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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. If you want my services, i'll be happy to work for you.I can write excellent tutorials in html, pdf and high quality flash tutorials.Just send me a private message and we talk the details about it.
  2. Benfica, Portugal. /T /I / |/ | .-~/ T\ Y I |/ / _ /T | \I | I Y.-~/ I l /I T\ | | l | T / T\ | \ Y l /T | \I l \ ` l Y __ | \l \l \I l __l l \ ` _. | \ ~-l `\ `\ \ \\ ~\ \ `. .-~ | \ ~-. "-. ` \ ^._ ^. "-. / \ | .--~-._ ~- ` _ ~-_.-"-." ._ /._ ." ./ BENFIIIICAAA!!! >--. ~-. ._ ~>-" "\\ 7 7 ] BENFIIIICAAAA!!! ^.___~"--._ ~-{ .-~ . `\ Y . / | BENFIIIICAAAA!!! <__ ~"-. ~ /_/ \ \I Y : | ^-.__ ~(_/ \ >._: | l______ ^--.,___.-~" /_/ ! `-.~"--l_ / ~"-. (_/ . ~( /' "~"--,Y -=b-. _) (_/ . \ : / l c"~o \ \ / `. . .^ \_.-~"~--. ) SLBBBBBBB!!! (_/ . ` / / ! )/ SLBBBBBBB!!! / / _. '. .': / ' SLBBBBBBB!!! ~(_/ . / _ ` .-<_ /_/ . ' .-~" `. / \ \ ,z=. ~( / ' : | K "-.~-.______// "-,. l I/ \_ __{--->._(==. //( \ < ~"~" // /' /\ \ \ ,v=. (( .^. / /\ " }__ //===- ` / / ' ' "-.,__ {---(==- .^ ' : T ~" ll / . . . : | :! \\ (_/ / | | j-" ~^
  3. I created my first site in my first informatics course (1500 hours and a high quality informatics course). In the end of the course we were supposed to create a website for us, for a company where we also could serve as an apprentice, so, i decided to create a website for a small ville (vila mou) near my city (viana do castelo in portugal). The result was this: (you will need the java and flash plugin in your browser) http://homepages.sapo.pt/
  4. Just send me a private message or email and i'll send you the stuff, ebooks, you want, no problem.
  5. At least they should have the death penalty.I just hate people who do this!Death for them and nothing else, even though i think they should be raped too for punishment, don't you all think OR WHAT?!
  6. Now there's one chance to inform people that the best browser isn't FireFox, cause the browser that has a excellent plugin to save swf files from any website pages is: - MaxthonFirst of all, start using this browser by downloading it and install it from:http://www.maxthon.com/ Then, after you install it, of course, open it, if you don't like the default skin, wich many maxthon users don't, go to the Maxthon home page and you'll see there a button to the plugins, skins page.With the Maxthon opened, open a page where you know there's a flash animation that you want (*.swf), and after the page has been fully loaded, click the button that has the symbol of the flash (with a letter f) and then click the "save" radio button and then right click the name of the animation wich is above the radio buttons at your left end, and save it in to your documents or whereever you want to save.If that button isn't next to the other normal toolbars, do this:click view menu, then toolbars button, then click plugins bar.After that, the plugins toolbar will show up where you can obviously see many plugins (buttons) in an horizontal toolbar, where there's also the button wich has the letter f.You don't have to buy for programs like: - saveflash - flash keeper - flash saver - flash managerJust start using the Maxthon browser and you'll have a great plugin to save the swf file, and if you search the Maxthon plugins website, you'll find plugins for many things, like for: - All the internet explorer plugins (go to the options menu and configure it all) - Gmail - ViewSource!(If you click this button with a website opened, you'll see all the html and scripts code in a snap, it's 1000000 times more better then the view source code in firefox and even of the internet explorer - EnableRightClick(If you click this button with a website opened, if wil enable the right click in websites that have protection against it.) - And much more, but i'm not going to show them all here as you may imagine why.Don't look for a plugin or program to save flash animations from websites cause it's almost impossible to find one good as good as the one within the Maxthon browser.
