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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. Sorry to say so, but that is almost impossible, well, yes, almost, so it could be possible, but to tell you the trueth, i have difficulties beleaving that you never catch a virus.At least you catched a couple of worms, that is impossible to escape, unless you are not connected to the 'net.And if you think that firefox is 100% secure, think again, crackers started to work for firefox, for a few years now, and it is a matter of time untill it becomes what internet explorer came to be (100% insecure)!
  2. Estupido, thanks again for that tip using that site, thanks a lot.I did not start to play real money at carlos poker, yet, i have tons of work in my hands right now, but i will, very soon.
  3. Sorry Estupido, can't help you on this one, it is out of my lead, if you know what i mean.But if i get some good info on this, i'll contact you.Need your email adress in case.
  4. anwiii, i apreciate your reply, but that will not change what i do, what i want, what i am, my values, my beleaves, my principles, my way of thinking.I am 28 years old, i am not a kid anymore, so of course i know that cracking programs is wrong (morally and also according to the law which is equall in almost every countrys, almost!)As i said in last replys in this topic, i cracked some programs and i will crack some programs in the future, unless i get really rich so i can buy the programs i want for my profession as a webdesigner and informatics technician, as well as shsw technician (shsw - safety, hygiene, security at work).I few years ago i was thinking like you, i was using freeware editions and open source software, but they are not what i wanted, and still they are not what i want and what i will want, with a few exceptions of course, i know for experience that there are freeware and open source software and operative systems better then the not free ones, and at that time i bought some programs with my earned money, and still, with 2 jobs, i could not afford to buy most of the programs i needed to become i high quality professional in my work areas, and so, i was taking the risk to get behind my competition, and that i wouldn't allow myself happening.So, i started contacting the authors of the software i wanted to ask them if they could made me a better price since i could not afford to pay the full price, and they said no, no explanation, no nothing, and that gave me a reason to start cracking and also to use cracks of other people which are shared in many websites and forums and blogs for that purpose.Do i feel good doing this? no.Do i feel bad doing this? no at all.I really don't care, they had their chance, and they still have, the chance to make better prices, but they don't want, oh, and they also don't mind people cracking their programs, especially adobe, they even apreciate it for some reasons i can't explain, i have to go to work now, perhaps i will tell you later, but i tell you now that are marketing reasons.
  5. I'm sorry Ranfo.You have a nice css editor, i used to use it, and sometimes i still do.
  6. Here you have the links, visit this sites and download the software, but you don't need the two ones, you can only use web ceo software, it's free and much better then web position pro 4: Web CEO (FREE and the best of them all) https://www.webceo.com/ Web Position Pro (Very good, but not free) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. No matter what google does and will do in this field, it won't beat microsoft, microsoft has the best programs and it will allways have, that is just my opinion.
  8. Thanks for those tips, again you are beeing a very big help for me in this phase.The cheat ebook is not for cheating, literaly, it's only to learn smart ways of making money faster, without breaking the rules, nothing more, but thanks for leting me now that, i never cheat at nothing, but who knows the future, right!?Also thanks for leting me now that site, i guess all the big online poker websites are making this sort of promotion, i guess it is a marketing way of promoting their website, and also the poker game, all at the same time.Thanks again.
  9. Thelaw, you still need to pay very atention, and also use this things on your website (and in all pages):Title tagkeywords (meta tags)description(meta tags)keyword popularitykeyword densityhigh quality informationand/orhigh quality products (programs,tools,services,etc...)well, everything that needs to be done for search engine optimization of your website, for all the pages of your website, even if the pages are all connected directly to the same website subject or theme.
