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Everything posted by Lyon2

  1. In my opinion tehyev, NK's are already Terrorists themself, i mean, they are testing nuclear bombs on our mother nature, what worst terrorist do you know?!But not only NK's test nuclear bombs, the french and USA also love to take care of nature!
  2. Very funny cangor, no Xisto if korea = launch nuclear bombs. ha ha!
  3. World War 3 is coming, coming up faster that i thought!You think not?! Think again!Soon North Korea will launch the ultimate war against South Korea. I hope i am wrong, but i doubt they are testing nuclear bombs for nothing.That's just not the way North Koreans think and act.Why USA (Bush) do nothing? Korea is really a big threat, a real threat, not like Iraque or Afeghanistan, North Korea is, and USA does not do a thing because they're afraid, usa only attacks countries which do not have real mass destruction weapons!
  4. Delete the zip and the exe files, the other virus are inside those zip and exe files, you just need to delete them, that is all.Also update your avg and reboot, and things will go back to normal for sure.
  5. The last point makes sense to me.A hacker would do that for sure.
  6. Are you sure they were those script kiddies from that site?Did they defaced your Xisto.com website?If so, maybe someone will deface their website very soon, no one defaces the Xisto websites without suffering consequences!
  7. That's also a good idea NigaiAmaiYume, a search engine, and the customizable clock is going to take a lot of time, not to say organizing the flash clocks into categories, but it is a good idea, i'll see if i get the time to do that, thanks.
  8. My secret, is not really a secret, you can see my tricks and tips on the search engine forum (seo forum), and if you do what i tell you to do, you will be in the first, really fast!
  9. What do you mean?how did i make a newsletter or do you mean how did i make that newsletter?
  10. Thanks but, the sort of tutorial is very incomplete, i am sorry to say so.You must explain things a litle bit more, a lot more in my opinion, you must think like this, imagine you wanted to really learn how to convert your xp into a web server, would this tutorial be enough? i hope you understand what i mean now.
  11. My website is about free flash clocks, the purpose is to share all my collection of free flash clocks, which is about almost 1000 flash clocks, for now! My website is on the top 10 of google search results for the key phrase: free flash clocks https://www.google.pt/webhp?gws_rd=ssl I would apreciate if you could say something in order for me to make things better, to attract more visitors, and to make more people sign the free flash clocks newsletter, which is a good idea in my opinion, i mean, each 2 weeks i send a email notice to the newsletter members to see the updates to the collection, which is over 20 to 40 free flash clocks each 2 weeks. I have 50 to 100 visitors a day but, i want much more, at least 500 a day, so please help achieve this ok? My website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks in advance.
  12. I do not know what you mean with that word DarkPsycho but, i think that all the other graphics that the website offers, for free, are very cool.Plus, it also offers the link for you to use it on forums, blogs and websites, so like that, the image won't consume your website server bandwidth.
  13. People are forgeting that google is not only the best and most used search engine, which in my opinion, is already enough, but, it has much more to take information from everyone, namely:Gmailfrooglegoogle checkoutgoogle blogs - bloggerand so on, they have a complete network of sites with free and pay services and programs and scripts and ebooks ... ... ... .
  14. That is quite an interesting point, in fact, a long time now that i have been thinking about it sometimes, i mean, the one that gets his hands on all the google collected information, it will know more then God himself, and that gives me the creps.Anyway, and it is possible, and perhaps even inevitable, the Cracker who cracks the google system, will make a couple of euros with that information, and perhaps google already did, how can we be sure google doesn't sell our secrets, our online behavior, how can we really trust google judgement, hot can we be certain that google will not be a tiran or a dictator like Hitler in the future, no one can say for sure, that we are secure in the hands of google programs, free or pay.I beleave we are not secure, google is the number 1 target for Crackers this days, not even Microsoft is the number 1 now, google is, and it is a matter of time untill someone cracks the whole thing!
  15. Pretty interesting, i did not knew this news and i have been updating myself with hot fresh news everyday, thanks.Anothr thing, i think this topic should be on the News forum, and the quotes you are using to rap the information, is not the way to do, i guess you must comment on the news and not quoting, plus, you should give a link to the information source, like things must be done in the News forum.
