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Everything posted by africa

  1. I used to support Man U before i really understood football! Guess which team showed me what football really is! The play the best football and don't play dirty soccer...they mould their own players and just bring out the beauty in football. Of course you all know about talking about ARSENAL. man united will get whipped on any day! Fabregas rocks!
  2. hey mate jack! I think Jim carey is in a league of his own! The dude is funny and if you watch all of his movies you'll notice that is his natural personality..he fits into all the characters perfectly and is spontaneous on set! Not to take anything away from Robin Williams but i think even Eddie Murphy is better than the guys. He's the Guru of Comedy and can play multiple roles and make it seem like its really happening. he's the best of the best! Eddie Murphy is KING!
  3. Think and Grow Rich by Naploean HillIts one of the books that changed my life completely! Teaches people how to make money and the qualities that are neededTouches on issues like the subconscious mind, goal setting and procrastinating. ever since I read it, i've become more focused and hardworking.Oh and the other important thing to note is that...You do not need to work like crazy to make money..your brain is there to help you!
  4. Kanye West: Diamonds Lil Wayne: 3-peat, im me and Chris Brown: You, GoodbyeUsher: Bad Girl, Burn and Confession Pt2
  5. My favourite is EA sports..FIFA07!
  6. Hi guys,I was just browsing around here and kinda noticed it doesn't seem like we have any chess players around here! Is that true?I started chess when I was like 15 and by eighteen i was winning big school tourneys and iam really proud of it. I have had a crack at Facebook Chess but it seems their rating system is messed up..gave me 1350 after a couple of games! Generally i think im around 2100. I play the Sicilian defence, and Queens Gambit as white....if you play Benoni (c5) against me..i'll crush you to bits unless if you're Kasparov of course! lol!
  7. Thanks a lot mate. Your recommendations were quite helpful.Thanks again
  8. Oh yeah mate. that is quite true. I managed to get a good free theme and everything just flowed. if your budget is limited yes, it might not be such a good idea unless if you can create your own. If you're willing to search you may be lucky and bump into something really nice.
  9. Hi everyone. I am running a social network for Africans and would greatly appreciate if some graphics designer would design a cool banner for the community.I have had a crack at designing but i suck beyond words! Or where can i get designers who can do this for me as my budget is truly speaking...zero!
  10. You know what...i'd recommend you to try VB..It rocks! I have used smf then later switched to IPB but its a bit more expensive and i think it rules all! its really nice if you have the money to spend.The other thing about IPB is that you cant use a nulled version if you get one of those scripts off the net! Once your site becomes a bit popular..the owners will find it and that will be the end of your forums! It happened to a lot of people. I think it even has some scripts that request for info directly on their server so they'll know.Go for VB..its ideal plus its got lots of mods and portals. it integrates with many cms also.
  11. hey dude..it's really not easy to find a soulmate. Like what Baniboy said..be more involved in these relationships and i hope you do not show the chick you're that interested in her. sometimes it scares them and that may kill their enthusiasm..girls want to have fun not someone who takes life too seriously. My advice to you would be to chill out when out on a date and not appear to have this problem you think you have. You can even read books and learn how to be a gentleman..learn how to take good care of a chick at the same time not being too soft. Appear a bit ungettable but an interesting guys who has got everything going for him! Don't ever think you are not meant to date. Movies sometimes teach many valuabe lessons. Watch how the hot guys interact with the chicks..they crack jokes occassionaly, connect with her mind and just get on with her! true love is coming for you soon if you make a real attempt at choosing the best girl for you. Don't just accept crap...it's not you who has the problem, maybe the people you have been hooking up are pretty desperate too! its a bad combination! Good luck mate. when you do get one..please let us know okay! laters dude.
  12. africa


    Welcome Bob!I joined a few days ago and this community is just amazing! the offers are better than paid hosting and you'll find the community is very active!Earning myCents is really easy...Its not about the number of posts you make but the more information/knowledge you impart, the more you earn!Hope you have a nice time and invite your friends here!Later!
  13. Yeah for real dawg. Its juts a way of saving time. people are really sharp these days. no need to waste time writing long words, etc.
  14. Well thanks bro. I was talking to some babe who doesn't even live close to where i am and we both fell in love. Many people said its freak but we still continued and dated for a while. Just starting off like that kinda helped the relationship as it wasn't lust at all! lol! We both came out in the open about our dark past before hooking up!
  15. alright..we have an understanding there BUT i have got nothing against India. Its the pitches that side that freak me out. You see i love cricket and the IPL is not my fav league pal! The fact that India's related to this new demon only makes it worse...as i also hate the pitches there! Teams are struggling in India while India maintains its ratings!Other teams are not that unfair. Its generally known their pitches are for spin but now..its even worse...every top team that is doing good everywhere else is getting thrashed like its never played cricket before!I liked the sa game against aussie! it was test cricket in its purest state .
  16. I see nothing wrong with being a virgin at all. Waiting for the right time is the best thing to do because regretting you hadn't when its already done is not cool.Im not comfortable to reveal if i am a virgin or not.
