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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. to add, there are lots of ways to get different paths, just do: <?phpecho '<pre>';print_r($_SERVER);echo '</pre>';?> to see what you can do.. or you also can use this function, it is handy sometimes: realpath();
  2. it works and i am using it, so i won't you can get it elsewhere, like in newspaper where people sell things, or make a post where people buy/sell things or use ebay
  3. i see that noone menshioned the main problem, the software won't work on the new architecture, until you won't port it to the new cpu, but as in my opinion most of the new software is made under c langugage, it will be quite easy to recompile, but what about the software written in assembly and etc. this is going to be tough.
  4. When I talked on IRC someone said that this great host accepts any language.
  5. I am using Gentoo and from which distros I saw i liked it mostly, well similiar topics were already made, so i don't want to repeat myself.
  6. at home I have PC for myself and my brother has a PC for himself in other room and also I have an Amiga 1200 board + non working Amiga 500+ and more old stuff which I think do not work.
  7. Hello, my name is Kestas, but just call me Quatrux or even shorter Q or Que and I am 17 years old male, very soon to be 18I am an webmaster, i like to write php,mysql and html,css+js i started webdesign when i first saw my brothers site, i said i want something like that and started learning html, later php, but my first works were quite stupid found js, css, this year thought to learn mysql, due to i always used files with php and could do a lot, mysql is just more comfortable for me, so i am a webmaster since 2002 summer.I was staff of one hosting company which now isnt available, so know how to use cpanel, webmin, fantastico, whm, phpmyadmin, different forum panels and stuff and also SSH on a linux server, i like to help/support other people, but since the 'down' i really enjoy being just a member on forums :PI am using computers for a long time, got more into it when my brother bought an Amiga 1200 in 1996 expanded it and stuff, at that time i mainly played games, in my country at that time a lot of who had no computer like that. It stil works and I'm stil using it sometimes, now mainly for amiga games, as i like playing old games very much.. but using it i can do everything be on irc and browse etc. I am using Linux on x86 now, never really used windows, i don't like their software at all and the things MS is doing.Hmm I have a 4 years old dog, a lab rat.. hahaha by the way I am from Lithuania, that is in Europe my timezone is GMT +2 hmm yea i am a real metalhead, i like Doom, Black, Death Metal mostly, but listen to other substyles too, have a very big collection of music, its not my but my brothers we have our computers connected so share all the HDDs
  8. my main nickname is Questutis: the end is simmiliar to my name, i got it when i first came to irc i named myself Kestutis (it is my full name) and was talking in somekind of channel, it was a long time ago i didn't understand most of the things, so i was asking lots of questions and one guy said to me 'you know how to spell kestutis ?' i said 'no, how ?' he replyed 'Questutis' and i quite liked it, it sounded like my name, also something like a quest and i remember i was watching jonnhy quest on cartoon network when i was a kid, so i really liked it, but the current nickname went out of nowhere, i was searching for new nicknames ideas using google, thought a latin word etc. but didn't find anything interesting, so i thought ok the first letters will be Qu and later wrote some buttons on my keyboard and got Quatrax, but google gave me lots of hits on this word so i changed the last a to u and got Quatrux
  9. i never really played Civ 3 only for some time with my friend at his house, but i didn't quite like it, so not waiting for Civ 4, due to I don't really like the new rules and stuff, I played for years Civ 1 and it was one of the best games played for me, finished it a lot of times. I also now (for some years) play freeciv with civ 2 ruleset you can get info at http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page playing it thru internet with other people is great, the AI is good, but i don't prefer it..
  10. I use Beep Media Player for music, found it really good and i don't really need millions of features on a player.
  11. I am listening in my BMP: Evenmaster - Wither, its melodic black metal from Finland as i remember. hehe, i use this plugin so my stats is in the net here: http://www.last.fm/user/questutis
  12. well i don't really believe in religions, i mean they were created by someone and that is good, they created somekind of order, laws and explained how the world was created, stuff, it was really great for those times, the pagan gods, politheism, they also were created, due to the knowledge were even more limited, but today its not so trully believed, due to our knowledge got better.. we understand more, but still i am a christian, i believe in something, but not what they are saying in church, study a bit of history about the church, 80% what they have done in all those years wasn't good for most, religions are big money even today, I tolerate all religions, but just what i don't like is when people go over board, i never say 'don't believe this is stupid' but i hate when somebody tells you to believe god is blah blah, well i don't like to much religious people with open mouth.. no offense this is just my opinion, i believe in it.
