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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. webguide, i don't agree with you 2 times: First, xtron didn't try to cheat google adsense program, my impression is that he was testing it, it's like when you meet a girl or a friend, if you want to know if they are honest before you open yourself with them to tell secret things and such, you first have to "test" that possible friend or girlfriend. Second, it's not web hosting the keywords and/or keyphrases that are more valuable in google adsense program, yes, they are valuable as it is computers, adsense, firefox, and others known by webmasters, but there are tons of other keywords and keyphrases that are much much much more valuable, check the below websites to see how much they are worth in the real life. Free and best high paying keywords and keyphrases for google adsense program: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The above websites are the best i know, they provide, freely, the most "real" list of high paying keywords to use with google adsense program on your web pages. But, for instance, if a keyphrase like "answering service" wich, acording to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has a value of $9.73, but this is just an example, there are keywords and keyphrases that have a value of $50.00, $55.00, $45.00, $30.00, $12.00, etc. It depends how much money the google adsense sponsors, the ones that are using google adwords program, not adsense, but they are connected as you see, are paying for just a click in their google adwords ads, and those can show up in many pages, it also depend of what keywords you are targeting, i mean, if you are paying $1.00 for just 1 click on your google adwords ads, lets say, your ads are about selling computers (computers), it is probable that if you visit a website about computers (not necessarily about selling computers, for example, a page where you teach other to use a specific computer, or other information about computers), you will see your google adwords ads, you will see your ad with a link to your website that you are paying for with google adwords program.
  2. Come on guys, take it easy, i don't think Estupido is making it up, why, because the other post he made about free $50.00 it was real, i got the money on my poker account there, i just waited 1 day, nothing more, and i know people are allways making huge amounts of money with online games, casino games and poker games. And i also know that 5.000 it's not such a huge amount of money, i know poeple, including friends that make 1.000 euros to 2500 euros in poker everyday, i know this for sure because i also don't beleave people easily. I also know that are software that can cheat online games like casino and poker, the thinbg is that the accuracy is not that high, but this one could be very true, today, the secrets lie on the algorithms of the software, scripts and so on. Here's the screenshot: Perhaps you should take it more easy, i don't think Estupido ia making this up, that's my opinion.
  3. I got the $50.00 ! Amazing!I'm going to use them wisely, but i need help Estupido, if you could send me a good ebook about playing poker and other casino games, i would really apreciate, you have no idea how much i would.I don't have a specific question, now i need to learn how to play poker wisely, nothing more, so i need good tutorials or ebooks to see if i make some money with it, hopefully!I got a great game about poker, i have not tested it, but i know it is very good, friends told me, its name is: "Poker pro 2006", perhaps it is interesting to you to, if you know what i mean.
  4. It seems to be working fine now, it is not asking for server rights anymore, i am glad things are fixed.But there's another problem, uploading files thrue ftp protocol is allways very slow, sometimes it reaches a good speed at first, but later on, it turnes very slow, and sometimes the upload process stop, making me to start the upload by overriding or resuming the upload files.For example, yesterday, i uploaded a 13MB file to share with my students, and i had to resume the upload at least 4 times, like i said, the speed, at first, it's good, but then it gets very very slow untill it stops uploading.Perhaps you moderators or admins could explain why it is so slow with the ftp protocol.Thanks for your support.Ps: I have this problems but i consider Xisto free hosting service the best on the www.
  5. Thanks Estupido, i hope i get "my money too"!Did you really get that money, i mean, those 125 or at least 50 dollars?If one wants to put that 50 dollars to my paypal account or to my bank account, can i transfer it.Sorry to do lame questions, but i really need help on this one.