  7. I Guess that if you don't like the best forum wich is IPB, and also if you don't like the best free forum wich is phpBB, you won't like vbulletin also.I Don't understand why you don't like the ipb forum!I think you should try to express your reasons with the topic, because i don't really know how to help you.You need to put a litle effor in your topics, i mean, think of something interesting, and related with the forum you're about to post, cause vbulletin has nothing to do with freebies wich that's the forum we're at.Try the web wiz forum, search in google for it cause i can't remember the url of the home page, but i know that the url is something like:webwizforum.comwebwizforum.infoIf you want a free forum, use the phpBB forum wich is great, and there's tons of skins, hacks, plugins, etc..., wich you can find them at:http://www.phpbbhacks.com/ (all good and free)If you want to pay for one, pay for an invision power board (IPB), caise in my opinion, is the best there is on the www.Or, if you want a free ipb version, there's the 1.3 wich is free and if you want i'll send it to you, just private email me for it.Try to give more information on your topics next time, ok?!
  8. what kind of reply is that, sanbeand.do you find it usefull or not?!
  9. Tons of people have tons of doubts about google adsence program, so, i have to recommend you guys, to read the ebookMake Easy Money with Google Using the AdSense Advertising ProgramI have read it and now i am a pro using the google adsence.
  10. Well, if you use google adsence or you're thinking to register, now you'll have your life/work easier, and i mean, much more easier. Now, if you already use google adsence program, you know that is a waist of time if you want to check your stats, reposts, whatever, you have to visit the google adsence site and login and then click on the links to see your stats. But, if you had a cool program or script that could do that for you, wouldn't that be awsome? Wouldn't that be a "must have" program? It is, at least for me! The following script : "Free Adsense Tracking Script - Track your Adsense Ads" is a great script in vbs (visual basic script), where, if you want to use it, wich i really recommend it, you can click in the *.vbs file and in a few seconds or minutes, depending on your connection speed, even though an dial-up connection is enough, you'll have all the information about your account, and i mean, all, like for example: - Track your Google Adsense Profits ; - Track your google adsence account activity ; - everyhting that you would do when you login your google adsence account ; More, when the script logs into your google adsence account, it then creates a microsoft access database on the same directory in wich the script is at, and stores all the information there, where and then you can view it with the microsoft access program, isnt this cool! One more thing, when you configure the vbs file with the tutorial inside the zip file, you can configure the script to send the stats to an email, thats why theres the OSSMTP.dll file there, is a file with a set of commends to send you an email using the well known SMTP protocol. SMTP is simple mail transfer protocol. Isn't this cool or what!? Isn't this great script!? Now, there's also another scripts to use with this one, and created by a group of people with the same purpose, wich is: MAKE MONEY WITH ADSENCE! If you want to download the script, download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The original one, i think, is the second link, but both work just fine and they are completely free, and in case you are afraid of using a script or program that could send your google adsence account details to the author of the script, dont worry, you can see the source code of the vbs script and if you dont want email reposts, just erase the {.dll file or disable his use in the configuration of the vbs file. But if you dont understand vb, just ask a friend that knows or to an online vb community, or search google for this script to see whats up. Also, for more scripts to use with google adsence monitor, visit this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Its very organized and very simple, and theres explanations for everything, cause everything is very easy. You will find the following script in this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Script to use with adsence monitor Track Adsense Clicks http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ AdSense Report Creator http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Adsense Database Viewer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The google adsence monitor has 3 files Changes.txt - Log of the changes that were made since last version ReadMe.txt - To the point tutorial on how to use and configure the vbs file OSSMTP.dll - This file you cant mess arround with, cause its for email updates Use it and reply here, please, lets make a good topic on this script cause its very good.
