not do it for 3 cents, even for 1 euro.If the "guy" starts to pay more, i will sign up.
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