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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah !!!Great one, really.
  2. I smoke since i was 16 or 18 years old, and to tell you the truth, i don't feel or look ugly, "au contraire", i look gooooood!I know that i could look even better if i didn't smoke, but hey, i don't want to be a "Model"!
  3. What are you sayinhg, there are cure for A.I.D.S., you are very uninformed on this matter, and if i had the time i would explain it to you, and also to the rest of the members here.I guess that a few lines to try to explain won't explain as i want, but i'll try.AIDS has a cure, but it is not a cure for all mutations of the aids virus, you see, aids has many mutations, it can change in a favorable environment, and the most favorable is inside the human beeing body, the cels, the blood.When you go make a blodd exam, at least in Europe, your doctor can include the aids blodd text exam, and there are 2 tests that they will make on your blood to see if it shows up positive, they will test your blood for positive aids-1 test and aids-2, they will test your blood for those 2 aids mutations.But there are more mutations, in africa are a lot of mutations, why, because people with aids1 have sexual relations with people that have aids2, and in that environment, aids will change to another mutation, so that is why, when 2 persons have aids, they still can't or shouldn't have sexual relations because the aids virus will change, and so it will grow stonger, making the drugs those people are taking, useless to this new mutation.People like : "Elton John" ; "Magic Johnson" and so on, their doctors/scientists found a cure for their mutation, not a 100% cure, but now, their aids virus in their blood were reduced to 0% .Today, aids is not mortal, it is not a mortal illness, hepatite B is way more dangerous and mortal, and just for you to know, hepatite b is a 5 level virus, and aids is a 3 level virus, it means that hepatite b can spread in all ways, and aids just in a few ways, 3 to be exact.Hope this gave you an idea of the current reality, even poor people don't die because of aids, at least in europe, but that doesn't happen in africa, there there is no money for none of the poor people.India is making enormous advances in this area of research, their drigs are much less expensive and have the same quality has the drugs in europe and america.Just one more thing, i don't know this because of any special reason, if you know what i mean, i just know this information because a few years back, i had sexual relations with a girl without a condom, and that scared me for a while, so i got curious to know what could happen to me if that girl had aids, anyway, i got lucky, the girl didn't have aids nor in the next 6 and 12 months, but it scared me to death.Even today, when i go for a blood test, i tremble with fear, and the latest test was last month, boy i was scared, i don't have nothing, and i don't want to have in the future, so i advice you to all use condoms, even when you love the girl, you need both to have blood tests, at least for six months, and then you can do it without the condoms, that's what i did, and today i am feeling good!
  4. Still prefer rapidshare.de because they don't have limits for files as long as someone downloads them in 30 days time, but in yousendit.com, 25 or 100 download isn't enough for some files i and others share, they can reach thousands of downloads, so even 100 downloads or 25 days sucks big time.Thanks, but no thanks.
  5. Thanks, but i have one boubt, it has been a long time that i have been playing Halo (Combat Evolved) for PC, but tell me, is there a Halo 3 for PC, or i'll have to find a emulator for xbox?Please help in this lame question.
  6. This tutorial is very good and usefull, in fact, i already knew this info reading high quality google adsense and adwords ebooks.I got this info with the joel comm ebook about google adsense secrets, and at the time, i used this info on my websites, and now i am earning more money per click, but still it isn't enough, and also another bad thing is that my website subject/keywords are subjects with tons of competitors, most of the subjects have millions of google results for the main subject jeywords and key phrases, but hey, i will not give up, untill now i have increased the cost per click on my most important websites, lets see "what the cat brings me in the future"!