  11. goldinero, i totally agree with everything you just said.Thanks for that website link, it's really a good help for me, cause i use paypal, even though there's tons of security vulnerabilities by using a database of credit cards, now, usually, website admins/webdesigners aren't making that database, they just process the sell but they don't record or save the credit/debit card in a database.At least, that's what i'm doing with my costumers, here in portugal, i mean, when they ask me to build a shopping card or anyother portal to sell products, i do things in order to not save the n? of the debit and/or credit cards in a database.phoenixhosting, i'm sorry to say this, but, most of people already know paypal.com free and pay services, but, you could say something more about the free and pay services, wich one is the most indicated for certain situations, i say this, because personally, i don't understand it quite well myself, so, i live this up to you.Try to say something about the 3 different systems that paypal works with: - Personal Account ; - Premier Account ; - Business Account ;What system should i use if i just want to receive money from donations (people clicks my links and they send money to my email account in paypal.com).What system should i use if i want to have a shopping card or anyother website to sell any kind of products online.What system should i use if i want to receive money by debit or credit card payments.How to use the personal account.How to configure the link to put in my website for people to donate me money.Please, try to answer this questions to make it up.
  12. I Use both, but if i had to choose, i''ll choose frontpage cause it's far more easy to work with then with dreamweaver.Frontpage 2003 is much more better even then 2002, but the frontpage 2005 is excellent.But, dreamweaver is also very good, i use it to work with php cause i have tons of great plugins to create php functions (behaviors, commands, etc), to create buttons, flash buttons and menus, web forms, guestbooks, forums, etc... .The problem is that frontpage has also tons of functions, but, there hidden, and that causes people to use dreamweaver cause what you see is what you get, but i prefer to explore, discover, develop, so, frontpage is my choise, without a doubt!
  13. That's a pretty good tech way of giving your point of view about how google ranks a website.Without that tech info, i think that the main reason or variable that google uses to rank a website is how many links the websites indexed by google have active links to your website, and specially more then one active link to different pages of your website.For example, you can find out how many active links there are for your website at websites indexed by google, by using the "link:url" google advanced operator, for example:link:Xisto.comjust enter the above query in the google search box and the results will be the websites that google have indexed and that have an active link to Xisto.com website.This is a very important feature of google if you want to check out if your link exchange partners are really exchanging links, and if your google page rank is increasing or not.Now, there's also other aspects to increase the google rank of your website, but the links aspect is the most important one, and should enough to rank your site to the top results, so, exchange links with good websites, not only with websites with the same theme of your website, but also others, and remember to exchange links only with popular websites already indexed by the google bot or spider or else it won't take effect on your page rank.
  14. unicornrose, doesn't matter anymore, but thanks for your help.I've made a cool script now, check it on my last post.
  15. Dragonfly, yes, you don't need to create the robots.txt file and insert it in the root directory of your website, but if you choose to use the metatag insted, you won't have to much options to protect your website directorys, and beleave me, your site will be extremelly vulnareble to agressive spiders and bots. There's spiders made by skilled hackers to scan entire websites for vulnereble stuff, and if you don't have a well configured robots.txt file, you'll end up one day searching google for some keywords and your website passwords turne up as the results, like happens to many people. But, forget about this particullar spiders and bots made by some skilled hackers, and let's talk about the google spider or bot. Perhaps you have absolutly no idea of what's the REAL POWER OF GOOGLE! Google can find passwords, usernames, cgi blackholes, sensivity data, vulnereble data, databases usernames and passwords, and millions of private things that most of webdesigners don't even imagine, and why, because they don't care about security, don't don't create the robots.txt file and/or the htaccess files (for linux's servers), because the search engines only speek one language, and that is robots.txt (allow and/or disallow access) and htaccess (also allow and/or disallow access). If you want to really know all the best techniques to find this secret stuff with google, check the above website, wich the main goal is to help webdesigners protect their websites from "google hackers or google hacking". You have to register at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then visit the google hacking database of querys at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now, getting back to robots.txt, a normal robots.txt look like this: Disallowing all the spiders: # Your website title -- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ # Robot Exclusion File -- robots.txt # Author: your name # Last Updated: The date User-agent: * Disallow: /dd