  16. The Steps to Success Create your website, with good and simple content that lots of people will want; Then optimize your website, each page, for search engines, which means that you will have to insert the right keywords and key phrases on each page of your site. Get a free tool to create and organize those keywords and key phrases, MetaTag expert is very good, i use it, and i got results with it. Pay atention to this things, for search engine optimization: (Though, the top quality content is the most important things, yet, you need metatags and the following, very organized to get the top google results for you website subject top keywords and key phrases) Keyword Popularity Keyword Density If you do not what it is, search google for tutorials about those 2 very important things. Get a ebook about seo and another one about google, google adsense, google adwords, google page rank, et cetera, which ever is good to pop up your site to top gogole results. Then, buy a top level domain (TLD: .com or .net or .org), or get a free hosting account at Xisto, and if i were you, i will do both, host the site at both ways, with the same content. Then, to add google adsense ads, create your google adsense account, you can not do it first because google adsense script will check if your site loads completely and correctly. Update your site, at least, 2 or 3 times a week, but 2 updates a week is good. Register in topsites with the same subject of your site, and topsites showing on the top google results for the keywords: "topsites your.website.subject" Contact website admins, which have websites with the same subject of your site, and ask them, nicely, to exchange links, and i advice you to do it first, so like that it will be easier to get the links back to your site, which google page rank algorithms use to define if a website is popular or not. Register in banner exchange scripts, at popular banner exchange websites. This is opcional. If your site have some kind of online business, and you need to sell in order to go on with your site, and your life, the most important thing you must do to sell is to register at google adwords. Even if you are not selling stuff at your site, gogole adwords can bring tons of targeted traffic to your site, and the same will bring tons of clicks on your google adsense ads of your website pages. Good Luck! ----------------- For google adsense and google adwords and seo, keywords are used this way: If your site is about templates, to sell templates, then the top keywords would be: templates free templates buy templates professional templates buy professional templates top quality templates quality templates flash tempplates professional flash templates photoshop templates professional photoshop templates et cetera, use your imagination, analyze your website logs to see what keywords and key phrases were used to find your site. Keyword = templates ; flash ; photoshop (It has only 1 word.) Key Phrase = buy professional templates ; buy templates (It has more then 1 word.) Use this tool to get the most important keywords and key phrases of your website subject, it's very easy and quick, it needs an online connection to the internet Keyword Digger http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Gmail - Free Email Signature Graphic Generator Wouldn't you like an graphic with your Gmail account? Wouldn't you want a graphic like this one? If you do want to create one for yourself, for free, and not only for gmail, but also for all of the other free popular free email services like msn, yahoo and other, now it is too easy to get it, just visit the below link, insert you email adress, select the color of text and background color, and boom, voil?. Plus, it also offers the link for you to use it on forums, blogs and websites, so like that, the image won't consume your website server bandwidth. Gmail - Free Email Signature Graphic Generator http://www.sigtools.com/
  18. There's no antivirus that can protect against all virus or trojans or adware or spyware, beleave it.I tryed many antivirus, firewalls, and all that BS, and noone of them protect you against all malware, none.If you cought a trojan, and you can't heal, just delete it, and if you can't delete it, reiniciate your pc, and perhaps your antivirus will be able to resolve the situation.Do not change antivirus, avg is very good, i use the pro version right now, is is better, but it can defend agist the same amount of virus, and i never catch a trojan because i also use a firewall with strict rules, so get a firewall too, antivirus can't protect against all trojans, but firewalls can because they supervise all ports, and if the ports are closed, trojans servers can not connect to the trojans clients.Another thing you can do is to go for a online free antivirus scan, trend micro and others offer this for free, and you should do it to check if your antivirus is actually functioning correctly.Test your antivirus, test it with the eicar.com code, it's a sort of virtual virus that check if your antivirus can protect you against the execution of virus code.--------------When avg moves a file to the valut, you do not have to worry about it, it's the quarentine, but if you want to delete it, just go to the virus vault and select it to delete, or delete the entire virus vault.
  19. You are quite right Saint, it will back fire on google labs, but perhaps they already know what's coming for them, but they admit they can not stop it, as well as the music producers, they all can not do nothing to stop the violation of copyrighted songs or whatever, it is impossible, it is impossible to control the flux of data on all networks of all backbones, it just can not be done, there's always a smarter person in the yard, if you know what i mean. ------------- Another trick i found with this discover, is that you can use your Gmail space (almost 3 GB by now) to store your mp3. For example, you have a computer at home, and another work, and another at school, but you have your music files on your computer at home, no problem, you just log in into your Gmail account, which has 3 GB to store mp3, then you upload all the music you want to listen when you are at school or at work, just use the following code to listen to your music files, right from your email account, you just need to log in to your gmail account at work or school, and load the music name like this: " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " or " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " or " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " You can upload the music files to your Gmail account with 2 ways: 1 - GSpace Firefox plugin, so you need to install firefox browser and then the GSpace plugin, search at firefox extensions website or in google.com) Link to download: http://ww11.suchisoft.com/ext/gspace_v0.3.4.xpi 2 - Gmail Drive Shell Extension It creates a extra drive on your computer, then you just enter your gmail username and password to log in and upload any file, it's like a drive like your c:\ drive, but it's not, it's a virtual drive to upload files directly into your Gmail account, using the 3 GB you have for free) Links to download: http://viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ --------------- or another solution to listen to your music files at work or school, you just upload your mp3 or ogg to one of your websites, then go to the computer at work or school, and insert the link to the music files like this: " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " or " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " or " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ " Pretty usefull "ain't it" !!!
  20. Of course not, NDPA, proxies are used to protect people's privacy, to protect the real ip, and even with proxies, good crackers always find the real ip, but in average, proxies work well.I do not think that's his purpose, but that is just me opinion, because if he had that purpose, he would explain how to use the proxies in illegal activities.This is a nice list, the most complete one i ever saw, and i am very apreciated for the same, it is going to be very usefull to me.I use proxy switcher pro has my proxy personal program, it can find and test proxies in a snap, but if i have more proxies to find, i can add them into a txt file, load the list into the program and test them, so that is why i find this list usefull.
  21. Perhaps they will revive him, adriantc, we did not see him die, we did not see the gladiator take his last breath, they can always try that way or anyother, imagination is one thing human beeings have plenty.I can not see anyone replacing Arnold, even the machine of the terminator itself was made with Arnold's face structure, i am sure you fans noticed that detail, i think it is impossible to replace Arnold, i just can't be attracted be Terminator 4 with some other actor, well, perhaps they will choose the right actor, i don't think Arnold is going to enter this one, he can't be at politics and movies at the same time, that is politically incorrect, if you all know what i mean!
  22. Go to the third menu, and in payment setup or something like that, click in edit and then click add bank account.Anyway, you must click edit in all of those menus there, explore a while, get to know the fuctions and all that, do not waist time, you won't get your money untill you enter the pin (they will send the pin number to your home adress, which you much setup, after you earn 50 dollars, or else they won't pay you neither by cheque nor by bank account).
  23. I use the same technique of darran, the problem is that dvd recoders are not that cheap, at least the one with higher quality, but i guess anyone should do this days, technology is getting cheaper everyday.
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