  17. dude i would consider myself very creative in this regard but im very good!let me tell you something bro..women can smell it if a dude is being nice just so that they get the idea he's nice, if you know what i mean. Nothing beats honesty in a relationship and respecting your partner.You do not have to be sensitive just so that she see you are the one..no..just having a heart to heart with her often and telling her the truth no matter how much it might hurt her..she has to know you're comfortable with your shortcomings and you're willing to work out that with her.well this has obviously worked for me.chicks like me for my honesty and i keep it real. If i love someone i'll be honest about it and they will just feel it coz im not afraid to show it.
  18. Taking after you, a learned and great thinker(im truly not being sarcastic here lol!)...i've also highlighted where i think i can help you or shed some light. A) Lets all be adults here and agree to this: social services are run poorly..everywhere. Kids are given to irresponsible parents who most often just get them to milk the gov. I don't need to debate with you here if you are being objective mate. Now, the chances are flipping high that a kid will be given to an oversexed gay people who may pull some stunts in front of him/her that may make her puke (as it'll be weird for two guys to pull, considering the "normal" instinct everyone has is to go for the opposite sex..so the kid may already have some crushes). In this scenario..we end up with a confused kid about who can just accept anything because people are diverse..even hooking up with a felon or who takes alcohol to school..because we all have different needs..and the human race has to respect that divesity! you say free will...dawg..free will to commit a crime?? come on, the debate here is about allowing this kind of act or not so don't talk about free will because its not yet a right (in this debate dude) to be gay. Okay.lets be objective here and talk some sense. Here i've dissolved your attempt to cloud and divert the core issues to the fight 4 rights. because i'll just say its crime and you'll say its not..so let be a bit intellegent and use facts mate. C) Animals are incredibly less moral than us? well some of them are indeed gay, yes sure they don't have morals. what's your point here, i never said they are saints or holy. I actually think humans should work out problems in a civilsed way as opposed to animals. D) God gave us independence and bla blah blah.. dude wake up!! the reason why we have criminals courts and even the feds is so that we can keep human behaviour in check! Yes good we have the power to even kill...so what, we should kill when we get the chance?? what you just said there is not even a point. you have a knack of clouding an argument and diverting the core topics to some petty issues you know. Again, i've had to steer your ship back for you. catch a wake up. E) what are you saying here pal??? how can the human race develop? if we allow ONLY gay marriages..we are doomed! For now i think im done. I can provide hundreds of other reasons. PLEASE DONT BE OFFENDED IF I CALL(ED) YOU NAMES..its really something i dont mean personally, it would be a slur in the spirit of the debate.
  19. A few days ago i asked around here if long distance love is healthy.Now this other dude mentioned internet love as being cool so i decided to let the people decide if its cool or not?I have obviously chatted with a few chicks and told em things i havnt told many people in person but to see there is something btwn me and these chicks would be an utter lie! Sometimes i realise we all need someone to confide in but love when you really dont know the person is crazy man! alright..what do you guys think. Don't you deny it...you have obviously done this at some point in your life probably arranging a blind date, or phone msging someone you hadn't seen or something like that! Is't desperation that pushes people to do this or people really fall in love? what's ur take on't?
  20. i also dont believe in them. I have heard some weird and scary tales about them but i refuse to be so superstitious! Anyway science has found no real evidence that these things actually exist. I trust science more than anything as it reveals nothing but solid facts.I've also seen and been to churches were demons are exorcised and its really nasty. I don't know the reason for this. Its probably the subconscious mind working overtime!! lolwho knows.
  21. Hey people. Im someone who is confused over the issues of long distance relationships. Everytime i fall in love with a chick who goes away to some distant place after a while! some of them expect me to still be interested in our love but i cant handle such a relationship!Is't cool eg someone is in the states and you're in europe?
  22. guys i see nothing wrong with telling her you love her if you really do. You know what its always about what really is in the air. sometimes both of you can actually tell that its pure love..she wont even freak unless if she's a toddler! Be sincere with her but dont mention stupid things like that you only like her coz of here physical features..be patient you can always tell her sometime later! Love is all about communication so please chill out and listen to the things other dudes probably dont pay attention to. Compliment her here and there...on average..twice/thrice per week. about her tastes in clothes, fashion etc. And i also agree with wingman23...life is too short for someone to be bottling up feelings...if you supress them, they might erupt one day and it might br nasty dawg! be like a gentleman and get ur babe before someother dude does!
  23. Its something that has to be well planned. Be romantic and most importantly please take it slow. You want to be friends first and get to know her than to just pounce on her like you're desperate and scaring her off.I usually let the friendship slide into romance. You know it gets so exciting when you start thinking about her and you know she is doing the same about you..its like the world freezes and its just the two of you..nothing else matters!I once read a book called The Art of Seduction that gave me some tips such as concealing my intentions etc but sometimes i get so overpowered by emotion i don't care if i act like a jerk or not i just got and spit whatever lines i come up in her face! it usually works wonders!
  24. I am mostly grateful for this service. Its the best i've come across on the web and you guys are doing a really wonderful job. I sure do hope i dont cross the line so that i continue being a member here. Its Xisto till doomsday!!! lol! Thank you folks!
  25. Hey dawg this place rocks! I was looking for a cool host for days on and got registered by some host called frihost. I was beginning to warm to them when i discovered this! This is what hosting should be like! I got some amazing features that side but Xisto beats all! I ran a particular script that requires xslt and the folks that side were hesitant to enable it but here...its already running lol! if you do get a better deal anywhere else..let me know! THIS IS THE BEST ON THE WEB!!
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