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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. If there were only a dozen or less apples left, you could've just poisoned them. Rat poison should do it...Or I don't know, maybe I've watched too many disney movies.
  2. Go to itunes options and stop it from automatically adding music to your library. Additionally, download CCleaner and disable itunes and additional itunes idle programs from automatically starting when you start your machine.
  3. To people that have already responded: try to at least help this guy with his problems and not talk about what software he should be using for his site, it's his will if he wants to delete your favorite program. Anyway, the problem was that you hadn't first deleted the index.php file of wordpress. You have to delete all files that are related to WordPress (and the database) to get rid of WP. You also have to activate the option to see hidden files and then delete a file called ".htaccess". I see that you have deleted the index.php now, which is good. Don't delete the "cgi-bin" folder The reason it's giving that error is because there isn't an index.html/php file for it to load to the browser. 404 means that Apache (the server software) couldn't find the file. So after you've cleared up the directory, upload your folders and files of choice to the public_html directory to be able to access them when visiting the domain.
  4. The ancient art of Banipulation

  5. I wasn't talking about the internal view, I just said that you can skip viewing it internally and view in browser instead.With that method, you save, and within max 3 seconds, it's refreshed to the new look in all browsers. But anyway good that you got the problem fixed now. Just suggested that because if the code is correct and the preview doesn't work well then it's the software's fault for not supporting the standards you're using.
  6. I have no experience with coffeecup so I can't comment much on that one, but I have a solution if reloading the page in your browsers is frustrating. Adding <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">to the <head> tag in your page forces a refresh every 3 seconds. This way, you don't have to manually click that refresh button.
  7. And if nothing above works (well, I suggest you don't try to reinstall Windows again before doing this), remove the program from the windows registry. CCleaner has an option where it removes a program from registry if you don't want to manually go through it.Then go on and delete the software folder. Launch the registry editor and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software, then delete the whole program folder if it's still there.Next, navigate to c:\WINDOWS\Prefetch and delete the file with a .pf extension that contains the name of the program in question.If on windows 7, go to the USERS\<username>\Appdata\Roaming and delete the folder with the programs name on it.
  8. Hmmm... I'm not sure but I've read multiple times elsewhere that the higher your post count gets, the less you earn MyCENTs. It might be this and not actually Shree lowering the amount. Although that is possible. Xisto isn't doing very well at moment in my eyes so they might want to save a little. I come to this conclusion since the domains also cost $3 more now. Can't be sure though.I haven't been posting a while so I can't really comment if the earning has slowed down.
  9. I don't think you should be asking yourself these questions at the age of 12. It doesn't really matter. You don't need to decide who you are and you can just do what you want, to some extent. There's nothing wrong with being bi, just take it easy and one day you'll find out what you like, no need to stress over it. To me it seems that you're trying to artificially create an identity for yourself. You shouldn't do that, time will reveal who you are if you follow the path that you like.
  10. I agree that the time of whining has passed and now it's time for solutions. One of the problems is spam. So I think the mods should start eliminating spam, and users who post spam. Suspending Eza for about 300+ years would be a good start. Next, make a rating system for topics (for spam recognition). If someone with less posts than 20 makes a new topic, users with over 200 posts should be able to mark it as spam. When it has 5 spam votes, it should become invisible and should be moved to the moderation queue. That way it's out of sight immediately, without the need of moderators... you know... actually moderating the violation reports of the users.
  11. It's a good thing you mentioned typography, darko. Now I have an opportunity to shamelessly self-advertise. I have written an article about typography on websites. Well this is much better than mine are usually, so that's why I'll recommend it: Website Typography Tips. Look for the "Font" and "Manipulate" section in the article. The default that is used in browsers when no font is declared is usually the Times New Roman font, which is hard to read because it has all those little things coming out of the letters. That combined with a computer screen, and it won't be very reader-friendly. Arial, Helvetica and Tahoma would be all good for your site. Personally I would go with html {font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;} The browser uses the first one in the list, if it's not installed, then it moves on to try the next one and so on. That was probably useless though, if you know how the font-family property works.
