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Everything posted by y4nzi

  1. THe first principle doctors go by is "do no harm" although those benefits do seem quite attractive. Pharmaceutical companies are companies after all and target the materialistic side of people whereas doctors are sort of the "in between" party. In the end it depends on the Doctor and you can only really hope that they have your own best interests at hand.
  2. really? I didn't know that, I always thought it was because we needed more air etc. There always seem to be new studies coming out about why we yawn though. It's one of those things we don't fully understand.Interesting article though
  3. zone alarm firewall is really good. for antivirus my top 3 are kaspersky, norton and nod32
  4. I think you'd better go see a doctor about this because it sounds pretty serious. It might be a sleeping disorder of some sort or a breathing problem but a doctor would be able to tell you more.
  5. Probably the best method after birth control pills (which can give some poeple nasty side effects due to the hormone changes) is use of a condom, also gives some protection from STI's~
  6. Generally just watch what you eat, cut out bits and there and try to exercise a bit more, there really aren't any shortcuts unfortunately :)I cut icecream out of my diet for 2 months and I lost 5kg... guess I must've eaten alot of icecream before haha
  7. I was extremely scared of them when I was little, but I've grown out of that fear thankfully. I don't find them that painful (vaccinations and blood tests) but ABG's really do hurt.
  8. Studying in Australia is definitely worthwhile, the country is amazing!! The people are great, the beaches are awesome and all in all you'll have a fabulous time (and a good education too).
  9. I've recntly been getting so many messages from my friends telling me to visit certain URL's... would that mean they have the virus or me? hmm
  10. I'm definitely a dog lover more so than cats but that's just because I've had the most beautiful pet dog for the past 4 years and have never actually owned a cat. I find kittens adorable but some adult cats slightly scary, especially the way they stare at you.
  11. Wouldn't be my first choice in a pet but it would be pretty cool to have one. Not entirely ridiculous
  12. Thanks for the recipes! My favourite breakfast food is toasted banana bread :)Fried bananas sounds awesome, might try it sometime, after a session at the gym perhaps to negate the guilt
  13. Chocolate is awesome, definitely my favourite food. Especially at this time of year, chocolate everywhere!! Love dark chocolate yumm
  14. I tried using it a while ago but eventually switched back to firefox. I dont quite remember why though. I might give it a try again
  15. I've always used firefox from the begining and originally I thought it was the most innovative browser with tabs, small memory footprint etc although it seems the rest of the browser world has caught up now. Firefox is still a pretty good browser overall and I still use it quite alot.Google chrome although still in beta is so quick to load up (on my old-ish laptop) that i've recently switched to it, although it is still in beta and has a few bugs.
  16. Gmail is so much better, it was offering 1Gb of storage when hotmail was still 20mb, so I automatically switched. The gmail interface is so much more innovative and convenient compared to hotmail, and quicker too (in my experience anyway)Also love the new themes that they've introduced to gmail. Definitely my most recommended free email client.
  17. My parents recently bought me a Mini, I think it's pretty cute and so compact. I can literally fit in practically any size parking space, very handy when I'm driving around the city where parking is difficult to come by.Previously I just drove the family car which was a Mazda 6. Good Japanese car, pretty fuel efficient, especially with high gas prices at the moment.
  18. I love Thai food, especially the curries, and you can never go wrong with Pad Thai, salty ahd yummyJapanese food is always awesome as well.Anything with lots of chilli I also love, and anything containing chocolate. Who could resist? seriously
  19. Depends on whether you mean to watch or playTo play I love basketball, tennis and swimming. To watch I love baseball, ice hockey, soccer and figure skating (so beautiful)
  20. The 2 shows have different types of humor, I personally love them both although I have been watching the Simpsons for longer (only recently was introduced to and began loving Family guy)... Family guy is more in your face rude but still hilarious comedy whilst Simpsons is slightly more subtle...
  21. I love the concept of turning movies into books although there is a big risk of disappointment if what you envisioned yourself isn't what ends up on screen. I guess thats the problem with many of the adaptations because everyone has their own different view, books leave the character/story/setting open to your own imagination whilst movies give less scope for that.e.g. Narnia was one of my favourite books as a child and I was so excited about the movie, was slightly disappointed as was I with the Davinci Code, although on the other hand Lord of the Rings was an excellent adaptation of the triology
  22. I used to LOVE harry potter, I read the first book when I was quite young though and kept going.They are mainly aimed at children though but since I started off the story as a kid, you just kind of feel compelled to follow Harry to the end of his journey so to speak...The movies are not nearly as good as the books either... adaptations of books are practically never as good as the original book
  23. I never really liked them, the server is quite slow :S
  24. I'd always used windows media player but now i Use VLC player because its just quicker and more lightweight and works with alot of video codecs
  25. Milk is good for you! you need the calcium!! unless you're lactose intolerant...my dietician says skim milk is probably the best, less fat to clog your arteries but a similar amount of calcium
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