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Everything posted by networker

  1. I don't think too many people will be able to drive them anyway.It's very difficult to get a pilots license.I mean,if an accident happens on the road,it stays a road accident so to speak.Up in the air, I think it could be much more dangerouswith the falling debris and such.Much more unpredictable.And how practical is it to use as a road vehicle/flying carwhen it needs 1700 feet to take off?There are also no rules of the road yetfor a flying car to land.I'd say right now this flying car is more of a gimmick.
  2. I think you get deja vu because there are certain things that happenin an event that remind you of previous events that happened to you.You might not be able to recall what these previous events were,but yoursubconscious is at work bringing it all back for you.This whole deja vu phenomena hints at the amazing power that the brain really has.Fascinating really.
  3. I don't think your idea is feasible at all.Your routers would be sending massive amounts of databack and forth between each other.Because of the size of this data,the routers would no doubt needat least some kind of temporary data buffers to store this data.I mean,we're not just talking about 10k worth of an html page are we?If you needed these temporary buffers then why even bother?Just store the data on a chip or hard drive.Besides,if you're routers lost power thenyou would lose all dataI'm no Einstein but I think you're idea is far fetched.
  4. networker


    It seems the easiest way of using msn is to just use Yahooor anybody else.Seriously, hotmail emails just end up disappearing into thin air,ortake forever to be sent,or all of a sudden you just can't log in.I had enough.
  5. That sound ridiculous that the army is using Windows.Yes it's true,you would think that they would use they're own operatingsystem,or at least Linux.Ideally I would think,An army should use computer networks as little as possible really. I know that sound simplesque but it's still true.The bigger the network,the more chance you will be hacked.The army is serious stuff.
  6. In a way the theory is true because any circle it seems would still have littlejagged edges and stuff sticking out,so the idea of a perfect circle is reallyhard to do.I mean,just try making a circle in microsoft paint and one gets something circular butfar from perfect,
  7. The only point of the music business is to make money.It's run by accountants and marketing people.They are only interested in selling the formulaicproven formulas to the mindless masses.The trendy no minders eat it up.The only way to really make real music is to not care at all about themusic business.Realistically speaking, the music business has as much to do with music as the plastic container making business.Absolutely nothing.
  8. That's it.Just stick to a no frills savings account and make as few transactionsas possible. You'd be be better off hiding your money under a rock really.The banks obviously can't be trusted and will jump on your mistakeswith glee.Your mistakes are money to them and end up costing you.They want you to make mistakes.
  9. There you go.Another example really where birth control would of beenthe answer.Now the kid starts life from a broken home really.Where was Sarah Palin and her helpful advice to her daughterwhen needed?Bottom line is you can't trust politicians at all.They are all just self serving.
  10. Don't believe any stupid Mayan Calandar.Many people are always making predictions about theend of the world and being wrong.Just ask a Jehova's Witness.Doomsday talk sells crappy little magazines to the feeble minded.It also gets them watching crappy little doomsday t.v specials.There is money in doomsday talk and that is about it.
  11. You want interesting parties?Invite lots of hot chicks.Don't hold out on the caviar,champagne and entertainment.For best measure,rent a waterfront mansion.Have a few helicopters there.They make a goodconversation piece.You also need a good fireworks show.Maybe get in touch with Nasa.Remember,if the party ain't exciting the chicks don't like itand will surely leave.That's my answer.Hope it helps.If all this fails, just make sure you have interesting peopleat your party.
  12. It's what we are taught to do.To repeatedly do things in mundane cycles.To be completely predictable and programmed so we don't have to think.To become just another demographic.There is an answer though!Revolution now!Only joking about that.The answer is in just trying to be an individual amongst the faceless masses.To not be just one of the sheep.To carve one's own destiny.Easier said than done.