  7. Continuing with my lat reply to this topic, i must say that i totaly agree with Kaila, we must be ourselfs, we must be honest, pure, but at the same time, sometimes we musn't say what we think, at least if you are about to heart her, in this case, if you want to lie that's ok, but i prefer to say always the truth no matter what, but say it in a smouth/sweet way so you won't heart her to much.Then, continuing with the tips: - After the restaurant, take her to a walk near the sea or near the mountains, take her to a place very very beautiful, a place where you will have to open to her, girls love when we, man, talk about ourselfs, when we talk about difficult things, things that we would not tell to anyone, and mention that to her, not directly, so she will notice that you trust her, after you open yourself, ask questions about her and then lead her to a point where she needs to understand that shee needs someone by her side, someone she can trust, someone she can talk, a friend, a lover.After this conversation, take her home, not with a taxi, you must have a car, if you don't have one, buy one imediatly, girls love man with cars, women don't like man without cars, that is not advantage.When you get her home, say something nice, say something, again, very beautiful so she will dream and weak up thinking about you and what you said, oh, don't kiss her, unless she really wants to, girls hate when men force things, be kind, calm, serene, wise and very intelligent, conquering a girls's heart is not easy, it's like walking the line , literaly, you can't make mistakes, and if you do make, repair them pronto, there's no space for playing around, you must be concentrated in everything because women are always (that's why women are taking over the planet, or haven't youy noticed!).Call her in the morning, perhaps at 10:00 / 11:00 o'clock, let her sleep a while, you don't want to weak up her, that's a huge mistake, remember, you need to think things before you do it.That's it for tonight, good luck!
  8. I use google beta free e-mail service, and i used to use hotmail and then i passed to yahoo mail, but now, most of the times, i use none of the 3 free e-mail services, now i use my own applications.Now, i am using this programs, which doesn't need smtp or pop3 protocols from online free or pay services like gmail, yahoo mail or hotmail:Advanced EmailerAdvanced SMTP Server (My personal smtp protocol)With this 2 tools, i can send emails with my own smtp protocol, so i don't need any of the 3 free e-mail services, i just need to open the advanced emailer program, then i configure the smtp settings (i just need to insert a word which is "localhost", and then i create my mailing lists, then i create the text or html messages, add or not add attachements, and click send).To receive emails, i use gmail with the tool "google talk", google talk allows me to know when new emails arrive to my gmail account inbox, and i also can chat or instant message with other gmail users that use google talk program.This way, using this tools, i don't take too much of my memory (RAM), and i don't take the risk of people catching emails i am sending because i use my own smtp protocol program.And there's also much more advantages of using this tools insted of using free e-mail services to send emails.
  9. When i try to submit a report of a topic/post, i can't do it because it shows up a page that has nothing to do with it.I advice a moderator/admin to act now, it is not the first time i try to report a topic/post, and this has beeing going for days now, i don't know if you know that, but i though it was better to say this in a topic since i can't report anything due to the problem i have described.
  10. Lyon2

    Morse Code haha

    Thanks, but explain it better.What do i have to do, just insert it in a html page, or what?Please give more information, it sounds very usefull and interesting, but i need to now more before i do anything else.
  11. That's why is better not to give your real information about yourself.Personaly, i am not afraid to, i give my personal information because i have nothing to hide, plus, i always act and say the same in virtual and real worlds.Anyway, i understand your point, and i respect it, but be smarter next time, if you know what i mean.
  12. McAfee Security Suite is the most complete protection for computers.If you don't want the complete suite, use the McAfee virusscan and McAfee personal firewall plus, both are very good, i used to use the zonealarm security suite, but the zonealarm antivirus wasn't very good, and now it doesn't work in my operative system (windows xp pro), so i had to change to something better which came to be the McAfee Security Suite 2006.
  13. Hi Estupido, sorry to reply so late, i've been out of this forum for quite some time now.Thanks for those tips, they are very usefull, perhaps the most usefull tips ever seen.I already started to play, i won 80 and lost 50, i guess it is going to be very hard to win more money then that, but i am fighting for it.I'm sure those awesome tips/rules will help me in my "quest".Thanks again, nice of you to share those priceless tips/rules to play poker.
  14. Your are a new member and this is your first topic, and that is why i am going to forgive you for this very bad topic.First, referer links, text or image (banner) ads are not allowed, or do you think that the Xisto admin (Opaque) is going to allow someone to win money or anything else by people clicking on your referer links, i don't think so, even if you weren't earning money, that's forbidden.Second, this topic is not for the freebies forum, after you erase that referer link, you could then put this topic in the make money forum.Don't make this kind of mistakes again.