This robots.txt code will disallow any search engine of indexing the "dd" directory, but this is just an example. Also this code was created with the robogen LE: RoboGen (free edition) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you want to create and edit htaccess files, there's a very usefull and pretty easy to work free tool: HTAccessible http://www.tlhouse.co.uk/ (it's constantly updating with more easy one-click functions to protect your directorys and files with htaccess files, and remember that htaccess files are for linux's servers.) One more thing, allways create the robots.txt file and insert it on the root directory of your website with the configuration for all of your private and public directorys, or, insert the robots.txt file in the directory that you want to protect, that has only configuration for that directory only, wich i don't recommend. Also if you choose to configure all your directorys in one robots.txt file, remember to insert the below code in it, for the most important and usual directorys of any website: User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /scripts/ Disallow: /your private directory 1/ Disallow: /your private directory 2/ Disallow: /your private directory 3 and so on/ I'm sure you understand that if you don't say to the search engines to not index the cgi-bin, images, scripts of your website (using the robots.txt file), your sensivity website data will end up in the results of other people searches on google, yahoo and/or altavista wich are the most powerfull search engines on the web. So, to protect your cgi-bin directory wich is one of the main targets for hackers (website defacers, script kiddies, crackers), you'll have to allways insert the disallow code to this directory. The images directory is optional, if you don't want google images spider to index your images because you have worked to much in those, i advice you to disallow the access too. The scripts directory is also a main target, specially if you have php and cgi scripts, so, if you want to protect your work and scripts configuration, also disallow the access to this one too. And there's much more sensitive directorys that you should, no, you must protect, wich could be, for example: - email; - newsletter; - mailing lists; - spreadsheets (excel data); - and much more. This directorys depend of what your website has and what has to offer, for example, if you sell templates, ebooks, videos-tutorials, you'll have also to protect this directorys or you'll end up giving all of your work to website scanners, wich by the way, it's happening all the time to webdesign beginners with no experience. One more extremelly important thing, if you usually work with cgi or perl, specially cgi, wich is a litle bit different of perl, be very carefull with the scripts that you use on your websites, cause there are tons of high quality programs to scan cgi websites and cgi scripts in websites, for example: Cgi Scan http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Run the above tool in your website to see if it has cgi black holes, wich are very apreciated by "website defacers, script kiddies and crackers". To finish this, if you want to learn much more stuff about robots,spiders,search engines and specially google search engine, tell me and i'll send you some high quality ebooks about it. There's so much to tell and not many time to actually tell it!
  16. If you want my advice, don't use htaccess, insted use the well known "robots.txt". If you have a problem building robots.txt, no problem, there's a great tool for that, named : RoboGen (free edition) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is a fantastic litle tool that has all the most popular spiders,bots,etc, for you to allow or deny the access to them to the pages of your website, it's pretty easy to learn and work with this tool, but if you encounter any problems, just private email me.
  17. Well guys, i can't seem to resolve this situation with this script cause i don't know what's the server configuration, so i had to use another contact script, wich by the way is working fine. If you want to see it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks guys, for your help.
  18. Well, i don't know what's wrong with this game cause it runs well on my local server, but, if you want to try this game, at your pc, download it here: http://freeflashgames.clanshosting.com/bloodshed.swf.rar or see it in my other website: http://ww2.clanshosting.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 (here it's working fine, and before you click play, try to click first in the instructions, you can't miss the button.)
  19. It's the future!For instance, didn't you see "The Iland"? When the doctor puts those litles robots thrue the eye of "Lincoln 6 echo"?That's what investigators are trying to do! Their are trying to create a complete army to protect us from possibel illnesses and/or to cure us of illnesses that we already have.Also, "that army" will have the ability to give specific info to your doctors.Anyway, i that tech will be used in hour childs or grandsons.
  20. Sorry, i'm going to check it out what's wrong with the animation, cause it works very good in my own computer.
  21. Photoshop and paint-shop-pro are the best, and between the two, paint-shop-pro is by far the best, even though tons of people say the other way.If you don't want to pay, you have the "photoshop" of the open source, named "GIMP".Gimp is almost as good as photoshop, so, i'll recommend it if you don't want to pay.
  22. This is a very adicting game, i think you should try to play at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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