  12. It looks right now when I use Firefox 4 to view it so it may be that earlier firefoxes somehow mess it up. Remember to try your site out in a webkit browser when you test browser compatibility as well. Google Chrome, for example. I'd also recommend making the text background lighter gray or completely white.
  13. The firefox problem still remains.Here's a screenshot http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png removing float: right; from the "therest" div. It's not necessary, the div will automatically adjust to the right when the sidebar is floated to the left. It will also take up all available width unless you give it a value.
  14. I didn't quite understand what you added to the end of your code. I mean this: <div>padding:20px;</div>} That looks like HTML code within CSS. The browser will probably throw an error there. Yes, I meant that you should create a new div element inside the content. Then you add padding to that new div element. <div id="therest"><div id="paddingstuff">My Content</div></div> In the code above I have used paddingstuff as the div id. Then you add CSS to your CSS file/section. #paddingstuff {padding: 20px;}
  15. Oh yeah, that sometimes happens. What you have to do is create a new <div> container inside the "therest". Then you add padding to that. Before doing that, remove all padding from therest.The HTML5 aside tag is in itself a box element. Like a div tag, but with a more semantic meaning so that when computers are searching for relevant information, they can tell where the main content is, where the navigation is, etc making the search easier. So no, you don't need to have a # next to aside in CSS, it itself points to the <aside> HTML tag within the code.I found an error while scrolling your website down, it's where the article "02/05/2011Not worth mentioning in the national press, of course." is. There is some kind of spooky error with that in opera. I then visited your site with firefox 3.6 and that was even more weird. The two columns had piled up on each other instead of being next to each other. I don't know if you're doing maintenance at moment or something. I can't show you a screenshot, because the forum returns an error while I try to attach a file.
  16. Umm.. I'm viewing this on opera, so not sure if this is what you see, but the text on your content section comes in contact with the borders. You might want to add a padding of 10/15px to have some space there. Darko had some good ideas, too. You can use all of the HTML5 tags now, if you want to. Although I wouldn't go with the percentage thing. I would give the navigation an absolute size (say, 300px). The other div that contains your content will automatically fill in all available space. Because you might not want your navigation to expand more than necessary,And don't read that tutorial on my site, it's horrible. I have nested divs and stuff but the nested elements aren't padded so that you could see the structure, which makes it confusing. Read another one on the web instead. The only important thing that you have to remember when using the CSS float property is that when you float things, and then add something, like a footer beneath them, it won't work well. For this, you have to add clear: both; for the footer, which means it comes AFTER all floating elements.
  17. 1. No, CSS3 isn't supported very well. And some browsers have come up with an idiotic idea of using specific properties for their browser only, like Firefox's own border radius property (moz-border-radius). It has been a while since I checked that so it might have changed now. 2. Yes. And I already showed you in another thread you made. If you don't want to read that, google for "2-column layout with CSS". The HTML5 darko posted was more of a semantic web thing with the <aside> tag. If you want to use that, you'll have to change all of your HTML files to say that the code is HTML5. And darko, min-height and max-height properties don't work with IE. Yeah that sucks. One stupid browser has to come and ruin everything. CSS3 is more of a visual than structural update. At least from what I have seen. Rounded corners, gradients, text shadows and other stuff like that. I don't think CSS3 helps with column design. Anyway, all you have to do to get 2 columns side by side is to have the sidebar first in the HTML code, then apply float: left; ... Or right, if you want to have it on the right. On another note, mrdee. Your background music scared the crap out of me when I visited your site It took some time to load and I had the volume pretty high.
  18. WMP as in Windows Media Player? Never use that. It's buggy and no, it can't play all formats. VLC is much better.I wouldn't recommend VLC, though, because of its bugs. If you want something simple and as bug-free as possible, I recommend MPC, which is Media Player Classic. If you install the K-lite codec pack, you'll get Media Player Classic Home Cinema AND be able to play most formats. Google for "K-lite codec pack standard version", download and install the latest (stable, as in non-beta release) version. It will play almost all of the formats you'll encounter.Hope you found this helpful.
  19. Just found out that I've forgotten my domain email's password... this is just great.