  10. I only use one, at least for free website submission services, of course i use programs for that purpose, for instance: web ceo (free and the best i know) web position pro 4 (not free) but if you don't want to use programs, this is the best free web submission service there exists on the internet: http://www.freewebsubmission.com/
  11. I hate people that does this kind of acts, of ilegal acts, of kids acts.Personally, i think the Phreacker should go to prison, if he gets cought, of course, but then, perpahs he or she made this for revenge, perhaps a personal vendeta, i don't know.One more thing, please, Gondero Werkus, don't give hackers a bad name, hackers are the good guys, the crackers and phreackers are the ones that does this kind of ilegal and stupid actions, hackers don't, perhaps you should look/find for the meaning of the word hacker on the internet or a ebook, this days people are more informed, so please don't relate hackers to this kind of bad actions ok?
  12. Sorry Estupido, i had problems with my internet connection for a few days.I did not start to play yet, i am learning by playing with this poker games: - Poker superstars II - Poker pro - BVS Video Poker v1.4I found this ebooks, they're just excellent: - Poker for dummies 2006 (Tell me if you want it, it's good even for you!) - Learn to Cheat Poker (A ebook in ms word format, very good)I am getting everything i can on the internet, because i want to be confident when i start playing with money at carlos poker, and that will happen very soon, perhaps next week or the other maximum.I had an experience with poker a few years ago and i lost all my money, but now i want to get that money back, and much more.I see that Texas Hold'em is the most played poker game, or at least the most popular.I discover that Poker was a game that the French brought to USA and then the, at the civil war, they changed the rules a bit, and also the name from Poque or something to poker.I learned a lot of things, including strategy, tips and tricks, probabilities, the psicologic factor, and many other things with that great ebook Poker for dummies 2006.Thanks for those tips, i'll keep that in my mind when i start to play for real.
  13. I apreciate your honesty because i also was honest on what i said.But just one thing, i have never sell warez (programs plus their cracks), i have never made money selling ilegal stuff, i just use the cracks for personal use, and that i beleave it is not too bad, but selling ilegal stuff, that i don't agree, and i don't do, but hey, if a person wants to do it, it has nothing to do with me.
  14. The movie was awesome.This one was, by far, the best of the 3 x-man movies, this one had more spirit, more quality, more feeling, more everything, even the storie had more sense, it was a lot close to reality.And the thing i liked the most it was the final scene, the one that Magneto moves up his hand to try to move the king in the chess table, that means that it will be a x-man 4, i am sure of it.
  15. Yes, something is happening with google adsense program, i saw many forums, blogs and websites, all with tons of visitors, that say that google is robbing them, plus in this past few weeks, i could not access google adsense login page, just couldn't login.And there is much more unusual things happening with google adsense program, and that particular situation proves what i am saying in some way.
  16. BuffaloHELP, first let me thank you for your reply, that's a nice reply.But i though of all of that, and i made many tests before i even though of making this topic.I tryed with flashfxp and it is also slow, and in big files, it stops the upload a lot of times, making me to start the upload again.Anyway, i will have to try more ftp programs, including that fireftp plugin.And i am not beeing unfair, i am telling the truth, nothing more, perhaps it is a coincidence that it is only happening with Xisto, perhaps not, that's not the point, because if i though Xisto free hosting was not good, i wouldn't be replying to your reply right now.
  17. Yes, it certanly is for the vent forum.Anyway, i totally agree with you, i don't like those ads a litle bit, in fact, i am tired of trying things like that too see if they are true, but with a few exceptions, all of them are scams to get people to give their email adresses to get publicity, spam, etc... .Of course they win a lot of money, the list of emails that they get it is worth a lot of money, they usually sell it to companys, and those companys hire a webdesigner, programmer, spammer, whatever, to send cool spam emails to all the list of emails to spread a product.Also the websites, even the most credible, by this lists of spam to send emails of products once and a while, you can beleave it.
  18. Sorry, i don't have that info, but if you want i can check it out for you, it could take some time. Hey guys, i didn't try this, but i saw it here at this post, in the google adsense ads just above this post, an online website poker is also giving free 50 dollars to play poker. I guess it's true because it was on the google adsense ads. Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Thanks Estupido, those are really nice tips.I have been playing this games to learn poker, not to win money, even because they are not connected to the internet, they don't even need or are supposed to, they are just to help me learning, and i got another game which is much more better:Poker Superstars IIoh, and also Strip Poker.Now i really want to learn how to play, and those games will help me until i start making tons of money, at least i hope, and i also hope i don't get addictive to games, that's my fear, that's what i am scared if you know what i mean.Thanks again for the great tips, i am going to see if i find some good poker strategy ebooks or tutorials to help me in this phase, in this first step to get ready to be the next world series championship!
