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Everything posted by y4nzi

  1. I think Skype is the best voIP, not free but the best, most reliable, good audio quality for landlines. Rates are still much cheaper than landline to landline.for PC to PC Skype is definitely superior.
  2. That's a great list! and I agree ietab is faster than ie view.file FTP isn't bad as well although filezilla is superior.
  3. trap 17 offers free domain names once you get enough credits! it's great!otherwise i bought my old domains form godaddy. they're usually pretty cheap with added coupons.
  4. What I want for Christmas? new shoes, many new pairs. Although I dont trust my parent's taste so I need to go buy them myself.A new ipod would be nice. My old ipod (2nd generation i think) is really old and I've dropped it so many times I think it will just shut down and die on me any day now. No preference on the type, shuffle nano video touch are all fine by me. Although about the ipod touch, I've heard the battery life isn't that great? What do you guys say?
  5. At the moment I only own a a nintendo DS. I used to own a PS which broke and a PS2 which also broke. I'm currently tossing up getting a PS3 although I am finding it a bit expensive. I still need to save up. A DS is just perfect for portable gaming on long trips etc and the battery life is really good. I also really like the touch screen innovation. It makes games alot more interesting and less about button bashing.
  6. definitely mini bar fridge and kettle are essential for those midnight snacks and cravings.other must bring's to college:- plug extender, you need more than 1 electrical socket- extra desk lamp (incase the lightbulb blows)- tissues- general uni stuff, paper, computer, notebooks, pens, printer etc- clothes-hangers (i forgot to bring any in my first year and had nothing to hang my clothes on - ended up going to walmart and buying them)- a fan if you have no airconditioning in your dormthats all i can think of right now.
  7. I actually preferred primary school. It was more carefree, fun and relaxed. You had no real expectations at that age and no real drama.High school for me was all drama from both social and academic aspects. Drama when all the 'cliques' clash and academically when the pressure of getting into a good college came around.High school did have a few positives though, I had more independence and was allowed out alot more. There are also alot more clubs and other activities you can participate in.Overall I still preferred primary school.
  8. Personally I see nothing wrong with homosexuality. Biologically our bodies may not be made to reproduce that way as some may argue but in the end it is a personal and conscious choice. As long as they do not impinge or force their own views on me I am fine with the concept.
  9. I like Rove. I think his is really funny although some of the other acts on his show aren't. I particularly liked the time he interviewed elmo. I thought that was hilarious. In terms of comedy I prefer Good News Week.
  10. Yeah so many of my friends are sending me these messages 'check out my photo on 'some random URL'' etc. I always wondered whether I was infected or they are all infected?I've never accepted the links but nowadays I seem to be getting mroe and more of these messages from random people. I hope I'm not the one who is infected. I've run AVG and Kaspersky scan's which have turned up nothing so hopefully my PC is clean?
  11. This is getting a bit extreme. Fair enough if you want prisoners to have basic standards of living and not live in inhumane conditions e.g. that photo of the prison in the Phillipines is a little less than what I would consider adequate but seriously; paved courtyards, basketball courts etc? That's just over the top. The Government money could seriously be spent elsewhere in a more useful manner.
  12. I live in Australia! I'd give it a 9/10Positives:Great weather, laid back lifestyle, wonderful beaches, freedom.Negatives:can't currently think of any.
  13. 3 Things that make me really mad are:1) when people lie or deceive me intentionally. there's just no excuse for that2) violence against other humans, animals etc. it just doesnt seem right3) (this one may seem trivial) but when people smoke INSIDE restaurants. it just puts me completely off my food and just seems completely disrespectful to me.That's it!Thanks for letting me vent!
  14. haha! interesting, but funny at the same time. thanks for the info but i'll stick to 'the earth is round' for now. some of what the site says COULD be true in theory, but some of the other stuff is just ridiculous, 4 elephants and a turtle?still, thanks for the post, i got a good laugh out of it!if it turns out to be true you can say 'i told you so' to me
  15. ohh Now I finally know what it is. I just kept seeing it everywhere and never could be bothered looking up what it meant. I assumed it was gibberish to fill up spaces on layouts. Interesting link. Thanks!
  16. This is a great piece of freeware. It keeps my PC in top top shape by cleaning out all the temp files I no longer need and also cleaning up my registry so my computer funs faster.Its also a really small compact program which is quick and easy to run. Highly recommended.
  17. I don't use a download manager per se unless you count my firefox addon DTA manager which is mainly what I use. It gives you the capability of pausing and restarting downloads and a better visual organization than the firefox default. Otherwise I use U torrent to download from torrents.
  18. oh my goodness. The number of toolbars in that screenshot is scary! The browser is so overloaded you can't even use it anymore. Quite funny to look at actually. Perhaps not if that was my computer (crosses fingers).
  19. I used to use Norton because it was the best known anti-virus back in the day but I found it rather resouce hogging and it lagged my computer (which is rather old). I've changed to Kaspersky now and found it to run much smoother.In terms of antivirus capabilities I think the 2 are both excellent and top of the class when it comes to detection and removal. Overall I would still recommend Kaspersky based on personal preference.
  20. Freeware is great! Most of the programs on my computer are actually freeware. Some of the programs I use include:Music - WinampWord Professing - Open Office (love the save as pdf option)Security - Spybot Search and DestroyInternet Browswer - Mozilla Firefox 3 and Google ChromeIM - Pidgin Instant Messaging (combines all my instant messaging accounts into one!)U torrent for downloadting torrentsVideo - VLC player (more compact and can handle more codecs than WMP)Imaging - GIMP (awesome program)
  21. You could crack CS3 or CS4 (not endorsed by me) but i would have to say the best free alternative is GIMP. Features are ALMOST as good as photoshop and for software that is free I would say its definitely worthwhile to check out!
  22. This is awesome! Exactly what I needed to go along with my new site. Thanks for the service guys. Much appreciated
  23. Different things work for different people because everyone has slightly different skin and genes. Products you could try include- facial washes - important to make sure your face is clean etc- some creams from the chemist that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (the chemical in pro-activ) which you apply i once dailythose are just some suggestions but like rayzoredge said, try different ones and see.In the end of your acne gets REALLY really bad go see a dermatologist and they can help you out!
  24. Urgh I completely agree. Telemarketers are so annoying, and they always seem to call around dinner time (when I'm definitely going to be home). I've registered on the do not call register and I've gotten less calls but some organizations can somehow work around it i think?I've taken to just hanging up (as mean as it sounds) haha.
  25. Wow, I totally did not know this. I guess I'll stay away from them then. I remember being hosted by them a very long time ago when I first got into web design. I guess things have changed.Thanks for the tip!
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