  15. Perhaps brautigam, but is most likely that this was a job made by a Defacer, not even a cracker, anyway, it is even more likely that this was done by someone that doesn't like Darlord, it happened, it is happening, and it will happen in the future, as well as it can happen to us all.Nothing is secure on the internet, absolutly nothing, it is just a matter of time untill someone cracks it, whatever and whereever it is.Darlord, you must do things now, don't wait, again, untill someone deface your site, and to tell you the trueth, defacing a website is very easy, you just need to get this info:website urlwebsite serverwebsite server versionThen you go to a website to download an exploit for that particular website server version, then you run it, and in a few minutes, you are that website's administrator, just like that, out of the blue, and i am not talking about google hacking, if your website was crawled by google, it is very likely that a experienced google hacker can deface your website with a few google hacking querys to the google search engine.Besides that tip of the backup script, i give you another tip, encrypt the html/php/ and all the other web files with a program like:html password lockhtml protectorencrypt html prophp obfuscatorSourceGuardianso like that no one will understand your source code, at least most of people, and crackers/defacers tend to skip encrypted websites, they are very lazy, usually!
  16. It wasn't a Hacker.Hackers are the good guys, crackers, script kiddies and defacers are the bad guys.This was made by a defacer/cracker, perhaps someone that doesn't like you very much.You will have to change all your passwords concerning the web server where that website is hosted, do it now.ps: start using a backup script on your website server, so when someone trys to deface/crack it, the backup script will replace all the web files instantly, making the defacer feel stupid and frustrated.
  17. I use ghost keylogger version 3, it is the most complete keylogger on the market, of course, it is not free, i am using a no limits version!
  18. I am not sure, but i think Nero suite (nero suite 6 is freeware, it comes with hardware you buy in stores, like a dvd or cd drive/player) has something like this, or at least, very close.
  19. Sorry gaggu007, not here, it's illegal in this forums, sorry.
  20. There's no way to make a girl to love us if she doesn't want to, or worst, if she is in love for someone else!Anyway, if you really want to make a girl fall in love for you, first you need to be good looking, or at least, you got to be resentable all the time, not just outside your house, allways and all the time, girls see this kind of details.Then, you must give her presents, not everyday, one per week, perhaps saturday night, a flower taken out of the garden (not a flower that you get in stores, girls love natural things, you will break her heart if you give that), then you take her to a restaurant, a nice one, not too expensive because you need to show her the reality (forget about this if you are rich! he he he).Don't have time for more tips, have to work.Check out the rest of my reply later nigh.
  21. Lyon2

    Md5 Decryption

    Search google, or better (just in this case!), search using yahoo search engine, for programs/tools named md5crack or md5 crack or md5 tool or md5 hack. Open google or yahoo and insert this keywords, you have to try, i know i program named md5 crack, i don't use it for a long time now, but i know those guys are always updating this kind of tools. Also, use the google advanced operators in this search, for example, open google and insert this codes: intitle:"md5 crack" (this one has good results!) or intitle:"md5crack" or intitle:md5 crack or intitle:md5crack or allintitle:md5crack or allintitle:md5 crack or inurl:md5crack or inurl:md5 crack or inurl:"md5 crack" or inanchor:md5 crack or inanchor:md5crack or inanchor:"md5 crack" or inanchor:"md5crack" And do the same for the other keywords: md5crack, md5 crack, md5 tool, md5 hack Sorry, don't have the link, you'll have to search yourself, this way you'll learn. Anyway, if you want to learn this kind of stuff, visit this sites, they are the best: This one you have to pay to become a member, but it's worth your money! http://www.astalavista.com/ This one is free but not as good. http://www.astalavista.com/ I am sure they have md5 tutorials and tools to do what you want and much much more.
  22. delivi, did you really think i did't know that!?!Of course i know msn exists, and still exists, i was beeing ironic!I am always reading seo stuff all the time, so that's impossible to me to don't no if a big search engine exists or not.
  23. I use a plugin/extension in firefox, when i use it, to see how many links and where my sites rank in google, yahoo and msn.The plugin is "seo links" and you can download it in firefox plugins/extensions area.You just need to point the cursor to a link, wait 1 second, and it will show up a litle window with all that information for that link.The firefox extension is very good, excellent to be exact!Sorry, don't have the link, and don't have time to search, go to the firefox extensions page and search for seo links, then download/install.
  24. I didn't know msn still exists, anyway, i also don't think msn has a page rank script, but well, what do msn has after all, at least compared to google, nothing!
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