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Everything posted by africa

  1. same thing happened when i installed it! at 1st you really thank google for the small file..then BAM! The word on the net is that its a crap browser. And i dont understand why google would want to shave off Firefox's dominance anyway.
  2. I was just thinking about it! Its amazing the service here...the least you can do is show some appreciation hey.
  3. I just relax and fin other interesting things to do and think about. I have a lot on my mind right now so chicks are really a burden lol!these days i am surfing in the night because im using this comp so my nights are actually fun.watching dvds sometimes help.
  4. Okay if Java is not Javascript then what is the difference?I've been thinking its one and the same thing for a long time now! lol!
  5. so what do you gusy recommend? i started learning php a couple of months back.i've never done java, c# or c++.Which one is more efficient?Learning php seems to be a lot of fun btw.
  6. Im confused over whether i should enroll for a degree at a real institution or just go for distance learning programs? I want to major in software development but the problem is i've kinda run out of time.Is't ideal and wont i come across major problems?
  7. Hi guys. Im so thrilled to be here. How are you doing? what ever that you are up to i hope you succeed.Peace out to all!
  8. Hi guys.got a genuine question here.Is eye contact when talking to a girl that much important? what if someone is crosseyed? I got a friend who is worried sick about this...is this such a big problem?
  9. Its all about waiting for the right time and hooking up with someone you like. Kissing aint such a big deal but it sure is fun! just relax if you havent already kissed..its going to happen soon! lol
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