  13. The way I see it,anything that would involve the police and legalitieswould be legal to do.That's the way the law works.These days it's perfectly feasible that the cheap price of crack wouldhave it easily becoming an epidemic in the schools. Student or not,there is no lower scum than a crack dealer.Personally I wouldn't worry about a bit of weed,butnarcotics are a different story.These narcotics will screw people over for life.I saystop it at the source.
  14. Bytehost is by no means the best.Far from it.It's okay for html and php pages that don't include mysqldatabases.I find the pages load okay though,and that there islittle downtime.They're charging you for php sendmail?They never mentioned that to me.Maybe because I'vebeen with them for a couple of years.
  15. They discontinued mine without a valid reason. Now I have to phone them up every time if I want to re-install. I think it's completely wrong. The operating system has always been installed on the same computer. Microsoft are pretty shifty.
  16. I'm another one who wonders why you said humansonce lived for 200 hundred years.I thought the life expectancy had increased, not decreased.Who knows,with the population explosion maybe we'll be able togrow food in outer space.Maybe we could mine the moon forresources as well.I'm not 100% sure about global warming though.Records haven't been kept long enough to be perfectly sure that it isn't just part of nature.Things like greenhouse emissions and pollution should be kept to a minimum though.I like to be an optimist.
  17. I guess what your saying is it's all cyclical and circles backto itself so to speak.It makes sense since nature by itselfis cyclical.It's possible.though pretty general.
  18. Don't really have a fire plan.I just know where thefire extinguishers are.Other than that.would just have to runfor an exit or jump out the window.Hope the survival instinct suffices.
  19. I learned html from looking at existing pages.The root of it all is : <html><body> </body> </hrml>With everything going between the body tags.It's too bad actual html has never really been updated much.It's basically stayed pretty sterile and stiff. If you want to create anything exciting you have to get into dhtml scripting and such,and then theres cross browserproblems. It's all a massive headache really.I wish most web viewing people were as unfussy as me.
  20. What was the reason that it wasn't processed?They didn't give you one?You could send a support ticket to thedomain support staff.They are very helpfull.Just click the billing and support link in the redish barby the shoutbox and sign in.Then click submit support ticket and thendomain support.If it's not been processed then as far as I understand,you don't have the domain to delete.Maybe the domain name was already taken by somebody else.
  21. WinRar better than WinZip? Who are they?Why use them when you have 7-zip? With 7-zip you can zip em and un zip em all you wantand just keep zipping along real good. Problems with tar? You don't know how luck you are with 7-zip. 7-zip is free too. Haven't got a clue? Don't know what to do? Use 7-zip!
  22. 1) For internet radio I use soundclick.com and coolmusiczone.com. I guess youtube would count too.2) For search engines I use mostly google and sometimes Yahoo.3) Lately I use the internet mostly for things like Xistoand maintaining my websites. Also.Things likechecking the weather.Why look outside to see what it'slike when one can find out on the internet?4)I'm spending way too much time on the internet lately.Must focus again.5) I use rogers cable.6)Yes, I have my own websites.Several of them.Traffic has gone from bad to worse.Maybe because they were down for about six weeksbefore I joined Xisto.Maybe I should resubmit them to internetdirectories again.That's a tedious job though.
  23. The thing is though.They can grow timber in Georgia or just about anywhere in the u.s. Why would they need free trade for this then? The u.s.a is so vast in size that surely they could cut down forests with out depleting too many. Just have a rule for every tree they cut down they must plant one or two new ones. It sounds simple I know,but wouldn't such a thing stimulate the economy? I think it would work,but I'm naive. In a perfect world, what they could manufacture locally(Within a countries borders),they should manufacture. The manufacturing industry has many beneficial spin offs. If all the shirts are manufactured in China all these spin offs are lost.
  24. I'm not African but I think according toevolutionists we are all supposed tooriginate from Africa.I guess starting with Adam and Eve.One world,One blood is what I say.
  25. It was just an idea.I don't think that one a month was toomuch to ask really.Maybe they could have a bonus instead for new topics.Somehow I think my idea is still pretty good,though perhaps somewhat flawed.
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