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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. I prefer google talk, i tired of msn messenger or windows live messenger, google talk is much more funcional, simple, easy and quickly to use, cool functions, and i love the interface, much more cool, even of the new windows live messenger, oh, and it takes less memory (ram) then the others.Google talk is the future!
  2. Thanks for the intel, i already knew that, not a surprise for me, or anyother thing (service/product/script) from google.Google doesn't only wants to take over the office "world", google has much and much more big projects in mind, i know it, google wants to take ove the owrld, first the virtual world, and then the real world, and he will, google will invest in all areas/subjects, in everything, and that is scearing me, really!I don't know what the 2 google billionaire partners have really in their mind, and i don't know if they really have good and usefull purposes for all people in all countrys, not only in america and europe, but i sure don't want to allow one company to have the entire power in its hands, that is a threat, can you not see it!Think about this, think!
  3. Perhaps you should give us your opinion too, because if we replyed as you did, this would be a spam topic, ok?Now, hotmail is over, and i mean it literally, hotmail doesn't even let us receive emails with outlook express, so, how bad is it!?I prefer gmail, 1000000 times over hotmail, for many different reasons.
  4. I voted yes, google is definatly a spy, perhaps not a spy to hurt us, but to know what we are searching, what we want from the internet, our hobbies, our tastes, our closes, everything, why, because people search everything using google search engine, and if google wants to provide what we are looking for, google must spy us.Not many people have read the google policy, perhaps all of the ones that replyed here should because there are some points there that doesn't give us too much privacy when it comes to using google free or pay services, programs and scripts.But google programmers and owners aren't the problem, or at least, the bigger problem, the biggest poroblem is google and people with really bad purposes, the problem is google hacking techniques, techniques to crack/find websites and networks passwords and other private information, and much more stuff.So, if Crackers use google search engine to hack websites, networks, et cetera, imagine what the google programmers can do if they want!!!
  5. I am waiting for the IE7 final for a long time now, perhaps months since Microsoft talked about releasing this new version.I prefer using Maxthon, it is always updating, and updating with very usefull plugins.
  6. if that is the name of your site, i visited this link and it did not work at all: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. There are manhy users that use this tool, and they have not reclamed, yet. Anyway, now i use another thing, much more sofisticated, much more user friendly, much better in general, i use adsense buddy, it is a program, and i trust it. AdSense Buddy http://www.adsensebuddy.com/
  8. I prefer to use a simple tool, very accurate, very easy, very quickly, doesn't need to be installed, just download and run it, insert the link, and press go, and you will see, from 1 to 10, in which that link is, 0 stends for no rank at all. eXpress Google PageRank Revealer - XPRR http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. The best goal, in my opinion, was from "Maniche", a Portuguese football (soccer) player.The goal, and the only goal in the match, was in the best match so far, Portugal vs Holand , they loosed like in 2004, sweet!And it was the best game played so far, and one of the best soccer games that i have seen in a few years, maybe even the best that i have ever seen.It is not because i am Portuguese that i am saying this, it is because it is really what i think.
  10. There is only one truth, and it is:Portugal (2) vs Brazil (1) - FinalPortugal has the best team, and england is going to help me beleave it more, they are going to loose like in 2004, well, holand was the first, now it is england!
  11. Opaque, i just want to say that i apreciate the Xisto free hosting and Xisto forums and the Xisto members, staff and admins.I agree with every thing you said, and i know it is true.You have done a good work.Keep up for all the ones that deserve.
