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Everything posted by africa

  1. I am 20 years old and im doing it at home. Sometime this year i'll be strating college.I really have fun doing things on my own! lol!
  2. As afra as i know, this aint easy.Google being one of the giants nowadays, you'd have to be very good to get in.Microsoft takes very brainy people but they lag behind in innovation. So you can imagine how sharp you need to be for Google to notice you then give you a post! lol!For someone to get in and the get ditched by Google is next to impossible unless if you relax. There is no beating their test and then proving to be incompetent because its very difficult.
  3. I started Php by reading tutorials from the net.There are many books that one can use of you really want to really learn. Just checking out code by other programmers sometimes teaches you invaluable things like how "straight" it is to the point.I would advise you to invest in some books and then contribute in forums that deal in PHP programming to meet others like you.
  4. I do have a lot of willpower and i know it!I am not stubborn or anything of the sort but it takes a lot for an obstacle to defeat my persistence!I dont think being stubborn comes inside even the broader bracket of willpower.Responding to the question of hardwork in relation to willpower , I think the 2 are linked. Willpower requires hard work as most often we have to push for something to happen and its rare that it can just happen withput such investment of hard work and persistence.Thats just what I think.
  5. Well my brother once dropped my phone in a swimming pool! AND TOLD ME NOT TO PANIC! lol! I was really mad but calmed down after a while. THEN.. After two days, he came with it to me, everything functioning except for some buttons! I felt really lucky. People should never panick when in trouble for real!
  6. Hey welcome hondauser85! this is a very cool community..the best on the web! been away, i'm back too. Hope you have a real blast here! Later!
  7. I once used their service for quite sometime but wasn't pleased with their service.their support is not that bad but they do not compete with Xisto....i left em soon as i discovered this jewel!
  8. You just need to move on man.You cannot pretend like you don't know that she's no longer feeling you and it'll be worse if you get back together coz she can start dating another dude..because it seems she knows you love her very much that's why its difficult for her to break it down to you.There are a lot of chicks but i know how terrible it is when the one you love starts acting up like dat.You goo to take it like man and get another chick.
  9. Try using an ftp client like Filezilla.once you log into your server, im sure you'll find your way. last used it a long time ago.Joomla must have a component called Explorer or something like that if im not mistaken, it will log into your server from your admin account and you'll be able to change the file permissions.Good Liuck
  10. Its surely your browser...when i was running this other site, i used to have such kind of weird problems. Have you tried your site in different browsers?Install a different theme or try the bee theme that comes with joomla.. and see what happens.
  11. Happy birthday to my cuz Kenny!!!!!Keep it real dawg.
  12. Im not dat tall but im a very sweet dude so i ahve no problem in this department!!BUT girls tend to like tall guys because they feel safe when they are around and that shows he's a real man as compared to a short guy who may be easily scared by the big okes! lol!
  13. I hate it when they turn books into movies.Most often they fail to interpret the story and it loses a lot the exciting stuff.just reading and then watching Harry Potter will be such a bore because sometimes they leave out the most gripping of scenes.One film i thought was well done was The Lord of the Ring trilogy.All three were so well done and they never lost nothing. I think the director should take over Harry Potter, he know what he does.
  14. That is one of the funniest things i have heard in a while! lol!A relationship doesn't have such an effect on anyone mate. What happens is that when people finally hook up with someone they apply the brakes on improving themselves and kinda relax.Be careful, cause it may put off this lovely chick of yours.
  15. Marijuana if taken responsibly is not as harmful as alcohol.its even got medicinal properties. I think alcohol and weed should be banned. I dont support either and i hate knowing that im a freaking passive smoker!I have seen people who have destroyed their lives buy continually smoking weed and alcohol.
  16. Not really a cms. it gives a good interface for the forums. The visitors will see the portal before the forums so you can display loads of informative stuff for them like the latest posts, etc.Like the home page of these forums but it can be customised even more.
  17. I ahve used Joomla before and i think it rocks.One thing i liked about it was the way you upload the mods and stuff..no hustles! that is really smart.I then moved to dolphin because i wanted to start a huge community and joomla could not offer the same features of a really full-blown community.I've heard lots about php-nuke..i have never used it before but it sure sounds interesting. Mambo was once married to Joomla so to me there isn't much difference but i hear Mambo is now really lagging behind joomla.
  18. Kinda nice but they are too many things on the homepage.Are you hosting this site here? I do not think your services are allowed, are they?
  19. take a look at joomla.org .You can virtually any type of site with this software. You'll also find a great community to help you throughout. Its very userfriendly if you're not interested in too much coding.Good luck.
  20. i checked out your site mate..i don't get what you're saying..everything seems to be fine or maybe its your browser.If you're using Internet explorer..stop..its not a good browser.I'd advise you to download Firefox.
  21. I cant even say fifteen is too young to drink..it insane!Or maybe its just me..but the way i hate beer is out of this world. I'm 19, and i have never tasted beer in my life.It slow down your mind and i think, if you're someone who is really ambitious and want to achieve something big then you should give it a break.At 15, you want to focus on your books and its very crucial to chill and take it easy because that's when you either make the cut or go down with the crowd. Strive to be different dawg, everyone is probably drinking booze around you but that do not mean its good.And i hear, in the morning after a hard night, you'll so hungover you feel like puking!
  22. I watch cricket more than any other sport.I actually like the tests that everyone else does not like. I find them interesting and if i miss just one ball, i'll be heartbroken! lol!Five days of good cricket get me smiling! i also enjoy watching formula 1..especially when hamilton is at his best!American football, when i have nothing else to watch.
  23. I do not think football is the best sport at all! Why, you may ask, alright.. a) Its a sissy sport. You have guys like Ronaldo falling and diving everytime for no clear reason. The next thing the team gets a penalty and they win! the players lack manners and sportsmanship Everytime, the players oppose the referee and they ridicule the guy before everyone! if you want to look at sports that have professionals look at american football and rugby. The guys can surely murder the ref but the have their emotions in check every time and the ref is rarely if ever opposed. c) Its not a fair sport The lack of football to embrace technology makes it an ancient and boring dirty game. How many times does someone score when they were offside?? In cricket and rugby, these things are referred to an official who can replay and let justice prevail. Being popular does not make it the ultimate sport. It means its just not classy
  24. I like rugby and formula one. These days im playing tennis as well but its not my favourite.I hate football, i think its a sissy sport.
  25. buxgoddess does this mean the service here cannot host this? The Logic Plan? If not, I wonder what it really wants then! let me find more info on this, im planning on starting my own forums but with a flexible portal system.
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