  6. I'm sorry to say so, but i don't think that is a smart question to put in a forum of a free and pay hosting service, i'm not sure but i don't think they like that, i wouldn't if it was me. Anyway, for free hosting service, i recommend, without a doubt, Xisto.com free hosting service, "you are standing on it"! There are others, but they don't have as many goodies as Xisto.com has, that is just my opinion. -------------- For building websites, and i know all about it, in many technologies, i advice you to visit: http://bluevoda.com/ and download bluevoda website builder, also they have more then 1.000 free templates, images, etc..., and many good flash tutorials for you to learn. In my opinion, BlueVoda website builder is the best free website builder on the internet, i'm sure of it, i have been using it, and it's just excellent.
  7. I'm sure this is going to be one of the best Topsites of the www.Thanks for accepting my website, much apreciated.This was a very good idea for promoting even more the Xisto free hosting, comunity and your other services.
  8. sportytalk, with pdf creator you can build pdf files out of any programs, as long as that program is able to print a file. Pdf creator uses print commands to create pdf files, it's quite ingenious in fact, for example, you can build pdf files from: Word documents excel documents powerpoint documents publisher documents and every program that is able to print files You just need to open a word document, then click print, set up the pdf creator as the main printer and then click ok. Of course, before you can print/build pdf documents out of any program, first you must install pdf creator with postscript and a drive i can't remember the name, but don't worry, it comes with the pdf creator package, check it out in the https://sourceforge.net/ website. So, after you install all the package needed to create pdf files out of any program, open the pdf creator program to configure things, for instance, you can set up a password if you want to add some security to your pdf documents, you can set up other very usefull things too, it's very easy. Of course, openoffice can create pdf documents out of doc documents, i also use it sometimes, but with pdf creator, you can build pdf files out of any program, just by clicking in the print button or command!
  9. Ok:ftp client: WS-FTP PRO 9Firewall: ZoneAlarm Security Suite 6.1.744.001I prefer using this ones, i have that fireftp firefox plugin, but i really prefer to use ws-ftp pro, it's much more better in my opinion.The intreging thing is that does not happen with the other free hosting accounts i have in many free hosting services.I was just trying to upload, and almost in the end of uploading files, zonealarm asked me if i wanted to allow ws-ftp pro to act as a server, that's really not normal, and, it says that is a high risk, i saw it in the program events log.
  10. I have a big problem uploading my website with the ftp protocol.I usually don't allow my ftp client to act as a server, and most importantly, i don't let my ftp client to act as a server to receive connections from the internet.But when i try to upload my files to my Xisto ftp account, part of my free hosting account, my firewall is allways asking me if i want to allow my ftp client to act as a server and if i allow it to receive connections from the internet.I don't think that is normal, i use other free hosting servers and none of them ask to turn my ftp client to a act as a server, so i am wondering, why is this happening with my Xisto free hosting account?Apreciate your support because i don't want to turn my ftp client to a ftp server.
  11. Gmail, in my opinion, is the best free email server and service of the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as it all, and it is allways updating things, insert new functions, functions to increase performance, stability, security, and for much more very important reasons.Personally, i recommend all to use Google Talk with gmail, it's the MSNMessenger of Google Mail, of Gmail.Google talk does not consume too much memory (RAM), it is allways updating, it has a more good looking and yet simple Interface, much more better then Yahoo Messenger wich is full of crap, and i know because i used to use it some years ago.In one word, "YES", is it very good, it is well worth it, don't spend your time with crap of Microsoft and Yahoo, they can't compete with Google in nothing!
  12. There are many programs now that can build those great icons, and even better, i should say. Of course, those icon tools i am talking about are not free, you can download an evaluation version known as shareware version, but i recommend you to buy one of the following icon program: MicroAngelo IconDeveloper Professional Icon CoolStudio Personally, i am using the Icon Developer Professional, as it is the best of the 3 programs described above, but of course, you can find one of the other better for the same purpose, it is just a matter of taste, a matter of how you are able to work better making icons. I'm sure there are freeware icon programs or tools, but i am also sure they are not even close to the high quality of the 3 described programs above, they were well built, they can do the job in a very quickly and easy way, you should beleave me because i build icons all the time, you can visit my website about free icons too download more then 20.000 icons, of course i have not build them all, just a few ones that are inside the packs. 20.000 Icons http://free-icons.freehostia.com/
  13. Thanks for this script, not very secure, but still is good for personal websites.Now, for professional websites, i don't think that's the apropriate measure to take if one wants to protect the page or entire website source code, the wisest decision is to use a program with high quality algotithms, for instance, when i want to protect the source code of my clients website, wich is my source code after all, i use the following programs:Advanced HTML Encrypt & Password Protect (very very good)SourceGuardian 2.2 Pro (the best for php encryption)PHP Code Obfuscator (php script, it has simple and advanced method)Encrypt html pro (encrypts and protects from right click,view source,etc...)html password lock (it encrypt the code and also creates a login script in javascript, wich you can add as many users/passwords as you like)There are others, but i find the above much better, and i already tryed them.