  20. Thanks for the info, i don't use it, but i have 2 friends that do.
  21. Thanks to both of you.I will have to try both ways to see what will happen.grnjd, ZoneAlarm does not have spyware or adware or virus, ZoneAlarm Security Suite is very very secure, it has its own anti-spyware, anti-adware, anti-virus, firewall, IM Secrutiy, Email protection, Program control (controls components, servers, every litle thing, everything!), ID lock (protects personal data), Parental control (it protects from sex websites, and other 10's of categories of websites that you should configure if you want to see or not), Privacy (it blocks pop-ups, pop-up under, animations, banners, cokies (persistent and session cokies) ), and more.And this is only happening with Xisto ftp account, i have much more ftp accounts from many free hosting servers/services, and this does not happen with them.
  22. Yes, i totaly agree with you, but just one thing, yes, the online casinos are scripts, and most likely flash, php, cgi and perl server side scripts plus many more things to make them secure, but can this be cracked by a Cracker? Could the source code (algorithms) of the scripts be explored, be hacked, be Cracked by a cracker in fact?Yes, they could, some are cracked, the more secure servers take more time to be cracked, that is a fact, you can and must beleave what i am saying.Even for cracking it takes to know algorithms, to crack programs and scripts, the cracker has to know programming, and by that, also has to know algorithms, everything is all about algorithms, everything in life.Algorithm = A set of steps to achieve an objectiveThat objective could be cracking a online poker websiteThat objective could be building a online poker websiteetcetcetcEveything can and will be cracked as long as the cracker wants, and if he is smart enough to do it, it could take time, but he will do it, and if he crack the algorithms of the online poker website scripts, he can also create a program to cheat that same online poker website scripts, that is also a fact, the problem is that real crackers, the good ones, the gurus, will not share stuff like this with anyone.
  23. Check out the screenshot: I got the 50 dollars, it got after 1 day of waiting, i guess they have a huge amount of requests right now. You need to register in this site http://pokernetonline.com/ (with a t, not a f) and do exactly what they say you to do there. I first registered at the above site, remeber the exact details because after you register there, you will have to choose one of two poker rooms to register again with the same details, and after a day it will show up 50 dollars in your account balance which you can spend them trying to win even more money, not counting with 75 dollars you can win too. After that, you just need to download the carlos poker software client, then you need to install it, then open it when connected to the internet, also you might get an update which you must installed it, and then start playing poker with the 50 dollars. That's it, very easy. I think you can only transfer the money from the online casino when you have 150 dollars, not less then that i think, and when you win that, just use this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , they really are the best for transfers between online casinos and bank accounts, i made a search in google and other sites and it seems ok, even though i use paypal not this one, but do what you must.
  24. Radioactive, didn't you see "Las vegas" series?When someone is wining a lot of money, they allways, untill a certain point, refuse the player to play more because of the risk the casino take to get bank rupted, that happens all the time in real life, and also in online casinos, because online casinos there are people, and those people don't "play" with this things.Some programs can really cheat online games, but most programs and tools are not shared on the internet, but some are, some by mistake, some because were robbed and someone made money selling other people software, and because of other reasons, the thing is that like, when a new computer virus gets out to the net, antivirus companys will take days, weeks, months, and sometimes even never create an antivirus for those new virus, and with this cheat software for online casinos, they work untill the online casinos programmers and webdesigners work out a way to resolve the security issue, it's that simple, but even in their first days of the cheat software, they only have an amount of accuricy, most have 60 to 75 %, and they are bases on algorithms, as they are the online games at casinos.
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