    1. Baniboy


      Wd, long time no see! Thanks for telling that, now I can have deadmad7 break into your house and steal your passwords for me. :D

    2. Baniboy


      And now I see a web hosting company having 4/10 pr wanting me to be partners and exchange links. They removed the link since I didn't respond. *sadface*

    3. anwiii


      finally a support ticket that xisto can actually take care of.


    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Umm... why is the forum subtitle "Innocence is bliss"?



      I saw that too.

    2. anwiii


      because they don';t want people to think this place is as bad as it is and doesn't want to be accountable for their own mistakes. thus, "innocence is bliss" is their excuse

  21. You asked me what would I think about that thing that I wouldn't have if you hadn't set those conditions. Isn't that clear enough? I wouldn't think they are fake. So obviously that white thing is something, although the pictures are too small for me to tell what that is. That's why I wouldn't think anything. I'm not going to guess...
  22. Anwiii, my only requirement is that you prove your point either empirically or rationally! See, I'm not even making a limitation on which kind method you use. As long as it follows a path and doesn't come out of nowhere! Does this seem unreasonable to you? This is a debate, I am allowed to ask for the sources and justifications of your "facts". Don't tell me how I'm close-minded and limit everything for you when your "facts" don't stand against scrutiny. Or rather the lack of it. I'm not supposed to believe in everything someone tells me, you know? Especially if I haven't experienced myself. Think of it as Plato's cave. I will answer to your questions, because I'm curious. As long as your questions have nothing to do with specific in-detail descriptions of my life like my credit card number (), my name, address or sexual things (relationships not included). Anything about my opinions/philosophy on things and what I do and what I don't do and other general stuff like if I have friends, if I've been bullied and other stuff like that is okay to ask. If your questions consist of these, I'll try my best to answer. If you don't like my restrictions as you already said, then I guess this ends here. Regarding the pictures, I would think (assume) they are fake, or maybe a bug (pretty far stretched, though). If not altered and without bug, I don't know. The reason I assume they are fake first is because I have seen fake pictures like those. I can't really examine them either, since they are so small. So now, I don't know.
  23. 1. Ah, thanks for reminding me of truefusion, I'm gonna use his numbering system now. Will make this much easier. 2. If by unnatural deaths you mean murders and suicides, I meant the majority of the population, not every single individual. 3. You do realize that you need to back up facts with something, don't you? 4. I was talking about the non-suicidal people. Of course most the suicidal ones are trying to avoid living. You don't have to be Einstein to figure that out... 5. The only limits I required were the ones I mentioned in my opening post. I simply asked the debaters to follow a rational path to argue their points of view. 6. Again, could you at least try prove your point? Empirically or rationally, I don't care, just provide something to grasp on when you start. 7 & 8. So now you're talking about reincarnation or whatever that is. You can't use this as a rational point in your argument, anwiii. That is what my rule is. Follow a logical path and prove your points. If you don't like my rule, don't expect me to debate you using spirits, souls, and whatever other magical stuff you bring up. 9. Be my guest. 10. Hmm... I wouldn't call myself someone who gets depressed easily. I haven't been depressed once as in what it means in medical terms. The only time I recall being close to depressed was 1 year ago. And that was me depressing myself. I've been through things that could've depressed me, but they didn't. I'm interested in where you got this idea from. I do expect more than "I somehow mystically feel you get depressed easily", though. You said you'd use me as an example but you didn't. 11. Of course I meant our mental state. 12. I don't claim to know the answer. I said that we are constructed to avoid death because that has been the way we have survived as a species. If you don't think that's a reasonable answer, I would like to know why.
  24. Happy Birthday! Hope you can come back some day :)

  25. No, if their friends aren't complete dirtbags that they would actually applaud to cheating. Gotta admit that those people do exist, though. Just wondering, but why is it that when a woman cheats, it's automatically assumed that it's because her man can't satisfy her or that she wanted sex otherwise, but when a man cheats, women have to go all mystic and make up some weird stuff to explain it. Why not ask someone that is cheating currently to provide a reason instead. Seems like a much more helpful way to find out. Of course they won't be completely honest with you, but you can find out things by paying attention to hidden language.
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