  14. Thanks for this nice script, i allways like adding a cool script like this one to my collection.If it only works with Internet explorer, then it also work with Maxthon, so that's enough for me!I don't think this could be considered like spam, even your intent is not considered as spam, in my opinion, of course.
  15. There are tons of great websites out there with tons of free scripts, and pay scripts too i should add, and one that i use for a long time is http://www.hotscripts.com/ this website has the biggest collection, and very organized into categories, of free and to pay scripts. You can browse the categories, like for example (you can see on the top of the frontpage), you can visit the php category (click it), then you will see tens of php scripts categories like Chats, Guestbooks, forums, even remote scripts i think, and much much more. Personnaly i like the scripts in the sub php categories: - php and flash - xml and php But the others are also very good, now, returning to the categories, you can click on the asp category wich also has thousands of scripts, free and not free, or even the other server side programming languages categories.
  16. Visit this websites and type your keyword/keyPhrase: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The first website, i can not even beleave it how they are providing such an excellent information about high paying keywords for adsense/adwords, they have the best and biggest list, even of the well known high paying keywords dot com website wich one has to pay to see some prices, this one is out of the chart, and adsensearena.com is also very good, it does not have so many keywords, but provides high quality info, it is allways updating, and it does not lie us about the real price they have on adsense/adwords, you can see that the prices are much more real then in the other websites related to the same subject. Now, to get the best keywords and keyphrases, using the overture databases, i got this freeware tool and it is the best i have, the name is keyword digger, you just have to open the tool (don't need to install), type the keyword/keyphrase you think is related to the subject or theme of your website, you need internet connection to get the list of keywords/keyphrases from Overture databases, and it will show you a list of the most valuable ones, it's very good, and it's free: Keyword Digger (38 KB) http://www.keyworddigger.com/digger1.zip If you want to test out this tool, be my guest, i already have, Keyword Digger provides the same results as if you were using the Overture keyword Selector Tool online, and you can even copy the list of results to the clipboard with a click on a button. Keyword Digger also update all the time.
  17. Very interesting, actually, i agree will all the 99 points, and at least, those 99 points happened once to me in my life, and some points will never happen again as i go older, as i get more qualities!
  18. dundun2007, online poker games are not "fixed" in any way, they are real life games of poker with real people, i don't know where you did you get that information, but i got mine from visiting and playing in some of the best and big online poker games with real money "on the line".
  19. It's very easy to build logos, even more when you have a resource of 1200 free high quality logos at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Anyway, if you say you can't make one, i'll do one for you, i'll post the link for download the logo later ok?
  20. I'm starting to learn poker, thanks for this one, very usefull.Estupido, next time, if your topic is about making money, post the topic in the make money forum.
  21. Google programmers can't do nothing.Google hacking techniques (using the well known google advanced operators wich are public knowledge) are the best hackers tools this days, even a script kiddy uses google hacking techniques to enter in websites, forums, blogs, emails, server programs, etc............. .If google programmers wanted to protect the web application admins from this threat (the biggest threat, i should add), Sergey and Larry would have to change the entire algorithm, and they don't want to do it because the same has made them billions of dollars despite the fact that they are so insecure as windows operative systems.Dooga, the fact that they found something with google search engine, that doesn't mean that it is legal, don't beleave me, ok, i tell you now that i found passwords for websites, forums, blogs, cameras, networks, programs (installed in servers that run websites and other web applications), and much more, but i don't want to use them, first because they are not mine, second because it is not morally right, third because i don't want to do things to people that i don't want they to do to me, it's that simple.