  12. td_storm, everybody knows that the final is going to be between:Portugal (2) vs Brazil (1)
  13. This is an importance subject, and just for you to know, i have voted "YES", why, simple, did you not see the movies:. I, Robot. Exterminator 1, 2, 3This are movies, yes, but they used a subject, or better, our future problem, maybe our death, to create interesting movies.Of course, this problems won't be for our generation, at least for mine (i am 28 years), i beleave that in a first phase, robots will help the humans, but as long as they develop, as long has the artificial inteligence develops, the robots will "become" smart, and then smarter, and then genious, and some they they will take over the rest of the planet earth, yes, the rest of it, or at least, they will take over the planet that those generations will be living in.Robots and artificial inteligence are a threat, it is a matter of time untill they take over everything, it is a matter of logic and time.One more thing, and now i am more certain, those 12 "NO" votes are exactly like the inventors and cientists think, i mean, they do not think, they can not see the harm that robots/artificial inteligence can do to all of us in the future, and that is why they will take over!
  14. Plenoptic, that's the future, biometrics, fingerprinting, and more, with the use of the high technology, and you know that technology is allways developing, updating all he time for all and any reasons.The most "big" enterprises already use that technique, and it is very simple, imagine you was working with the well known program named "Microsoft Access", now, when you create a table, and when you go enter new fields, you have allways, in a database, in all tables, insert the field for the "primary key" which has values that can not repeat, they must not repeat, for example, fingerprints (it is a primary key because there are not 2 different fingerprints in the world, and it will never be, well, except if you manipulate genetics, but there is another field of research, and a very important one!), social security numbers, ID numbers, etc..., they all need to be unique for each line of the table of the database.So, they arranged a way to insert those unique fingerprints in the informatics payments method into those machines that require you finger (fingerprint) for you to pay.I could explain you better, but i don't have time, this is a highly complex but interesting area.
  15. That link does not work.Don't forget to try that program, is the best for begginers, beleave me, it won't take you much time to build high quality websites, it's pretty easy, i tryed myself and it is very good and easy to work with, very simple.
  16. You don't need any help, beleave me, it's too easy, and it only requires you a litle bit of time each day. Just download BlueVoda website builder (free and the best, http://bluevoda.com/) and import that template to a new project, and then, you just need to insert a navigation menu in left and right sides. At their website, you can also download templates (images) like that, and awesome templates for you to use with the program, and they have easy to understand flash tutorials for you to build websites in just a couple of hours. You don't need any help.
  17. I don't think that's a conincidence!I think that is the trueth coming up fast!
  18. Thanks midnitesun, those xiao xiao's flash animations are very impressive, funny, very well done, thanks for sharing.
  19. I don't have time to explain, but if i understood well, you want a md5 cracker, a program to crack the md5, if that is what you want, there is a simple program named md5crack.If it is not what you want, sorry, but you have to improve your english, at least your writing in english language, because most of the phrases i did not understand, sorry to say so.Oh, and by the way, md5 can be cracked, not only with the above tool, but also with other programs and tools, it is not impossible as the majority think.
  20. I have more good looking flash movie animations like this ones, and since you love them (like i do, and even more!), i will upload the flash animations to my personal server here at Xisto.com free hosting account, for you all to see, and beleave me, they are awesome.Indeed, those flash animations were not easy nor quickly to build, they must have take undreds of spear hours from the authors, which must be high quality flash developers/animators/designers/gurus.I also wish i could have the time to dedicate myself to this kind of projects, it is not that i can not build such good looking and hard peace of flash animations, the problem is that i don't have time, 2 jobs and a family take us almost all our time.See you later then, i'll upload more flash animations later at night, or perhaps tomorrow.
  21. I already have an account and i also built a spreadsheet, it is very good and it is going to take some couple of thousands of microsoft clients, that is for sure!
  22. This is, by far, one of the best flash animations that i have ever seen in my life. I don't know who made it, i just uploaded to my server for you all to see it, it is a must see animation. The animation (When it loads, click in "PLAY" button): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and see this one too: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. Sorry guys, i forgot about this topic i made a long time ago. I see that many people would want to see this incredible flash animation, so, here is a working link for you all to see it: Squelete Dance http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or download it here (right click in the link and select/click in "save as" or "save destiny as"): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Nice list of very usefull programs and tools.It must made you work a couple of hours, so thanks.
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