  13. as I am kind of retro gamer, I would menshion an really great and hard to play rpg, Ishar: Legend Of The Fortress and Ishar 2: Messengers Of Doom, there is Ishar 3: but i didn't not play it deeply, mainly due to the lack of time, those games are 1993, i played them on amiga 5 years ago, some info about them: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. i don't really like those three software, so i voted for other, but without other i would vote for ipb, but phpbb is nice too, but sucks, i really would like a simple, fast forum with some good features and security, ipb gets quite slow, not to menshion vbulletin
  15. on firefox for me the galleries menu thing does not work properly i can only see 1/8 of the screen in center..nice site though
  16. i don't really care about those email services listed, well maybe except for gmail, but an email account from my isp and the hosting is just what i need, i don't use other emails such as listed in the topic, in matter of fact i don't really like webmail at all, i prefer to use email client. I don't like hotmail at all, don't like yahoo too so i say gmail
  17. as someone menshioned, who started with c in the past will go with php as it is quite simmiliar, something like if you used pascal you like using for() but if you were programming in basic you like while(). I never got deeply into asp, just looked around the codes, php is for me as I am a little anti microsoft so due to ms is asp I think that is why i don't like it same for mssql, and you need to get/have asp server, I think asp can be executed on linux, on apache, but never read about it to much.
  18. what I could add is when crystal disks to store information will be stable and will change hard disks, the space won't be such a big problem, imagine a server with a crystal disk silent, no heat and terrabytes of space
  19. I see, well there are software with gui for extracting files (Archive Manager) and yes that is true, you can access windows partitions using linux, just that its a little bit slower, (don't know if it is possible to write there, never needed) anyway, lan I copied from my brothers hdd to my hdd from the ntfs partition, he was on linux and the average speed was ~7,5MBps so I think that is quite good.
  20. the screenshots are like on the default ubuntu, i remember them, well if you want i suggest to change something or you can just use the default if you like it by the way, it only took me some time to install it, to choose some options and everything was fine except for the sound, later on i reinstalled in expert mode (took a little longer) and it worked, the sound i mean.
  21. in my opinion linux is so much better, I believe that if you want to play new games use windows, use windows if you need autocad for your studies or work, use windows if your job requires it, but for everything else linux is just great, it is fast, save, no need to worry for security, on windows you can't feel save doing something especially if you're online and a computer thesedays without internet is almost nothing in my opinion, a box for games and document printing etc.
  22. yea, but i live in europe and its not like the map of north america, tryed to search for my house, but there are no zoom like that, i hope yet.
  23. my first computer or rather to say my brothers, due to he bought it not me, i was to young, anyway it was an atari 2600 I think, you could play games from the rom or a disk which we never had, anyway later on got an zx spectrum 48kb or so called speccy, it needed kasettes to play games or load software and it took a while, later we got an speccy 128kb it had a disk drive with big floppies, that were the times, great games. Later on bought an amiga 500 + it had 68000 cpu ECS chipset 2mb of ram and expanded to total of 4mb of ram, it had no hdd, somehow we didn't manage to make it work, we had an scsi 40mb hdd, I played lots of amiga games which i stil play sometimes using whd, I was using Workbench 2.1 and DOpus for most of my things.. after few years we got an amiga 1200 with 68030 cpu with fpu, cd-rom 4gb hard-drive etc. I stil have it near me and it works and you can almost do everything, browse, chat etc. except that there is no browser with css support on Amiga OS3, later we got an x86 system and installed Linux also tryed various OSes and Emulation, like Amithlon, UAE and onother x86 which I am using now.
  24. you can export and import the mysql database in different ways, I recommend using phpmyadmin to do things like that.
  25. this thing is great, some things are not shown, say the roof of the whitehouse
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