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Everything posted by y4nzi

  1. yeah i got this in a chain email a while back. it's an interesting paradox that you can easily miss if you dont look hard enough.
  2. haha interesting, although i think technology at the moment is geared towards being 'small' is better, i think those aren't quite practical. there comes a time when something can be too small.interesting nonetheless
  3. that looks amazing. that's a really cool idea, my current keyboard does require a good clean. i think i've got 6months worth of crumbs and dust underneath the keys. not to mention some of the letters are no longer visible.
  4. There is a difference. dot Tk has horrible ads and lots of down time whereas co.nr does not. However I do agree domains these days are extremely cheap so its probably more worthwhile to just buy one
  5. I think these days we may depend on the internet a little too much. We pretty much go to google for anything we don't know. If we need to know the location of somewhere we can look it up on maps instead of the good old fashioned street directory. Instead of ringing friends or snail mailing them we instant message and email them. We can't be updated on the latest news through websites.But having said all that, I still love browsing the internet daily and can't really see my life without it.
  6. This probably isn't the most accurate way to find out as you could just have more females viewing the post so the results might skew in that way. I think in general females do get more depression.Post natal depression is a big one and affects many women. It's an interesting topic though~
  7. Yep Honey is definitely good for you. It acts as a natural antibiotic so its great as wound dressings.It also tastes great which is a plus
  8. I've never heard of the butter on burns one. Doesn't sound like a very good idea. I've heard of the toothpaste on acne one, some of my friends swear by it but I can see how it could irritate your skin. I agree with sheepdog, aloe vera is great for sunburns, it works wonders. Personally since my parents are doctors they don't usually go with the 'home remedy' options so I've actually never tried most of them. Interesting list anyway. Thanks!
  9. I have mixed opinions about the new ipod nanos. The features are great but personally I preferred the look of the original nano's (the glossy clear sleek look) compared to this new metallic look but that is just personal preference. I like the addition of the new larger screen.Overall it's decent but I probably wouldn't buy it.
  10. y4nzi

    Nero Burning Rom

    I always used nero until like Quatrux said the software package got bigger and bigger and more bulky and bloated. Whereas I simply wanted to burn CD's and DVD's with the program, suddenly all these extra features and addon programs appeared and it slowed down my computer alot so I've switched to Alcohol 120% which is really good.
  11. In terms of looks I have no preference between firefox and chrome. I do like the chrome look with tabs on top but it doesnt really bother me that much.I recently (finally) downloaded and tried chrome and am amazed by its speed. It loads up in literally seconds, unlike firefox which takes considerably longer. In that aspect it has me won over firefox however it still has a long way to go in matching up to the other features.
  12. The Iphone does have some great features and looks really sleek etc but I think it has been over hyped and many of my friends have bought the phone only to regret it later (it is on the expensive side).There are many other smart phones out there to consider.The battery life on the Iphone is not great compared to some of its competitors.
  13. uTorrent is a great little compact program for downloading with Torrents. Better than Bittorrent in my opinion.
  14. Yes I definitely agree with you regarding VLC player. It is quick, compact and plays lots of video formats (including flash, which is handy).Itunes is good for linking up with the Itunes store and ipods but otherwise I find the program to be a bit bulky and system resouce hogging. I've taken to using Winamp instead.It looks great, is easily configured with themes and you can also link it up with an ipod.
  15. Filezilla is definitely the best free FTP client. It has pretty much all the features you need and is free, speedy and works great. If you use Mozilla firefox you could try the addon FireFTP which is also decent for normal purposes.
  16. SMF and phpBB are the 2 main options in my books.I would probably say SMF has the slight edge although both are great forums.Invision free is really easy to configure and use but you can't host it on your own site which is a shame.
  17. Photoshop CS is the best image editor for windows. Do you mean free editor for windows? Photoshop is a bit on the expensive side. http://www.gimp.org/ GIMP is the best free image editor out there. similar features to photoshop. Try it!
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ isn't bad either although I haven't downloaded from there in a couple of years since discovering the above 2 sites.Browse around, there are plenty out there.
  19. I have used both in setting up forums for other people in the past and I'm still unsure as to which one to use for my own site which I will set up soon.phpBB looks better and has better mods than SMF. SMF looks not as nice although it can be configured and is a little more complicated to install.I think phpBB is more user friendly than SMF. As for security i think SMF is superior.Both have their positives and negatives.Difficult choice.
  20. Difficult choice. Both are excellent antivirus systems. I have one installed on my laptop and the other installed on my home PC. I'm on the fence. Both PC's have remained virus free for years and both systems run great.NOD32 is perhaps not as user friendly as Kaspersky in terms of the interface but otherwise both are great systems.It really is up to personal preference I think.
  21. Have you tried Joomla or Drupal? They're both pretty good. Mambo is pretty much the same as Joomla as far as I'm aware.For blogs Wordpress is by far the best system in my opinion.
  22. I've tested a couple of Content management systems including Joomla, Drupal and Ezpublish. I think overall, Joomla wins. it is one of the most powerful and configurable although learning how to use it does take some time.Drupal is also pretty powerful althought perhaps not as user friendly as Joomla. The admin interface is a bit lacking and it doesnt come with a WYSIWYG editor either.Ez publish I personally didn't like as much as Joomla.There's lots of CMS out there, you just have to try them. Everyone has different personal preferences on how they want a site to run and how they want to configure it.I'm sure there's one out there for your needs
  23. Interesting topic. Euthenasia is one of the most controversial topics at the moment. It really is a debate between pro-life and pro-choice groups.Pro choice groups say the right to life is the choice of the individual and if they deem life to no longer be 'worth it' then they should have the choice to terminate it, especially if they are suffering from an debilitating illness with no chance of recovery and a slow deterioration. Quality is what they say determines the value of life.Pro life groups say that life itself is valuable and nobody has a right to decide when to end it or not. Killing whether by choice or not is still killing. Both these parties have valid arguments and its a difficult topic to debate. Personally I am on the fence. I hope it is an issue I will never personally have to face or make a choice on.
  24. It doesn't look all that impressive, just like vista really. I personally am not a fan of vista, it came pre-installed on my laptop and in reverted back to XP because I didn't like it. Not to mention it wasn't compatible with my college network.
  25. That list sounds convincing enough, but seriously vista is not all its cracked up to be. I much prefer the old XP.Linux is probably the best OS in my opinion.
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