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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I spent time on my computer usually more than 8 hours, but say yesterday I only were online for about 2 hours maybe even less, it depends, but I remember erlier, I used to spend almost all my days online doing something, but now I try to spent less and do something else, like my homework.
  2. Well you can make your own custom Error Pages, just use an .htaccess file in your public_html dir: ErrorDocument 400 badrequest.phpErrorDocument 401 authorization.phpErrorDocument 403 forbidden.phpErrorDocument 404 wrongpage.phpErrorDocument 500 internal.php you can show the path to the files whereever you want and your php code in those files will be executed, you can use your own layout and the and everything you want. I think I have done something like this erlier, but it might not work, just create an 404.shtml file on your root or better to say public_html directory and use the code there: <!--#include virtual="/home/user/public_html/error/wrongpage.php" --><!-- --> Hope this helps
  3. I am using Quintessential Player on Windows, also there is Quintessential Media Player, It is free and in my opinion is the best, it has all I need and so many skins are available for it, plugins etc. You can get it here: http://www.quinnware.com/ but I don't like the default skin and to continue, on linux I am using Beep Media Player, even though others are good too, it has what I need, plays my music.
  4. I could write a little tutorial in couple of sentences, using others made software, but not how to make your own.. :blink:Get Stardock Boot Skin software and as I remember it is free, you can find it in download dot com and wincustomize dot com, find a skin you want and install the software and choose it.
  5. I tryed AROS, it was neat, but still can't be my main OS, due to the lack of software, I also tryed BeOS, but my burned CD got an error and I just did not find time to continue or in another words to lazy
  6. err, why not use Gimp ? and Blender is free too and if you go to say download dot com and browse thru the graphics category, I think you could find more tools, which are free or maybe free to try for 30 days, isn't 30 days enough for you to make some graphics for your site ?
  7. this is one of the better what i have seen lately!
  8. I don't really understand you, but if you create databases with cpanel as I know it always makes it like that:your subdomain/username of account _ your choosen namefor example if your username is smith it would be "smith_name" same with creating with users. Read a little bi of tutorials about databases or something.
  9. I used both Gnome and KDE, my first expierence was with Gnome, so I thought I will try KDE, I liked it more due to it is more customizable and different apps are available and the k letter looks quite good, but Gnome is not so bad too and gtk apps looks much better there, but of course using GTK to QT Engine I didn't have appearance problems on KDE, what I do not like about KDE that it reminds me of windows.. a little off topic, but another good alternative is XFC which I like. But I still use KDE, just my brother is using XFC.
  10. does it include adult sites ? if no so the number is even bigger
  11. if you are talking about localhost on your computer, you can use mysql administrator if working with mysql.
  12. err, maybe:localhostyour made database name (use cpanel and phpmyadmin)your username of the databaseand password ?
  13. I don't think it is so dangerous as it is said, just look at it more simplitistic, as for yourself, but yeah, for big projects.. you can always use the meta tags and create everything, that google and others just could not make lots harm for you.
  14. I am not sure, but aren't these numbers very low ? or its only the registered websites or something ? or I might be wrong though.
  15. and for me, more advanced user, I don't like windows do to I don't know what it does and it makes lots of things I really do not want and you can't stop it. :S but now windows seems getting better, but still.
  16. ReactOs is quite old, for example in linux you can use windows ntfs version (writable), and the wrapper use Wine and ReactOS parts.
  17. Well, as not such long time ago I found one thing, whuch in my opinion is very useful and i thought why didn't I know about it erlier.. I am talking about ob_gzhandler which requires zlib and on most as I remember its in the default and is available on the Xisto server too. A link to PHP dot net: http://php.net/manual/en/function.ob-gzhandler.php <?phpob_start("ob_gzhandler");?> you should put this code somewhere in top, and use session_start() after it, it enables apache to send the file as application/x-gzip and it checks it self if the user/browser supports this encoding, also it turns on output buffering and you won't have problems with headers, browse more functions for ob_x() ..you ask if it does not slow the server ? well gzip is just perfect for html to compress all the same tags and apache needs to send much less size to the user and the default compression rate is 6 which does not slow the things at all, especially if the server is good, you save bandwidth and users gets the source much faster. Most popular browsers supports this and don't worry about the bots who might not understand this encoding, they will still get the html source. here are some more links: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I remember to read that, so things might sound similiar. Just wanted to exchange knowledge.
  18. as i still have the amiga 1200 running, I liked this style on windows, because it closes the window on left side, not on right as on windows and etc. I used WindowsBlinds and found the style somewhere (i think wincustomize dot com) and the icons are changed using Icon Packager, they are available free for trial, for 30 days I think.And I needed to configure everything myself, little of that and that, but as i remember it wasn't so hard. Mainly the AOS4 style has it all on default and in addition, you can use bootskin, login something, cursorxp for more customization, but it might slow things down, but I don't feel it to much.. windowblinds works as visual prefs on aos3.x
  19. the second design is much better than the first, by the way if i missed it, with what software you make this renders ?
  20. wow, that is amazing and even if i saw it with my own eyes, I don't really believe it, but there are many crazy people
  21. Well, I don't believe it exist, but the story is quite fun, if i ever go there, I would like to hear stories about it
  22. Yea, I also am using Gimp, my first expierence with it was on linux, but I saw that it is available on windows too and installed, it needs gtk installed and i have felt some bugs in it, maybe it is only for me, but gimp on windows and linux isn't very stable, so be careful
  23. Well, in my opinion it looks nice, maybe the bottom font is not my taste, but as I am not a big designer and don't play to much with graphics, I can't say anything to imrpove itm, maybe the bottom looks quite plain ? nice work
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