  22. I know this technique, it is funny but it is not legal, it's completely ilegal, the thing you are doing is named as "google hacking".Google hacking is one of the biggest threats this days, perhaps you only know this google hacking techniques, but beleave me, there's a lot more, you can find everything with google, legal and ilegal, only with the use of the google advanced operators, for example, the inurl:keyword(s)/key phrase.The fact that google can allow a Cracker to get websites, forums and blogs admin passwords, sensitive data, confidential data, vulnerabilities, and much much more, that does not mean that it is legal, for example, if i find, with google hacking techniqus, the password or other information usefull to crack or deface your website/forum/blog, that doesn't mean that if i find the password and use it to gain access to your website/forum/blog and even entering with full admin control, that i am doing things in a legal way, and why, because you are not allowed to enter as an admin in that website because no one gave you that password, you just find it using google hacking techniques.Google hacking techniques can be used for good and for very bad purposes, i hope you understand this, and not only, but also do it for the good reasons, to protect yours and others websites/forums/blogs, or else, perhaps tomorrow your website/forum/blog will appear defaced with a cool Cracker message for you!
  23. I don't want to get into this area because i'll take the risk of saying things that's better not saying here so, i just want to say this, there are more ways for you to get infected with a virus, trojan horse, worm or anyother malicious code.Virus is not everything, usually people name every bad thing by virus, and the differences between the above described are big.Virus is a litle program wich has the ability of spreading, multiply in two, the two in four, and so on.There are malicious code that you can insert in a html file, for example, "javascript bombs" made in javascript, obviously, that can make damage on your computer, but those are not virus.You can also insert virus in html pages on the internet, so, you can catch a virus by simply visiting a website.Also you can catch trojan horses in html pages on the internet, they install the servers on your hard drive, and when you know it, your drive is beeing formated, or someone has access to your entire hard drive thrue a backdoor.Now, with worms, things get more serious, you just need to dial-up to your isp server to get internet access to catch a worm, they spread very quickly and smothly, like a snake, like an invisible thing, you don't even know what the hell happened.Today, virus, trojans and specially worms are very sofisticated, more then the antivirus and firewalls, there are even anti-antivirus wich disable any antivirus and also any firewall on your system giving almost full access to the entruser/attacker/cracker.Another thing are exploits, a smart hacker, if want to attack a computer, he just trys to get the computer servers versions, then he goes to a website to download exploits for that versions and run them, and in minutes they have admin accounts out of the blue, with just 2 or 3 mouse clicks, that's as simply as this.Just to finish, today, antivirus only protect you between 60 to 70% from the new virus, worms and trojans, and if you use windows operative systems, man, you are doomed!
  24. That website is working fine, you just can't visit a subdomain (usually) with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, you can only use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. So in that website, you need to insert this way in order to be able to connect to the website: http://free-icons.awardspace.com/ (don't insert the www) Thanks jlhaslip, for sort of promoting my website, and people, firefox is a good browser, but not that good, and if we want to improve it by adding plug-in's, it takes too much memory (RAM) of my PC, but that does not happen with Maxthon, i use it, and all websites load perfectly fine, but with firefox, tons of websites don't load and others just load half, so i'll keep using Maxthon browser, and if i live it, i prefer to use Opera then firefox, no doubt about it.
  25. Thanks, nice one, pretty easy for me, but it's a different and good tutorial because it is usefull for those that prefer to do them selfs the smilies for their forums insted of downloading from websites for that purpose.Perhaps you could show us how to create animated smilies (flash or gif) since those are the most wanted right now, and i'm not even asking for smilies with voice messages wich are also among the most wanted smilies for web applications.
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